16 research outputs found

    An auxin-regulable oscillatory circuit drives the root clock in Arabidopsis

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    CSIC - Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)In Arabidopsis, the root clock regulates the spacing of lateral organs along the primary root through oscillating gene expression. The core molecular mechanism that drives the root clock periodicity and how it is modified by exogenous cues such as auxin and gravity remain unknown. We identified the key elements of the oscillator (AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 7, its auxin-sensitive inhibitor IAA18/POTENT, and auxin) that form a negative regulatory loop circuit in the oscillation zone. Through multilevel computer modeling fitted to experimental data, we explain how gene expression oscillations coordinate with cell division and growth to create the periodic pattern of organ spacing. Furthermore, gravistimulation experiments based on the model predictions show that external auxin stimuli can lead to entrainment of the root clock. Our work demonstrates the mechanism underlying a robust biological clock and how it can respond to external stimuli.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (MINECO) and/or the ERDF (BFU2016-80315-P to M.A.M.-R., BIO2017-82209-R to J.C.d.P., and TIN2016-81079-R to A.R.-P.), the Comunidad de Madrid and/or ERDF and ESF (2017-T1/BIO-5654 to K.W. and S2017/BMD-3691 to A.R.-P.), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the NIH (R35-GM131725 to P.N.B.), the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO Flanders) (G022516N, G020918N, and G024118N to T.B.), and the “Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D” from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of Spain [SEV-2016-0672 (2017–2021)] to K.W., P.P.-G., and M.A.M.-R. through CBGP. M.M. was supported by a postdoctoral contract associated to SEV-2016-0672, E.B.-A. by Ayudante de Investigacion contract PEJ-2017-AI/BIO-7360 from the Comunidad de Madrid, A.S.-C. and L.S.-R. by FPI contracts from MINECO (BES-2014-068852 and BES-2017-080155, respectively), J.C. by a Juan de la Cierva contract from MINECO (FJCI-2016-28607), P.P.-G. by a Juan de la Cierva contract from MINECO (FJCI-2015-24905) and Programa Atraccion Talento from Comunidad Madrid (2017-T2/BIO-3453), A.S. by a Torres Quevedo contract from MINECO (PTQ-15-07915), and K.W. by program PGC2018-093387-A-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICIU)Peer reviewe

    Time-based patterning in development: The role of oscillating gene expression

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    Oscillating gene expression is a mechanism of patterning during development in both plants and animals. In vertebrates, oscillating gene expression establishes the musculoskeletal precursors (somites), while in plant roots it establishes the position of future organs (lateral roots). Both mechanisms constitute a specialized type of biological clock that converts temporal information into precise spatial patterns. Similarities, differences, and their functionality in organisms that evolved independently are discussed

    The nature of the root clock at single cell resolution: Principles of communication and similarities with plant and animal pulsatile and circadian mechanisms

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    8 Pág. Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (CBGP)This work was funded by Ministerio de Economìa y Competitividad(MINECO) of Spain (grant PID2019-111523 GB-I00 to M.A.M.-R), by Comunidad de Madrid (CM) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM (grant APOYO_JOVENES_2Y36R7_20_TRG6W7 (Plant_Stem) to P.P.-G.), by the “Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D0 from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of Spain [SEV-2016-0672 (2017e2021)] to MMR and P.P-G. through CBGP, and by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Grant # CEX2020-000999-S). L.S.-R. was supported by FPI contract (BES-2017-080155) from MINECO and P.P.-G. by Programa Atraccion Talento from CM (2017-T2/BIO-3453)Peer reviewe

    The Root Clock as a Signal Integrator System: Ensuring Balance for Survival

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    9 Pág. Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (CBGP)The root system is essential for the survival of terrestrial plants, plant development, and adaptation to changing environments. The development of the root system relies on post-embryonic organogenesis and more specifically on the formation and growth of lateral roots (LR). The spacing of LR along the main root is underpinned by a precise prepatterning mechanism called the Root Clock. In Arabidopsis, the primary output of this mechanism involves the generation of periodic gene expression oscillations in a zone close to the root tip called the Oscillation Zone (OZ). Because of these oscillations, pre-branch sites (PBS) are established in the positions from which LR will emerge, although the oscillations can also possibly regulate the root wavy pattern and growth. Furthermore, we show that the Root Clock is present in LR. In this review, we describe the recent advances unraveling the inner machinery of Root Clock as well as the new tools to track the Root Clock activity. Moreover, we discuss the basis of how Arabidopsis can balance the creation of a repetitive pattern while integrating both endogenous and exogenous signals to adapt to changing environmental conditions. These signals can work as entrainment signals, but in occasions they also affect the periodicity and amplitude of the oscillatory dynamics in gene expression. Finally, we identify similarities with the Segmentation Clock of vertebrates and postulate the existence of a determination front delimiting the end of the oscillations in gene expression and initiating LR organogenesis through the activation of PBS in an ARF7 dependent-manner.This work was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain (grant PID2019-111523GB-I00 to MM-R) and by the “Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D” from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of Spain [SEV-s-0672 (2017-2021) and CEX2020-000999-S-21-1] to MM-R through CBGP. LS-R was supported by FPI contract BES-2014-068852 from MINECO and EB-A by contract associated to Programa Atraccion de Talento from CM (2017-T2/BIO-3453, PI: P. Perez-Garcia).Peer reviewe

    Unraveling Root Development Through Single-Cell Omics and Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    14 Pág. Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de PlantasOver the last decades, research on postembryonic root development has been facilitated by "omics" technologies. Among these technologies, microarrays first, and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) later, have provided transcriptional information on the underlying molecular processes establishing the basis of System Biology studies in roots. Cell fate specification and development have been widely studied in the primary root, which involved the identification of many cell type transcriptomes and the reconstruction of gene regulatory networks (GRN). The study of lateral root (LR) development has not been an exception. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating cell fate specification during LR formation remain largely unexplored. Recently, single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) studies have addressed the specification of tissues from stem cells in the primary root. scRNA-seq studies are anticipated to be a useful approach to decipher cell fate specification and patterning during LR formation. In this review, we address the different scRNA-seq strategies used both in plants and animals and how we could take advantage of scRNA-seq to unravel new regulatory mechanisms and reconstruct GRN. In addition, we discuss how to integrate scRNA-seq results with previous RNA-seq datasets and GRN. We also address relevant findings obtained through single-cell based studies and how LR developmental studies could be facilitated by scRNA-seq approaches and subsequent GRN inference. The use of single-cell approaches to investigate LR formation could help to decipher fundamental biological mechanisms such as cell memory, synchronization, polarization, or pluripotency.This work was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain and ERDF (grants BFU2016-80315-P and PID2019-111523GB-I00 to MM-R), by Comunidad de Madrid (CM) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM, grant APOYO_JOVENES_2Y36R7_20_TRG6W7 to PP-G), and by the “Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D” from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of Spain [SEV-2016-0672 (2017–2021)] to MM-R and PP-G through CBGP. LS-R was supported by FPI contract BES-2017-080155 from MINECO, PP-G by Programa Atraccion Talento from CM (2017-T2/BIO-3453), and JC by a Juan de la Cierva Contract FJCI-2016-28607 from MINECO.Peer reviewe

    Molecular Transducers from Roots Are Triggered in Arabidopsis Leaves by Root-Knot Nematodes for Successful Feeding Site Formation: A Conserved Post-Embryogenic De novo Organogenesis Program?

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    Root-knot nematodes (RKNs; Meloidogyne spp.) induce feeding cells (giant cells; GCs) inside a pseudo-organ (gall) from still unknown root cells. Understanding GCs ontogeny is essential to the basic knowledge of RKN–plant interaction and to discover novel and effective control strategies. Hence, we report for the first time in a model plant, Arabidopsis, molecular, and cellular features concerning ectopic de novo organogenesis of RKNs GCs in leaves. RKNs induce GCs in leaves with irregular shape, a reticulated cytosol, and fragmented vacuoles as GCs from roots. Leaf cells around the nematode enter G2-M shown by ProCycB1;1:CycB1;1(NT)-GUS expression, consistent to multinucleated GCs. In addition, GCs nuclei present irregular and varied sizes. All these characteristics mentioned, being equivalent to GCs in root-galls. RKNs complete their life cycle forming a gall/callus-like structure in the leaf vascular tissues resembling auxin-induced callus with an auxin-response maxima, indicated by high expression of DR5::GUS that is dependent on leaf auxin-transport. Notably, induction of leaves calli/GCs requires molecular components from roots crucial for lateral roots (LRs), auxin-induced callus and root-gall formation, i.e., LBD16. Hence, LBD16 is a xylem pole pericycle specific and local marker in LR primordia unexpectedly induced locally in the vascular tissue of leaves after RKN infection. LBD16 is also fundamental for feeding site formation as RKNs could not stablish in 35S::LBD16-SRDX leaves, and likely it is also a conserved molecular hub between biotic and developmental signals in Arabidopsis either in roots or leaves. Moreover, RKNs induce the ectopic development of roots from leaf and root-galls, also formed in mutants compromised in LR formation, arf7/arf19, slr, and alf4. Therefore, nematodes must target molecular signatures to induce post-embryogenic de novo organogenesis through the LBD16 callus formation pathway partially different from those prevalent during normal LR development

    Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting Using the D-Root Device and Optimization for Scarce and/or Non-Accessible Root Cell Populations

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    Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a technique used to isolate specific cell populations based on characteristics detected by flow cytometry. FACS has been broadly used in transcriptomic analyses of individual cell types during development or under different environmental conditions. Different protoplast extraction protocols are available for plant roots; however, they were designed for accessible cell populations, which normally were grown in the presence of light, a non-natural and stressful environment for roots. Here, we report a protocol using FACS to isolate root protoplasts from Arabidopsis green fluorescent protein (GFP)-marked lines using the minimum number of enzymes necessary for an optimal yield, and with the root system grown in darkness in the D-Root device. This device mimics natural conditions as the shoot grows in the presence of light while the roots grow in darkness. In addition, we optimized this protocol for specific patterns of scarce cell types inside more differentiated tissues using the mCherry fluorescent protein. We provide detailed experimental protocols for effective protoplasting, subsequent purification through FACS, and RNA extraction. Using this RNA, we generated cDNA and sequencing libraries, proving that our methods can be used for genome-wide transcriptomic analyses of any cell-type from roots grown in darkness