876 research outputs found

    Consumption Poverty and Pro-Poor Growth in Bolivia

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    Using seven Bolivian household surveys conducted between 1999 and 2007, this paper provides a different picture of poverty dynamics in Bolivia. Consistent and accurate estimates of consumption are computed and used to create poverty profiles. Challenging the previous income-based poverty trend, it emerges that Bolivia experiences a very large poverty reduction from 2002 onwards, halving poverty headcount during the period of 2002- 2007. Growth incidence curves are also used to investigate the pro-poor component of the large welfare improvement. It shows that the poorest quintiles of the population, mostly represented by indigenous households, did benefit more than the rest of the population. The results suggest that Bolivian pro-poor growth significantly contributed to narrow the welfare inequality between indigenous and non-indigenous groups.consumption poverty, pro-poor growth, Bolivia

    Adverse Psychological Effects to Deep Brain Stimulation: Overturning the Question

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    Our invited contribution is a response to Mecacci, G., and W. F. G. Haselager. 2014. Stimulating the self: The influence of conceptual frameworks on reactions to deep brain stimulation. AJOB Neuroscience 5(2014): 30–39


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    This paper reports the results of a stratigraphic revision of the Ait Kandoula Formation exposed in the western Ouarzazate Basin (Middle Miocene-Lower Pliocene, Southern Morocco). This formation is part of the upper Eocene-Quaternary continental Imerhane Group considered to record the main stage in the building of the Central High Atlas (CHA) under a regime of tectonic inversion of Mesozoic rifted basins. The development of this chain during the late Cenozoic generated a south-verging structural front and the related Ait Kandoula and Ait Seddrat sub-basins facing the wider Ouarzazate foreland basin. The revision of the Ait Kandoula Formation, occurring in both the Ouarzazate Basin and Ait Kandoula sub-basin, was carried out through new field observations, remote sensing and exploiting the distribution and the biochronologic range of fossil micro- and macro-vertebrate associations available from previous studies. In the western Ouarzazate Basin four stratigraphic-depositional sub-units (AK1-4) were distinguished in this formation, attesting to the development of a fluvio-lacustrine setting. This was strongly influenced by the syn-depositional deformation of the growing southern front of the CHA and by the episodic activity of shear zones oriented transversally to this front. The chronostratigraphic constraint provided by the mammal assemblages and by their magnetostratigraphic calibration, suggests a five-stage scenario for the tectono-sedimentary development of this actively deforming front and its related foreland and satellite depocentres between the Middle Miocene and the Early Pliocene. In the proposed reconstruction, the interplay of front-parallel thrust faults and front-transverse shear zones controlled the fluvial supply to the Ouarzazate Basin and later on the activation of the Ait Kandoula sub-basin.&nbsp

    Migrações contemporâneas na América Latina e o contexto mundial. Uma entrevista com Frei Betto

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    Frei Betto é frade dominicano, escritor e assessor de movimentos sociais, reconhecido mundialmente por sua luta pela justiça social e pelos direitos humanos. Recebeu vários prêmios, no Brasil e no exterior, por sua luta em prol dos direitos humanos, entre eles o Prêmio José Martí 2013, da Unesco, e o Prêmio Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, em 2014.  É autor de 57 obras, entre elas “Fidel e a religião” e “Paraíso Perdido - Viagens ao mundo socialista”, lançado  em  2015,    em   que   relata  dezenas   de viagens por países socialistas ao longo de mais de três décadas (1979-2012). Publicou também livros infantojuvenis, de contos, ensaios e romances. Por sua obra literária, Frei Betto ganhou duas vezes o prêmio Jabuti, além do prêmio da Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte e o Prêmio Alba de Literatura. Suas obras já foram traduzidas para 25 idiomas. Atualmente, é colunista de religião do jornal “O Globo” e articulista dos jornais “Folha de S. Paulo”, “Hoje em Dia”, “O Dia”, “Brasil de Fato” e da revista “Caros Amigos”. A entrevista foi feita no contexto do I Seminário Migrações Contemporâneas e Direitos Fundamentais de Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras em Santa Catarina, no qual Frei Betto fez a palestra de encerramento.   Entrevista concedida em 07/10/2015

    Prefrontal-occipitoparietal coupling underlies late latency human neuronal responses to emotion

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    Enhanced late positive potentials (LPPs) evoked by highly arousing unpleasant and pleasant stimuli have been consistently observed in event-related potential experiments in humans. Although the psychological factors modulating the LPP have been studied in detail, the neurobiological underpinnings of this response remain poorly understood. Current models suggest that the LPP is a product of both an automatic facilitation of perceptual activity, as well as postperceptual processing under cognitive control. Here we applied magnetoencephalography (MEG) and beamformer analysis combined with Granger causality measures to provide a mechanistic account for LPP generation that reconciles these two models. We demonstrate that the magnetic homolog of the LPP, mLPP, is localized within bilateral occipitoparietal and right prefrontal cortex. Critically, directed functional connectivity analysis between these brain regions, indexed by Granger causality, demonstrates stronger bidirectional influences between frontal and occipitoparietal cortex for high arousing emotional relative to low arousing neutral pictures. Thus, both bottom-up and top-down accounts of the late latency response to emotion derived from psychological studies can be explained by a reciprocal codependency between activity in prefrontal and occipitoparietal cortex

    Migrações contemporâneas na América Latina e o contexto mundial. Uma entrevista com Frei Betto

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    Frei Betto é frade dominicano, escritor e assessor de movimentos sociais, reconhecido mundialmente por sua luta pela justiça social e pelos direitos humanos. Recebeu vários prêmios, no Brasil e no exterior, por sua luta em prol dos direitos humanos, entre eles o Prêmio José Martí 2013, da Unesco, e o Prêmio Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, em 2014. É autor de 57 obras, entre elas “Fidel e a religião” e “Paraíso Perdido - Viagens ao mundo socialista”, lançado  em  2015,    em   que   relata dezenas   de viagens por países socialistas ao longo de mais de três décadas (1979-2012).Publicou também livros infantojuvenis, de contos, ensaios e romances. Por sua obra literária, Frei Betto ganhou duas vezes o prêmio Jabuti, além do prêmio da Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte e o Prêmio Alba de Literatura. Suas obras já foram traduzidas para 25 idiomas.Atualmente, é colunista de religião do jornal “O Globo” e articulista dos jornais “Folha de S. Paulo”, “Hoje em Dia”, “O Dia”, “Brasil de Fato” e da revista “Caros Amigos”.A entrevista foi feita no contexto do I Seminário Migrações Contemporâneas e Direitos Fundamentais de Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras em Santa Catarina, no qual Frei Betto fez a palestra de encerramento. Entrevista concedida em 07/10/2015

    Édition critique du "Ceremonial de Príncipes" de Diego de Valera

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario de Estudios Hispánicos Superiore

    La baja activación emocional en la depresión explicada por el enfoque de la atención motivada

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    Depression has been associated with low emotional arousal. Highly arousing emotional stimuli engage the cortical circuits related to the allocation of attention towards these stimuli. Thus, it has been hypothesized that depression could be characterized by a deficit in these brain circuits. This brief review summarizes how attention and emotion are interconnected and suggests that common brain mechanisms underlie the link between emotion and attention. Finally, the results from depression research are presented that show that low emotional arousal in depression could arise from a deficit in brain circuits related to attention.La depresión se ha asociado con baja activación emocional. Los estímulos emocionales de alta activación involucran circuitos corticales que son relevantes para la dirección de la atención hacia estos estímulos. Por lo tanto, se ha plan-teado la hipótesis de que la depresión podría ser caracterizada por un déficit en estos circuitos cerebrales. Esta breve revisión resume como la atención y la emoción están interrelacionados y sugiere que existen mecanismos cerebrales de la emoción y la atención comunes. Por último, se presentan los resultados de una investigación de la depresión, que demuestra que la excitación emocional baja en la depresión podría surgir de un déficit en los circuitos cerebrales de la atención

    História pública no Brasil: espaço de apropriações e disputas

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    Resenha da obra:MAUAD, Ana Maria; ALMEIDA, Juniele Rabêlo de; SANTHIAGO, Ricardo (orgs.). História pública no Brasil: Sentidos e itinerários. São Paulo: Letra e Voz, 2016, 348p