39 research outputs found

    Decadal acidification in the water masses of the Atlantic Ocean

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    Global ocean acidification is caused primarily by the ocean's uptake of CO2 as a consequence of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels. We present observations of the oceanic decrease in pH at the basin scale (50°S-36°N) for the Atlantic Ocean over two decades (1993-2013). Changes in pH associated with the uptake of anthropogenic CO2 (ΔpHCant) and with variations caused by biological activity and ocean circulation (ΔpHNat) are evaluated for different water masses. Output from an Institut Pierre Simon Laplace climate model is used to place the results into a longer-term perspective and to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for pH change. The largest decreases in pH (ΔpH) were observed in central, mode, and intermediate waters, with a maximum ΔpH value in South Atlantic Central Waters of -0.042 ± 0.003. The ΔpH trended toward zero in deep and bottom waters. Observations and model results show that pH changes generally are dominated by the anthropogenic component, which accounts for rates between -0.0015 and -0.0020/y in the central waters. The anthropogenic and natural components are of the same order of magnitude and reinforce one another in mode and intermediate waters over the time period. Large negative ΔpHNat values observed in mode and intermediate waters are driven primarily by changes in CO2 content and are consistent with (i) a poleward shift of the formation region during the positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode in the South Atlantic and (ii) an increase in the rate of the water mass formation in the North Atlantic

    Immunomodulatory properties of Bacillus subtilis extracellular vesicles on rainbow trout intestinal cells and splenic leukocytes

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are cell-derived membrane-surrounded vesicles that carry bioactive molecules. Among EVs, outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), specifically produced by Gram-negative bacteria, have been extensively characterized and their potential as vaccines, adjuvants or immunotherapeutic agents, broadly explored in mammals. Nonetheless, Gram-positive bacteria can also produce bilayered spherical structures from 20 to 400 nm involved in pathogenesis, antibiotic resistance, nutrient uptake and nucleic acid transfer. However, information regarding their immunomodulatory potential is very scarce, both in mammals and fish. In the current study, we have produced EVs from the Gram-positive probiotic Bacillus subtilis and evaluated their immunomodulatory capacities using a rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cell line (RTgutGC) and splenic leukocytes. B. subtilis EVs significantly up-regulated the transcription of several pro-inflammatory and antimicrobial genes in both RTgutGC cells and splenocytes, while also up-regulating many genes associated with B cell differentiation in the later. In concordance, B. subtilis EVs increased the number of IgM-secreting cells in splenocyte cultures, while at the same time increased the MHC II surface levels and antigen-processing capacities of splenic IgM+ B cells. Interestingly, some of these experiments were repeated comparing the effects of B. subtilis EVs to EVs obtained from another Bacillus species, Bacillus megaterium, identifying important differences. The data presented provides evidence of the immunomodulatory capacities of Gram-positive EVs, pointing to the potential of B. subtilis EVs as adjuvants or immunostimulants for aquaculture

    Genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 P.1 (Variant of Concern) and P.2 (Variant of Interest) identified in Uruguay

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    Two severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants associated with increased transmission and immune evasion, P.1 and P.2, emerged in Brazil and spread throughout South America. Here, we report genomes corresponding to these variants that were recently detected in Uruguay. These P.1 and P.2 genomes share all substitutions that are characteristic of these variants

    Transmission cluster of COVID-19 cases from Uruguay: emergence and spreading of a novel SARS-CoV-2 ORF6 deletion

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    BACKGROUND Evolutionary changes in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) include indels in nonstructural, structural, and accessory open reading frames (ORFs) or genes. OBJECTIVES We track indels in accessory ORFs to infer evolutionary gene patterns and epidemiological links between outbreaks. METHODS Genomes from Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case-patients were Illumina sequenced using ARTIC_V3. The assembled genomes were analysed to detect substitutions and indels. FINDINGS We reported the emergence and spread of a unique 4-nucleotide deletion in the accessory ORF6, an interesting gene with immune modulation activity. The deletion in ORF6 removes one repeat unit of a two 4-nucleotide repeat, which shows that directly repeated sequences in the SARS-CoV-2 genome are associated with indels, even outside the context of extended repeat regions. The 4-nucleotide deletion produces a frameshifting change that results in a protein with two inserted amino acids, increasing the coding information of this accessory ORF. Epidemiological and genomic data indicate that the deletion variant has a single common ancestor and was initially detected in a health care outbreak and later in other COVID-19 cases, establishing a transmission cluster in the Uruguayan population. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Our findings provide evidence for the origin and spread of deletion variants and emphasise indels’ importance in epidemiological studies, including differentiating consecutive outbreaks occurring in the same health facility

    First inter-laboratory comparison of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato diagnosis in Latin America

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    To compare the performance of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests for diagnosing Echinococcus granulosus in dog feces among national reference laboratories in Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay

    [Montreal 1976] [Material gráfico]

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    Contiene fotografías pertenecientes al archivo fotográfico del diario "Región", publicadas entre 1974 y 1976, aunque la mayoría en 1976Todas las fotografías firmadas por Foto E. Gar (Oviedo), Cifra Gráfica, y EF

    Detección de coproantígenos de Echinococcus granulosus en canes de trabajadores de camales y comercializadores de vísceras en Lima metropolitana

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    RESUMEN Objetivo Demostrar la presencia de Echinoccocus granulosus en el hospedero definitivo en la ciudad de Lima, Perú, mediante la detección de antígenos del parásito en heces de canes pertenecientes a trabajadores y comercializadores de vísceras de centros de beneficio autorizados en Lima metropolitana. Métodos Se recolectaron muestras de heces de 58 canes, que fueron evaluadas utilizando la técnica coproELISA para detectar antígenos secretorio/excretorio de E. granulosus. Mediante una encuesta se obtuvo información sobre las prácticas de alimentación y el manejo de las mascotas. Resultados El 13,8% (8/58) de canes fue positivo a E. granulosus. En 27,8% (5/18) de los hogares se encontró al menos un animal positivo y se estimó que en las familias que tenían más de cuatro canes las posibilidades de encontrar al menos uno positivo eran mayores. En todos los hogares con al menos un can positivo sus mascotas se alimentaban con vísceras. El 94,4% (17) de los participantes no tenía conocimiento de las formas de contagio de la equinococosis. Conclusiones Los resultados muestran la presencia de hospederos definitivos en la zona urbana de Lima y subrayan la necesidad de aumentar la difusión de las prácticas para evitar la transmisión del parasito