90 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Carotenoid to Retinal Energy Transfer in Xanthorhodopsin Revealed by the Combination of Transient Absorption and Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy

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    By comparing two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) and Pump-Probe (PP) measurements on xanthorhodopsin (XR) and reduced-xanthorhodopsin (RXR) complexes, the ultrafast carotenoid-to-retinal energy transfer pathway is revealed, at very early times, by an excess of signal amplitude at the associated cross-peak and by the carotenoid bleaching reduction due to its ground state recovery. The combination of the measured 2DES and PP spectroscopic data with theoretical modelling allows a clear identification of the main experimental signals and a comprehensive interpretation of their origin and dynamics. The remarkable velocity of the energy transfer, despite the non-negligible energy separation between the two chromophores, and the analysis of the underlying transport mechanism, highlight the role played by the ground state carotenoid vibrations in assisting the process

    Structural and Functional Consequences of the Weak Binding of Chlorin e6 to Bovine Rhodopsin.

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    The chlorophyll-derivative chlorin e6 (Ce6) identified in the retinas of deep-sea ocean fish is proposed to play a functional role in red bioluminescence detection. Fluorescence and 1 H NMR spectroscopy studies with the bovine dim-light photoreceptor, rhodopsin, indicate that Ce6 weakly binds to it with μm affinity. Absorbance spectra prove that red light sensitivity enhancement is not brought about by a shift in the absorbance maximum of rhodopsin. 19 F NMR experiments with samples where 19 F labels are either placed at the cytoplasmic binding site or incorporated as fluorinated retinal indicate that the cytoplasmic domain is highly perturbed by binding, while little to no changes are detected near the retinal. Binding of Ce6 also inhibits G-protein activation. Chemical shift changes in 1 H-15 N NMR spectroscopy of 15 N-Trp labeled bovine rhodopsin reveal that Ce6 binding perturbs the entire structure. These results provide experimental evidence that Ce6 is an allosteric modulator of rhodopsin

    Retinal orientation and interactions in rhodopsin reveal a two-stage trigger mechanism for activation

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    The 11-cis retinal chromophore is tightly packed within the interior of the visual receptor rhodopsin and isomerizes to the all-trans configuration following absorption of light. The mechanism by which this isomerization event drives the outward rotation of transmembrane helix H6, a hallmark of activated G protein-coupled receptors, is not well established. To address this question, we use solid-state NMR and FTIR spectroscopy to define the orientation and interactions of the retinal chromophore in the active metarhodopsin II intermediate. Here we show that isomerization of the 11-cis retinal chromophore generates strong steric interactions between its β-ionone ring and transmembrane helices H5 and H6, while deprotonation of its protonated Schiff’s base triggers the rearrangement of the hydrogen-bonding network involving residues on H6 and within the second extracellular loop. We integrate these observations with previous structural and functional studies to propose a two-stage mechanism for rhodopsin activation

    Impact of protein–chromophore interaction on the retinal excited state and photocycle of Gloeobacter rhodopsin: role of conserved tryptophan residues

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    The function of microbial as well as mammalian retinal proteins (aka rhodopsins) is associated with a photocycle initiated by light excitation of the retinal chromophore of the protein, covalently bound through a protonated Schiff base linkage. Although electrostatics controls chemical reactions of many organic molecules, attempt to understand its role in controlling excited state reactivity of rhodopsins and, thereby, their photocycle is scarce. Here, we investigate the effect of highly conserved tryptophan residues, between which the all-trans retinal chromophore of the protein is sandwiched in microbial rhodopsins, on the charge distribution along the retinal excited state, quantum yield and nature of the light-induced photocycle and absorption properties of Gloeobacter rhodopsin (GR). Replacement of these tryptophan residues by non-aromatic leucine (W222L and W122L) or phenylalanine (W222F) does not significantly affect the absorption maximum of the protein, while all the mutants showed higher sensitivity to photobleaching, compared to wild-type GR. Flash photolysis studies revealed lower quantum yield of trans–cis photoisomerization in W222L as well as W222F mutants relative to wild-type. The photocycle kinetics are also controlled by these tryptophan residues, resulting in altered accumulation and lifetime of the intermediates in the W222L and W222F mutants. We propose that protein–retinal interactions facilitated by conserved tryptophan residues are crucial for achieving high quantum yield of the light-induced retinal isomerization, and affect the thermal retinal re-isomerization to the resting state

    Coherent Electron Transport across a 3 nm Bioelectronic Junction Made of Multi-Heme Proteins

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    Multi-heme cytochromes (MHCs) are fascinating proteins used by bacterial organisms to shuttle electrons within, between, and out of their cells. When placed in solid-state electronic junctions, MHCs support temperature-independent currents over several nanometers that are 3 orders of magnitude higher compared to other redox proteins of similar size. To gain molecular-level insight into their astonishingly high conductivities, we combine experimental photoemission spectroscopy with DFT+Σ current–voltage calculations on a representative Gold-MHC-Gold junction. We find that conduction across the dry, 3 nm long protein occurs via off-resonant coherent tunneling, mediated by a large number of protein valence-band orbitals that are strongly delocalized over heme and protein residues. This picture is profoundly different from the electron hopping mechanism induced electrochemically or photochemically under aqueous conditions. Our results imply that the current output in solid-state junctions can be even further increased in resonance, for example, by applying a gate voltage, thus allowing a quantum jump for next-generation bionanoelectronic devices

    Solid-State Protein Junctions:Cross-Laboratory Study Shows Preservation of Mechanism at Varying Electronic Coupling

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    Successful integration of proteins in solid-state electronics requires contacting them in a non-invasive fashion, with a solid conducting surface for immobilization as one such contact. The contacts can affect and even dominate the measured electronic transport. Often substrates, substrate treatments, protein immobilization, and device geometries differ between laboratories. Thus the question arises how far results from different laboratories and platforms are comparable and how to distinguish genuine protein electronic transport properties from platform-induced ones. We report a systematic comparison of electronic transport measurements between different laboratories, using all commonly used large-area schemes to contact a set of three proteins of largely different types. Altogether we study eight different combinations of molecular junction configurations, designed so that Ageo of junctions varies from 105 to 10−3 μm2. Although for the same protein, measured with similar device geometry, results compare reasonably well, there are significant differences in current densities (an intensive variable) between different device geometries. Likely, these originate in the critical contact-protein coupling (∼contact resistance), in addition to the actual number of proteins involved, because the effective junction contact area depends on the nanometric roughness of the electrodes and at times, even the proteins may increase this roughness. On the positive side, our results show that understanding what controls the coupling can make the coupling a design knob. In terms of extensive variables, such as temperature, our comparison unanimously shows the transport to be independent of temperature for all studied configurations and proteins. Our study places coupling and lack of temperature activation as key aspects to be considered in both modeling and practice of protein electronic transport experiments

    Helix movement is coupled to displacement of the second extracellular loop in rhodopsin activation

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    The second extracellular loop (EL2) of rhodopsin forms a cap over the binding site of its photoreactive 11-cis retinylidene chromophore. A crucial question has been whether EL2 forms a reversible gate that opens upon activation or acts as a rigid barrier. Distance measurements using solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy between the retinal chromophore and the β4 strand of EL2 show that the loop is displaced from the retinal binding site upon activation, and there is a rearrangement in the hydrogen-bonding networks connecting EL2 with the extracellular ends of transmembrane helices H4, H5 and H6. NMR measurements further reveal that structural changes in EL2 are coupled to the motion of helix H5 and breaking of the ionic lock that regulates activation. These results provide a comprehensive view of how retinal isomerization triggers helix motion and activation in this prototypical G protein-coupled receptor. © 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved