145 research outputs found

    Conductas autoestimulatorias: aplicación de sobrecorrección y reforzamiento en un caso de deficiencia mental

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    Referencia de la publicación original: Rodríguez Testal, J. F., Rodríguez Santos, M. D. & Moreno García, I. (1996). Conductas autoestimulatorias: aplicación de sobrecorrección y reforzamiento en un caso de deficiencia mental. Apuntes de Psicología, 46, 55-69.La sobrecorrección (práctica positiva o combinación de instrucciones verbales y guía física), resultó efectiva sobre una conducta autoestimulatoria en un sujeto con deficiencia mental. En este trabajo, también se analiza la efectividad del reforzamiento positivo para reducir la conducta alterada, administrado tras cumplir un criterio temporal sin emisión de la misma. El tratamiento fue progresivamente efectivo requiriendo en principio una guía física total, luego parcial y al final bastando con la instrucción verbal. Por último, el apoyo terapéutico de un coterapeuta, auxiliar de un aula, demostró la facilidad de aplicación del tratamiento, sus buenos resultados y las interesantes posibilidades con vista a la terapia aplicada en la escuela.Over-correction (positive practice or combination of verbal instructions and physical guide) proved to be an effective method for the modification of a mentally handicapped person´s behaviour. In this paper, the effectiveness of positive reinforcement for the reduction of the behavioural disorder is also analyzed. Reinforcement was administered after a time criterion without behaviour was reached. Treatment was progressively efective, having required initially a complete physical guide, that was replaced by a partial guide and, finally, by verbal instructions. The therapeutical help of a classroom assistant acting as cotherapist during the final phases demonstrated the easiness of treatment implementation, good results and interesting possibilities in relation to its applications at school

    Self-stimulatory behaviour: application of overcorrection and reinforcement in a mental handicap case

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    La sobrecorrección (práctica positiva o combinación de instrucciones verbales y guía física), resultó efectiva sobre una conducta autoestimulatoria en un sujeto con deficiencia mental. En este trabajo, también se analiza la efectividad del reforzamiento positivo para reducir la conducta alterada, administrado tras cumplir un criterio temporal sin emisión de la misma. El tratamiento fue progresivamente efectivo requiriendo en principio una guía física total, luego parcial y al final bastando con la instrucción verbal. Por último, el apoyo terapéutico de un coterapeuta, auxiliar de un aula, demostró la facilidad de aplicación del tratamiento, sus buenos resultados y las interesantes posibilidades con vista a la terapia aplicada en la escuela.Over-correction (positive practice or combination of verbal instructions and physical guide) proved to be an effective method for the modification of mentally handicapped person behaviour. In this paper, the effectiveness of positive reinforcement for the reduction of the behavioural disorder is also analysed. Reinforcement was administered after a time criterion without behaviour was reached. Treatment was progressively effective, having required initially a complete physical guide, which was replaced by a partial guide and, finally, by verbal instructions. The therapeutic help of a classroom assistant acting as co-therapist during the final phases demonstrated the ease of implementation of the treatment, its good results and its interesting possibilities with regard to applications in schools

    Results of Neurofeedback in Treatment of Children with ADHD: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent disorders in children and adolescents. Neurofeedback, a nonpharmaceutical treatment, has shown promising results. To review the evidence of efficacy of neurofeedback as a treatment for children and adolescents with ADHD. A systematic review of the specific scientific studies published in 1995–2021, identifying and analyzing randomized controlled trials (RCT). A total of 1636 articles were identified and 165 met inclusion criteria, of which 67 were RCTs. Neurofeedback training was associated with significant long-term reduction in symptoms of ADHD. Though limitations exist regarding conclusions about the specific effects of neurofeedback, the review documents improvements in school, social, and family environments.Plan Nacional i+d+i (National Research, Development and Innovation Program) PSI2008–06008-C02–0

    Trends in cannabis use among adolescents in Spain 2006-2018

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    The aim of this study was to examine trends in cannabis use among Spanish students 2006-2018 by sex, age, and sex and age combined. Data showed a global decrease both in a lifetime and frequent cannabis use between 2006 and 2018 but four-year comparisons revealed more variability within the specific sex-age groups. No change was found in lifetime use between 2014 and 2018 for all groups. The results emphasize the need for ongoing monitoring of trends in cannabis use and the importance of implementing preventive measures to avoid a change in tendency and to work with high-risk groups, especially 17-18-old boys

    A case study on the idealization and representation of the family in schools

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    Una característica de nuestra sociedad actual, es la diversidad de modelos familiares que la configuran. Esta situación ha supuesto la ruptura de la hegemonía del modelo tradicional de familia. La escuela ha de entender estos cambios e incluir el universo familiar en su trabajo educativo. Desde una perspectiva cualitativa, basada en el estudio de caso, en este artículo presentamos una investigación en la que se analiza las imágenes vinculadas con la familia en los libros de texto, carteles, murales; el lenguaje utilizado en las comunicaciones y notas del centro; y el concepto de familia entre los miembros de la comunidad educativa. Los resultados indican que un sector de la comunidad educativa comparte un concepto de familia basado en la heteronormatividad y la consanguinidad, y que los documentos y materiales analizados muestran una imagen sesgada de la familia.The diversity of family models is one of the factors shaping our current society. This situation has led to the rupture of the traditional model of family hegemony. These changes have to be understood by schools, and this new family realm has to be included in their educational work. In this article, we present a study which, from a qualitative perspective based on a case study, analyzes linked images to family in textbooks, on posters and murals; in the language used in communications and notes addressed to families; and finally, in the concepts of family that exist among the members of the educational community. The results indicate that one sector of the educational community shares a family concept based on heteronormativity and consanguinity, and that the materials and documents analyzed show a biased picture of the family

    Alcohol consumption trends among Spanish school-aged adolescents in the first decade of the 21st century

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    Objetivo: Conocer la tendencia en el consumo de cerveza, vino y licores destilados de los adolescentes españoles en 2002, 2006 y 2010, así como la tendencia de haber experimentado episodios de embriaguez durante este mismo periodo de tiempo. Método: La muestra está conformada por 23.169 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años de edad: 7103 en 2002, 10.443 en 2006 y 5623 en 2010. En las tres ediciones del estudio, los datos son representativos de los escolares de esas edades en España. Se utilizó el cuestionario de consumo de alcohol consensuado por el equipo internacional del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Se estimaron las odds ratio y los intervalos de confianza del 95% mediante regresiones logísticas. Resultados: Los resultados principales muestran un descenso del consumo frecuente de vino y licores destilados de 2002 a 2010, que se mantiene cuando se controla la variabilidad debida al sexo y a la edad de los participantes. Sin embargo, se encontró una tendencia al alza de los episodios de embriaguez en las diferentes cohortes de adolescentes estudiadas. Conclusiones: Se obtienen resultados de especial importancia para el análisis de las consecuencias de las políticas de salud pública implementadas durante los años que abarca el estudio. Se encuentran cambios en los patrones de consumo de las diferentes bebidas alcohólicas, lo que puede constituir una información clave para el diseño de nuevas políticas de salud pública.Objective: To determine trends in beer, wine, and liquor consumption among Spanish adolescents in 2002, 2006, and 2010, as well as drunkenness trends during the same period. Method: The study sample was composed of 23,169 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years old: 7,103 in 2002, 10,443 in 2006 and 5,623 in 2010. In the three time points of the study, the data were representative of Spanish adolescent students. We used the alcohol consumption questionnaire designed by the international team of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. We estimated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals through logistic regressions. Results: The main results showed a decrease in frequent consumption of wine and liquor from 2002 to 2010. This decrease was maintained after controlling for the variability due to the participants’ gender and age. However, an increasing trend was found in drunkenness episodes in the different cohorts of the adolescents under study. Conclusions: The results ofthis study are of particular importance in the analysis ofthe effects ofthe public health policies implemented during this time period. We also found changes in consumption patterns of the various alcoholic drinks, which may constitute key information in the design of new public health policies.Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e IgualdadMinisterio de Sanidad y Política Social (Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad/Sanidad y Política Social/Sanidad y Consumo

    Trends in alcohol consumption among school-aged adolescents in Spain (2010-2018)

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    Objetivo: Analizar las tendencias en el consumo de cerveza, vino y licores destilados, así como de los episodios de embriaguez de los chicos y chicas adolescentes en España, en 2010, 2014 y 2018, por sexo y edad. Método: La muestra está formada por 35.310 participantes de 15 a 18 años de edad representativos de la población adolescente escolarizada en España en 2010, 2014 y 2018. El cuestionario empleado fue el de consumo de alcohol y de episodios de embriaguez consensuado por el equipo internacional del estudio. Para lograr el objetivo se estimaron las razones de prevalencia y los intervalos de confianza del 95% mediante modelos de regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta. Resultados: Los datos muestran un descenso global entre 2010 y 2018 en el consumo de alcohol (tanto de cerveza como de vino y licores destilados) y en los episodios de embriaguez, aunque este descenso se concentra principalmente entre 2010 y 2014. Las diferencias según el sexo (mayor consumo frecuente y episodios de embriaguez en los chicos) se observan a los 17-18 años, pero no a los 15-16 años. Respecto a la edad, el grupo de 17-18 años presenta mayores niveles que el de 15-16 años. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio confirman la importancia de realizar análisis específicos para identificar posibles grupos de riesgo que no se detectan con análisis más generales. Se destaca la necesidad de seguir trabajando en la prevención y en las políticas de control dado el riesgo de estabilización del consumo.Objective: To analyze trends in beer, wine, and distilled spirits consumption, as well as drunkenness among school-aged adolescents in Spain from 2010 to 2018 by sex and age. Method: The sample is composed of 35,310 adolescents aged 15 to 18. The data is representative of the adolescent school population in Spain in 2010, 2014, and 2018. The alcohol consumption questionnaire and the drunkenness questionnaire provided by the international team of the study were employed. Prevalence Ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. Results: the data show a general decrease in alcohol consumption (beer, wine, as well as distilled spirits) and in drunkenness, but the decrease mainly occurs between 2010 and 2014. Sex differences (higher consumption and drunkenness among boys) are found among adolescents aged 17-18 but not in the age group of 15-16 years old. Older adolescents show higher levels of consumption and drunkenness than younger adolescents. Conclusion: The results confirm the relevance of carrying out specific analyses in order to identify risk groups which are not detected through general analyses. This data highlights the need to maintain alcohol prevention and control policies due to the risk of stabilization in alcohol-related behaviours

    Electromagnetic behavior of dielectric objects on metallic periodically nanostructured substrates

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    In this research, we investigate the electromagnetic behavior of a metallic thin-film with a periodic array of subwavelength apertures when dielectric objects are located on it. The influence of size, geometry and optical properties of the objects on the transmission spectra is numerically analyzed. We study the sensitivity of this system to changes in the refractive index of the illuminated volume induced by the presence of objects with sizes from hundreds of nanometers (submicron-sized objects) to a few microns (micron-sized objects). Parameters such as the object volume within the penetration depth of the surface plasmon in the buffer medium or the contact surface between the object and the nanostructured substrate strongly affect the sensitivity. The proposed system models the presence of objects and their detection through the spectral shifts undergone by the transmission spectra. Also, we demonstrate that these can be used for obtaining information about the refractive index of a micron-sized object immersed in a buffer and located on the nanostructured sensitive surface. We believe that results found in this study can help biomedical researchers and experimentalists in the process of detecting and monitoring biological organisms of large sizes (notably, cells).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación) (FIS2013-45854-P); Fundación IBERDROLA-ESPAÑA Research on Energy and the Environment Program. A.I.B. wants to thank the University of Cantabria for her FPU grant

    Cross-national associations between parent and peer communication and psychological complaints

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    Objectives: To assess whether or not communication with parents and with peers is related to experiencing psychological complaints in an attempt to explore the hypotheses of continuity and compensation or moderation between contexts. Methods: Questions on communication with their parents and peers, as well as on the frequency with which they experience psychological complaints were answered by 200,857 adolescents from 36 countries. Results: A cluster analysis detected four groups of adolescents. Those with better communication in both social contexts were the ones showing less psychological complaints. Moreover, we have found (using a regression analysis) that good communication with peers does not improve their experience of psychological complaints if the communication with parents is not good. Conclusions: We conclude that our findings are consistent with the continuity hypothesis and against the compensating or moderating one