563 research outputs found

    Papel de los canales de K+ del músculo liso vascular en el control del tono y el remodelado arterial

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    En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización molecular y funcional de los canales de K+ de las células de músculo liso vascular en un modelo de hipertensión esencial y en un modelo de hiperplasia de la íntima. Se han caracterizado los cambios en su perfil de expresión y se ha estudiado su contribución funcional al tono arterial y a la capacidad proliferativa y migratoria de las células de músculo liso. Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar una serie de canales de K+ involucrados en la génesis de la hipertensión esencial y en el desarrollo de las lesiones hiperplásicas. Estos canales podrían representar nuevas dianas terapéuticas para el tratamiento de estas enfermedades.Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Fisiologí

    Estudio de un sistema de propulsión para UAV de autonomía infinita

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    Modificación de un UAV por seleccionar para dotarle de un sistema de propulsión eléctrica (células solares + batería) capaz de volar 24/24 hora

    Stereo Matching in Address-Event-Representation (AER) Bio-Inspired Binocular Systems in a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

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    In stereo-vision processing, the image-matching step is essential for results, although it involves a very high computational cost. Moreover, the more information is processed, the more time is spent by the matching algorithm, and the more ine cient it is. Spike-based processing is a relatively new approach that implements processing methods by manipulating spikes one by one at the time they are transmitted, like a human brain. The mammal nervous system can solve much more complex problems, such as visual recognition by manipulating neuron spikes. The spike-based philosophy for visual information processing based on the neuro-inspired address-event-representation (AER) is currently achieving very high performance. The aim of this work was to study the viability of a matching mechanism in stereo-vision systems, using AER codification and its implementation in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Some studies have been done before in an AER system with monitored data using a computer; however, this kind of mechanism has not been implemented directly on hardware. To this end, an epipolar geometry basis applied to AER systems was studied and implemented, with other restrictions, in order to achieve good results in a real-time scenario. The results and conclusions are shown, and the viability of its implementation is proven.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Centro de artes y oficios inclusión con la cultura

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    Artículo de GradoEl sector del Villa de Leyva, necesita un planteamiento que mitigue las necesidades de las poblaciones que de una u otra manera se encuentran en estado de vulnerabilidad ante la sociedad y que a su vez carecen de oportunidades en cuanto a contar con espacios de diferentes ámbitos (cultural, social, educativo) que permitan tener un desarrollo y crecimiento integral socialmente. Es preciso indagar acerca de proyectos arquitectónicos de carácter social que permitan contribuir a la mejora de calidad de vida de la población de esta zona sin dejar a un lado la sostenibilidad y sustentabilidad que se busca.Resumen Summary 1. Introducción 2. Objetivos 3. Imaginario 4. Objetivo 5. Hipótesis 6. Metodología 7. Conclusiones ReferenciasPregradoArquitect

    Live Demonstration: On the distance estimation of moving targets with a Stereo-Vision AER system

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    Distance calculation is always one of the most important goals in a digital stereoscopic vision system. In an AER system this goal is very important too, but it cannot be calculated as accurately as we would like. This demonstration shows a first approximation in this field, using a disparity algorithm between both retinas. The system can make a distance approach about a moving object, more specifically, a qualitative estimation. Taking into account the stereo vision system features, the previous retina positioning and the very important Hold&Fire building block, we are able to make a correlation between the spike rate of the disparity and the distance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Bio-Inspired Stereo Vision Calibration for Dynamic Vision Sensors

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    Many advances have been made in the eld of computer vision. Several recent research trends have focused on mimicking human vision by using a stereo vision system. In multi-camera systems, a calibration process is usually implemented to improve the results accuracy. However, these systems generate a large amount of data to be processed; therefore, a powerful computer is required and, in many cases, this cannot be done in real time. Neuromorphic Engineering attempts to create bio-inspired systems that mimic the information processing that takes place in the human brain. This information is encoded using pulses (or spikes) and the generated systems are much simpler (in computational operations and resources), which allows them to perform similar tasks with much lower power consumption, thus these processes can be developed over specialized hardware with real-time processing. In this work, a bio-inspired stereovision system is presented, where a calibration mechanism for this system is implemented and evaluated using several tests. The result is a novel calibration technique for a neuromorphic stereo vision system, implemented over specialized hardware (FPGA - Field-Programmable Gate Array), which allows obtaining reduced latencies on hardware implementation for stand-alone systems, and working in real time.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-80644-

    Double-zero degeneracy and heteroclinic cycles in a perturbation of the Lorenz system

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    In this paper we consider a 3D three-parameter unfolding close to the normal form of the triple-zero bifurcation exhibited by the Lorenz system. First we study analytically the double-zero degeneracy (a double-zero eigenvalue with geometric multiplicity two) and two Hopf bifurcations. We focus on the more complex case in which the double-zero degeneracy organizes several codimension-one singularities, namely transcritical, pitchfork, Hopf and heteroclinic bifurcations. The analysis of the normal form of a Hopf-transcritical bifurcation allows to obtain the expressions for the corresponding bifurcation curves. A degenerate double-zero bifurcation is also considered. The theoretical information obtained is very helpful to start a numerical study of the 3D system. Thus, the presence of degenerate heteroclinic and homoclinic orbits, T-point heteroclinic loops and chaotic attractors is detected. We find numerical evidence that, at least, four curves of codimension-two global bifurcations are related to the triple-zero degeneracy in the system analyzed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2017-87915-C2-1-PMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondos FEDER PGC2018-096265-B-I0Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo - Junta de Andalucía FQM-276, TIC-0130, UHU-1260150 y P20_0116

    On the Designing of Spikes Band-Pass Filters for FPGA

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    In this paper we present two implementations of spike-based bandpass filters, which are able to reject out-of-band frequency components in the spike domain. First one is based on the use of previously designed spike-based low-pass filters. With this architecture the quality factor, Q, is lower than 0.5. The second implementation is inspired in the analog multi-feedback filters (MFB) topology, it provides a higher than 1 Q factor, and ideally tends to infinite. These filters have been written in VHLD, and synthesized for FPGA. Two spike-based band-pass filters presented take advantages of the spike rate coded representation to perform a massively parallel processing without complex hardware units, like floating point arithmetic units, or a large memory. These low requirements of hardware allow the integration of a high number of filters inside a FPGA, allowing to process several spike coded signals fully in parallel.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    On the AER Stereo-Vision Processing: A Spike Approach to Epipolar Matching

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    Image processing in digital computer systems usually considers visual information as a sequence of frames. These frames are from cameras that capture reality for a short period of time. They are renewed and transmitted at a rate of 25-30 fps (typical real-time scenario). Digital video processing has to process each frame in order to detect a feature on the input. In stereo vision, existing algorithms use frames from two digital cameras and process them pixel by pixel until it finds a pattern match in a section of both stereo frames. To process stereo vision information, an image matching process is essential, but it needs very high computational cost. Moreover, as more information is processed, the more time spent by the matching algorithm, the more inefficient it is. Spike-based processing is a relatively new approach that implements processing by manipulating spikes one by one at the time they are transmitted, like a human brain. The mammal nervous system is able to solve much more complex problems, such as visual recognition by manipulating neuron’s spikes. The spike-based philosophy for visual information processing based on the neuro-inspired Address-Event- Representation (AER) is achieving nowadays very high performances. The aim of this work is to study the viability of a matching mechanism in a stereo-vision system, using AER codification. This kind of mechanism has not been done before to an AER system. To do that, epipolar geometry basis applied to AER system are studied, and several tests are run, using recorded data and a computer. The results and an average error are shown (error less than 2 pixels per point); and the viability is proved

    Spikes Monitors for FPGAs, an Experimental Comparative Study

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    In this paper we present and analyze two VHDL components for monitoring internal activity of spikes fired by silicon neurons inside FPGAs. These spikes monitors encode each spike according to the Address-Event Representation, sending them through a time multiplexed digital bus as discrete events, using different strategies. In order to study and analyze their behavior we have designed an experimental scenario, where diverse AER systems have been used to stimulate the spikes monitors and collect the output AER events, for later analysis. We have applied a battery of tests on both monitors in order to measure diverse features such as maximum spike load and AER event loss due to collisions.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0