111 research outputs found

    A Saúde e a Prevenção estão nas escolas públicas de Itabuna?

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    A escola é considerada um espaço apropriado para discussão sobre saúde e prevenção. Por este motivo, diversos documentos, projetos e programas oficiais orientam para a inclusão do tema nas ações realizadas na escola. É na busca pela efetiva inserção dos temas sobre saúde e prevenção nas escolas que este trabalho tem como objetivo (i) conhecer como as escolas do município de Itabuna/BA planejam suas ações sobre esses temas e (ii) identificar quais são os motivos que influenciam sua prática. Este artigo descreve uma pesquisa realizada nas escolas da rede pública do município de Itabuna-Ba onde, após a realização de um curso ministrado pelo GAPA-ITABUNA, Organização Não Governamental que trabalha com prevenção às DST/AIDS e assistência a pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS, para professores, abordando a questão da sexualidade e saúde sexual e reprodutiva, buscou-se observar se esses professores haviam desenvolvido ações nas suas escolas referentes ao tema e se tinham conseguido inseri-lo nos PPP de suas escolas. A idéia da realização do curso surgiu de uma demanda crescente que justificou o projeto intitulado “Gravidez na adolescência: capacitando professores da rede pública para trabalhar sexualidade e afetividade no ambiente escolar”. Seu objetivo foi contribuir na prática pedagógica dos professores, levando-os a promoverem uma educação não sexista e possibilitando uma reflexão sobre sexualidade, vulnerabilidades e gravidez na adolescência. Participaram do curso um total de 150 professores de 39 escolas da zona urbana integrantes da DIREC-07. A pesquisa encontra-se dividida em duas etapas. A primeira se caracteriza por uma pesquisa documental sobre os Projetos Político-Pedagógicos (PPP) de 16 escolas participantes do curso que atenderam a critérios previamente estabelecidos. Essa etapa mostrou que o tema não estava inserido na escola. Esse resultado levou a uma segunda etapa, realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os professores-cursistas, onde se procurou identificar os motivos da não inserção do tema nas ações da escola e a contribuição do curso para as suas práticas pedagógicas. Com relação a prática pedagógica, os professores apontaram para a aquisição de novos conhecimentos e vocabulários, a oportunidade de discutir a diversidade sexual e uma visão de que a saúde e a prevenção precisam estar na escola de forma sistemática. Os professores apontaram como problemas para trabalhar a saúde e a prevenção nas escolas a falta de preparação, segurança e a dificuldade para se lidar com esses temas, a falta de conhecimento de que estes temas devam ser trabalhados na escola, o medo de expor sua própria sexualidade, a carga horária elevada, o receio da reação dos pais e a formação inicial inadequada, pois os temas ligados à saúde e à prevenção são invisíveis para a academia. Conclui-se esse trabalho com a visão de que há um grande desafio para a elaboração de uma proposta que possa mudar a atuação dos professores, gestores e da coordenação pedagógica e espera-se que seus resultados possam fundamentar propostas futuras de intervenção nas escolas para o ensino de saúde e prevenção

    A new peptide from Jatropha curcas seeds: Unusual sequence and insights into its synthetic analogue that enhances proteolytic activity of papain

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    AbstractA new peptide (1341g/mol) from Jatropha curcas seeds was isolated. The linear sequence (APTLSGGSVPRDAD) was deduced by de novo peptide sequencing, and further used as scaffold for synthesis of linear (1342g/mol) and cyclic (1324g/mol) synthetic analogues. The full peptide sequence was identified as inserted in a putative conserved domain of late-embryogenesis proteins which produced a significant alignment hit (100% of identity and E-value of 1e−05) with a hypothetical protein JCGZ_12502 of J. curcas. Whereas in the linear peptide predominated the double charged ion state (m/z 671.68), in the cyclic form was observed the mono charged ion state (m/z of 1325.19) and an unusual MS/MS fragmentation pattern. The differences between the forms were discrete in terms of ionic mobility, retention time (reverse phase) and net charge as function of pH. Circular dichroism spectra presented an intense negative peak at 198nm which is assigned for its disordered contents. A negative peak at 222nm in the spectrum of the circular form suggested its structure was not as disordered as the linear form. The peptides were neither haemolytic nor cytotoxic and did not inhibit phytopathogenic fungi. Surprisingly, the circular but not the linear peptide increased the proteolytic activity of papain

    Gastroprotective potential of frutalin, a d-galactose binding lectin, against ethanol-induced gastric lesions

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    AbstractThe present study was designed to verify whether frutalin (FTL) affords gastroprotection against the ethanol-induced gastric damage and to examine the underlying mechanism(s). Gastric damage was induced by intragastric administration of 0.2ml of ethanol (96%). Mice in groups were pretreated with FTL (0.25, 0.5 and 1mg/kg; i.p.), cimetidine (100mg/kg; p.o.), or vehicle (0.9% of NaCl, 10mL/kg; p.o.), 30min before ethanol administration. They were sacrificed 30min later, the stomachs excised, and the mucosal lesion area (mm2) measured by planimetry. Gastroprotection was assessed in relation to inhibition of gastric lesion area. To study the gastroprotective mechanism(s), its relations to capsaicin-sensitive fibers, endogenous prostaglandins, nitric oxide, sulphydryls, ATP-sensitive potassium channels, adrenoceptors, opioid receptors and calcium channels were analyzed. Treatments effects on ethanol-associated oxidative stress markers GSH and MDA were measured in gastric tissue. FTL afforded a dose-unrelated gastroprotection against the ethanol damage. However, it failed to prevent the ethanol-induced changes in the levels of GSH and MDA. It was observed that the gastroprotection by FTL was greatly reduced in animals pretreated with capsazepine, indomethacin, L-NAME or glibenclamide. Considering the results, it is suggested that the FTL could probably be a good therapeutic agent for the development of new medicine for the treatment of gastric ulcer

    Use of cashew gum combined with galactomannan for encapsulation of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil

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    Encapsulating matrices are important to maintain the properties, promote the low and controlled release, and avoid these bioactive compounds' undesirable reactions. This study's objective was to evaluate cashew gum (CG) use combined with galactomannan (GAL) in the rosemary essential oil encapsulation by atomization. During the emulsification, the polysaccharides were crosslinked with sodium trimetaphosphate. The particles obtained after encapsulation were evaluated for moisture, solubility, particle size, encapsulation efficiency, morphology, antimicrobial activity, and chemical composition of the essential oil volatiles. GAL/CG blend showed higher encapsulation efficiency and lower oil release than the cashew gum matrix. Undoubtedly, galactomannan combined with cashew gum improved the microparticles' characteristics due to the galactomannan's high emulsifying property even in low concentration. Essential oil maintained its antimicrobial and chemical properties practically after the encapsulation procedure

    Efeitos da atividade física sobre a concentração de histamina em átrios e ventrículos de ratos.

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    este estudo investigou-se o efeito da atividade física crônica e aguda sobre o padrão de distribuição da histamina cardíaca atrial e ventricular, em ratos machos Wistar, com 90 dias de idade. O treinamento físico consistiu de 60 min diários de exercício agudo de natação individual, com sobrecarga realizado num recipiente a 31± 1°C. Após 45 dias de natação, foi administrada à metade dos animais, uma última etapa de exercício agudo e a seguir foram sacrificados a fim de proceder à coleta de amostras de sangue e de tecido cardíaco para efetuar as análises bioquímicas. Foram obtidos os seguintes resultados significativos (P< 0,05): I- menor concentração de lactato sangüíneo do grupo treinado exercitado agudamente; II- menor concentração de histamina ventricular no grupo treinado em repouso em relação ao sedentário em repouso; III- maior concentração histamínica atrial que a ventricular em todos os grupos. Concluiu-se que a diminuição do lactato indicou a eficácia do treinamento em produzir melhora na performance dos animais; que a redução histamínica ventricular nos animais treinados parece proteger o coração de seus possíveis efeitos arritmogênicos e que a sua maior concentração atrial em relação a ventricular demonstrou que o exercício físico não alterou o padrão de distribuição da histamina cardíaca

    Papaya recombinant inbred lines selection by image-based phenotyping

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    The selection of superior Carica papaya (L) genotypes depends on the availability of genetic variability and on the favorable and simultaneous response of the genotypes to those traits of most interest. However, manual phenotyping (MP) demands intensive labor, is time-consuming and expensive. The aim of the current study is to access the efficiency of image-based phenotyping (IBP) in estimating genetic parameters and in selecting F4 recombinant inbred lines. The genetic parameters and values were estimated in accordance with the REML/BLUB procedure and combined selection using the selection index based on standardized genetic values. The majority of traits accessed through IBP showed experimental coefficients of variation similar to those found through MP. Both methodologies showed genetic parameters of similar magnitude, indicating expressive genetic variability between lines in the traits accessed in this study. The same superior lines were indicated in both methodologies and expressive genetic gains obtained through the lines were selected for all traits. IBP performance was similar to that of MP with respect to the estimates of breeding-relevant traits such as commercial fruits and yield. Thus, IBP showed efficient phenotypic assessment, as well as selective accuracy in accessing genetic variability and genetic gains, when it was compared to MP. Since IBP is far less dependent on labor, it is expected to be incorporated into the routine of papaya breeding programs as a way of increasing the number of accessed lines and, consequently, increasing genetic gains

    Insights on the Phytochemical Profile (Cyclopeptides) and Biological Activities of Calotropis procera

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    Calotropis procera is a medicinal plant whose pharmacological properties are associated with its latex. Here, the Calotropis procera latex fractions were investigated in an attempt to trace its phytochemical profile and measure its anti-inflammatory and toxicity activity. The crude latex was partitioned, yielding five fractions (49.4% hexane, 5.2% dichloromethane, 2.0% ethyl acetate, 2.1% n-butanol, and 41.1% aqueous). Phytochemical screening and spectroscopy analysis revealed that dichloromethane is the most chemically diverse fraction. Triterpenes were detected in both the hexane and dichloromethane fractions, while flavonoids were detected in the dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions. These fractions were cytotoxic to cancer cell lines (LD50 0.05 to 3.9 μg/mL) and lethal to brine shrimp (LD50 10.9 to 65.7 μg/mL). Reduced neutrophil migration in rats was observed in carrageenan-induced peritonitis for the dichloromethane (67%), ethyl acetate (56%), and aqueous (72%) fractions. A positive reaction with tolidine and ninhydrin suggested that cyclopeptides are in the ethyl acetate fraction. It is therefore concluded that Calotropis procera latex dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions exhibit both in vitro and in vivo activities as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Cyclopeptide detection is especially interesting because previous attempts to investigate these low-molecular cyclic amino acid sequences in C. procera have failed

    Plant Macromolecules as Biomaterials for Wound Healing

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    Natural biomolecules are increasingly relevant for biomedical applications and tissue engineering for being able to produce an effect on chemical signals, organization of cells, and restitution of extracellular matrix in lesioned tissues. In this chapter, we will address the potential of plant macromolecules, in particular, carbohydrates and proteins such as hemicelluloses and lectins. While lectins are mostly carbohydrate-binding proteins, which can interact with cell surfaces to initiate anti-inflammatory pathways, as well as immunomodulatory functions, hemicelluloses are remarkably known by their ability to form viscous solutions even at low concentrations, which makes them an excellent candidate as vehicle to carry different sorts of biomolecules. Taking into account the complexity of the whole healing process, as an overlapping and coordinated cascade of events, most of the properties presented here by those materials may be of interest to the wound-care market