846 research outputs found

    Traumatismo Dental con Complicación Radicular: Reporte de caso

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    Las fracturas de la raíz también llamadas intra alveolares radiculares, son aquellas que afectan a la dentina, al cemento y lapulpa, se caracterizan por presentar patrones complejos de curación, debido al deterioro de la pulpa, el ligamento periodontal,la dentina y el cemento. La mayoría de estas fracturas se producen por un golpe directo contra el suelo, un cuerpo extrañoque incida sobre el diente o accidentes automovilísticos y deportivos. En el presente artículo se describe el tratamiento yseguimiento a 2 años 4 meses del caso de una niña de 10 años de edad que después de un traumatismo fue sometida a untratamiento no adecuado, que le causaba mucho dolor, radiográficamente se observó la ausencia del tercio apical en el diente21 y una movilidad grado III del mismo. Se modificó el tratamiento prolongando la vida del diente en boca

    Emergence of good conduct, scaling and Zipf laws in human behavioral sequences in an online world

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    We study behavioral action sequences of players in a massive multiplayer online game. In their virtual life players use eight basic actions which allow them to interact with each other. These actions are communication, trade, establishing or breaking friendships and enmities, attack, and punishment. We measure the probabilities for these actions conditional on previous taken and received actions and find a dramatic increase of negative behavior immediately after receiving negative actions. Similarly, positive behavior is intensified by receiving positive actions. We observe a tendency towards anti-persistence in communication sequences. Classifying actions as positive (good) and negative (bad) allows us to define binary 'world lines' of lives of individuals. Positive and negative actions are persistent and occur in clusters, indicated by large scaling exponents alpha~0.87 of the mean square displacement of the world lines. For all eight action types we find strong signs for high levels of repetitiveness, especially for negative actions. We partition behavioral sequences into segments of length n (behavioral `words' and 'motifs') and study their statistical properties. We find two approximate power laws in the word ranking distribution, one with an exponent of kappa-1 for the ranks up to 100, and another with a lower exponent for higher ranks. The Shannon n-tuple redundancy yields large values and increases in terms of word length, further underscoring the non-trivial statistical properties of behavioral sequences. On the collective, societal level the timeseries of particular actions per day can be understood by a simple mean-reverting log-normal model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    First case of sterility associated with sex chromosomal abnormalities in a jenny

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    Chromosomal abnormalities are one of the main causes of genetic infertility in horses. Currently, their detection rate is rising due to the use of new diagnostic tools employing molecular markers linked to the sex chromosome pair. Despite genetic similarities, there are no previous reports of sterility associated with chromosomal abnormalities in the domestic donkey (Equus asinus). Hereby, we determined the presence of a chromosomal mosaicism in a female donkey with reproductive problems using molecular methodologies developed for horses. A two-and- a- half- year- old jenny characterized by morphological abnormalities of the reproductive tract was cytogenetically analysed using conventional and fluorescent techniques and a group of microsatellite markers (short tandem repeat, STR). At the same time, five ultrasound measures of the reproductive tract were taken and compared with eight contemporary jennies of the same breed. After slaughter, morphological examinations showed that the case study had a blind vaginal vestibule defining an empty pouch that covered the entrance of the cervical os. Histopathological studies demonstrated that this abnormal structure was compatible with a remnant hymen. Molecular markers, STR and fluorescent in situ hybridization determinations revealed that the animal was a 62, XX/61,X mosaic and, therefore, the first case of chromosomal abnormalities in the sex pair reported in donkeys.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    First case of sterility associated with sex chromosomal abnormalities in a jenny

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    Chromosomal abnormalities are one of the main causes of genetic infertility in horses. Currently, their detection rate is rising due to the use of new diagnostic tools employing molecular markers linked to the sex chromosome pair. Despite genetic similarities, there are no previous reports of sterility associated with chromosomal abnormalities in the domestic donkey (Equus asinus). Hereby, we determined the presence of a chromosomal mosaicism in a female donkey with reproductive problems using molecular methodologies developed for horses. A two-and- a- half- year- old jenny characterized by morphological abnormalities of the reproductive tract was cytogenetically analysed using conventional and fluorescent techniques and a group of microsatellite markers (short tandem repeat, STR). At the same time, five ultrasound measures of the reproductive tract were taken and compared with eight contemporary jennies of the same breed. After slaughter, morphological examinations showed that the case study had a blind vaginal vestibule defining an empty pouch that covered the entrance of the cervical os. Histopathological studies demonstrated that this abnormal structure was compatible with a remnant hymen. Molecular markers, STR and fluorescent in situ hybridization determinations revealed that the animal was a 62, XX/61,X mosaic and, therefore, the first case of chromosomal abnormalities in the sex pair reported in donkeys.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Understanding the influence of filler type and asphalt binder content on the moisture and fatigue resistance of asphalt mortars

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    An adequate moisture resistance is a key element to guarantee the durability of asphalt materials. This paper identifies the influence of filler typology and bitumen content on the mechanical response of asphalt mortars before and after water action. Two fillers were evaluated: Portland cement and Calcium carbonate, along with different contents of a penetration bitumen (B35/50). Stiffness, ductility, and fatigue were evaluated through a new protocol for asphalt mortar samples using a 3-point-bending test on DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer). The use of Portland cement presents higher stiffness, lower ductility, and improved fatigue and water resistance compared to Calcium carbonate. It is also possible to optimize bitumen content based on fatigue results. Content beyond the optimal reduce variations after water action but compromise fatigue resistance. Lower content leads to a poorer performance in both terms. This methodology enables asphalt mortar characterisation as a tool to optimise the design of asphalt materials.La influencia del tipo de polvo mineral y contenido de ligante bituminoso en la resistencia a la humedad y fatiga de morteros bituminosos. La resistencia al agua es clave para garantizar la durabilidad de los materiales asfálticos. Este estudio identifica la influencia del polvo mineral y contenido de betún en la respuesta mecánica de morteros bituminosos antes y después de la humedad. Se evaluaron dos tipos de filler: cemento Portland y carbonato cálcico (filler calizo), junto con distintos contenidos de betún (B35/50). Rigidez, ductilidad y fatiga fueron evaluados mediante un nuevo ensayo de fatiga a tres puntos para morteros empleando DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer). El cemento presenta más rigidez, menos ductilidad y mayor resistencia al agua y fatiga que el filler calizo. Los resultados de fatiga permiten además optimizar el contenido de betún. Contenidos por encima del óptimo reducen variaciones tras la humedad pero comprometen la resistencia a fatiga. Contenidos menores conllevan un peor comportamiento en ambos términos. Esta metodología permite usar la caracterización de morteros bituminosos para optimizar el diseño de materiales asfálticos

    Dynamic critical behavior of failure and plastic deformation in the random fiber bundle model

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    The random fiber bundle (RFB) model, with the strength of the fibers distributed uniformly within a finite interval, is studied under the assumption of global load sharing among all unbroken fibers of the bundle. At any fixed value of the applied stress (load per fiber initially present in the bundle), the fraction of fibers that remain unbroken at successive time steps is shown to follow simple recurrence relations. The model is found to have stable fixed point for applied stress in the range 0 and 1; beyond which total failure of the bundle takes place discontinuously. The dynamic critical behavior near this failure point has been studied for this model analysing the recurrence relations. We also investigated the finite size scaling behavior. At the critical point one finds strict power law decay (with time t) of the fraction of unbroken fibers. The avalanche size distribution for this mean-field dynamics of failure has been studied. The elastic response of the RFB model has also been studied analytically for a specific probability distribution of fiber strengths, where the bundle shows plastic behavior before complete failure, following an initial linear response.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, extensively revised and accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Immediate Effects of Upper Cervical Translatoric Mobilization on Cervical Mobility and Pressure Pain Threshold in Patients With Cervicogenic Headache: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immediate effects of upper cervical translatoric spinal mobilization (UC-TSM) on cervical mobility and pressure pain threshold in subjects with cervicogenic headache (CEH). Methods Eighty-two volunteers (41.54 ± 15.29 years, 20 male and 62 female) with CEH participated in the study and were randomly divided into the control and treatment groups. The treatment group received UC-TSM and the control group remained in the same position for the same time as the UC-TSM group, but received no treatment. Cervical mobility (active cervical mobility and flexion-rotation test), pressure pain thresholds over upper trapezius muscles, C2-3 zygapophyseal joints and suboccipital muscles, and current headache intensity (visual analog scale) were measured before and immediately after the intervention by 2 blinded investigators. Results After the intervention, UC-TSM group exhibited significant increases in total cervical mobility (P =.002, d = 0.16) and the flexion–rotation test (P .05). Nevertheless, there was a significantly lower intensity of headache in the UC-TSM group (P =.039, d = 0.57). Conclusions Upper cervical translatoric spinal mobilization intervention increased upper, and exhibited a tendency to improve general, cervical range of motion and induce immediate headache relief in subjects with CEH

    Modelo hidráulico para la optimización de subunidades irregulares de riego por goteo

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    La escasez de los recursos hídricos actuales, especialmente en las zonas con clima árido o semiárido, provocan la necesidad de desarrollar herramientas de ayuda en la toma de decisiones para el diseño y manejo del riego, y más cuando se pretende utilizar energía fotovoltaica. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido desarrollar un modelo hidráulico que pueda acoplarse al modelo fotovoltaico, para el caso más general de subunidades de riego de forma y topografía irregular, constituyendo una herramienta de ayuda en la toma de decisiones para el diseño y manejo del riego con energía fotovoltaica, analizando la calidad del riego en las distintas subunidades con forma y topografía irregular. Para la calibración y validación del modelo, se ha aplicado a una parcela de 90 ha, de un cultivo de almendro regado por goteo, situada en una zona con topografía y forma muy irregular. Los resultados permiten identificar las zonas con problemas en la uniformidad de emisión en función de la presión disponible en la entrada de la subunidad de riego.Nowadays, water resources are limited especially in places with arid and semi-arid conditions. For that reason, it is essential the development of decision support system models (DSS) aiming the design and management of irrigation systems, especially when they are fed with photovoltaic energy. The main objective of this study was the development of a hydraulic model linked with a photovoltaic model, considering the most general case of irrigation subunits with irregular shape and topography. Thus, a decision support system tool (DSS) for the design and management irrigation with photovoltaic power is developed. Analyzing the irrigation quality in different subunit with irregular shape and topography is a main issue in precision irrigation. For model calibration and validation has been applied in an almond field with 90 ha with drip irrigation located in a shape and topography land. The results enabled us to identify the areas with uniformity problems depending on the pressure in the subnit head