16 research outputs found

    Centro Educacional de Formação do Magistério Primário de Caicó: as ideias anisianas nos sertões do Seridó

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the architectural language of the Educational Center of Primary Teaching of Caicó (CEFMPC), considering the presence of the educational ideas defended by the educator, intellectual and public manager Anísio Teixeira (1900-1971), in the context of Reform of Primary Education of the Rio Grande do Norte of 1957. The temporal cut from 1957 to 1961, the initial year, to the institutionalization of the Educational Centers of Primary Teaching of the RN and final year, is assigned to the changes of the institution, respectively. This research of qualitative approach is inserted in the dimension of Social History, based on Jean François Sirinelli (2003) and Michel Certeau (1998) and dialogues with the ideas and educational practices of Anísio Teixeira, especially the school planning issues for training of primary school teachers; in the field of the History of Educational Institutions, Demerval Saviani (2008) and Justino Pereira de Magalhães (2004), seeking a perspective of historical reconstitution; authors such as António Viñao Frago (2001) and Giulio Carlos Argan (1984) allowed the association of aspects of school space with the plastic language. As for the primary sources of documentary research, publications produced from Anísio Teixeira's documental information and administrative reports of its public management are used; government messages; relevant legislation and graphic materials (projects and photographs) of the investigated institution collected in archives, public; reports of the architect Moacyr Gomes da Costa, designer of the institution, in interviews conducted by the author. In the bibliographical research, it is used to the historiographic studies of the Brazilian Education arranged in the literary and academic production. The results indicate the construction of the pedagogical ideas of Anísio Teixeira, in the context of reconstruction of Brazilian education, and the materiality of these ideas strategically established in networks of sociabilities, as defined by Sirinelli (2003). In the case of the CEFMPC, the participation of the architect is also evidenced as part of a network of sociability. With regard to the spatial organization of teacher education institutions in Brazil, from the end of the nineteenth century to the first six decades of the twentieth century, in particular the Potiguares, there is a sharing of spaces and integration of educational institutions. It is concluded that the pedagogical ideas of Anísio as notions of planning, rationality and integration of the school space are present in the architecture of the CEFMPC, both in spatial organization and in the plastic language (modernist style). In addition, this work evidences the significant importance of the edification analyzed as a Basic Education institution for the region of Seridó and the State of Rio Grande do Norte.Objetiva-se, neste trabalho, analisar a linguagem arquitetônica do Centro Educacional de Formação de Magistério Primário de Caicó (CEFMPC), atentando à presença das ideias educacionais defendidas pelo educador, intelectual e gestor público Anísio Teixeira (1900-1971), no contexto da Reforma de Ensino Primário do Rio Grande do Norte de 1957. Delimita-se recorte temporal de 1957 a 1961, ano inicial, à institucionalização dos Centros Educacionais de Formação de Magistério Primário do RN e ano final, às alterações de funcionamento instituição, respectivamente. Esta pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa insere-se na dimensão da História Social, com base em Jean François Sirinelli (2003) e Michel Certeau (1998) e dialoga com as ideias e práticas educacionais de Anísio Teixeira, sobretudo as questões de planejamento do espaço escolar para formação de professores de ensino primário; no domínio da História das Instituições educativas, recorreu-se a Demerval Saviani (2008) e Justino Pereira de Magalhães (2004), buscando uma perspectiva de reconstituição histórica; autores como António Viñao Frago (2001) e Giulio Carlos Argan (1984) permitiram associação dos aspectos do espaço escolar à linguagem plástica. Quanto às fontes primárias de pesquisa documental, utiliza-se publicações produzidas a partir de informações documentais de Anísio Teixeira e relatórios administrativos de suas gestões públicas; mensagens governamentais; legislação pertinente e materiais gráficos (projetos e fotografias) da instituição investigada coletados em arquivos, públicos; relatos do arquiteto Moacyr Gomes da Costa, projetista da instituição, em entrevistas realizadas pela autora. Na pesquisa bibliográfica, recorre-se a estudos historiográficos da Educação Brasileira dispostos na produção literária e acadêmica. Os resultados indicam a construção das ideias pedagógicas de Anísio Teixeira, no contexto de reconstrução da educação brasileira, e a materialidade destas ideias estrategicamente estabelecidas em redes de sociabilidades, conforme definição de Sirinelli (2003). No caso do CEFMPC, evidencia-se a participação do arquiteto também como integrante de uma rede de sociabilidade. No tocante à organização espacial das instituições de formação de professores no Brasil, dos finais do século XIX até as seis primeiras décadas do século XX, em particular as potiguares, observa-se compartilhamento de espaços e integração de instituições de ensino. Conclui-se que as ideias pedagógicas de Anísio como noções de planejamento, racionalidade e integração do espaço escolar estão presentes na arquitetura do CEFMPC, tanto na organização espacial quanto na linguagem plástica (estilo modernista). Além disso este trabalho evidencia a significativa importância da edificação analisada como instituição de Ensino Básico para a região do Seridó e Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

    Does participation in the European Trauma Course lead to new behaviours and organisational change? A Portuguese experience

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    Background: Medical educational courses can be successful from an immediate feedback perspective but not lead to new behaviour or organisational changes in the workplace. The aim of this study was to assess the self-perceived impact of the European Trauma Course (ETC) on Reanima trainees’ behaviour and organisational change. Methods: A 40-item questionnaire based on Holton's evaluation model was used to evaluate the candidate's perceptions. The results were analysed with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis using nonparametric tests with α = 0.05. Results: Out of 295 participants, 126 responded to the survey. Of these, 94% affirmed that the ETC modified their approach to trauma patients, and 71.4% described a change in their behaviour. Postcourse responders changed their behaviour in their initial approach to trauma care in the nontechnical skills of communication, prioritisation and teamwork. Being an ETC instructor strongly influenced the acquisition of new material, and this group was able to implement changes in attitudes. Individuals with no previous trauma course experience identified lack of self-efficacy as a significant obstacle to introducing new work-based learning. In contrast, responders with ATLS training noted a lack of ETC colleagues as the main impediment for moving from conceptualisation to experimentation in the workplace. Conclusions: Participation in the ETC led to behavioural changes in the workplace. However, the ability to influence others and bring about wider organisational changes was more difficult to achieve. Major factors were the status of the person, their experience and self-efficacy. National organisational impact was obtained, which went far beyond our aspirations in acknowledging change in individual daily practice. Future research studies will include the effect of implementing the ETC methodology on the outcome of trauma patients

    To Understand the “Brazilian Way” of School Management: How National Culture Influences the Organizational Culture and School Leadership

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    This study aims to identify characteristics of national culture in the culture of Brazilian school management and leadership. Considering the broad literature that deals with the peculiarities of Brazilian culture and its influence on Brazilian management, it is assumed that as an institution belonging to a particular society, the school offers internal dynamics that are organized under influences of historical and cultural determinants of this society. This work is an exploratory study that uses secondary data found in studies on the profiles of principals, leadership, climate, and organizational culture in schools and primary data from research applied in public secondary schools located in the Federal District, Brazil. The results demonstrate that the initial premise—national culture influences the organizational culture and school leadership—has been confirmed and aspects that merit further analysis are identified

    Knowledge and expectations of the accompanying member concerning illnesses and hospitalization of the newborn

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    This study aimed at describing the knowledge, difficulties and expectations of accompanying members concerning illnesses and hospitalization of the newborn. It is a qualitative study with 11 accompanying members of infants admitted in public hospital, in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. It consists of semi-structured interviews carried out and recorded in June 2012. It was based on the content analysis that emerged from three categories: knowing the health problems of the newborn, expectations in the hospital context and difficulties faced by accompanying members. It was observed that the accompanying members had limited knowledge about the health conditions that resulted in the hospitalization of the newborn, although there was a professional health team for the guidelines, for the affected needs. Commonly speaking, it expresses limited information, but possible to be understood. It is essential that the health professionals provide to the accompanying members on the disease, treatment and recovery of the newborn so that they can understand the process of hospitalization and provide proper assistance

    Conhecimentos e expectativas do acompanhante acerca do adoecimento e da internação do recém-nascido

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    El objetivo fue describir los conocimientos adquiridos por acompañante acerca de la enfermedad y hospitalización del recién nacido. Estudio cualitativo, con 11 acompañantes de bebés hospitalizados en hospital público de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. Fueron aplicadas entrevistas semiestructuradas, grabadas en junio de 2012. Se basó en el “Análisis de Contenido”, en que emergieron tres categorías: conociendo el problema de salud del recién nacido, expectativas en el contexto hospitalario y dificultades enfrentadas por acompañantes. Los acompañantes poseían conocimiento limitado acerca de las condiciones de salud que implicaron en la hospitalización del neonato, aunque existieran orientaciones del equipo profesional cuanto a las necesidades afectadas. Con lenguaje popular, expresaban informaciones limitadas, pero compresibles. Es esencial que profesionales de salud proporcionen a los acompañantes orientaciones sobre la enfermedad, tratamiento y recuperación del recién nacido para que estos entiendan el proceso de hospitalización y colaboren con la atención

    Evaluation of informative materials on leishmaniasis distributed in Brazil: criteria and basis for the production and improvement of health education materials Avaliação de material informativo sobre leishmanioses distribuído no Brasil: critérios e subsídios para a elaboração e o aperfeiçoamento de materiais educativos para a saúde

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    Based on categories related to structure, content, language, and illustrations, the present study provides an evaluation of the quality of educational materials on leishmaniasis available to health services in Brazil. The 18 publications evaluated consisted of four handbooks, four guided studies, four booklets, and six leaflets. Of the total publications assessed, nine were produced by the Brazilian National Health Foundation (FUNASA), five by State and Municipal Health Departments jointly with FUNASA, and one by the Pan-American Health Organization. The evaluations were also performed by three professionals: a physician specialized in leishmaniasis, a parasitologist, and an information/communications expert. The publications failed to specify key items such as target public, objective, and bibliography. The illustrations, especially in the booklets and leaflets, failed to clarify the text, portrayed biased concepts, and omitted credits and scale. According to this study, informative materials on leishmaniasis distributed in Brazil present major limitations which jeopardize the quality of information they contain.<br>Baseado nas categorias estrutura, conteúdo, linguagem e ilustrações, o presente estudo mostra uma avaliação da qualidade da informação de material informativo sobre leishmanioses disponível para os serviços de saúde no Brasil. Dos 18 exemplares analisados, quatro eram manuais, quatro estudos dirigidos, quatro cartilhas e seis folhetos. Nove exemplares foram produzidos pela Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FUNASA), cinco por Secretarias de Saúde, três por Secretarias em colaboração com a FUNASA e um pela Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde. Para a avaliação foram convidados: um médico especialista na doença, um parasitologista e um especialista da área de informação. Verificou-se nas publicações, ausência de itens como: público alvo, objetivo e bibliografia. Em ilustrações, as imagens, especialmente nas cartilhas e folhetos, não elucidavam o texto e chamou a atenção a presença de idéias preconceituosas, a ausência de crédito à autoria das ilustrações e de escala. O material informativo avaliado apresentou limitações que comprometeram a informação. É importante que os órgãos de saúde pública estejam atentos à qualidade do material educativo produzido, por ser este recurso pedagógico valioso na construção do conhecimento transformador

    Aplicação do modelo de crenças em saúde na adesão do trabalhador hipertenso ao tratamento Application of the model of health beliefs in the worker's compliance with hypertension treatment

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    Estudo descritivo e qualitativo que objetivou analisar as mudanças comportamentais em trabalhadores hipertensos na adesão ao tratamento, após aplicação de uma tecnologia em saúde embasada no Modelo de Crença em Saúde. O cenário da pesquisa foi uma instituição filantrópica e, após a proposta de educação em saúde, os participantes foram entrevistados. Selecionamos as seguintes categorias temáticas: percepção da severidade da HAS, percepção dos benefícios da adesão, percepção dos custos da mudança, identificação das mudanças visando à adesão e motivação para o estabelecimento de metas para a mudança. Os dados alcançados reforçam a educação em saúde do trabalhador hipertenso como estratégia de mudança de hábitos e valores pela aquisição de novos conhecimentos e adoção de atitudes favoráveis à saúde, através de uma educação crítica e transformadora, em que o sujeito assume participação ativa no processo de aprendizagem.<br>Qualitative and descriptive study aiming to examine the behavioral changes in hypertensive workers in the compliance with treatment after application of a health technology based on the Health Belief Model. The scenario of the research was a philanthropic institution, and after presenting health education issues, the participants were interviewed. Then we selected the following theme categories: perception of the severity of hypertension, awareness of the benefits of compliance, awareness of change costs, identification of the changes aiming the compliance and motivation for the establishment of objectives for the change. The data obtained reinforce the health education of hypertensive worker as a changing strategy of habits and values for the acquisition of new knowledge and adoption of positive attitudes towards health, through a critical and changing education, in which the subject actively participates in the learning process