19,119 research outputs found

    The disturbing function for polar Centaurs and transneptunian objects

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    The classical disturbing function of the three-body problem is based on an expansion of the gravitational interaction in the vicinity of nearly coplanar orbits. Consequently, it is not suitable for the identification and study of resonances of the Centaurs and transneptunian objects on nearly polar orbits with the solar system planets. Here, we provide a series expansion algorithm of the gravitational interaction in the vicinity of polar orbits and produce explicitly the disturbing function to fourth order in eccentricity and inclination cosine. The properties of the polar series differ significantly from those of the classical disturbing function: the polar series can model any resonance as the expansion order is not related to the resonance order. The powers of eccentricity and inclination of the force amplitude of a pp:qq resonance do not depend on the value of the resonance order pq|p-q| but only on its parity. Thus all even resonance order eccentricity amplitudes are e2\propto e^2 and odd ones e\propto e to lowest order in eccentricity ee. With the new findings on the structure of the polar disturbing function and the possible resonant critical arguments, we illustrate the dynamics of the polar resonances 1:3, 3:1, 2:9 and 7:9 where transneptunian object 471325 could currently be locked.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    How far from Just-in-time are Portuguese firms? A survey of its progress and perception.

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    As competition increases, Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing becomes an important issue in Portuguese industry. After a brief review of its history, elements, advantages and limitations, this paper presents the results of a postal questionnaire survey about JIT system sent to a sample of manufacturing firms in Portugal, with the aim of determining the degree of development, perception and status of JIT production in Portuguese industries. The findings suggest that the surveyed firms have a basic JIT perspective: a tool to reduce inventories, to increase quality and to eliminate waste. Despite the good perception of the JIT concept, less than 6% of the firms surveyed have the necessary conditions to successfully implement a JIT system.just-in-time, Portuguese industries, manufacturing

    Urban Image and Otherness: An investigation through practice of installation art.

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    This research examines the hypothesis that installation art: -is not a medium but a mode of address, addressing the world as a multiplicity; -uses tactics of 'dispersal', which as perceptual gesture is in affinity with notions of multiplicity. The explanatory framework, which legitimates 'dispersal' as installation's defining tactic, is introduced step by step, through the articulation of certain concepts such as: 'field of activities' (Kaye, 2000), 'intervening screen', (Deleuze, 1968), 'dilation' (Ahearne, 1995), afterwardness' (Laplanche, 1992), 'the knowing not to know' (Derrida, 1992), 'emotion-value' (Barthes, 1977) and 'autopoetics closure' (Luhmann, 2000). Structured by this framework, the practice for this research addresses, on one hand, the concept of otherness - understood as the infinite learning of 'differential truths' (Ahearne, 1995, p. 192) and on the other hand, a notion of urban image - understood as fragmentary imagery able to accommodate a sense of public space over imprints of experienced time. From the analysis of this practice the research concludes that: -the employment of 'dispersal' as a defining tactic allows the work to surface into visibility as a sharing of a system of relevance; -this sharing aims to displace meaning, by pushing it away from an autonomous condition, located on the work's surface; -meaning, when presented as a sharing of a system of relevance, is relocated throughout different 'levels of immersion' inside the work; -from this new positioning, meaning will only be retrieved by the work-in-situ of a particular viewer's reading; -this condition of random retrieval implies that the work will generate meaning as 'differential truth' (Ahearne, 1995, p. 192), which exists outside 'the disease of identity' (Certeau, 1969, p. 179); -as 'differential truth', meaning becomes a function, not of the authority of a specific voice, but of the ability to respond [a response-ability], exercised by the maker in facing the world, and by the viewer in the face of the work

    New England farmers meet immigrant needs

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    A multi-institution agricultural collaborative is researching ways to help Massachusetts farmers grow and market local immigrants’ favorite home-country vegetables. In a related effort, immigrants are learning techniques for being successful farmers themselves.Immigrants - New England ; Agriculture - New England

    On linguistic epistemicides and colonization: looking at subtractive education for bilingual/bicultural children

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    On Linguistic Epistemicides and Colonization: Looking at Subtractive Education for Bilingual/ Bicultural Children Purpose The purpose of this review of João Parakeva’s work (2011) is to analyse his specific contributions that illuminate the need to deterritorialize the received field in curriculum studies and in teacher education in order to properly address the roots of oppression that underlie the subtractive forms of education that are imposed on bilingual/bicultural students worldwide. This review uses research methods that resort to analytical, interpretive and critical procedures to advance knowledge in curriculum studies, such as objective hermeneutics (Titscher, Meyer, Wodak, & Vetter, 2000). Summary of key content Reviewing Paraskeva’s work (2011), his key contributions include the following: (1) the concept of “curriculum epistemicides” that arises from the hegemony of epistemologies derived from Western- European dominated, US- and Canadian-based curriculum studies field that exclude all forms of existing knowledge and social realities beyond a Western-Eurocentric cosmovision (Skutnabb-Kangas, 1988); (2) the concept of ‘epistemic colonization’ helps to unveil the pervasive hegemony of the English language in shaping thought and forms of knowledge that are accepted as scientific and valid thus contributing to global linguistic genocide (Skutnabb-Kangas, 2009) which is mirrored by the imperialism of other Western colonial languages. Locating the book in a broader field This work makes significant contributions to critical multicultural education (May & Sleeter, 2010), bicultural education (Darder, 2012), and bilingual/ multilingual education (for global justice) (Skutnabb- Kangas, 2009). This literature review focuses on selected key-concepts and themes that traverse the work of Paraskeva (2011, 2016) and will highlight how Paraskeva’s work complements, informs, and contests these resources in advancing an agenda for transformative and emancipatory education for students, especially bicultural and bilingual students in public schooling contexts. The book’s contributions Paraskeva’s work (2011) adds nuance and poignancy in understanding the prevalence of the forms of structural oppression, a combination of colonialism, neoliberalism, racism, and socioeconomic inequality, that work upon and within the education of bilingual/ bicultural children, not only in the US, but in Europe as well. References Darder, A. (2012). Culture and power in the classroom. Educational foundations for the schooling of bicultural students. New York: Routledge. May, S. & Sleeter, C. (2010). Introduction. Critical multiculturalism: Theory and praxis. In S. May & C. Sleeter (Eds.), Critical multiculturalism: Theory and praxis (pp. 1-16). New York: Routledge. Paraskeva, J. (2011). Conflicts in curriculum theory: Challenging hegemonic epistemologies. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan. Paraskeva, J. (2016). Curriculum epistemicide: Toward an itinerant curriculum theory. New York, NY: Routledge. Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1988). Multilingualism and the education of minority children. In T. Skutnabb- Kangas & J. Cummins (eds.), Minority education: From shame to struggle (pp. 9-44). Clevedon, Ph: Multilingual Matters. Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2009). Multilingual education for global justice: Issues, approaches, opportunities. In T. Skutnabb-Kangas, R. Phillipson, A. K. Mohanty, & M. Panda (Eds.), Social justice through multilingual education (pp. 36-62). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Titscher, S., Meyer, M., Wodak, R., & Vetter, E. (2000). Methods of text and discourse analysis. London: Sage.The author would like to thank the Luso-American Foundation for Development for the grant awarded for supporting her participation at the AERA 2017 conference. The work is funded by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, UID/CED/1661/2013 and UID/CED/01661/2016, Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT.Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimentoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A avaliação do (des)empenho docente: perspectivas da supervisão pedagógica

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    O texto centra-se na apreciação de alguns aspectos do novo modelo de avaliação do desempenho docente dos professores da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário. É produzido um olhar sobre os contributos que a supervisão pedagógica poderá dar na sua implementação, procurando contrariar algum desalento e desinvestimento no desenvolvimento profissional que o processo da sua implementação suscita e que algumas leituras poderão produzir. É defendida uma perspectiva desenvolvimentalista da supervisão pedagógica e uma abordagem formativa no processo de avaliação, entendidos como essenciais à transformação deste processo numa oportunidade de promoção e desenvolvimento profissional

    Quebrando os silêncios das histórias únicas : as narrativas profissionais como contra-narrativas na investigação e formação em supervisão

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    Este texto visa discutir a prática da escrita de narrativas profissionais na investigação educacional e na formação (pós-graduada) de professores em supervisão em Portugal. Parte de uma experiência desenvolvida em dois anos escolares, num curso de mestrado da Universidade do Minho. Para a ilustração do potencial formativo dessa estratégia formativa, recorremos a excertos da escrita das formandas desse curso, situando-os na discussão de três eixos analíticos: 1) a relação e integração teoria e prática; 2) a criticidade das e nas práticas de formação e os constrangimentos e 3) a pedagogia da formação em supervisão. Terminaremos com uma discussão da necessidade de desenvolver a narratividade ao serviço da transformação do trabalho docente. Essa discussão deve ser orientada pelos valores de uma sociedade democrática, disseminando práticas de investigação narrativa que valorizem os saberes profissionais construídos pelos professores e com eles, e não sobre eles