76 research outputs found

    La premsa republicana figuerenca durant la restauració (1875-1923)

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    La catedral de Girona vista pels viatgers

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    El Rosselló vist pels viatgers anteriors al tractat dels Pirineus (segles XV-XVII)

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    El comtat de Rosselló va formar part de la corona catalanoaragonesa fins al 1659, quan el tractat dels Pirineus el va deslligar políticament del regne d’Espanya. Fins a aquells moments havia compartit amb l’Empordà i la resta de Catalunya diversos aspectes històrics, econòmics, socials, antropològics, culturals, lingüístics, etc., molts dels quals ens han estat tramesos a través dels relats dels viatgers que van travessar aquestes terres entre els segles XV i XVII. En la comunicació es fa una aproximació a algunes de les visions que una vintena d’aquests viatgers (Rosmithal de Blatna, Münzer, Guicciardini, Navajero, Cavalli, Platter, Cuelbis, etc.) ens han deixat en els seus diaris, incidint especialment en els aspectes que més els van cridar l’atenció, entre d’altres: el paisatge, les poblacions, les fortificacions, els perills dels camins i la llengua dels rossellonesos.The Roussillon county was part of the Catalan-Aragonese crown until 1659 when the Treaty of the Pyrenees cut it politically from the Spanish kingdom. It had shared with the Empordà and the rest of Catalonia many different aspects until then: historical, economic, social, anthropological, cultural, linguistic, etc.Many of these have been transmitted to us through writings of travellers who passed through these territories between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. The present article approaches some of the perspectives given by about twenty of these travellers (Rosmithal de Blatna, Münzer, Guicciardini, Navajero, Cavalli, Platter, Cuelbis, etc.) in their diaries, concentrating on aspects which especially had caught their attention, among others: landscapes, villages, fortifications, dangers on the roads and the language of the people of the Roussillon

    Els republicans de la primera Restauració a Figueres

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    Figueres, bressol del republicanisme català, comptarà a partir de la Restauració dels Borbons, el 1875, amb importants nuclis d’ideologia republicana. Si bé el nucli federal de Pi iMargall serà el majoritari al llarg del període, també hi haurà una significativa presència dels altres, especialment el progressista de Ruiz Zorrilla i el possibilista de Castelar. Tots comptaran amb els seus propis mitjans d’expressió (El Ampurdanés, La República, La Evolución, etc.), encara que no tots van tenir ni el mateix pes ni la mateixa vida, essent predominants els que defensaven el pensament republicà federal. Igualment, tots ells comptaran amb representació de regidors a l’Ajuntament d’una forma continuada, destacant les figures de Joan M. Bofill, Martí Carreras, Ramon Pascal, Tomàs Jordà, entre d’altres.Figueres, birthplace of Catalan republicanism, would see important centres of republican ideology after the Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in 1875. While the federal nucleus around Pi i Margall will represent the majority over the period, there would also be a significant presence of others, especially the progressive movement of Ruiz Zorrilla and the possibilism of Castelar. Each would have its own channel of expression (El Ampurdanés, La República, La Evolución, etc.), though not all had the same weight nor lasted the same and, again, those defending the federal republican ideology predominated. However, all had a continuous representation at the city council where men like Joan M. Bofill, Martí Carreras, Ramon Pascal, Tomàs Jordà, among others, stood out

    El paisatge empordanès vist pels viatgers

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    La proclamació de la Primera República a Figueres

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    Les lluites polítiques entre els partits monàrquics, les guerres de Cuba i carlista, l’atemptat contra la família reial i, finalment, la dissolució del cos d’Artilleria per part de les Corts el mes de febrer de 1873, a conseqüència de la indisciplina de l’Exèrcit, portaren el rei Amadeu I de Savoia a abdicar. Inesperadament, l’11 de febrer de 1873 es proclamava la Primera República espanyola. La notícia va córrer amb rapidesa a través de la premsa i dels telegrames de les autoritats i, el 12 de febrer, l’alcalde de Figueres, Joan Arderius, proclamà solemnement la República. La població ho va celebrar al carrer amb alegria i seny. Mesos més tard, el 7 de juny, es proclamà la República Federal, però ja sense gaire entusiasme. Els conflictes bèl•lics, les insurreccions cantonalistes i les dissensions internes dels partits republicans portaren al cop militar del general Pavía que acabarà amb la Primera República, a principis de gener de 1874.The political struggle between the monarchist parties, the Carlist wars and Cuba, the attack on the royal family and, finally, the dissolution of the body Artillery by Parliament in February 1873, as a result of indiscipline Army, led to abdicate king Amadeo I of Savoy. Unexpectedly on February 11, 1873 the First Spanish Republic was proclaimed. The news spread quickly trhough the press and for telegrams from the authorities and, on February 12, the mayor of Figueres, Joan Arderius solemnly proclaimed the Republic. The people celebrated in the streets with joy and common sense. Months later, on June 7, the Federal Republic was proclaimed, but without much enthusiasm. The wars, the cantonal insurrections and internal dissensions of the Republican parties take the military coup of General Pavia that ended with the First Republic in early January 1874

    La col·lecció Guillament-Navarra

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    Es descriu la col•lecció Guillamet-Navarra de Figueres que consisteix en la unió de les col•leccions de Francesc Guillamet Naspleda i de Jaume Navarra. Els dos artífexs de la col•lecció són situats en el marc de la Figueres de la primera meitat del segle XX, amb les seves activitats, les seves aficions i la seva adscripció política. El fons consisteix en una important col•lecció de capçaleres de premsa de Figueres i de la província de Girona del darrer terç del segle XIX fins als anys trenta del segle XX.It describes the Guillamet-Navarra collection, which consists of the union between the collections of Francesc Cuillamet Naspleda and Jaume Navarra. The two founder members of the collection are framed within the first half of the 20th century Figueres; with its activities, hobbies and political biases. The sources consist of an important collection of press headlines from Figueres and the province of Girona from the last third of the 19th century until the 1930’s of the 20th century

    Methodology to Evaluate WSN Simulators: Focusing on Energy Consumption Awareness

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    ISBN: 978-1-925953-09-1International audienceNowadays, there exists a large number of available network simulators, that differ in their design, goals, and characteristics. Users who have to decide which simulator is the most appropriate for their particular requirements, are today lost, faced with a panoply of disparate and diverse simulators. Hence, it is obvious the need for establishing guidelines that support users in the tasks of selecting and customizing a simulator to suit their preferences and needs. In previous works, we proposed a generic and novel methodological approach to evaluate network simulators, considering a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria. However, it lacks criteria related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Thus, the aim of this work is three fold: (i) extend the previous proposed methodology to include the evaluation of WSN simulators, such as energy consumption modelling and scalability; (ii) elaborate a study of the state of the art of WSN simulators, with the intention of identifying the most used and cited in scientific articles; and (iii) demonstrate the suitability of our novel methodology by evaluating and comparing three of the most cited simulators. Our novel methodology provides researchers with an evaluation tool that can be used to describe and compare WSN simulators in order to select the most appropriate one for a given scenario

    WSN simulators evaluation: an approach focusing on energy awareness

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    The large number of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) simulators available nowadays, differ in their design, goals, and characteristics. Users who have to decide which simulator is the most appropriate for their particular requirements, are today lost, faced with a panoply of disparate and diverse simulators. Hence, it is obvious the need for establishing guidelines that support users in the tasks of selecting a simulator to suit their preferences and needs. In previous works, we proposed a generic and novel approach to evaluate networks simulators, considering a methodological process and a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria. In particularly, for WSN simulators, the criteria include relevant aspects for this kind of networks, such as energy consumption modelling and scalability capacity. The aims of this work are: (i) describe deeply the criteria related to WSN aspects; (ii) extend and update the state of the art of WSN simulators elaborated in our previous works to identify the most used and cited in scientific articles; and (iii) demonstrate the suitability of our novel methodological approach by evaluating and comparing the three most cited simulators, specially in terms of energy modelling and scalability capacities. Results show that our proposed approach provides researchers with an evaluation tool that can be used to describe and compare WSN simulators in order to select the most appropriate one for a given scenarioComment: 20 Page