22 research outputs found

    Planificación y optimización de redes ópticas en el Internet del futuro

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    [SPA] Las estrictas exigencias requeridas por la futura red 5G, junto a las elevadas previsiones de crecimiento de tráfico IP, principalmente cimentadas en la proliferación de numerosos servicios basados en la nube, crean un panorama futuro lleno de incógnitas desde la perspectiva de las grandes redes ópticas de telecomunicaciones. Las tareas de planificación y optimización serán esenciales para asegurar que los requisitos pueden cumplirse de una manera económicamente viable. Esta tesis trata de analizar, en primer lugar, la validez de las predicciones de crecimiento tráfico, a la luz de las actuales aplicaciones y en un escenario donde los requisitos de latencia implican la evolución de los CDNs con el despliegue de micro-datacenters. Se analizará en particular el efecto de esta evolución en el tráfico soportado por las redes ópticas troncales. Segundo, la tesis estudia opciones que permitan abordar los requisitos esperados de la red, desde tres enfoques: a) optimización en el diseño y gestión de CDNs, b) control programable de la red basado, en redes definidas por software (SDN) y con virtualización en las funciones de red (NFV) y por último, c) posible introducción de tecnología SDM (Space Division Multiplexing) para expandir la capacidad de las redes de transporte como soporte efectivo del incremento de tráfico IP. Los resultados de este trabajo concluyen, en primera instancia, que la evolución del tráfico troncal en el Internet del futuro dependerá de la naturaleza de los servicios que las aplicaciones ofrezca, siendo el balance entre el tráfico de usuario y de sincronización especialmente determinante. Por otro lado, los resultados sugieren que un acercamiento del contenido a los usuarios puede tener el efecto neto de disminuir la cantidad de tráfico soportada por las redes core, en relación con las previsiones actuales. Los casos de uso analizados en el entorno SDN-NFV determinan la necesidad de optimización para proporcionar flexibilidad y programabilidad en la migración hacia sistemas virtualizados en las redes, siendo este conjunto de funcionalidades esenciales para satisfacer los requerimientos de los futuros servicios en el paradigma 5G. Además, las pruebas de concepto presentadas avalan la optimización conjunta de recursos de red e IT para la asistencia de service chains en redes basadas en SDN-NFV. Finalmente, para las redes ópticas basadas en SDM, la propuesta presentada de restricción de canal espacial (SCC) emerge como una opción válida a implementar en ROADMs para contextos flex-grid. La validez de tal propuesta reside en la reducción de coste de implementación dada por su menor complejidad y mayor disponibilidad de equipamiento, a costa de mínimas pérdidas en rendimiento, respecto de opciones totalmente permisivas.[ENG] The strict requirements required for the future 5G network, jointly with the high growth forecasts of IP traffic, mainly based on the proliferation of cloud services, create a future panorama full of uncertainties from the perspective of large optical telecommunications networks. Planning and optimization tasks are essential to ensure that the requirements are satisfied in an economically viable manner. This thesis tries to analyze, in the first place, the validity of traffic growth predictions, in the light of current applications in a scenario where the latency requirements imply the evolution of CDNs with the deployment of micro-datacenters. In particular, the effect of this traffic evolution, supported by the optical backbone networks, will be analyzed. Second, the thesis studies some options that allow addressing the expected requirements of the network, from the perspective of three major approaches: a) optimization in the design and management of CDNs, b) programmable control of the network based on software-defined networking and with virtualization in network functions and finally, c) possible introduction of the Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) technology to expand the capacity of transport networks as effective support for the increase of IP traffic. The outcomes of this work conclude, in the first instance, that the evolution of the backbone traffic in the future Internet will depend on the nature of the services that the applications offer, being the balance between user traffic and synchronization one especially determining. On the other hand, the results suggest that place the content close to the users can have direct effect of decreasing the amount of traffic supported by the core networks, in relation to the current forecasts. The use cases analyzed in the SDN-NFV environment determine the need for optimization providing flexibility and programmability in the migration to virtualized systems in the networks. This set of functionalities are essential to satisfy the requirements of the future services in the 5G paradigm. In addition, the proof of concept presented in this thesis supports the joint optimization of network and IT resources for the assistance of service chains in networks based on SDN-NFV. Finally, for SDM-based optical networks, the proposal presented for space channel restriction (SCC) emerges as a valid option to be implemented in ROADMs for flex-grid environments. The validity of this proposal lies in the significant reduction in terms of implementation cost due to its lower complexity and the current availability of the equipment, at the expense of minimal performance degradations, compared to totally permissive options.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones por la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Revisiting core traffic growth in the presence of expanding CDNs

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    Traffic growth forecasts announce a dramatic future for core networks, struggling to keep the pace of traffic augmentation. Internet traffic growth primarily stems from the proliferation of cloud services and the massive amounts of data distributed by the content delivery networks (CDNs) hosting these services. In this paper, we investigate the evolution of core traffic in the presence of growing CDNs. Expanding the capacities of existing data centers (DCs) directly translates the forecasted compound-annual-growth-rate (CAGR) of user traffic to the CAGR of carried core link traffic. On the other hand, expanding CDNs by building new geographically dispersed DCs can significantly reduce the predicted core traffic growth rates by placing content closer to the users. However, reducing DC-to-user traffic by building new DCs comes at a trade-off with increasing inter-DC content synchronization traffic. Thus, the resulting overall core traffic growth will depend on the types of services supported and their associated synchronization requirements. In this paper, we present a long-term evolution study to assess the implications of different CDN expansion strategies on core network traffic growth considering a mix of services in proportions and growth rates corresponding to well-known traffic forecasts. Our simulations indicate that CDNs may have significant incentive to build more DCs, depending on the service types they offer, and that current alarming traffic predictions may be somewhat overestimated in core networks in the presence of expanding CDNs. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission for the H2020-ICT-2016-2 METRO-HAUL project (G.A. 761727) and it has been partially funded by the Spanish national project ONOFRE-2(TEC2017-84423-C3-1-P, MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Emulating software-defined disaggregated optical networks in a containerized framework

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    Telecom operators’ infrastructure is undergoing high pressure to keep the pace with the traffic demand generated by the societal need of remote communications, bandwidth-hungry applications, and the fulfilment of 5G requirements. Software-defined networking (SDN) entered in scene decoupling the data-plane forwarding actions from the control-plane decisions, hence boosting network programmability and innovation. Optical networks are also capitalizing on SDN benefits jointly with a disaggregation trend that holds the promise of overcoming traditional vendor-locked island limitations. In this work, we present our framework for disaggregated optical networks that leverages on SDN and container-based management for a realistic emulation of deployment scenarios. Our proposal relies on Kubernetes for the containers’ control and management, while employing the NETCONF protocol for the interaction with the light-weight software entities, i.e., agents, which govern the emulated optical devices. Remarkably, our agents’ structure relies on components that offer high versatility for accommodating the wide variety of components and systems in the optical domain. We showcase our proposal with the emulation of an 18-node European topology employing Cassini-compliant optical models, i.e., a state-of-the-art optical transponder proposed in the Telecom Infrastructure Project. The combination of our versatile framework based on containerized entities, the automatic creation of agents and the optical-layer characteristics represents a novel approach suitable for operationally complex carrier-grade transport infrastructure with SDN-based disaggregated optical systems.This research was funded Spanish Government: ONOFRE-2 project under Grant TEC2017-84423-C3-2-P (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Go2Edge project under Grant RED2018-102585-T; and by the European Commission: METRO-HAUL project (G.A. 761727)

    Space continuity constraint in dynamic Flex-Grid/SDM optical core networks: An evaluation with spatial and spectral super-channels

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    Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) appears as a promising solution to overcome the capacity limits of single-mode optical fibers. In Flex-Grid/SDM optical networks, nodes offering full interconnection between input/output fiber ports and spatial channels, typical SDM-Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (SDM-ROADM) referred to as independent switching with lane support (InS with LC support), require very complex and expensive node architectures. Alternative designs have been proposed to relax their requirements, such as those realizing Joint-switching (JoS) by switching one spectrum slice across all spatial channels at once. In this work, we evaluate the benefits of a cost-effective SDM-ROADM architecture that makes a trade-off between (i) performance in terms of network throughput and (ii) architectural complexity by forcing the Space Continuity Constraint (SCC) end-to-end, that is, along the connection physical path. The performance and architectural complexity of such a SDM-ROADM solution are compared in dynamic Flex-Grid/SDM scenarios against benchmark networks based on InS with LC support and JoS SDM-ROADMs, under both spatial and spectral super-channels. We quantify the network throughput when scaling the spatial multiplicity from 7 to 30 spatial channels, considering Multi-Fiber (MF) as well as Multi-Core Fiber (MCF) SDM solutions. The obtained results reveal that differences in terms of network throughput employing InS without LC support SDM-ROADMs is merely up to 14% lower than InS with LC support SDM-ROADMs, while the network CAPEX can be dramatically reduced by 86%. In contrast, networks employing InS without LC support SDM-ROADMs carry up to 40% higher throughput than JoS ones, whereas the network CAPEX can be raised up to 3×. This paper also analyses the spatial multiplicity impact on both network metrics (throughput and CAPEX).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    IT and Multi-layer Online Resource Allocation and Offline Planning in Metropolitan Networks

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    Metropolitan networks are undergoing a major technological breakthrough leveraging the capabilities of software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). NFV permits the deployment of virtualized network functions (VNFs) on commodity hardware appliances which can be combined with SDN flexibility and programmability of the network infrastructure. SDN/NFV-enabled networks require decision-making in two time scales: short-term online resource allocation and mid-to-long term offline planning. In this paper, we first tackle the dimensioning of SDN/NFV-enabled metropolitan networks paying special attention to the role that latency plays in the capacity planning. We focus on a specific use-case: the metropolitan network that covers the Murcia - Alicante Spanish regions. Then, we propose a latency-aware multilayer service-chain allocation (LA-ML-SCA) algorithm to explore a range of maximum latency requirements and their impact on the resources for dimensioning the metropolitan network. We observe that design costs increase for low latency requirements as more data center facilities need to be spread to get closer to the network edge, reducing the economies of scale on the IT infrastructure. Subsequently, we review our recent joint computation of multi-site VNF placement and multilayer resource allocation in the deployment of a network service in a metro network. Specifically, a set of subroutines contained in LA-ML-SCA are experimentally validated in a network optimization-as-a-service architecture that assists an Open-Source MANO instance, virtual infrastructure managers and WAN controllers in a metro network test-bed.Grant numbers : Go2Edge - Engineering Future Edge Computing Networks, Systems and Services.@ 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Evaluation of core-continuity-constrained ROADMs for flex-grid/MCF optical networks

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    To effectively keep pace with the global IP traffic growth forecasted in the years to come, flex-grid over multi-core fiber (MCF) networks can bring superior spectrum utilization flexibility, as well as bandwidth scalability far beyond the non-linear Shannon’s limit. In such a network scenario, however, full node switching re-configurability will require enormous node complexity, pushing the limits of current optical device technologies with prohibitive capital expenditures. Therefore, cost-effective node solutions will most probably be the key enablers of flex-grid/MCF networks, at least in the short- and mid-term future. In this context, this paper proposes a cost-effective reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) architecture for flex-grid/MCF networks, called CCC-ROADM, which reduces technological requirements (and associated costs) in exchange for demanding core continuity along the end-to-end communication. To assess the performance of the proposed CCC-ROADM in comparison with a fully flexible ROADM (i.e., a fully non-blocking ROADM, called FNB-ROADM in this work) in large-scale network scenarios, a novel lightweight heuristic to solve the route, modulation, core, and spectrum assignment problem in flex-grid/MCF networks is presented in this work, whose goodness is successfully validated against optimal ILP formulations previously proposed for the same goal. The obtained numerical results in a significant number of representative network topologies with different MCF configurations of 7, 12, and 19 cores show almost identical network performance in terms of maximum network throughput when deploying CCC-ROADMs versus FNB-ROADMs, while decreasing network capital expenditures to a large extent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Space continuity constraint in dynamic Flex-Grid/SDM optical core networks: An evaluation with spatial and spectral super-channels

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    Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) appears as a promising solution to overcome the capacity limits of single-mode optical fibers. In Flex-Grid/SDM optical networks, nodes offering full interconnection between input/output fiber ports and spatial channels, typical SDM-Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (SDM-ROADM) referred to as independent switching with lane support (InS with LC support), require very complex and expensive node architectures. Alternative designs have been proposed to relax their requirements, such as those realizing Joint-switching (JoS) by switching one spectrum slice across all spatial channels at once. In this work, we evaluate the benefits of a cost-effective SDM-ROADM architecture that makes a trade-off between (i) performance in terms of network throughput and (ii) architectural complexity by forcing the Space Continuity Constraint (SCC) end-to-end, that is, along the connection physical path. The performance and architectural complexity of such a SDM-ROADM solution are compared in dynamic Flex-Grid/SDM scenarios against benchmark networks based on InS with LC support and JoS SDM-ROADMs, under both spatial and spectral super-channels. We quantify the network throughput when scaling the spatial multiplicity from 7 to 30 spatial channels, considering Multi-Fiber (MF) as well as Multi-Core Fiber (MCF) SDM solutions. The obtained results reveal that differences in terms of network throughput employing InS without LC support SDM-ROADMs is merely up to 14% lower than InS with LC support SDM-ROADMs, while the network CAPEX can be dramatically reduced by 86%. In contrast, networks employing InS without LC support SDM-ROADMs carry up to 40% higher throughput than JoS ones, whereas the network CAPEX can be raised up to 3×. This paper also analyses the spatial multiplicity impact on both network metrics (throughput and CAPEX).Peer Reviewe