3,899 research outputs found

    Experimental phase functions of mm-sized cosmic dust grains

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    We present experimental phase functions of three types of millimeter-sized dust grains consisting of enstatite, quartz and volcanic material from Mount Etna, respectively. The three grains present similar sizes but different absorbing properties. The measurements are performed at 527 nm covering the scattering angle range from 3 to 170 degrees. The measured phase functions show two well defined regions i) soft forward peaks and ii) a continuous increase with the scattering angle at side- and back-scattering regions. This behavior at side- and back-scattering regions are in agreement with the observed phase functions for the Fomalhaut and HR 4796A dust rings. Further computations and measurements (including polarization) for millimeter sized-grains are needed to draw some conclusions about the fluffy or compact structure of the dust grains

    Talento humano: el factor clave del servicio

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    Esta investigación se centra en el reconocimiento del Talento Humano como el factor más importante para el servicio de una organización incluyendo el análisis del servicio y cultura organizacional en el siglo XXI. Se ilustran algunos mecanismos o programas sobre la gestión que una organización debe desarrollar para obtener un Talento Humano calificado y competente en temas de servicio y concluyentes como la transformación de una cultura organizacional centrada en valores, normas y principios, complementados con herramientas efectivas de comunicación y consecución de líderes modernos e innovadores en temas de servicio. El Talento Humano resalta la prioridad que tienen las organizaciones que están volcadas al cliente que cada día adquieren vigencia y relevancia para lograr ser competitivas en donde se mueven. Por otro lado, el Talento Humano se convierte en la cara de la empresa siendo los máximos vendedores de sus bienes y servicios, para lo cual se debe crear una cultura organizacional con tiempo, constancia y perseverancia. La metodología utilizada fue de investigación deductiva incluyendo charlas con personas expertas en el tema de servicio, así como la experiencia propia en empresas de servicios y de industria y comercio. De esta manera se logró establecer una serie de principios y normas de conducta que debe tener el Talento Humano para que una organización sea reconocida como una empresa con una fuerte cultura de servicio.This research focuses on the recognition of human talent as the most important factor for the service of an organization including service analysis and organizational culture in the twenty-first century. It illustrates some mechanisms or management programs that an organization must develop to get a qualified and competent human talent in services areas and conclusive as the transformation of an organizational culture focused on values, norms and principles, complemented with effective communication tools and achievement of modern and innovative leaders in the areas of service. The Human Talent highlights the priority as organizations that are geared towards the customer which are now gaining currency and relevance in order to become competitive. On the other hand, the human talent becomes the face of the company being the highest sellers of their goods and services, for which the company must create an organizational culture with time, persistence and perseverance. The research methodology was deductive including interviews with experts on the topic of service as well as our own experience in services and trade and industry companies. In this way it was possible to establish a set of principles and conduct rules the human talent must have in the organization to be recognized as a strong culture of service company

    Data-driven reconstruction of chaotic dynamical equations: the H\'enon-Heiles type system

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    In this study, the classical two-dimensional potential VN=12mω2r2+1NrNsin(Nθ)V_N=\frac{1}{2}\,m\,\omega^2\,r^2 + \frac{1}{N}\,r^N\,\sin(N\,\theta), NZ+N \in {\mathbb Z}^+, is considered. At N=1,2N=1,2, the system is superintegrable and integrable, respectively, whereas for N>2N>2 it exhibits a richer chaotic dynamics. For instance, at N=3N=3 it coincides with the H\'enon-Heiles system. The periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic motions are systematically characterized employing time series, Poincar\'e sections, symmetry lines and the largest Lyapunov exponent as a function of the energy EE and the parameter NN. Concrete results for the lowest cases N=3,4N=3,4 are presented in complete detail. This model is used as a benchmark system to estimate the accuracy of the Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (SINDy) method, a data-driven algorithm which reconstructs the underlying governing dynamical equations. We pay special attention at the transition from regular motion to chaos and how this influences the precision of the algorithm. In particular, it is shown that SINDy is a robust and stable tool possessing the ability to generate non-trivial approximate analytical expressions for periodic trajectories as well

    Assessing Value-based Health Care Delivery for Hemodialysis

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    Rationale, aims and objectives Disparities in haemodialysis outcomes among centres have been well-documented. Besides, attempts to assess haemodialysis results have been based on non-comprehensive methodologies. This study aimed to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing haemodialysis centres, based on the value of health care. The value of health care is defined as the patient benefit from a specific medical intervention per monetary unit invested (Value = Patient Benefit/Cost). This study assessed the value of health care and ranked different haemodialysis centres. Method A nephrology quality management group identified the criteria for the assess- ment. An expert group composed of stakeholders (patients, clinicians and managers) agreed on the weighting of each variable, considering values and preferences. Multi-criteria methodology was used to analyse the data. Four criteria and their weights were identified: evidence-based clinical performance measures = 43 points; yearly mortality = 27 points; patient satisfaction = 13 points; and health-related quality of life = 17 points (100-point scale). Evidence-based clinical performance measures included five sub-criteria, with respective weights, including: dialysis adequacy; haemoglobin concentration; mineral and bone disorders; type of vascular access; and hospitalization rate. The patient benefit was determined from co-morbidity–adjusted results and corresponding weights. The cost of each centre was calculated as the average amount expended per patient per year. Results The study was conducted in five centres (1–5). After adjusting for co-morbidity, value of health care was calculated, and the centres were ranked. A multi-way sensitivity analysis that considered different weights (10–60% changes) and costs (changes of 10% in direct and 30% in allocated costs) showed that the methodology was robust. The rankings: 4-5-3-2-1 and 4-3-5-2-1 were observed in 62.21% and 21.55%, respectively, of simula- tions, when weights were varied by 60%. Conclusions Value assessments may integrate divergent stakeholder perceptions, create a context for improvement and aid in policy-making decisions

    Leveraging Earth observation data for surveillance of vector-borne diseases in changing environments

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    Vector-borne disease transmission is driven by environmental factors determining the distribution and spread of pathogens, vectors and human and animal populations. Earth observation (EO) data, such as satellite and drone imagery, can be used to characterise these factors and identify high risk geographical areas and populations. While the use of EO data to understand vector-borne disease epidemiology has a long history, the rapid expansion of satellite and aerial data, analysis methods and computing power offer new opportunities to integrate EO data into disease surveillance. We review sources and characteristics of EO data and analysis methods, identify commonly used EO-derived metrics for a range of diseases and present case studies on specific applications of EO data for disease surveillance. We additionally describe key considerations for disease control programmes considering the use of EO data, highlighting the applicability of different data types and analysis methods for different ecological contexts and use-cases

    Transversalidad de la Educación Ambiental

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    El libro “Transversalidad de la educación ambiental”, es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación adelantado en el departamento de Nariño, de manera interdisciplinaria con integrantes del grupo de investigación PIFIL (Plan de Investigación para el Fortalecimiento Integral de las comunidades), pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Nariño en Colombia Tras una serie de experiencias de investigación de problemáticas ambientales que circundan el contexto del entorno escolar, abordadas desde el análisis de la comunidad educativa con el apoyo del grupo PIFIL, es importante resaltar que se ha logrado identificar algunos aspectos relevantes en la estructuración de lineamientos prácticos para abordar secuencialmente una reflexión crítica y propositiva referente a la dimensión ambiental desde la integralidad del currículo, partiendo desde la motivación de los distintos actores vinculados al proceso para lograr comprensión, compromiso y proyección hacia una cultura ambiental. Es ampliamente reconocido que la mayor dificultad en la transversalidad de la educación ambiental radica principalmente en el ejercicio práctico de articulación en las distintas áreas del conocimiento, aspecto que en el presente libro se describe claramente, haciendo referencia al trabajo participativo adelantado en la Institución Educativa Municipal Chachagüí, para los distintos grados, periodos y áreas; tomando como estudio de caso dos temáticas ambientales de impacto en la comunidad educativa, como son: el recurso hídrico y el manejo de residuos sólidos

    La amputación del pie según técnica de Pirogoff-Maurer

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    El planteo de las dificultades técnicas que presentan las amputaciones del pie en su aspecto anatómico y funcional nos lleva a escoger como electiva la técnica de Pirogoff. Maurer, aplicada de modo satisfactorio en tres pacientes. Exponemos los detalles técnicos de la intervención y las bases de la prótesis de pierna con apoyo patelar y pie de tipo Sachs. El análisis de los métodos de amputación de Syme, de Boyd, de Vasconcelos, de Chopart y de Ricard pone de relieve los inconvenientes de cada uno de ellos habida cuenta de las posibilidades protésicas actuales. Así se confirma la prioridad que en la elección recae sobre el método utilizado por nosotros con un resultado plenamente bueno tanto en el aspecto formal como funciona

    Influence of pore size in protein G'-grafted mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a serum pretreatment system for in vitro allergy diagnosis

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    Particles with the capacity to bind to immunoglobulin G (IgG) can be used for the purification of IgG or to process clinical samples for diagnostic purposes. For in vitro allergy diagnosis, the high IgG levels in serum can interfere with the detection of allergen-specific IgE, the main diagnostic biomarker. Although commercially available, current materials present a low IgG capture capacity at large IgG concentrations or require complex protocols, preventing their use in the clinic. In this work, mesoporous silica nanoparticles are prepared with different pore sizes, to which IgG-binding protein G’ is grafted. It is found that for one particular optimal pore size, the IgG capture capacity of the material is greatly enhanced. The capacity of this material to efficiently capture human IgG in a selective way (compared to IgE) is demonstrated in both solutions of known IgG concentrations as well as in complex samples, like serum, from healthy controls and allergic patients using a simple and fast incubation protocol. Interestingly, IgG removal using the best-performing material enhances in vitro IgE detection in sera from patients allergic to amoxicillin. These results highlight the great translation potential of this strategy to the clinic in the context of in vitro allergy diagnosis.Funding for Open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. TEM experiments were performed in the ICTS “NANBIOSIS,” more specifically in the U28 Unit at IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND

    Implementación de servicios de infraestructura IT en Zentyal Server 5.0

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    En este artículo se busca abordar la importancia de Zentyal Server como plataforma para la administración de la Infraestructura IT dentro de una organización que quiera estar a la vanguardia tecnológica, donde se explicará de manera técnica la implementación de esta importante herramientaThis article seeks to address the importance of Zentyal Server as a platform for the administration of IT Infrastructure within an organization that wants to be at the forefront of technology, where the implementation of this important tool will be explained in a technical manner