10,646 research outputs found

    Influence of nonuniform critical current density profile on magnetic field behavior of AC susceptibility in 2D Josephson Junction Arrays

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    Employing mutual-inductance measurements we study the magnetic field dependence of complex AC susceptibility of artificially prepared highly ordered (periodic) two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays of unshunted Nb-AlO_x-Nb junctions. The observed behavior can be explained assuming single-plaquette approximation of the overdamped model with an inhomogeneous critical current distribution within a single junction.Comment: 4 pages (REVTEX), 6 figure

    Magnetic remanence of Josephson junction arrays

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    In this work we study the magnetic remanence exhibited by Josephson junction arrays in response to an excitation with an AC magnetic field. The effect, predicted by numerical simulations to occur in a range of temperatures, is clearly seen in our tridimensional disordered arrays. We also discuss the influence of the critical current distribution on the temperature interval within which the array develops a magnetic remanence. This effect can be used to determine the critical current distribution of an array.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Talk to be presented on 44th Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, San Jose, CA, USA Accepted to be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Social-aware Opportunistic Routing Protocol based on User's Interactions and Interests

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    Nowadays, routing proposals must deal with a panoply of heterogeneous devices, intermittent connectivity, and the users' constant need for communication, even in rather challenging networking scenarios. Thus, we propose a Social-aware Content-based Opportunistic Routing Protocol, SCORP, that considers the users' social interaction and their interests to improve data delivery in urban, dense scenarios. Through simulations, using synthetic mobility and human traces scenarios, we compare the performance of our solution against other two social-aware solutions, dLife and Bubble Rap, and the social-oblivious Spray and Wait, in order to show that the combination of social awareness and content knowledge can be beneficial when disseminating data in challenging networks

    Doenças do coqueiro.

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    Match running performance during fixture congestion in elite soccer: Research issues and future directions

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    Match congestion in elite soccer has been proposed to result in residual fatigue and underperformance in ensuing competition due to insufficient recovery time. In this article, matters relating to match congestion and running performance in elite soccer competition are discussed. The authors suggest a need to determine the extent to which elite players are in reality exposed to periods of match congestion hence to potential declines in performance. Despite evidence of exercise-induced muscle damage combined with a decline in physical performance up to 72-hours post-match, research using time-motion analyses suggest running performance represented by distances covered is unaffected over periods of match congestion. The authors recommend analysis of alternative movement variables including accelerations, decelerations and turns that are taxing metabolically and contribute greatly to muscle damage. Moreover, a holistic approach combining subjective ratings with biochemical, hormonal and immunological responses to exercise would be pertinent especially in players frequently exposed to match congestion. Contemporary practitioners typically implement various post-match recovery treatments during dense schedules in an attempt to accelerate recovery and ensure that subsequent running performance is not unduly affected. However, empirical evidence to support their efficacy in maintaining running performance is lacking and the authors recommend controlled intervention studies using match simulations in an attempt to verify their effectiveness. These points are critically addressed using findings from the current scientific literature while gaps in the current body of knowledge and future directions for research are highlighted

    Christian Graduates\u27 Lived Experiences with Professional Moral Courage: A Transcendental Phenomenology

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    This purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to understand the lived experiences of demonstrating moral courage in the workplace when confronted with an ethical dilemma for post-graduate students of Christian-based educational institutions on the East Coast. The moral foundations theory by Haidt and Craig guided this study to find the innate responses that frame these graduates\u27 lived experiences to understand better external influences, intrapersonal conflict, and rationale for the willingness to demonstrate moral courage when confronted with a moral dilemma. A sample of 10 graduates from Christian-based institutions completed the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, participated in one-to-one interviews, and attended a focus group to identify and validate significant themes about the phenomena. Data analysis established the themes and meaning of the phenomena. Results corroborated three themes: 1. Initial reaction/Intuition, 2. Moral Foundation, and 3. Moral Courage. Triangulation provided a method to confirm the results\u27 authenticity and credibility concerning these graduates\u27 lived experiences. One-year post-graduates experience an intuitive response in the presence of a moral dilemma. Their decision to act on this reaction is influenced by a Christian education and the value of honoring God. Moral courage is present with faith and confidence in one’s Christian values

    Avaliação do controle químico na malformação da mangueira irrigada, no Submédio do Vale do rio São Francisco, Brasil.

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    O cultivo de espécies frutíferas na região semi-árida do Nordeste brasileiro vem crescendo continuamente, destacando-se a mangueira pelo valor comercial de seus frutos nos mercados nacional e internacional. As características edafoclimáticas da região e o manejo fitotécnico empregado nesta cultura têm possibilitado a obtenção de produtividades elevadas. No entanto, com a intensificação do cultivo o potencial de inóculo de patógenos tem aumentado, tornando as doenças uma ameaça constante. Dentre eles, merece especial atenção, a malformação floral e/ou vegetativa, dada a sua rápida disseminação e elevada redução da produtividade. Esses fatores motivaram a realização do presente trabalho visando avaliar o efeito de produtos químicos sobre a doença, em mangueiras irrigadas na região do Submédio do Vale do rio São Francisco. O experimento foi instalado em 01/06/1999, em pomar comercial, cultivar Tommy Atkins, de 4,5 anos de idade, em estádio inicial de florescimento. O índice de infestação inicial da doença foi determinado em 5,21%. O delineamento experimental composta de três plantas. Os produtos com suas respectivas dosagens, em p. c. por 100 litros de água, foram: thiabendazole 600 PM (75g), tebuconazole 200 CE + benomyl 500 PM (100 ml + 60g), tolylfluanid PM + tebuconazole 200 CE (150g + 100 ml), benomyl 500 PM (60 g), carboxin + thiram 200 SC (100 ml, kresoxim-methyl SC (20 ml), Azoxystrobin WG (20 g), epoxiconnazole 125 SC (150 ml). A testemunha foi representada por um tratamento sem produto. Utilizaram-se como parâmetros, o número de panículas malformadas e índice de infestação da doença. Os resultados obtidos aos 60 dias após a aplicação dos produtos, não evidenciaram diferenças estatísticas entre os tratamentos em relação aos parâmetros avaliados.Coordenado por Abel Rebouças São José, Tiyoko Nair Hojo Rebouça~s, Daniel Nieto Angel, Ivan Vilas Bôas Souza, Nilma Oliveira Dias, Marinês Pereira Bomfim. Trabalhos apresentados no I Simpósio Latino Americano sobre Produção de Manga, 1999, Vitória da Conquista, BA