23,399 research outputs found

    Quantum Entanglement in (d−1)(d-1)-Spherium

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    There are very few systems of interacting particles (with continuous variables) for which the entanglement of the concomitant eigenfunctions can be computed in an exact, analytical way. Here we present analytical calculations of the amount of entanglement exhibited by ss-states of \emph{spherium}. This is a system of two particles (electrons) interacting via a Coulomb potential and confined to a (d−1)(d-1)-sphere (that is, to the surface of a dd-dimensional ball). We investigate the dependence of entanglement on the radius RR of the system, on the spatial dimensionality dd, and on energy. We find that entanglement increases monotonically with RR, decreases with dd, and also tends to increase with the energy of the eigenstates. These trends are discussed and compared with those observed in other two-electron atomic-like models where entanglement has been investigated.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. J. Phys. A (2015). Accepte

    Patient involvement to explore research prioritisation and self-care management in people with periodontitis and diabetes

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    Aim To investigate, firstly, research priorities for people with periodontitis and those with periodontitis and diabetes. Secondary aims were to explore disease self-management barriers, difficulties and enhancers for people with periodontitis and/or diabetes, mutual learning in patient groups regarding self-care and views of academic researchers on patient-derived research prioritisation. Materials and methods Research prioritisation and self-care management was based on the James Lind Alliance workshop methodology. Participants generated and ranked research priorities and enhancers and barriers to self-care management. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken to explore the views of academic staff about patient and public involvement (PPI) and the findings from this research. Results Periodontitis patients ranked preventive educational interventions highest, whereas the top priority for those with both periodontitis and diabetes was increasing public awareness about periodontitis and systemic health links. Regarding self-care, both periodontitis and diabetes groups highly ranked the importance of being able to self-assess their condition and efficacy of management. Important barriers for the diabetes patients were psychological issues, while for periodontitis patients, the main barrier was receiving conflicting or lacking information. Both groups reported that shared learning helped to develop a better understanding of their conditions and improved management. Academics believed it was essential to involve patients in developing research and most felt the findings would influence their institutions' research priorities; however, they would not change their own research only based on patients' perspectives. Conclusions The workshops led to new insights for research priorities and approaches for health self-management. PPI should be further investigated across oral health applications

    Energy landscape of a simple model for strong liquids

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    We calculate the statistical properties of the energy landscape of a minimal model for strong network-forming liquids. Dynamics and thermodynamic properties of this model can be computed with arbitrary precision even at low temperatures. A degenerate disordered ground state and logarithmic statistics for the energy distribution are the landscape signatures of strong liquid behavior. Differences from fragile liquid properties are attributed to the presence of a discrete energy scale, provided by the particle bonds, and to the intrinsic degeneracy of topologically disordered networks.Comment: Revised versio

    Non-Gaussian energy landscape of a simple model for strong network-forming liquids: accurate evaluation of the configurational entropy

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    We present a numerical study of the statistical properties of the potential energy landscape of a simple model for strong network-forming liquids. The model is a system of spherical particles interacting through a square well potential, with an additional constraint that limits the maximum number of bonds, NmaxN_{\rm max}, per particle. Extensive simulations have been carried out as a function of temperature, packing fraction, and NmaxN_{\rm max}. The dynamics of this model are characterized by Arrhenius temperature dependence of the transport coefficients and by nearly exponential relaxation of dynamic correlators, i.e. features defining strong glass-forming liquids. This model has two important features: (i) landscape basins can be associated with bonding patterns; (ii) the configurational volume of the basin can be evaluated in a formally exact way, and numerically with arbitrary precision. These features allow us to evaluate the number of different topologies the bonding pattern can adopt. We find that the number of fully bonded configurations, i.e. configurations in which all particles are bonded to NmaxN_{\rm max} neighbors, is extensive, suggesting that the configurational entropy of the low temperature fluid is finite. We also evaluate the energy dependence of the configurational entropy close to the fully bonded state, and show that it follows a logarithmic functional form, differently from the quadratic dependence characterizing fragile liquids. We suggest that the presence of a discrete energy scale, provided by the particle bonds, and the intrinsic degeneracy of fully bonded disordered networks differentiates strong from fragile behavior.Comment: Final version. Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 204509 (2006

    Procesamiento De Imágenes Para La Identificación De Personas Como Sistema De Seguridad En Zonas Domiciliarias/Image Processing for identification of people as a security system in domiciliary zones

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    El objetivo fue la implementación de dos algoritmos de reconocimiento facial para la identificación de personas, bajo condiciones reales en este caso un domicilio, se examinó las investigaciones relevantes en la identificación facial como los métodos de Análisis de Componentes Principales (PCA) y el Análisis Lineal Discriminante (LDA), procesos matemáticos utilizadas por los algoritmos Eigenfaces y Fisherfaces, que son técnicas de aproximación estadística para clasificar datos en este caso rostros, con mínima complejidad computacional. El sistema de identificación de personas propuesto, desarrolló algoritmos en Matlab, describiendo sus etapas principales de procesamiento como la adquisición de imágenes, pre procesamiento, extracción de características faciales, entrenamiento o clasificador, éstos algoritmos se sometieron a evaluación de eficacia en la identificación de personas, utilizando una base de rostros públicas de AT&T conocida como ORL Database of Faces, con 400 imágenes de rostros de distintas personas con variadas expresiones, adicionalmente se elaboró un base de rostros domiciliar, con 48 imágenes para el entrenamiento del sistema. Como resultado de la evaluación bajo condiciones de laboratorio se obtuvo una eficiencia superior al 90%, mientras que, al ser evaluados en condiciones reales, los algoritmos presentan eficiencias de identificación que oscilan del 50 al 80%, factores que dependen de la distancia, cámara, calidad de imagen, e iluminación. Estableciéndose las condiciones mínimas de requerimientos para la implementación de un sistema de vigilancia domiciliar, con porcentajes de efectividad favorables en estos ambientes, proponiendo una innovación en el uso de la tecnología e ingeniería actual respecto a video vigilancia. The objective of the project is the implementation of two facial recognition algorithms for the identification of people, under real conditions, in this case, an address. Relevant investigations in facial identification have been explored, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discriminant Linear Analysis (LDA) methods, mathematical processes used by the Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces algorithms, which are statistical approximation techniques for classifying data, in this case, faces, with minimum computational complexity. The proposed people identification system, developed its algorithms in Matlab, describing its main processing stages such as image acquisition, pre-processing, extractions of facial features, training or classifier, these algorithms will be evaluated of efficiency in the identification of people, used for this a base of public faces of AT & T known as ORL Database of Faces, with 400 images of different faces forgive with various expressions, in addition to this a base of faces domiciliary, with 48 images will be elaborated for system training. As a result of the evaluations under laboratory conditions they present an efficiency of over 90%, while when evaluated in real conditions, the algorithms show efficiencies ranging from 50 to 80% depending on the distances between the subject and the camera, as well as it also depends on the image quality that can be acquired with them. In this way, minimum requirements have been established for the implementation of a home surveillance system, in which favourable percentages of effectiveness will be obtained in these environments, proposing an innovation in the use of current technology in relation to video surveillance. Palabras claves: PCA, Eigenfaces, LDA, Fisherfaces, Base de Datos Públicas, Algoritmo, Reconocimiento. Keywords: PCA, Eigenfaces, LDA, Fisherfaces, Public Database, Algorithm, Recognition

    Disorder in quantum vacuum: Casimir-induced localization of matter waves

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    Disordered geometrical boundaries such as rough surfaces induce important modifications to the mode spectrum of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. In analogy to Anderson localization of waves induced by a random potential, here we show that the Casimir-Polder interaction between a cold atomic sample and a rough surface also produces localization phenomena. These effects, that represent a macroscopic manifestation of disorder in quantum vacuum, should be observable with Bose-Einstein condensates expanding in proximity of rough surfaces

    Rapid weight gain, infant feeding practices, and subsequent body mass index trajectories: The calina study

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    We aimed to study growth patterns according to rapid weight gain (RWG) and infant feeding practices during the first 120 days and whether infant feeding practices mediated the association between RWG in the first semester of life and subsequent body mass index (BMI) z-score in children from age 1 to 6. (1) Methods: 862 children from the Growth and Feeding during Lactation and Early Childhood in Children of Aragon study (CALINA in Spanish) were examined. Repeated-measures ANOVA analyses were conducted to assess growth trajectories according to RWG and type of feeding practice. The product of coefficients mediation method was used to assess the potential contribution of infant feeding practices to the association between RWG and BMI z-score. Mediation models were conducted using IBM SPSS-PROCESS Statistics for Windows, Version 26.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp. (2) Results: BMI and weight z-score trajectories were significantly higher in the RWG group and the formula-fed group. No significant differences were found regarding height. Infant feeding practices did not mediate the association between RWG and BMI z-score but were associated with BMI at 6 years. (3) Conclusions: Infant feeding practices and RWG determine different growth trajectories of BMI and weight during childhood. Although infant feeding practices did not mediate the association between early RWG and BMI later in life, formula feeding is independently related to higher BMI growth patterns later in childhood
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