531 research outputs found

    Nonlinear relaxation field in charged systems under high electric fields

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    The influence of an external electric field on the current in charged systems is investigated. The results from the classical hierarchy of density matrices are compared with the results from the quantum kinetic theory. The kinetic theory yields a systematic treatment of the nonlinear current beyond linear response. To this end the dynamically screened and field-dependent Lenard-Balescu equation is integrated analytically and the nonlinear relaxation field is calculated. The classical linear response result known as Debye - Onsager relaxation effect is only obtained if asymmetric screening is assumed. Considering the kinetic equation of one specie the other species have to be screened dynamically while the screening with the same specie itself has to be performed statically. Different other approximations are discussed and compared.Comment: language correction

    Conductivity in quasi two-dimensional systems

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    The conductivity in quasi two-dimensional systems is calculated using the quantum kinetic equation. Linearizing the Lenard-Balescu collision integral with the extension to include external field dependences allows one to calculate the conductivity with diagrams beyond the GW approximation including maximally crossed lines. Consequently the weak localization correction as an interference effect appears here from the field dependence of the collision integral (the latter dependence sometimes called intra-collisional field effect). It is shown that this weak localization correction has the same origin as the Debye-Onsager relaxation effect in plasma physics. The approximation is applied to a system of quasi two-dimensional electrons in hetero-junctions which interact with charged and neutral impurities and the low temperature correction to the conductivity is calculated analytically. It turns out that the dynamical screening due to charged impurities leads to a linear temperature dependence, while the scattering from neutral impurities leads to the usual Fermi-liquid behavior. By considering an appropriate mass action law to determine the ratio of charged to neutral impurities we can describe the experimental metal-insulator transition at low temperatures as a Mott-Hubbard transition.Comment: 7 pages 7 pages appendix 11 figure

    Theory of water and charged liquid bridges

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    The phenomena of liquid bridge formation due to an applied electric field is investigated. A new solution for the charged catenary is presented which allows to determine the static and dynamical stability conditions where charged liquid bridges are possible. The creeping height, the bridge radius and length as well as the shape of the bridge is calculated showing an asymmetric profile in agreement with observations. The flow profile is calculated from the Navier Stokes equation leading to a mean velocity which combines charge transport with neutral mass flow and which describes recent experiments on water bridges.Comment: 10 pages 12 figures, misprints corrected, assumptions more transparen

    In-medium two-nucleon properties in high electric fields

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    The quantum mechanical two - particle problem is considered in hot dense nuclear matter under the influence of a strong electric field such as the field of the residual nucleus in heavy - ion reactions. A generalized Galitskii-Bethe-Salpeter equation is derived and solved which includes retardation and field effects. Compared with the in-medium properties in the zero-field case, bound states are turned into resonances and the scattering phase shifts are modified. Four effects are observed due to the applied field: (i) A suppression of the Pauli-blocking below nuclear matter densities, (ii) the onset of pairing occurs already at higher temperatures due to the field, (iii) a field dependent finite lifetime of deuterons and (iv) the imaginary part of the quasiparticle self-energy changes its sign for special values of density and temperatures indicating a phase instability. The latter effect may influence the fragmentation processes. The lifetime of deuterons in a strong Coulomb field is given explicitly.Comment: ps file + 7 figures (eps

    Short time dynamics with initial correlations

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    The short-time dynamics of correlated systems is strongly influenced by initial correlations giving rise to an additional collision integral in the non-Markovian kinetic equation. Exact cancellation of the two integrals is found if the initial state is thermal equilibrium which is an important consistency criterion. Analytical results are given for the time evolution of the correlation energy which are confirmed by comparisons with molecular dynamics simulations (MD)

    Anomalous radial expansion in central heavy-ion reactions

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    The expansion velocity profile in central heavy-ion reactions in the Fermi energy domain is examined. The radial expansion is non-hubblean and in the surface region it scales proportional to a higher exponent (α>1\alpha > 1) of the radius. The anomalous expansion velocity profile is accompanied by a power law nucleon density profile in the surface region. Both these features of central heavy-ion reactions disappear at higher energies, and the system follows a uniform Hubble expansion (α1\alpha \simeq 1)

    Mid-rapidity charge distribution in peripheral heavy ion collisions

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    The charge density distribution with respect to the velocity of matter produced in peripheral heavy ion reactions around Fermi energy is investigated. The experimental finding of enhancement of mid-rapidity matter shows the necessity to include correlations beyond BUU which was performed in the framework of nonlocal kinetic theory. Different theoretical improvements are discussed. While the in-medium cross section changes the number of collisions, it leads the transferred energy almost unchanged. In contrast the nonlocal scenario changes the energy transferred during collisions and leads to an enhancement of mid-rapidity matter. The renormalisation of quasiparticle energies is shown to be possible to include in nonlocal scenarios and and leads to a further enhancement of mid-rapidity matter distribution. This renormalisation is accompanied by a dynamical softening of the equation of state seen in longer oscillation periods of the excited compressional collective mode. We propose to include quasiparticle renormalization by using the Pauli-rejected collisions which circumvent the problem of backflows in Landau theory. Using the maximum relative velocity of projectile and target like fragments we associate experimental events with impact parameters of the simulations. For peripheral collisions we find a reasonable agreement between experiment and theory. For more central collisions the velocity damping is higher in one - body simulations than observed experimentally which is due to missing cluster formations in the used kinetic theory

    Stability and Instability of Extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole Spacetimes for Linear Scalar Perturbations I

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    We study the problem of stability and instability of extreme Reissner-Nordstrom spacetimes for linear scalar perturbations. Specifically, we consider solutions to the linear wave equation on a suitable globally hyperbolic subset of such a spacetime, arising from regular initial data prescribed on a Cauchy hypersurface crossing the future event horizon. We obtain boundedness, decay and non-decay results. Our estimates hold up to and including the horizon. The fundamental new aspect of this problem is the degeneracy of the redshift on the event horizon. Several new analytical features of degenerate horizons are also presented.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures; published version of results contained in the first part of arXiv:1006.0283, various new results adde

    Stability of condensate in superconductors

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    According to the BCS theory the superconducting condensate develops in a single quantum mode and no Cooper pairs out of the condensate are assumed. Here we discuss a mechanism by which the successful mode inhibits condensation in neighboring modes and suppresses a creation of noncondensed Cooper pairs. It is shown that condensed and noncondensed Cooper pairs are separated by an energy gap which is smaller than the superconducting gap but large enough to prevent nucleation in all other modes and to eliminate effects of noncondensed Cooper pairs on properties of superconductors. Our result thus justifies basic assumptions of the BCS theory and confirms that the BCS condensate is stable with respect to two-particle excitations

    Current without bias and diode effect in shuttling transport of nanoshafts

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    A row of parallely ordered and coupled molecular nanoshafts is shown to develop a shuttling transport of charges at finite temperature. The appearance of a cu rrent without applying an external bias voltage is reported as well as a natura l diode effect allowing unidirectional charge transport along one field directi on while blocking the opposite direction. The zero-bias voltage current appears above a threshold of initial thermal and/or dislocation energy