14 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The paper examines the problem of searching for an effective methodology for identifying,systematizing and analyzing state legal concepts of Russian political scientists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite the available studies to date on individual state-legal concepts in the Russian Empire, their comprehensive research, general theoretical analysis and systematization is required, what is possible only if there is a proven methodological basis. The aim of the work is to present the stages and results of the authors' approach to the identification, systematization and evaluation of state-legal concepts in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries, which can be used as a basis for conducting similar studies in relation to other sectoral legal exercises. The paper substantiates the algorithm for obtaining systematic knowledge about the entire complex of state-legal concepts of the designated period showing the features of dissertational and monographic studies, the specifics of work with articles in the periodical legal press. The issues on the effectiveness of state-legal exercises are separately touched upon and a mechanism for using the forms of scientific knowledge obtained in the past is proposed to determine the novelty andrelevance of the studies conducted today.Keywords: state-legal concepts, state law science, thesis, monograph, scientific paper, a form of scientificknowledge, the Russian Empire


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    Abstract. The paper includes systematization of the main problems and contradictions in the development of modern national legislation and international legal order in the context of the processes of integrating robotic technologies and devices based on the artificial intelligence into the social life of society. The article discusses doctrinal, legal, ethical and socio-moral issues in the regulation of the development and application of artificial intelligence systems, robotic technologies, autonomous devices, etc. The authors substantiate the need to formulate a legal concept and the ethical standards for the regulation of these technologies and systems, propose directions, methods and forms for the development of a comprehensive program for the regulatory mediation of the development and integration of innovative processes in the social life of people. It is noted that the rapid development of robotic technologies and artificial intelligence systems creates an acute need of modernity - the legal regulation of relations associated with the application of RT and AI. At the same time, it is shown that a state that develops the effective legal models and legislative bases for regulation in this field will be able to win in an acute competitive struggle, to formulate the international legal standards and models for other countries.Key words: autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), deontological codes, national legislation, artificial intelligence, international law, legal regulation, robotic technologies, ethical standards

    The Legitimacy of the Government in the Political, Legal and Economic Space of Modern Russia: Features of Understanding of the Socio-cultural Reasons

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    The article presents theoretical-methodological foundations of social and cultural interpretation of the nature of legitimacy of power. The authors present arguments for the importance of the transition research the government as a whole, its institutions, processes of legitimation and legalization of the national legal system from class or liberal principles and heuristic schemes to different cultural methodologies using hermeneutic methods in the study of Russian political and legal reality. In this context, the article presents and analyses aspects of the modern conservative legal discourse. It should be noted that modern legal literature is taking place several basic approaches to the understanding of its essence: institutional and sociological neo-institutional. Each of these methods of treatment of political (or rather, the state-legal) regime is valuable because it reveals the one or the other aspect of it, so these three approaches allow to reveal the essence of the institutions of state and legal regime and its special functional nature. Any economic model that does not properly solve the problem of inequality eventually will face a crisis of legitimacy. Unbalanced market and the state will not allow the interaction of the economy to overcome the social and political instability, which in turn will harm the long-term economic growth and well-being (Nouriel Roubini). Keywords: political and legal organization of society, socio-cultural factors, national leader of the legal mentality, political regime, state power JEL Classification: M14, G30, D72, K4

    Estado como Fenômeno em Evolução: Principais Problemas e Abordagens

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    The article analyzes the fundamental issues of state evolution and typology. The authors justify that the state is an evolving phenomenon of social and legal reality. At that, it is shown that in the process of this evolution, along with the preservation of universal (essential) characteristics, conditioned by the nature and social purpose of the state, there is a modification of those properties and attributes that have a specific historical character and depend on a variety of factors that influence a state on an appropriate stage of development. The paper substantiates that the evolution of a state phenomenon must be considered in the context of general social evolution, which is, in the most general sense, the process of that intersubjective experience complication, accumulation and organization. The authors argue that any common (generic) concept of "state" is a conditional one to a certain extent, since it does not have a real ontological status, acting as the result of a series of typifications mediated by language and carried out in accordance with the relevances largely dictated by that practical life situation.El artículo analiza los problemas fundamentales de la evolución del estado y la tipología. Los autores justifican que el estado es un fenómeno en evolución de la realidad social y legal. En eso, se muestra que, en el proceso de esta evolución, junto con la preservación de características universales (esenciales), condicionadas por la naturaleza y el propósito social del estado, hay una modificación de aquellas propiedades y atributos que tienen un carácter histórico específico y dependen de una variedad de factores que influyen en el estado de una etapa apropiada de desarrollo. El artículo corrobora que la evolución de un fenómeno de estado debe considerarse en el contexto de la evolución social general, que es, en el sentido más general, el proceso de esa experiencia intersubjetiva de complicación, acumulación y organización.Los autores argumentan que cualquier concepto común (genérico) de "estado" es, en cierta medida, condicional, ya que no tiene un estado ontológico real, que actúa como resultado de una serie de tipificaciones mediadas por el lenguaje y llevadas a cabo de conformidad con las repercusiones dictadas en gran medida por esa situación de vida práctica.O artigo analisa os problemas fundamentais da evolução do estado e da tipologia. Os autores justificam que o estado é um fenômeno em evolução da realidade social e legal. Nisto, mostra-se que, no processo dessa evolução, juntamente com a preservação de características universais (essenciais), condicionadas pela natureza e finalidade social do Estado, há uma modificação daquelas propriedades e atributos que possuem um caráter específico. e eles dependem de uma variedade de fatores que influenciam um estado em um estágio apropriado de desenvolvimento. O artigo corrobora que a evolução de um fenômeno de estado deve ser considerada no contexto da evolução social geral, que é, no sentido mais geral, o processo dessa experiência intersubjetiva de complicação, acumulação e organização.Os autores argumentam que qualquer conceito comum (genérico) "status" é, de certa forma condicional, porque não tem status ontológico real, que atua como um resultado de uma série de caracterizações mediadas pela linguagem e realizadas de acordo com as repercussões ditadas em grande parte por aquela situação de vida prática

    Developing and Applying Robotic Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Systems (Using Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles)

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    The paper includes systematization of the main problems and contradictions in the development of modern national legislation and international legal order in the context of the processes of integrating robotic technologies and devices based on the artificial intelligence into the social life of society. The article discusses doctrinal, legal, ethical and socio-moral issues in the regulation of the development and application of artificial intelligence systems, robotic technologies, autonomous devices, etc. The authors substantiate the need to formulate a legal concept and the ethical standards for the regulation of these technologies and systems, propose directions, methods and forms for the development of a comprehensive program for the regulatory mediation of the development and integration of innovative processes in the social life of people.У статті систематизовані основні проблеми та суперечності у розвитку сучасного національного законодавства та міжнародно-правового порядку в контексті процесів інтеграції роботизованих технологій та пристроїв на основі штучного інтелекту у соціальне життя суспільства. Розглядаються доктринальні, правові, етичні та соціально-моральні питання розробки та застосування систем штучного інтелекту, роботизованих технологій, автономних пристроїв тощо. Автори обґрунтовують необхідність формулювання правової концепції та етичних стандартів для регулювання цих технологій та систем, запропоновують напрямки, методи та форми комплексної програми регуляторного посередництва у розвитку та інтеграції інноваційних процесів у соціальне життя людей.В статье систематизированы основные проблемы и противоречия в развитии современного национального законодательства и международного правопорядка в контексте процессов интеграции роботизированных технологий и устройств на основе искусственного интеллекта в социальную жизнь общества. Рассматриваются доктринальные, правовые, этические и социально-моральные вопросы разработки и применения систем искусственного интеллекта, робототехнических технологий, автономных устройств и др. Авторы обосновывают необходимость формулирования правовой концепции и этических стандартов для регулирования этих технологий и систем, предлагают направления, методы и формы комплексной программы регулирующего посредничества в развитии и интеграции инновационных процессов в социальную жизнь людей

    Developing and Applying Robotic Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Systems (Using Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles)

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    The paper includes systematization of the main problems and contradictions in the development of modern national legislation and international legal order in the context of the processes of integrating robotic technologies and devices based on the artificial intelligence into the social life of society. The article discusses doctrinal, legal, ethical and socio-moral issues in the regulation of the development and application of artificial intelligence systems, robotic technologies, autonomous devices, etc. The authors substantiate the need to formulate a legal concept and the ethical standards for the regulation of these technologies and systems, propose directions, methods and forms for the development of a comprehensive program for the regulatory mediation of the development and integration of innovative processes in the social life of people.У статті систематизовані основні проблеми та суперечності у розвитку сучасного національного законодавства та міжнародно-правового порядку в контексті процесів інтеграції роботизованих технологій та пристроїв на основі штучного інтелекту у соціальне життя суспільства. Розглядаються доктринальні, правові, етичні та соціально-моральні питання розробки та застосування систем штучного інтелекту, роботизованих технологій, автономних пристроїв тощо. Автори обґрунтовують необхідність формулювання правової концепції та етичних стандартів для регулювання цих технологій та систем, запропоновують напрямки, методи та форми комплексної програми регуляторного посередництва у розвитку та інтеграції інноваційних процесів у соціальне життя людей.В статье систематизированы основные проблемы и противоречия в развитии современного национального законодательства и международного правопорядка в контексте процессов интеграции роботизированных технологий и устройств на основе искусственного интеллекта в социальную жизнь общества. Рассматриваются доктринальные, правовые, этические и социально-моральные вопросы разработки и применения систем искусственного интеллекта, робототехнических технологий, автономных устройств и др. Авторы обосновывают необходимость формулирования правовой концепции и этических стандартов для регулирования этих технологий и систем, предлагают направления, методы и формы комплексной программы регулирующего посредничества в развитии и интеграции инновационных процессов в социальную жизнь людей