9,988 research outputs found

    Quality Of Life Assessment In Children With Cerebral Palsy

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    Objectives: Evaluate the QoL of children with CP followed at Núcleo de Tratamento e Estimulação Precoce, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil; identify the most affected domains of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, of which target population consisted of parents of children with CP (N = 62). Data collection was carried out by applying the socioeconomic questionnaire and the Health-related Quality of Life tool – HRQoL-PedsQL version 4.0, module applied to parents. Data analysis was performed with SPSS statistical software, version 23.0. Results: The results after transformation of scores into a scale of 0 to 100 in PedsQL, the data showed statistical difference between QOL domains except for physical capacity and social aspect and in descending order of impairment, the domains were related to school activity, the emotional aspect, physical capacity and the social aspect. Conclusions: Given the above, to attain improvement in QoL indicators, it is reasonable to propose interdisciplinary intervention among healthcare professionals in order to develop improved strategies aiming to promote early integration of children with CP in schools, to obtain significant results

    Improved syntheses of aromatase inhibitors and neuroactive steroids efficient oxidations and reductions at key positions for bioactivity

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    An Henbest reduction, followed by the preparation of a silyl enol ether and oxidation in situ with m-CPBA has led to the neurosteroids 3[alpha]-hydroxy- and 3[alpha],21-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-pregnanolones. Using testosterone as starting material, a new short synthesis of an aromatase inhibitor, 4-OHA, has been achieved through hydroboration/oxidation followed by a Swern type oxidation and epimerization. Another aromatase inhibitor, androst-4-ene-3,6-17-trione, has been efficiently prepared using PCC on montmorillonite K10, under ultrasonic irradiation.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6THR-3WC46V7-8/1/5f915790e78df65f4c988ab78bf4f17

    Produção para autoconsumo na reserva extrativista da Flona de Pau-Rosa, Maués - AM.

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    O presente estudo analisa a dinâmica da produção para o autoconsumo em quatro comunidades da Floresta Nacional de Pau-Rosa (Flona de Pau-Rosa). O estudo objetiva compreender o sistema produtivo dessas com unidades tradicionais visando orientar e estabelecer estratégias para geração de tecnologias que visem a melhoria do bem estar de agricultores familiares em unidades de conservação

    Aspectos epidemiológicos da babesiose bovina na amazônia sul ocidental: avaliação molecular.

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    A babesiose bovina, causada pelos protozoários intraerotrocíticos Babesia bovis e B. bigemina tem como principal vetor Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, sendo este o único vetor biológico da família Babesiidae no Brasil. A babesiose caracteriza-se por febre, anemia, hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinúria e fraqueza, onde alguns casos podem evoluir para a morte, estando a gravidade da enfermidade diretamente relacionada à reação do hospedeiro frente à infecção. As perdas ocasionadas pela babesiose bovina são atribuídas ao menor ganho de peso dos animais, decréscimo na produção de leite, infertilidade de touros, abortos e mortalidade, além das babesioses representarem um obstáculo à introdução de animais provenientes de áreas livres desses parasitas. O presente estudo buscou determinar a prevalência de B. bovis e B. bigemina em amostras de sangue provenientes de rebanhos bovinos criados em oito microrregiões de Rondônia e quatro microrregiões do Acre através da utilização de técnicas diagnósticas pela amplificação de fragmentos de DNA específicos a cada uma das espécies. Verificou-se uma taxa de prevalência para B. bovis de 9,00% e de 3,09% para B. bigemina nas amostras provenientes de Rondônia e de 7,20% para B. bovis e de 0,89% para B. bigemina nas amostras provenientes do Acre. As taxas de prevalência das em todas as microrregiões analisadas caracterizam os estados de Rondônia e Acre como áreas de instabilidade endêmica para B. bovis e B. bigemina, porém tal situação parece não ser a prevalecente nos rebanhos bovinos criados na Amazônia Sul Ocidental dada a abundancia do carrapato dos bovinos durante todo o ano, os quais são responsáveis pela manutenção da parasitemia por B. bovis e B. bigemina nos rebanhos.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2009-09/12213/1/bpd46_babesiose-bovina.pd

    A importância da organização dos extrativistas: uma abordagem a partir da comparação das redes estabelecidas em dois municípios produtores de castanha-do-brasil no Estado do Amazonas.

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    A ausência de organização nas comunidades que praticam o extrativismo vegetal fez com que estas desenvolvessem uma forte relação de dependência com patrões, marreteiros e comerciantes, tais atores aproveitando tal dependência negociavam a produção por preços baixos. O presente trabalho tem como foco de estudo a comparação entre dois municípios produtores de castanha-do-Brasil

    A review exploring the overarching burden of Zika virus with emphasis on epidemiological case studies from Brazil

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    This paper explores the main factors for mosquito-borne transmission of the Zika virus by focusing on environmental, anthropogenic, and social risks. A literature review was conducted bringing together related information from this genre of research from peer-reviewed publications. It was observed that environmental conditions, especially precipitation, humidity, and temperature, played a role in the transmission. Furthermore, anthropogenic factors including sanitation, urbanization, and environmental pollution promote the transmission by affecting the mosquito density. In addition, socioeconomic factors such as poverty as well as social inequality and low-quality housing have also an impact since these are social factors that limit access to certain facilities or infrastructure which, in turn, promote transmission when absent (e.g., piped water and screened windows). Finally, the paper presents short-, mid-, and long-term preventative solutions together with future perspectives. This is the first review exploring the effects of anthropogenic aspects on Zika transmission with a special emphasis in Brazil

    Levantamento da ocorrência da pinta-preta-dos-citros (Guignardia citricarpa) em Rondônia: primeira atualização.

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    Relato do mapeamento realizado no estado de Rondônia para identificação da doença fungicida, a pinta-preta, ou mancha-preta, causada por Guignardia citricarpa (anam. Phyllosticta citricarpa).bitstream/item/95044/1/cot380-citros.pd

    Transcriptome profiling of grapevine seedless segregants during berry development reveals candidate genes associated with berry weight

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    Indexación: Web of Science; PubMedBackground Berry size is considered as one of the main selection criteria in table grape breeding programs. However, this is a quantitative and polygenic trait, and its genetic determination is still poorly understood. Considering its economic importance, it is relevant to determine its genetic architecture and elucidate the mechanisms involved in its expression. To approach this issue, an RNA-Seq experiment based on Illumina platform was performed (14 libraries), including seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight at fruit setting (FST) and 6–8 mm berries (B68) phenological stages. Results A group of 526 differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified, by comparing seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight: 101 genes from the FST stage and 463 from the B68 stage. Also, we integrated differential expression, principal components analysis (PCA), correlations and network co-expression analyses to characterize the transcriptome profiling observed in segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. After this, 68 DE genes were selected as candidate genes, and seven candidate genes were validated by real time-PCR, confirming their expression profiles. Conclusions We have carried out the first transcriptome analysis focused on table grape seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in berry weight determination. Also, this comparative transcriptome profiling revealed candidate genes for berry weight which could be evaluated as selection tools in table grape breeding programs.http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0789-