1,861 research outputs found

    Outside the school. A refection about learning from trajectories of early school leaving

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    El abandono educativo temprano es un reflejo de la necesidad existente de mejora del actual sistema educativo; fracaso y abandono escolar significan fracaso de la escuela y pérdida de su sentido social. Las políticas educativas actuales han tratado de ofrecer diferentes opciones para revertir esta situación. Sin embargo, la realidad es que se ha generado sistemas paralelos que no modifican sustancialmente lo que ocurre en los centros. Este trabajo realiza el análisis de claves educativas recogidas en 13 historias de vida con jóvenes que no lograron concluir sus estudios de secundaria, bachillerato o FP media, desarrolladas en el curso 14-15 y 15-16 en Madrid, Guadalajara y Bilbao. Los resultados muestran un desenganche educativo y emocional progresivo durante la etapa escolar, principalmente en el salto de secundaria a primaria. Tras ello se produce la decisión de abandono en la que el sentimiento de pertenencia y reconocimiento juegan un papel significativo. Aquello que no puede ofrecer la escuela se busca fuera de ella, incluso el propio aprendizaje a partir de la motivación intrínseca. Los jóvenes aprenden y son capaces de construir un proyecto personal y profesional a partir de estos aprendizajes en contextos informales. En consecuencia, proponen un modelo educativo centrado en el aprendizaje y no tanto en la enseñanza. Urge profundizar en la comprensión de aprendizajes en sistemas no formales y transferirlo al ámbito escolarEarly school leaving reflects the need to improve the current educational system. School failure and dropout show the school loses its social meaning. Current educational policies have proposed different measures and strategies to solve this situation. However, in practice they have constituted parallel educational systems, which do not modify what happens in school. Our study analysis of the educational keys from 13 life stories with young people who did not finish their studies of compulsory or post-compulsory secondary. The results show a progressive disengagement, from the educational and emotional point of view. The results show a progressive disengagement, from the educational and emotional point of view, especially with the transition from primary to secondary. The decision of early school leaving denotes a crisis in the feelings of recognition and belonging to the school. Young people look outside for what they did not find in school: learning from their motivations. Los jóvenes aprenden y son capaces de construir un proyecto personal y profesional a partir de estos aprendizajes en contextos informales. Consequently, they propose an educational model focused on learning rather than teaching. We need to identify and understand the learning in non-formal systems and transfer it to the school environmen

    ¿Qué papel tienen las visitas escolares a los museos de ciencias en el aprendizaje de las ciencias? una revisión de las investigaciones

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    El propósito de este trabajo de revisión bibliográfica es examinar el debate actual sobre el papel educativo que tienen las visitas escolares a los museos de ciencias en el aprendizaje de las ciencias. Nosotros situamos este debate dentro de la línea de investigación de la enseñanza de las ciencias en contextos no formales y en la propuesta de investigación sobre ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y ambiente (CTSA) y sobre naturaleza de la ciencia (NC). Empezaremos nuestra revisión distinguiendo diferentes categorías en los museos de ciencias. A continuación nos centraremos en las investigaciones realizadas en los museos interactivos de ciencias que es la categoría de MC mayoritaria tanto en España como en el ámbito internacional. Estas investigaciones incluyen aprendizaje de las ciencias en contextos no formales, diferentes enfoques de aprendizaje, análisis de visitas escolares a museos y diferentes propuestas para mejorar el aprendizaje en MC. Para fi nalizar, comentaremos las implicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias.The purpose of this study is to examine the present debate about the educational role that visits to science museums have for the understanding of sciences at school. We place this debate in the research line of science teaching in informal settings, and we enclose it in the proposal of Science/Technology/Society/Environment and Nature of Science. We will start this review with a brief comment on the different types of science museums; then, we will analyse the research conducted so far in interactive science museums, which are the most numerous nowadays, both in Spain and abroad, with special attention to the learning of sciences in out-of-school contexts, different ways of learning, the analysis of these visits to museums, and different proposals for improving this learning. Finally, we will comment on the educational implications of these results in the teaching of sciences

    The Process of Wage Adjustment: An Analysis Using Establishment-Level Data

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    This article presents a study of the influences on the factors that shape wage adjustments. The cost of living, comparability with other firms' wages, the fulfilment of collective agreements at sector level, the need to recruit and retain employees, the performance of the organisation, and the climate of industrial relations are included as factors of interest. The analysis was carried out using a sample of Spanish manufacturing plants. Our results show that the structural characteristics of the establishment such as its size or foreign ownership, as well as the wage setting arrangements and trade unions, play a role in explaining the importance of the factors mentioned in shaping wage adjustments. The human resource management policies adopted by the employer seem to be less relevant, although the qualification of workers and the use of pay for performance have a significant impact on the process of wage adjustment.pay settlements, collective bargaining, wage negotiation

    Fast, Preisach-like characterization of hysteretic systems

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    Proposed is a substantially simplified, Preisach-like model for characterization of hysteretic systems, in particular magnetic systems. The main idea is to replace a two-dimensional Preisach density with just two real functions, describing in a {\em unique way} the reversible and irreversible processes. As a byproduct of our model we prove, that the major hysteresis loop alone is insufficient to produce the unique Preisach map. Keywords: magnetic hysteresis; magnetization processes; materials testing; modeling.Comment: 7 double spaced pages, 4 figures. Presented at 5th International Symposium on Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling, Budapest, Hungary, May 30th - June 1st, 200

    The Diffusion of Pay for Performance across Occupations

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    In this paper the differences in the incidence of pay for performance plans between occupations in a sample of Spanish manufacturing establishments are analyzed. Our results show that there are significant differences between occupations in the incidence of individual, group and firm or plant pay for performance plans. The roles of establishment size, multinational ownership and the human resources management department in the incidence of pay for performance plans and their variability of use across occupations within the same firm are also studied. These factors are found to correlate to a greater use of pay for performance and, in most cases, this effect is homogenous across occupations.incentives

    Performance Appraisal: Dimensions and Determinants

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    The determinants of the dimensions that shape a formal system of performance appraisal are studied in relation to a sample of Spanish manufacturing establishments. In particular, the factors that influence the measures used to evaluate performance, the person who carries out such appraisal and its frequency are analysed. Our results show that the characteristics of the establishment exert a significant influence on the configuration of performance appraisal. Specifically, we find that the use of practices complementary to performance evaluation and the structural factors of the establishment are found to correlate closely with the dimensions of formal performance appraisal.performance appraisal, monitoring, establishment characteristics, dimensions of appraisal

    The false measure of dropping out: Bases for the research and educational improvement

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    La Estrategia Europa 2020 marca la agenda de crecimiento y empleo hacia una economía de mercado sostenible. Un objetivo es reducir el abandono escolar al 10%. Su cumplimiento justifica el desarrollo de políticas educativas que fundamenten programas y medidas específicas, siendo necesaria la evaluación de su efectividad. Aunque el interés por evaluar es constatado, raramente se lleva a cabo. Los informes disponibles presentan lagunas metodológicas y de contenido que impiden atribuirles el “éxito” en la reducción del abandono en los últimos años. La reducción del porcentaje se debe a los mecanismos de cómputo establecidos a partir de nuestra actual ley educativa. Analizamos cómo se realiza y sus consecuencias. Es necesario atender al fenómeno del abandono escolar en toda su complejidad si nuestro compromiso es conseguir una educación valiosa y con éxito para todos ellosThe Europe 2020 Strategy is the agenda for the sustainable and inclusive growth. One goal is to reduce school drop-out to 10%, that justifies the development of educational policies, programs and specific measures. It’s necessary the evaluation of its effectiveness. Although the interest to evaluate is verified, it rarely takes place. The available reports present methodological and content gaps: we can’t consider the "success" in the reduction of the rate as result of these policies. This reduction is due to the current computation mechanism. We analyze how it is done and its consequences. It is necessary to attend to the phenomenon of school dropout in the whole complexity if we want to achieve a valuable and successful education for all the student

    Rethinking education. A glance from “Outside” the school

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    Repensar la escuela es un objetivo necesario en todo proyecto orientado a la mejora de las prácticas escolares. El fracaso y abandono escolar es un signo visible de que la escuela no está funcionando, ni sirve, para los objetivos sociales que deberían plantearse en la educación obligatoria y post-obligatoria. En los últimos años, las políticas educativas se han orientado a ofrecer alternativas y refuerzos creando sistemas paralelos que no alteran lo que ocurre en los centros. Aunque defendemos que el desenganche escolar es un fenómeno complejo donde se entrecruzan factores múltiples, sin que todos sean escolares, vamos a centrar esta comunicación en el análisis de claves educativas recogidas en historias de vida con jóvenes que no lograron concluir sus estudios de secundaria, bachillerato o FP media. Las 13 historias de vida en las que se basa este trabajo, desarrolladas en el curso 14-15 y 15-16 en Madrid, Guadalajara y Bilbao, ofrecen el discurso y experiencias de estos jóvenes y estimula la reflexión de una educación que garantice el éxito escolar para todosRethinking schools is a necessary goal of any Project aimed at improving school practices. School failure and drop-out is a clear sign that schools are not responding to social objectives that they should be addressing. In recent years, educational policy has focused on providing alternatives and compensatory measures, thus creating parallel systems which do not change what is happening within the school. Although we contend that drop-out is a complex phenomenon influenced by multiple factors, not all of them schoolrelated, we focus this paper in the analysis of key educational questions emerged from life stories of young people who did not finish their secondary education. The 13 stories developed in Madrid, Guadalajara and Bilbao, during years 14-15 and 15-16 show the discourses and experiences of these youth, and stimulates the reflection on ensuring school success for all student