13 research outputs found

    The epidemiology of cryptococcosis and the characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated in a Brazilian University Hospital

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    Cryptococcosis, a systemic disease caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans/ Cryptococcus gattii is more severe in immunocompromised individuals. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiology of the disease, the molecular characteristics and the antifungal susceptibility of C. neoformans isolated from patients treated in a Brazilian university hospital. This retrospective study was conducted in the Clinical Hospital, Federal University of Uberlândia, and evaluated cases of cryptococcosis and strains of C. neoformans isolated from 2004 to 2013. We evaluated 41 patients, 85% of whom were diagnosed with AIDS. The fungus was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 21 patients (51%); 19.5% had fungemia and in 24% the agent was isolated from the CSF and blood, concurrently. Meningoencephalitis was the most frequent (75%) manifestation of infection. Despite adequate treatment, the mortality of the disease was 58.5%. Most isolates (97.5%) presented the VNI genotype (serotype A, var. grubii) and one isolate was genotyped as C. gattii (VGI); all the isolates were determined as mating type MATa and showed susceptibility to the tested antifungals (fluconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine). Although AIDS detection rates remain stable, opportunistic infections such as cryptococcosis remain as major causes of morbidity and mortality in these patients

    Uso de drogas e o aumento das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis: uma revisão sistemática: Drug use and the increase in sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review

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    Populações de usuários de drogas têm sido associadas a epidemias de infecções ou Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis, especialmente a infecção pelo HIV (que está associada a drogas injetáveis, uso de equipamentos contaminados para drogas injetáveis e sexo inseguro). A droga mais associada às DSTs é a cocaína fumável de base livre (crack), devido ao aumento dos comportamentos sexuais de risco. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender o impacto do uso de drogas no aumento das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. Para isso, adotou-se como metodologia a revisão sistemática de literatura, realizando buscas nas bases de dados Scielo, Pubmed e BVS/Medline a partir do uso de descritores DeCS/MeSH e aplicação de critérios de inclusão e exclusão. A partir da análise e interpretação dos dados, concluiu-se que que pessoas que fazem uso abusivo de drogas lícitas ou ilícitas, sejam elas mulheres, homens, adolescentes, jovens, adultos, idosos, em situação de rua ou não, tendem a desenvolver comportamentos vulneráveis que pode resultar em IST. Somado a isso, enquanto comportamento de risco, tem-se a preferência por não usar preservativo, seja em relações sexuais com pessoas monogâmicas como com dois ou mais parceiros. Nesses casos, tanto o uso exacerbado de drogas como a falta de informação sobre comportamento sexual demonstram-se insuficientes


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    Infections by Candida species are a high-impact problem in public health due to their wide incidence in hospitalized patients. The goal of this study was to evaluate frequency, susceptibility to antifungals, and genetic polymorphism of Candida species isolated from clinical specimens of hospitalized patients. The Candida isolates included in this study were obtained from blood cultures, abdominal fluids, and central venous catheters (CVC) of hospitalized patients at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia during the period of July 2010 - June 2011. Susceptibility tests were conducted by the broth microdilution method. The RAPD-PCR tests used employed initiator oligonucleotides OPA09, OPB11, and OPE06. Of the 63 Candida isolates, 18 (28.5%) were C. albicans, 20 (31.7%) were C. parapsilosis complex species, 14 (22.2%) C. tropicalis, four (6.4%) C. glabrata, four (6.4%) C. krusei, two (3.3%) C. kefyr, and one (1.6%) C. lusitaniae. In vitro resistance to amphotericin B was observed in 12.7% of isolates. In vitro resistance to azoles was not detected, except for C. krusei. The two primers, OPA09 and OPB11, were able to distinguish different species. Isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species presented six and five clusters, respectively, with the OPA09 marker by RAPD-PCR, showing the genetic variability of the isolates of those species. It was concluded that members of the C. parapsilosis complex were the most frequent species found, and most isolates were susceptible to the antifungals amphotericin B, flucozanole, and itraconazole. High genetic polymorphisms were observed for isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species, mainly with the OPA09 marker.As infecções causadas por espécies de Candida são problema de grande impacto para a saúde pública, devido à alta incidência em pacientes hospitalizados e como causa de mortalidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência de Candida spp. isoladas de pacientes hospitalizados, assim como a sensibilidade aos antifúngicos e o polimorfismo genético por RAPD-PCR. Os microrganismos incluíram isolados de hemocultura, líquido abdominal e ponta de cateter venoso central de pacientes internados no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, região do Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil, no período de julho de 2010-junho de 2011. Os testes de sensibilidade aos antifúngicos foram realizados por microdiluição em caldo e na análise por RAPD-PCR foram utilizados os oligonucleotídeos OPA09, OPB11, e OPE06. Dos 63 isolados, 18 (28,5%) foram C. albicans, 20 (31,7%) C. parapsilosis, 14 (22,2%) C. tropicalis, quatro (6,4%) C. glabrata, quatro (6,4%) C. krusei, dois (3,3%) C. kefyr, e um (1,6%) C. lusitaniae. Resistência in-vitro à anfotericina B foi observada em 12,7% dos isolados. Não foi observada resistência in-vitro aos azólicos, exceto para os isolados de C. krusei. Os oligonucleotídeos OPA09 e OPB11 possibilitaram distinguir diferentes espécies. Isolados de C. albicans apresentaram seis clusters e o complexo C. parapsilosis, cinco clusters, com o iniciador OPA09, por RAPD-PCR, mostrando a variabilidade genética daquelas espécies. Conclui-se que o complexo C. parapsilosis foi a espécie mais frequente, e a maioria dos isolados foi sensível in vitro aos antifúngicos testados. Alto polimorfismo genético foi observado para os isolados de C. albicans e complexo C. parapsilosis, principalmente com o oligonucleotídeo OPA09

    The epidemiology of cryptococcosis and the characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated in a Brazilian University Hospital

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    ABSTRACT Cryptococcosis, a systemic disease caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans/ Cryptococcus gattii is more severe in immunocompromised individuals. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiology of the disease, the molecular characteristics and the antifungal susceptibility of C. neoformans isolated from patients treated in a Brazilian university hospital. This retrospective study was conducted in the Clinical Hospital, Federal University of Uberlândia, and evaluated cases of cryptococcosis and strains of C. neoformans isolated from 2004 to 2013. We evaluated 41 patients, 85% of whom were diagnosed with AIDS. The fungus was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 21 patients (51%); 19.5% had fungemia and in 24% the agent was isolated from the CSF and blood, concurrently. Meningoencephalitis was the most frequent (75%) manifestation of infection. Despite adequate treatment, the mortality of the disease was 58.5%. Most isolates (97.5%) presented the VNI genotype (serotype A, var. grubii) and one isolate was genotyped as C. gattii (VGI); all the isolates were determined as mating type MATa and showed susceptibility to the tested antifungals (fluconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine). Although AIDS detection rates remain stable, opportunistic infections such as cryptococcosis remain as major causes of morbidity and mortality in these patients

    Para além da ordem: o cotidiano prisional da Bahia oitocentista a partir da correspondência de presos Beyond order: daily prison life in Nineteenth-Century Bahia according to prisoners' correspondence

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    Este artigo tem o objetivo de discutir a comunidade prisional na Bahia Oitocentista, a partir das correspondências de presos. Faço uma análise dessa documentação buscando reconstruir parte do cotidiano dos presos, pressupondo a existência de uma ordem paralela, com igual ou maior força do que a oficial, mas que não anulava a arbitrariedade e a violência desta última. Entretanto, essa ordem paralela podia ser rompida, a qualquer momento, seja por confrontos diretos entre os próprios presos ou entre os presos e os funcionários da prisão. Dentre os tipos de protesto, a escrita foi um dos mais utilizados pelos presos e, dependendo da estratégia sugerida nas cartas, era possível conquistar espaços sem romper com a ordem prisional. O recurso à escrita foi utilizado por presos, letrados ou não, de diferentes condições jurídicas - escravos, libertos e livres -, independentemente do tipo de pena que estivessem cumprindo.<br>The aim of this article is to discuss the prison community in Bahia during the 19th century, using the correspondence written by prisoners. I analyze this documentation in an attempt to reconstruct the daily life of the prisoners, presupposing the existence of a parallel order equal to or more powerful than the official prison order, but that did not end the arbitrariness and the violence of the latter. This parallel order could be broken any moment, whether because of direct confrontation among the prisoners themselves, or due to confrontation between prisoners and prison staff. Among different types of protest, writing was widely used by prisoners and, depending on the strategy suggested in the letters, it was possible to obtain gains without breaking the prison order. Written appeals were used by prisoners, educated or not, of different legal conditions, slaves, freed and free, independent of the type of sentence they were serving