401 research outputs found

    EMA space: a collaborative workspace as collaborative urban ecosystem generator?

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    International audienceFollowing the industrial background, the necessity of the innovation is found at the level of the urban systems. The innovations are not only researched at the level of the results of the urban projects but also in the processes which see them born and develop. In addition, both the societal evolutions, described by the social and human sciences, and the results of multidisciplinary researches wonder about the involvement of the citizens / users in the process of output of the city. The emergence, for few years, of the Living Labs probably gives new opportunities to lead a reflection on the involvement of the citizens in the urban projects. From then on, it consists in mixing the questionings held by the user-driven open innovation and the stakes of "democratization" of the urban projects. It is in particular what suggests the Lorraine (NIT) Smart Cities Living Lab

    PII- Potential Innovation Index: a Tool to Benchmark Innovation Capabilities in International Context

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    Benchmarking has become a useful tool for companies, enabling better decision-making and improvement of internal practices towards world-class performance. Nevertheless, concerning SMEs’ innovation capabilities from traditional sectors, benchmarking applications have been scarce. This article uses a predefined metric named the “Potential Innovation Index (PII)”, based on internal practices of the firms to compare innovation capabilities of two groups of similar SMEs from 2 different geographical, cultural and social contexts. Results were used to analyze similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses of the groups. Obtained results confirm the difficulties to innovate of this type firms, no matters the sector or country, as over 55% of the companies studied were evaluated as having a low innovative performance. However, regarding the index’s constitutive practices, significant differences were found. Which leads to infer that innovation support strategies to enhance innovation must be adapted to the local context and culture


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    Aujourd'hui, un grand nombre de secteurs économiques sont influencés par une forte préoccupation de durabilité due au changement climatique et à l'augmentation du coût de l'énergie. Cette inquiétude a emmené les acteurs de la construction de bâtiment à améliorer leurs stratégiques. En effet, nous pouvons noter la quantité considérable d'édifices dénommés « environnementaux » ce qui illustre la tendance actuelle de l' évolution de la conception architecturale. Cependant, il faut convenir que les pratiques restent encore peu instrumentées et relèvent trop souvent du « rafistolage ». Pour répondre à cette situation, plusieurs professionnels et universitaires proposent de réévaluer de manière fondamentale la façon dont des bâtiments sont conçus et produits[1]. Différentes méthodes visant à réduire l'impact des constructions sur l'environnement ont été ainsi mises au point. On citera en particulier LEED aux Etats Unis, BREAM au Royaume Unis, CASBEE au Japon ou encore HQE en France. Il semble qu'elles soient de plus en plus employées [2][3] attestant de la nécessité de développer des outils d'assistance aux pratiques environnementales

    Characterization of Best Practices for Customer/Supplier Collaboration in Co-innovation Projects

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    High market competitiveness and a lack of internal resources and knowledge make companies increasingly interested in open innovation, being the collaborative innovation projects with suppliers one of the most widely used initiatives. However, the collaborative process is difficult to manage given the diversity of factors to consider when mixing different organizational cultures, resources, competencies, and experiences. One way to support the process is through the management of related good practices. Therefore, based on a review of the literature and international standards on open innovation or collaboration, this document identifies five dimensions and 18 practices of the customer-suppliercollaborative innovation process. The identification of these good practices allows the characterization of the customer/supplier collaboration process in innovation projects and allows the establishment of a reference framework for the creation of an evaluation mode

    From urban concept to urban engineering: The contribution of distributed collaborative design to the management of urban projects

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    International audienceThe complexity of urban systems is an increasingly common topic in academic literature. Following in the footsteps of the industrial sector, which has understood this issue for many years, urban engineering must also tackle the challenges created by complex systems. Industrial engineering has provided a number of responses to this challenge, including design technologies, which are notably collaborative. It seems possible, at least in theory, to transfer a number of best practice methods and adapt these to the conceptualization of urban development projects (in the initial phase) in order to encourage their global management (in terms of strategic decision making) and their social acceptability. The challenge is then to formulate new methodological models, as well as to create an environment dedicated to their application

    Enzymatic glycosylation of Ellagic acid

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    Ellagic acid is a natural biomolecule with several biological propertiesi such as anti-oxidant activity. However the poor solubility of this compound limits its bioavailability and its potential for pharmaceutical or cosmetic application.ii It’s well-known that glycosylation can significantly improve the physicochemical and biological properties of small molecules.iii Enzymatic glycosylation of this compound would be a solution to access a more soluble ellagic acid through a sustainable and environmentally friendly process. Glucansucrases, that use sucrose as donor substrate to transfer a glucose unit, are highly promising catalysts to glycosylate high valuated biomolecules.iv Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Analytical Methodology to Evolutionary Steps for Manufacturing Strategy in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Usually, we can find lots of methods and recipes for operating in the field of strategy. Many distinguished and important organizations, like the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and others, work very hard to help a constellation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) across the world. These kinds of enterprises exist in the developed countries as well as in the emerging economies, but, usually, the global strategy that they adopt can't be easily synchronized with the manufacturing function. Then, it's not common to find in the literature an easy way to move the actual manufacturing strategy towards the goal proposed by the global strategy. In this work, an analytical methodology is proposed to align this manufacturing strategy with global strategies using as a motivating force the customer satisfaction, innovation and the systemic competitiveness framework. This approach is made in step way, making small evolutionary steps to convert the actual operation actions into a strong and ductile manufacturing strategy.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Analyse statique de propriétés de programmes Lustre via un encodage vers des Clauses de Horn

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    In this technical report we dene an encoding from Lustre programs to Array HornClauses.Dans ce rapport nous Ă©tudions l'analyse statique de programmes Lustre via unencodage vers des clauses de Horn Ă  Tableaux

    A petunia GRAS transcription factor controls symbiotic gene expression and fungal morphogenesis in arbuscular mycorrhiza

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    Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is a mutual symbiosis that involves a complex symbiotic interface over which nutrients are exchanged between the plant host and the AM fungus. Dozens of genes in the host are required for the establishment and functioning of the interaction, among them nutrient transporters that mediate the uptake of mineral nutrients delivered by the fungal arbuscules. We have isolated in a genetic mutant screen a petunia GRAS-type transcription factor, ATYPICAL ARBUSCULE (ATA), that acts as the central regulator of AM-related genes and is required for the morphogenesis of arbuscules. Forced mycorrhizal inoculations from neighbouring wild type plants revealed an additional role of ATA in restricting mycorrhizal colonization of the root meristem. The lack of ATA, which represents the orthologue of RAM1 in Medicago truncatula, renders the interaction completely ineffective, hence demonstrating the central role of AM-related genes for arbuscule development and function

    Vers une meilleure compréhension du concept de design

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    International audienceLa palabra “diseño” es un concepto cada vez más popular en la literatura científica, en la industria y en la vida cotidiana de las personas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su importancia, no hay un consenso sobre su significado. Tanto en la teoría como en la práctica, existen múltiples y diversas definiciones, que deberían ser coherentes para facilitar los intercambios y la colaboración entre todas las partes interesadas. Este artículo busca identificar y comparar los conceptos de diseño existentes en la literatura científica. Con este objetivo, un estudio bibliométrico de la palabra “diseño” fue realizado. En el análisis se tuvo en cuenta los tres tipos de diseño propuestos por van Aken (2004): diseño de objetos, diseño de un plan y diseño de procesos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que el concepto de diseño ha evolucionado con el tiempo, pasando de una perspectiva de diseño de objetos y de procesos a una perspectiva de diseño de un plan y la teorización del diseño.The word “design” is a concept that is becoming increasingly popular in the scientific literature, in the industry and in people’s daily lives. Despite its importance, however, there is no consensus about its meaning. Whether in theory or in practice, there are multiple and diverse definitions, which should be made consistent to facilitate exchanges and collaboration between all stakeholders. This article seeks to identify and compare existing design concepts in the scientific literature. It is interpreted through the types of design proposed by van Aken (2004): object design, plan design and process design. A bibliometric study of the word “design” were employed. The results of this study show that the concept of design has evolved over time from an object-design and process-design perspective to a plan-design and theorisation-of-design perspective.Le mot «design» est un concept qui devient de plus en plus utilisé dans la littérature scientifique, dans l’industrie et dans la vie quotidienne des individus en général. Cependant, malgré son importance, il n’y a pas de consensus sur sa signification. Aussi bien en théorie qu’en pratique, il existe des définitions multiples et diverses, qui devraient être cohérentes pour faciliter les échanges et la collaboration entre toutes les parties prenantes. Cet article cherche à identifier et à comparer les concepts de design existants dans la littérature scientifique. Une étude bibliométrique du mot «design» a été réalisée avec la prise en compte des trois types de design proposés par van Aken (2004) : design objet, design plan et design process. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que le concept de design a évolué au fil du temps, passant d’une perspective de design d’objets et de processus à une perspective de design de plan et de théorisation du design
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