100 research outputs found

    Optimized in-vehicle multi person human body pose detection

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    The number of Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAV) will increase in the coming years. The absence of human driver will create a new paradigm for in-car safety. This paper addresses this problem by presenting an approach to estimate the human body pose inside a vehicle. We propose to use a customized version of the OpenPose framework, to perform the task of human body pose detection for the front passengers inside a vehicle. The OpenPose method was been evaluated with three different backbones: VGG19, MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2, using different hyperparameters and ablation scenarios. Moreover, synthetic images were used, which simulate a depth sensor perspective from the center of the front seats. The dataset is comprised by images with 1 and 2 passengers, from 18 different subjects inside of 7 different vehicles, thus making a total of 45360 different images. The OpenPose method with the MobileNetV2 backbone showed the most efficient results between precision and performance, achieving a mean Average Precision (mAP) of 90%, Area Under ROC Curve (AUC) of 73%, and 0.0189 seconds per image (s/img).- (undefined


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    This report is about a clinical case of Bouveret’s Syndrome (BS), a gastric outlet obstruction by a gallstone. It is rare and often a delayed diagnosis in elderly women with comorbidities. These factors contribute to a relevant morbidity and mortality, underlying the importance of an adequate and timely treatment. Its inespecific simptoms makes a high clinical suspicion essential. In the presence of Rigler’s triad the plain abdominal X-ray is diagnostic in one third of the cases but the diagnosis is generally made by CT-scan or esophagogastrosduodenoscopy. This one is often attempted first but surgery is almost always needed. Enterolithotomy/gastrotomy can be complemented by cholecystectomy in a one or two-stage surgery. The most definitive surgical procedures should be restricted for patients in the best physiological conditions.Este é um caso clínico sobre Síndrome de Bouveret (SB), que consiste na obstrução do antro gástrico por um cálculo biliar. É um diagnóstico raro e frequentemente tardio, principalmente em mulheres idosas com múltiplas comorbilidades. Todos estes fatores contribuem para uma importante morbimortalidade, o que realça a importância de um tratamento adequado e atempado. A inespecificidade da sua apresentação clínica torna essencial uma elevada suspeição clínica. A presença da tríade de Rigler na radiografia abdominal é diagnóstica em cerca de dois terços dos casos, mas geralmente o diagnóstico é obtido após realização de tomografia computorizada abdominal ou endoscopia digestiva alta. Esta última é ocasionalmente terapêutica, mas a cirurgia é geralmente o tratamento definitivo. A enterolitotomia ou gastrotomia podem ser complementadas com colecistectomia simultânea ou diferida. Procedimentos cirúrgicos mais invasivos devem ser reservados para doentes com melhores reservas fisiológicas

    Avaliação preliminar da abordagem da Síndrome de Abstinência Neonatal por opióides na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva da Maternidade Odete Valadares em Belo Horizonte

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    Introduction: In order to treat pain and psychomotor agitation, which are common symptoms in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU), sedatives/opioid analgesics are used. However, its prolonged use, mainly in the continuous base, can provoke the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Objectives: Evaluate the approach of NAS by opioids in newborns (NB) admitted in a NICU of Odete Valadares Maternity (OVM) in Belo Horizonte. Methods: Analysis of the medical records from the OVM pharmacy of the NB who have used methadone in between June 2013 to July 2014, additionally with diagnosis or risk of abstinence by opioids, confirmed clinically by the Finnegan scoring system. Results: All of the NB who have received methadone during the study time were evaluated. From the total of 17 NB, 6 were eliminated as they have been transferred to other services or evolved towards death, making it impossible to complete the data analysis. From 11 NB included, 7 were premature with gestational age under 28 weeks. There was a prevalence of the male gender (72,7%). All the infants received fentanyl continuously, which period of use was 37 days in average in the preterm NB, whereas being 25 days in the mature NB. The time spent to reach the control dose of methadone, meaning the sufficient dosage to avoid abstinence symptoms (Finnegan score < 8 in 3 consecutive evaluations) was in average 6 days and the time for drug suspension ranged from 10 to 159 days. From 11 NB, 8 presented signs of abstinence after the beginning of methadone with the need of dose adjustment. Conclusion: The study allowed a preliminary evaluation of the NAS protocol along with the use of methadone in the service where it was held. There was a relation between the use of methadone and continuous sedation, which duration was prolonged in the NB of male gender and premature ones. Although a more detailed approach should be accomplished, considering the amount of ventilated NB in the period (256 NB), the number of NB with possible abstinence was relatively small (6.6%), which may mean a judicious use of opioids in this population.Introdução: Para tratar a dor e a agitação psicomotora,sintomas comuns em unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatais,são utilizados sedativos/analgésicos opióides. Contudo, seu usoprolongado, principalmente na forma contínua, pode provocar aSíndrome de Abstinência Neonatal (SAN). Objetivo: Avaliar aabordagem da Síndrome de Abstinência Neonatal por opióidesem recém nascidos (RN) internados na unidade neonatal daMaternidade Odete Valadares em Belo Horizonte. Métodos:Análise dos prontuários de RN que usaram metadona no períodode junho de 2013 a junho de 2014, a partir do levantamento feitona Farmácia da unidade, portanto com diagnóstico ou risco deabstinência por opióide, confirmada clinicamente pela escalade Finnegan. Resultados: Foram avaliados todos os RN que,no período de estudo, receberam metadona. Do total de 17 RN,6 foram eliminados pois receberam alta para outros serviçosou evoluíram para óbito, impossibilitando a análise completados dados. Dos 11 RN incluídos, 7 foram prematuros, comidade gestacional inferior a 28 semanas. Houve prevalênciado sexo masculino (72,7%). Todos os RN receberam fentanilcontinuamente, cujo período de uso foi, em média, 37 dias nosRN prematuros e 25 dias nos RN a termo. O tempo gasto para quese atingisse a dose controle da metadona, ou seja, dose suficientepata evitar os sintomas de abstinência (Escala de Finnegan <8 em3 avaliações consecutivas), em média, foi de 6 dias e o tempopara suspensão da mesma variou de 10 a 159 dias. Dos 11 RNacompanhados, 8 apresentaram sinais de abstinência após o inícioda metadona com necessidade de ajuste da mesma. Conclusão:O estudo permitiu uma avaliação preliminar do protocolo deabordagem da SAN e do uso da metadona no serviço em questão.Houve relação do uso da metadona com a sedação contínua, cujaduração foi prolongada nestes RN, com o gênero masculino e coma prematuridade. Considerando o número total de RN ventiladosno período (256 RN), o número de RN com possível S.A.Nfoi relativamente pequeno (6.6%), podendo significar um usocriterioso de opióides nesta população, embora uma abordagemmais detalhada deva ser realizada

    A region-based algorithm for automatic bone segmentation in volumetric CT

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    In Computed Tomography (CT), bone segmentation is considered an important step to extract bone parameters, which are frequently useful for computer-aided diagnosis, surgery and treatment of many diseases such as osteoporosis. Consequently, the development of accurate and reliable segmentation techniques is essential, since it often provides a great impact on quantitative image analysis and diagnosis outcome. This chapter presents an automated multistep approach for bone segmentation in volumetric CT datasets. It starts with a three-dimensional (3D) watershed operation on an image gradient magnitude. The outcome of the watershed algorithm is an over-partioning image of many 3D regions that can be merged, yielding a meaningful image partitioning. In order to reduce the number of regions, a merging procedure was performed that merges neighbouring regions presenting a mean intensity distribution difference of ±15%. Finally, once all bones have been distinguished in high contrast, the final 3D bone segmentation was achieved by selecting all regions with bone fragments, using the information retrieved by a threshold mask. The bones contours were accurately defined according to the watershed regions outlines instead of considering the thresholding segmentation result. This new method was tested to segment the rib cage on 185 CT images, acquired at the São João Hospital of Porto (Portugal) and evaluated using the dice similarity coefficient as a statistical validation metric, leading to a coefficient mean score of 0.89. This could represent a step forward towards accurate and automatic quantitative analysis in clinical environments and decreasing time-consumption, user dependence and subjectivity.The authors acknowledge to Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - Portugal for the fellowships with the references: SFRH/BD/74276/2010; SFRH/BD/68270/2010; and, SFRH/BPD/46851/2008. This work was also supported by FCT R&D project PTDC/SAU-BEB/103368/2008


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    O estudo proposto tem como objeto de análise o controle judicial de convencionalidade realizado no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho de Primeiro Grau do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 21ª Região. A pesquisa terá por objetivo principal identificar se os juízes do trabalho de 1º grau vinculados ao referido têm se valido da técnica do controle de convencionalidade para analisar a validade das novas normas inseridas pela Lei nº 13.467/2017 nas relações de trabalho. Para tanto, investigará, a construção do controle de convencionalidade pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, as feições do controle de convencionalidade no âmbito interno, os paradigmas a serem utilizados nesse controle, as diretrizes interpretativas no âmbito dos direitos humanos, os standards onusianos e interamericanos de proteção ao trabalho e algumas das alterações realizadas pela Reforma Trabalhista. O procedimento metodológico será descritivo com natureza qualitativa e quantitativa e mediante levantamento bibliográfico, notadamente da análise de sentenças obtidas no portal eletrônico do TRT da 21ª Região. Conclui-se que, apesar da existência de argumentos no sentido da incompatibilidade de várias alterações promovidas na CLT pela Lei nº 13.467/2017 com o Direito Internacional do Trabalho, o tema ainda não repercutiu nos julgados dos juízes de primeiro grau da Justiça do Trabalho no estado do Rio Grande do Norte e, nas vezes em que foi realizado, invocou-se como paradigma norma internacional sem perfeita correspondência com a norma afastada


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    O estudo proposto tem como objeto de análise o controle judicial de convencionalidade realizado no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho de Primeiro Grau do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 21ª Região. A pesquisa terá por objetivo principal identificar se os juízes do trabalho de 1º grau vinculados ao referido têm se valido da técnica do controle de convencionalidade para analisar a validade das novas normas inseridas pela Lei nº 13.467/2017 nas relações de trabalho. Para tanto, investigará, a construção do controle de convencionalidade pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, as feições do controle de convencionalidade no âmbito interno, os paradigmas a serem utilizados nesse controle, as diretrizes interpretativas no âmbito dos direitos humanos, os standards onusianos e interamericanos de proteção ao trabalho e algumas das alterações realizadas pela Reforma Trabalhista. O procedimento metodológico será descritivo com natureza qualitativa e quantitativa e mediante levantamento bibliográfico, notadamente da análise de sentenças obtidas no portal eletrônico do TRT da 21ª Região. Conclui-se que, apesar da existência de argumentos no sentido da incompatibilidade de várias alterações promovidas na CLT pela Lei nº 13.467/2017 com o Direito Internacional do Trabalho, o tema ainda não repercutiu nos julgados dos juízes de primeiro grau da Justiça do Trabalho no estado do Rio Grande do Norte e, nas vezes em que foi realizado, invocou-se como paradigma norma internacional sem perfeita correspondência com a norma afastada

    An electromagnetic tracker system for the design of a dental superstructure

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    Nowadays, different techniques are available for manufacturing full-arch implant-supported prosthesis, many of them based on an impression procedure. Nevertheless, the long-term success of the prosthesis is highly influenced by the accuracy during such process, being affected by factors such as the impression material, implant position, angulation and depth. This paper investigates the feasibility of a 3D electromagnetic motion tracking system as an acquisition method for modeling such prosthesis. To this extent, we propose an implant acquisition method at the patient mouth, using a specific prototyped tool coupled with a tracker sensor, and a set of calibration procedures (for distortion correction and tool calibration), that ultimately obtains combined measurements of the implant's position and angulation, and eliminating the use of any impression material. However, in the particular case of the evaluated tracking system, the order of magnitude of the obtained errors invalidates its use for this specific application.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope of the Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/68270/2010 and the project EXPL/BBB-BMD/2146/2013

    Electromagnetic tracker feasibility in the design of a dental superstructure for edentulous patients

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    The success of the osseointegration concept and the Branemark protocol is highly associated to the accuracy in the production of an implant-supported prosthesis. One of most critical steps for long-term success of these prosthesis is the accuracy obtained during the impression procedure, which is affected by factors such as the impression material, implant position, angulation and depth. This paper investigates the feasibility of 3D electromagnetic motion tracking systems as an acquisition method for modeling full-arch implant-supported prosthesis. To this extent, we propose an implant acquisition method at the patient mouth and a calibration procedure, based on a 3D electromagnetic tracker that obtains combined measurements of implant's position and angulation, eliminating the use of any impression material. Three calibration algorithms (namely linear interpolation, higher-order polynomial and Hardy multiquadric) were tested to compensate for the electromagnetic tracker distortions introduced by the presence of nearby metals. Moreover, implants from different suppliers were also tested to study its impact on tracking accuracy. The calibration methodology and the algorithms employed proved to implement a suitable strategy for the evaluation of novel dental impression techniques. However, in the particular case of the evaluated electromagnetic tracking system, the order of magnitude of the obtained errors invalidates its use for the full-arch modeling of implant-supported prosthesis.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope of the Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/68270/2010 and the project EXPL/BBB-BMD/2146/2013

    ISO23247 Digital twin approach for industrial grade radio frequency testing station

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    The Digital Twin approach has increased in interest in recent years. Without well defined specifications, it is common for different researchers to use different approaches. Digital Twin concept emerged to support Industry 4.0, so it is of utmost importance to specify a best methodology, and tools, for its implementation for industrial use cases. This work proposes a Digital Twin architecture that follows manufacturing-centric standards of an industrial prototype testing station, for a new car infotainment system. Testing is performed by low-cost Software-Defined Radio equipment that aims to replace expensive metrological equipment. Moreover, an environment sensing device is also used to monitor the physical environment around prototype. We present the development of a solution that allows manage hardware processing, real-time monitoring of machine states in the virtual environment, and control of the overall system through a logical sequence supported by its Digital Twin. With the implementation of a standard like ISO23247, helps in the identified problem of having various Digital Twins and improves an interaction with test equipment. All steps made for the development of our architecture approach, as well as some results, are shown and explained for our use case.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020.The author would also like to acknowledge FCT for the attributed Doctoral grant PD/BDE/150500/2019

    Partitioning and purification of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus niger URM 5162 using PEG-phosphate in an aqueous two-phase system

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    Pectinases, or pectinolytic enzymes, are naturally produced by plants, filamentous fungi, bacteria and yeasts. The pectinases are of great importance to clarify and reduce viscosity in fruit juices, improving and increasing tbe filtration efficiency. When used in the crushing of grapes or wine must improve juice extraction, reduce the time to clarify and enhance tbe content ofterpenes in wine. The filamentous fungi most frequently used fur industrial purposes because as much as 90% ofthe enzyme can be excreted into the culture medium. The partitioning and purification of polygalacturonases (PG) produced by Aspergillus niger URM 5162 were investigated in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS), furmed by polyetbylene glycol and phosphate salts (PE(ijlhosphate). To evaluate the effect oftbe 4 independent variables- molar mass ofpolyetbylene glycol (PEG) (400-8000 g1nol MPEG), PEG concentration (12.5-17.5%, w/w- CPEG), phosphate concentration (15-25%, ...W, CPHOS) and pH (6.0, 8.0) - on the 3 response variables: partition coefficient (K), activity yield (Y) and purification fàctor (PF), a fuctorial design (24) was used. The endo-polygalacturonases (endo-PG) were prefurentially partitioned in tbe top phase. For endo-PG, the highest values for the response variables K, Y and PF of 1.23, 74.04% and 8.18, respectively, were obtained for a CPEG of 12.5% (...W), MPEG of8000 g1nol, and CPHOS of25% (w/w) at pH 6.0. Also, exo-polygalacturonases (exo-PG) were preferentially partitioned in the top phase. ln tbis case, the highest values ofK (2.40), Y (33.33%), and PF (1.98) were obtained with a MPEG of 8000 g1nol, CPEG of 12.5% (...W), and CPHOS of25% (...W) at pH 6.0. ln both cases, MPEG had a positive influence on K, Y and PF. The conditions ofMPEG 8000 g1nol, CPEG of 12.5% (...W), and CPHOS of25% (...W) at pH 6.0 were considered the most suitable for tbe purification of PG produced by A. niger URM 5162. Furtbermore, MPEG and CPHOS were the most important independent variables. The PEG/phosphate system is a useful cost-effective altemative for PG purification