22 research outputs found

    Microsatellite variation in Spanish Alano dogs

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    We have studied a sample of 35 spanish alano dogs in order to estimate the level of genetic variability that can be detected by using microsatellites and the efficiency of these genetic markers as tools for parentage testing in this canine population. We have used 4 microsatellites previously described in the literature. All of them were polymorphic, with an average number of 5 alleles/ locus and an average gene diversity (H) of 0,70 ± 0,06, similar to the figures reported in others breeds. Two of the microsatellites showed disa-greement with Hardy-Weinberg proportions, due to a deficit of heterozygotes. We have found in one of the microsatellites alleles that could be breed specific, as they have not been detected in other spanish breeds. The combined exclusion probability detected is higher than 90 percent, suggesting the possibility of using efficiently microsatellites in parentage testing in the spanish alano population.En una muestra de 35 alanos españoles se investigó la utilidad de los microsatélites para detectar variabilidad genética y para el control de paternidad. Los 4 microsatélites utilizados, descritos ya en la bibliografía, resultaron polimórficos, con un número medio de 5 alelos/ locus y una heterocigosis media (H), de 0,70 ± 0,06, similar a la de otras razas caninas. Se ha detectado una desviación del equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para dos microsatélites debida a un déficit de heterocigotos. En un microsatélite se han detectado alelos inexistentes en otras razas españolas, por lo que podrían ser específicos de raza. La probabilidad acumulada de exclusión de paternidad es superior al 90 p.100, por lo que podrían ser eficaces para estas pruebas en alanos

    Antígenos leucocitarios como genes candidatos para mejorar la respuesta inmune en cerdos

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    Leukocyte antigens (CD) have functions related to immune response and are of interest as classical candidate genes for health. Polymorphisms (e.g. SNPs) in these genes may be associated with variation in the immune response and consequently in disease response. This approach is being taken in search of susceptibility genes for swine disease. In addition, these genes may vary between populations, especially where specific adaptation to pathogens has occurred, and are of potential interest in characterising pig biodiversity.Los antígenos leucocitarios (CD) tienen funciones relacionadas con la respuesta inmune y son de interés con genes candidatos clásicos para la salud. Los Polimorfismos (ej. SNPs) en estos genes pueden estar asociados con variaciones en la respuesta inmune y consecuentemente con la respuesta a la enfermedad. Este ensayo se está desarrollando en la búsqueda de susceptibilidades genéticas a enfermedades porcinas. Adicionalmente, estos genes pueden variar entre poblaciones, especialmente en la que han ocurrido adaptaciones a patógenos, y suponen un interés potencial para la caracterización de la biodiversidad porcina

    Quantitative proteomics and bioinformatic analysis provide new insight into the dynamic response of porcine intestine to Salmonella Typhimurium

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    The enteropathogen Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is the most commonly non-typhoideal serotype isolated in pig worldwide. Currently, one of the main sources of human infection is by consumption of pork meat. Therefore, prevention and control of salmonellosis in pigs is crucial for minimizing risks to public health. The aim of the present study was to use isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) to explore differences in the response to Salmonella in two segment of the porcine gut (ileum and colon) along a time course of 1, 2, and 6 days post infection (dpi) with S. Typhimurium. A total of 298 proteins were identified in the infected ileum samples of which, 112 displayed significant expression differences due to Salmonella infection. In colon, 184 proteins were detected in the infected samples of which 46 resulted differentially expressed with respect to the controls. The higher number of changes in protein expression was quantified in ileum at 2 dpi. Further biological interpretation of proteomics data using bioinformatics tools demonstrated that the expression changes in colon were found in proteins involved in cell death and survival, tissue morphology or molecular transport at the early stages and tissue regeneration at 6 dpi. In ileum, however, changes in protein expression were mainly related to immunological and infection diseases, inflammatory response or connective tissue disorders at 1 and 2 dpi. iTRAQ has proved to be a proteomic robust approach allowing us to identify ileum as the earliest response focus upon S. Typhimurium in the porcine gut. In addition, new functions involved in the response to bacteria such as eIF2 signaling, free radical scavengers or antimicrobial peptides (AMP) expression have been identified. Finally, the impairment at of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and lipid metabolism by means the under regulation of FABP6 protein and FXR/RXR and LXR/RXR signaling pathway in ileum has been established for the first time in pigs. Taken together, our results provide a better understanding of the porcine response to Salmonella infection and the molecular mechanisms underlying Salmonella-host interactions

    Blood groups in goats. I. Reagent sera production and characterization of the malagueña breed

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    A group of fourteen goats belonging to the "Malagueña" breed was used to obtain typing sera for the identification of the antigenic factors of goat blood types. Ten donor—receptors couples were used to produce immunosera through alloimmunization. Five of these were monospecific and the 6th had two specificities. The frequency of the antigenic factors, detected by these sera in two goat populations (also of the "Malagueña" breed), was determined. A total of 131 animals were analysed. A genetic study on the way these specificities are transmitted was also carried out on a total of 41 families whose pedigree was known.Un lote de 14 animales de la raza caprina "Malagueña" ha sido utilizado para la obtención de sueros reactivos destinados a la identificación de factores antigénicos de grupos sanguíneos en caprinos. Utilizando 10 parejas donante—receptor se han obtenido seis inmunosueros, de los cuales 5 han resultado monoespecíficos y un sexto con dos especificidades. Se ha determinado la frecuencia de los factores antigénicos detectados por estos sueros, en dos poblaciones caprinas, así mismo de raza "malagueña", con un total de 131 animales analizados. Igualmente se ha realizado el estudio genético acerca del modo de trasmisión de estos factores en un total de 41 fanilias con parectesco controlado

    Sheep arylesterases: distribution and segregation in spanish sheep breeds

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    Spanish sheep breeds are studied in order to determine their phenotypes in the polymorphism of arylesterase. The mode of inheritance ;is studied and discussed, as well as the existence of a possible mechanism in favour of the recessive phenotype in some flocks is detected.Las razas o variedades ovinas españolas son estudiadas en cuanto a sus fenotipos para el polimorfismo de arilesterasa. Se estudia y discute el modo de herencia. Se pone de manifiesto la existencia de un posible mecanismo selectivo a favor del homocigoto recesivo, en algunos rebaños

    Genetic components for productive characters in rabbit of new zealand and California breeds

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    A study was carried out on animals coming from five strains of the New Zealand Race and three from the Californiar one. Eleven corresponding variables of the different aspect of the growing animals were analysed. The data were submitted to an analysis of diallel crosses in order to obtain the values of the significance on the general effects, as well as on the mutual maternal ones, the nonmaternal ones, and the specific ones, along with the porcentages which the mutual, specific, additive components and error represent. The expected values arriving at the general heterosis, in each case, were also examined. To obtain an orientation of which method to follow in the selection of crossing, the parameters G, S, and V., and those which Curnow defines were employecLIn conclusion, it was observed that, in general, the selection by crossings gives a more adequate result than the selection by strains.Se ha trabajado con animales pertenecientes a cinco estirpes de la raza neozelandesa y tres de la raza californiana, sobre 11 variables correspondientes a diferentes aspectos del crecimiento animal. Los controles han sido sometidos a un análisis de cruces dialélicos, para obtener, en cada caso, los valores de significación de los efectos generales, recíprocos maternos, recíprocos no maternos y específicos, así como los porcentajes que representan los componentes recíprocos, específicos, aditivos y error. Se determinan también los valores esperados que alcanza la heterosis general, en cada uno de los casos. Para conseguir una orientación sobre el método a seguir en la selección de los cruces, hemos obtenido los parámetros G, S y Vi, tal como los define Curnow. En general, la selección por cruces resulta más apropiada que la selección por estirpes

    Concentración de GSH eritrocitario en la raza caprina malagueña

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    A population of the Malagueña goat breed, composed of 33 adult animaos (2 males and 31 females) and their 60 offspring, aged 2-2.5 months, was studied for the erythrocyte GSH level. Significant differences between adult and offspring mean values were detected. The estimates of heritability suggest the existence of a strong genetic component for this character. No relation between transferrin types and GSH level was detected.Una población de la raza caprina malagueña, compuesta por 33 animales adultos (2 machos y 31 hembras) y sus descendientes (60 individuos, con una edad de 2-2,5 meses), ha sido estudiada en cuanto al GSH eritrocitario. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre los valores medios de adultos y chivos. Las estimas de la heredabilidad muestran la existencia de un componente genético fuerte para este carácter. No se ha detectado asociación estadísticamente significativa entre tipo de transferrina y de GSH

    Carbonic anhydrase, X-protein and hemoglobin polymorphism in spanish merino sheep

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    We have studied, by starch gel electrophoresis, in a Spanish Merinor population subdivided in 6 subpopulations, the erythrocytaric polymorphism of carbonic anhidrase (CA), X-protein and hemoglobin (Hb). The following frequencies have been found:Carbonic anhydrase: CA S = 0.952, CA F = 0.&58:;; X-protein: "+f~ = 0.656, 0.344, Hemoglobin: HbA = 0.327, Hb 8- 0.673. By the assumption of H-W equilibrium we have estimated for the x allele a frequency of 0.586. We have applied to the data obtained the, Lewontin & Krakauer test, that indicated us that the differences between gene frequencies of the 6 subpopulations are dued to aleatory factors, and the Hill test, that indicated us there is no linkage desequilibrium in the.gametic frequencies between the CA and Hb loci.Se estudia en una población de Merino español, subdividida en 6 subpoblaciones, mediante electroforesis en ge de almidón, el polimorfismo eritrocitario de anhidrasa, proteína X y hemoglobina. Encontramos las siguientes frecuencias: anhidrasa carbónica: CAS= 0.952; CAF = 0.058; proteína-X: 1411 = 0.656; 11_!1 0.344; na: Hb A= 0.327; HbB= 0.673. Admitiendo la existencia de equilibrio HW para proteína-X, estimamos una frecuencia del alelo x de, 0.586. A los datos obtenidos hemos aplicado la d6cima de Lewontin & Krakauer, que nos indica que las diferencias en las frecuencias génicas de las 6 subpoblaciones son debidas a factores aleatorios, así como la de Hill, que apunta a la inexistencia de desequilibrio de ligamento en lo que respecta a las frecuencias gaméticas entre los l9ci CA y Hb

    Applying the coral reefs optimization algorithm for solving unequal area facility layout problems

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    Coral Reefs Optimization (CRO) is a recently proposed evolutionary-type algorithm which has shown promising results to tackle many complex optimization problems. This paper discusses the performance of this meta-heuristic in Unequal Area Facility Layout Problems (UA-FLPs). The UA-FLP is an important problem in industrial production, which considers a rectangular region and a set of rectangular facilities. These facilities must be allocated in the plant in the most adequate way satisfying certain constraints. The Flexible Bay Structure has been selected in order to represent solutions for the UA-FLP in the proposed CRO algorithm. In this paper, we detail the implementation of the algorithm and provide the results of different tests in several UA-FLP instances with different size and setting. The obtained results confirm the excellent performance of the proposed algorithm in solving UA-FLPs, improving alternative algorithms devoted to this problem in the literature.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Government of Spain [TIN2017-85887-C2-2-P]University of Cordoba (Spain) [XXII PP. Mod. 4.1]Spanish Education Ministry under the program "Jose Castillejo2018"info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio