2,569 research outputs found


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    Pacemapping (PM) is an electrophysiologic technique designed to help locating tachycardia sources by stimulating at different endocardial sites in order to reproduce the clinical tachycardia characteristics. A recorded electrocardiogram (ECG) during the clinical tachycardia has been conventionally used as reference. Yet, endocardial activation pattern during tachycardia may be utilized as well to guide the procedure. In focal tachycardia ablation, PM guide has consistently provided remarkable outcomes1, while outcomes in reentrant tachycardia ablation are less favourabl

    Advanced Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Nanowires

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    Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa dalam rangkaperan dan kebijakan Pemerintah terhadap pengembangan Dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan Kabupaten Sinjai dengan cara melalui kebijakan teknis yaitu meningkatkan budaya baca di kalangan masyarakat kabupaten sinjai dengan kebijakan pemerintah daerah dalam ini Kepala Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Sinjai dengan menyediakan buku dan pengembangan budaya baca melalui sosialisasi dan publikasi,upaya meningkatkan kualitas layanan di perpustakaan dan upaya peningkatan sarana dan prasarana. Adapun kendala yang menjadi penghambat dalam rangka peran dan kebijakan Pemerintah terhadap pengembangan Dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan Kabupaten Sinjai yaitu tidak lain daripada sumber dana (anggaran) dan sumber daya daya manusia yang tidak mencukupi, memadai, ataupun tidak kompeten di bidangnya

    Advanced Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Nanowires

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    Magnetic nanowires feature unique properties that have attracted the interest of different research areas from basic physics over biomedicine to data storage. The combination of crystalline and shape anisotropy is mainly responsible for the magnetic properties of the nanowires, whereby different methods for tuning those properties are available. The nanowires typically represent single-domain particles, and magnetization switching occurs via domain walls nucleated at the ends of the nanowire and traversing it. Combined with a high biocompatibility, iron or iron oxide nanowires can be used as nanorobots for biomedical applications, destroying cancer cells, or delivering drugs. The nanowires are also attractive for data storage, especially in a three-dimensional device, because of the high-domain wall speed that has been theoretically predicted. This chapter offers an introduction to the electrochemical synthesis of cylindrical nanowires in anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. Template modification techniques such as barrier layer thinning, barrier layer etching, and diameter modulation are discussed. Advanced fabrication techniques of nanowires with varying structural and chemical variations such as multisegmented and core-shell nanowires are elaborated. The characterization of single nanowires encompassing physical, magnetic, and electrical techniques is covered

    Calidad percibida por usuarios de enfermería en tres hospitales públicos

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    The nursing service in the hospital sector as a process of providing professional and technical level must be oriented in a context of quality and meet the guidelines established in discipline and welfare legislation. The quality of nursing services provided in the clinical area, must respond to human needs, establish management, guide practice and meet the personal and social expectations as they constitute a user's right which is the subject of improvement institutional level.Objective: To analyze the evaluation of the quality perceived by users of nursing services at three public hospitals in Boyacá during the years 2008 and 2011.Methods: A quantitative and retrospective study, based on measurements made with the instrument SERVQHOS - E from 2008 to 2011 in the Hospitals of Duitama, Sogamoso and Tunja, which was validated in Colombia.Results: 1093 instruments were applied at different times, with two measurements per hospital, we have obtained the average score of the items that objective and subjective quality was 3.62, which are predictors of satisfaction.Conclusions: The study identified areas for improvement in hospitals and to determine the delay of care, as one of the decisive factors affecting the perceived quality and satisfaction.El servicio de enfermería en el sector hospitalario, como proceso de prestación a nivel profesional y técnico, debe estar orientado dentro de un contexto de calidad y ajustarse a los lineamientos establecidos en materia disciplinar, legislativa y asistencial. La calidad de los servicios de enfermería brindados en el área clínica, debe dar respuesta a las necesidades humanas, establecer la gestión, orientar la práctica y satisfacer las expectativas personales y sociales, puesto que constituyen un derecho del usuario lo cual es objeto de mejoramiento a nivel institucional. Objetivo: analizar la evaluación de la calidad percibida por los usuarios del servicio de enfermería en tres hospitales públicos de Boyacá durante los años 2008 y 2011. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, retrospectivo, fundamentado en mediciones realizadas con el instrumento SERVQHOS – E del año 2008 al 2011 en los Hospitales de Duitama, Sogamoso y Tunja, el cual fue validado en Colombia. Resultados: se aplicaron 1093 instrumentos en periodos diferentes, con dos mediciones por hospital, que permitieron obtener la puntuación media de los ítems de calidad objetiva y subjetiva que fue de 3.62, los cuales son predictores de la satisfacción. Conclusiones: El estudio permitió identificar áreas de mejora en los hospitales, así como determinar la demora de la atención, como uno de los factores decisivos que afectan la calidad percibida y la satisfacción

    The house is in order. Intrasite spatial analysis of delta vulcana 1 (Lake Musters, Chubut) and mobility of gatherers-hunters in central Patagonia during the Late Holocene

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    Este trabajo se propone conocer cómo se distribuye el registro arqueológico en el sitio Delta del Arroyo Vulcana 1 (lago Musters, Chubut) y de este modo, contribuir la comprensión de las pautas de movilidad y asentamiento que emplearon los cazadores-recolectores que habitaron en la región durante el Holoceno tardío. Para tal fin se realizaron mapas de distribución y de densidad, mediante la utilización de un sistema de información geográfica. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que existe una marcada estructuración intrasitio, y además permiten postular que en el sitio se llevaron a cabo tareas de ordenamiento y mantenimiento del espacio interno. Estos resultados aportan elementos a la discusión del modelo de alta movilidad residencial planteado para el Holoceno Tardío.The main purpose of our article is to know how the archaeological register in Delta Arroyo Vulcana 1 (Musters Lake, Chubut) is distributed and with our conclusions help to understand the mobility and settlement of the hunter-gatherers that lived in the region during the Late Holocene. For our work, we design distribution and density maps by using a geographic information system. The results shows that exists an intrasite structure, and support the idea that in that region prevailed resolutions that involved a model of order and maintenance of the internal space. These results provide elements within the discusion of high residential mobility in the Late HoloceneFil: Peralta Gonzalez, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "san Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales (sede Trelew); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Julian Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "san Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales (sede Trelew); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Perez Ruiz, Hugo. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "san Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales (sede Trelew); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Analysis of the Creep and the Influence on the Modulus Improvement Factor (MIF) in Polyolefin Geocells Using the Stepped Isothermal Method

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    The article shows the analysis of the behavior at long-term deformation of geocells for a set time period, due to its importance on the modulus improvement factor (MIF), which is considered in the design stage of a reinforced pavement structure with geocells. When inquiring into the research about the structural behavior that exists in the geocells, as well as the distribution of stresses that this generates, in order to determine how important the existence of a deformation in the geocell is. We proceeded with the sampling and execution of the test “modified stepped isothermal method (SIM) for geocells.” The test was carried out under the comparison of the materials and thicknesses of the sample, with the purpose to analyze the influence on the behavior of a pavement structure. The stresses generated at the level of the granular subbase layer of a pavement are taken into account as load effects

    Design of a 87% fractional bandwidth Doherty Power Amplifier supported by a simplified bandwidth estimation method

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    This paper presents a novel technique for the design of broadband Doherty power amplifiers (DPAs), supported by a simplified approach for the initial bandwidth estimation that requires linear simulations only. The equivalent impedance of the Doherty inverter is determined by the value of the output capacitance of the power device, and the Doherty combiner is designed following this initial choice and using a microstrip network. A GaN-based single-input DPA designed adopting this method exhibits, on a state-of-the-art bandwidth of 87% (1.5-3.8 GHz), a measured output power of around 20 W with 6 dB back-off efficiency between 33% and 55%, with a gain higher than 10 dB. System-level measurements prove the linearizability of the designed Doherty amplifier when a modulated signal is applied

    Combining heterogeneous sources in an interactive multimedia content retrieval model

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    Interactive multimodal information retrieval systems (IMIR) increase the capabilities of traditional search systems, by adding the ability to retrieve information of different types (modes) and from different sources. This article describes a formal model for interactive multimodal information retrieval. This model includes formal and widespread definitions of each component of an IMIR system. A use case that focuses on information retrieval regarding sports validates the model, by developing a prototype that implements a subset of the features of the model. Adaptive techniques applied to the retrieval functionality of IMIR systems have been defined by analysing past interactions using decision trees, neural networks, and clustering techniques. This model includes a strategy for selecting sources and combining the results obtained from every source. After modifying the strategy of the prototype for selecting sources, the system is reevaluated using classification techniques.This work was partially supported by eGovernAbility-Access project (TIN2014-52665-C2-2-R)