7 research outputs found

    Viscous and elastic properties of soft tissue "in situ"

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    Title: Viscousand elastic properties of soft tissue"in situ" Goals and methods: The aim of this thesis is to measure the viscoelastic properties of human soleus muscle and Achilles tendonin vivo and post mortem in situ. It is a pilot study that uses myotonometry as the method of measurement. Based on the response of connective tissues on deformation made by tip of myotonometer, resp. its viscoelastic properties, curves in graphsare created. Three main described parameters of thecurveare steepness, deflection and its surface area. Main goal of the experiment is to compare properties of different types of tissue and their potential differences while denervated or innervated. Results of this study may help with better understanding of the soft tissues behavior in response to manual therapeutic contact. The study also describes the differences between in vivo and post mortem tissue properties that may be help further studies which use post mortem tissues to predict in vivo behavior. Results: Soft tissues in vivo have higher viscosity. In comparison, post mortem tissues have significantly higher stiffness and energy dissipation than in vivo. Elasticproperties of denervated soft tissue manifest with approx. 7 secondsdelay. Viscoelastic properties of muscle tissueshow changes depending on deeper...Title: Viscousand elastic properties of soft tissue"in situ" Goals and methods: The aim of this thesis is to measure the viscoelastic properties of human soleus muscle and Achilles tendonin vivo and post mortem in situ. It is a pilot study that uses myotonometry as the method of measurement. Based on the response of connective tissues on deformation made by tip of myotonometer, resp. its viscoelastic properties, curves in graphsare created. Three main described parameters of thecurveare steepness, deflection and its surface area. Main goal of the experiment is to compare properties of different types of tissue and their potential differences while denervated or innervated. Results of this study may help with better understanding of the soft tissues behavior in response to manual therapeutic contact. The study also describes the differences between in vivo and post mortem tissue properties that may be help further studies which use post mortem tissues to predict in vivo behavior. Results: Soft tissues in vivo have higher viscosity. In comparison, post mortem tissues have significantly higher stiffness and energy dissipation than in vivo. Elasticproperties of denervated soft tissue manifest with approx. 7 secondsdelay. Viscoelastic properties of muscle tissueshow changes depending on deeper...Anatomie a biomechanikaFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Casuistry of the patient after luxation of the shoulder joint with abruption of the greater tuberosity

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    FyzioterapieFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and sacharides in mead using liquid phase separation techniques

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    První část diplomová práce se zabývá stanovením 5-hydroxymethylfurfuralu (HMF) s využitím kapalinové chromatografie v systémech s obrácenými fázemi a micelární elektrokinetické chromatografie ve spojení s UV detekcí. Dále byla optimalizována separace glukosy, fruktosy a sacharosy jako nejvýznamnějších sacharidů obsažených v medovinách. Pro jejich separaci byla využita chromatografie hydrofilních interakcí, kdy jako stacionární fáze byla použita chemicky vázaná aminopropylová fáze a jako mobilní fáze 80% acetonitril. Pro detekci byl využit univerzální refraktometrický detektor. Výše zmíněné separační techniky byly využity pro sledování obsahu HMF a sacharidů ve 23 vzorcích medovin získaných od různých výrobců. Obsah těchto látek ve vzorcích se značně liší v závislosti na technologickém postupu výroby medoviny.First part of master thesis was focused on determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfurale (HMF) using reversed phase liquid chromatography and micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled to UV detector. Further, the separation of the most important saccharides in meads, glucose, fructose and sucrose, was optimized. The chromatography hydrophilic interaction was used for the separation, where the chemical bonded aminopropyl stationary phase and 80% acetonitrile as a mobile phase wad applied. The detection was performed using refractive index detector. Above mentioned techniques were employed for determination of content of HMF and saccharides in 23 samples of meads obtained by different producers. Content of this compounds highly vary in dependence on technological process of meads.Katedra analytické chemieStudentka přistoupila k obhajobě diplomové práce, zodpověděla dotazy oponenta a úspěaně obhájila diplomovou práci

    Pupils species identification skills

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    Katedra biologie a environmentálních studiíPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Highschool students' practical knowledge of nature subjects

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    TITLE: Highschool students practical knowledge of nature subjects AUTHOR: Bc. Kamila Štěpánka Moravcová DEPARTMENT: Biology and Environmental Studies Department SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Petr Novotný, Ph.D. Abstract This text is aiming to species identification. Main target is how good or bad are students of secondary education (junior high school) in species identification. Theoretical part: Definition of basic terminilogy and detailed research and comparison (outcomes and methodics) of previous testings and questionaires of pre-school childern, primary, secondary and college students. Practical part: 1) Pre-research: Making lists of species, which would be used to test students. These lists were based on what contained students notes and what contained biology education itself. 2) Research: I was testing students and I compared outcomes with previous testings. Result is, that species identification is part of biology education, which still needs developing, because students aren't good at all in species identification. Key words: species knowledge, species identification, product of natur

    Stanovení 5-hydroxymethylfurfuralu a vybraných sacharidů v medovinách

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    This work is focused on determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), glucose, fructose and sucrose in meads. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography with spectrophotometric detection was used for the separation of HMF. Saccharides were separated using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography with refractive index detector. These techniques were employed for determination of the content of HMF and saccharides in 23 samples of meads obtained from different producers. The content of these compounds is strongly dependent on the technological process of mead production and could be used as a marker of mead quality. The content of HMF is lower in samples obtained from beekeepers than in samples purchased in local stores.Tato práce je zaměřena na stanovení 5-hydroxymethylfurfuralu (HMF), glukosy, fruktosy a sacharosy v medovinách. Pro stanovení HMF byla použita vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie v systémech s obrácenými fázemi se spektrofotometrickou detekcí. Sacharidy byly separovány s využitím chromatografie hydrofilních interakcí s refraktometrickou detekcí. Pomocí výše zmíněných separačních technik byl stanoven obsah HMF a sacharidů ve 23 vzorcích medovin získaných od různých výrobců. Jejich obsah se lišil v závislosti na technologickém postupu výroby medoviny a mohl by být použit jako ukazatel kvality medovin. Obsah HMF byl nižší u vzorků medovin získaných od včelařů než u vzorků medovin získaných v místní obchodní síti