17 research outputs found
Glioma supratentorial de baixo grau em adulto: experiência com 23 pacientes operados Supratentorial low grade tumors in adults: an experience with 23 surgical cases
Os astrocitomas e oligodendrogliomas supratentoriais dos adultos são tumores infrequentes. Analisamos retrospectivamente 23 pacientes com este tipo de neoplasia que foram operados entre 1986 e 2002. Não ocorreu nenhum óbito no pós-operatório. A sobrevida de 5 e 10 anos de todo o grupo foi 67 e 30% respectivamente, semelhante a outras experiências. Em 14 pacientes obtivemos a remoção completa da lesão (60,8%) e em 9 (39,2%) ocorreu remoção parcial do tumor. No subgrupo da ressecção total do tumor, 89% sobreviveram 5 anos e 45% alcançaram 10 anos de sobrevida, em contraste com o subgrupo da remoção parcial em que somente 35% alcançaram os 5 anos de sobrevida e nenhum, 10 anos. Devido aos efeitos deletérios da radioterapia, nós preferimos prescrevê-la apenas nos casos de recorrência tumoral.<br>Low-grade supratentorial astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas in adults are uncommon tumors of the central nervous system. We analyzed retrospectively 23 patients with this type of neoplasia, who were operated on between 1986 and 2002. There were no post-operative deaths. The survival rate at 5 and 10 years post-surgery for the entire sample was 67 and 30% respectively, similar to other outcomes. With 14 patients we achieved a complete removal of the lesion (60.8%) and with 9 (39.2%) partial removal of the tumor. In the sub-group which underwent total resection of the tumor, 89% survived 5 years and 45% attained 10 years of survival, in contrast with the sub-group that underwent partial removal in which only 35% attained 5 years of survival and none 10 years. Due to the deleterious effects of radiation therapy, we preferred to prescribe it only in cases of tumor recurrence
Microglia used as vehicles for both inducible thymidine kinase gene therapy and MRI contrast agents for glioma therapy
Microglia are phagocytic cells that are chemoattracted by brain tumors and can represent up to 70% of the tumor cell population. To get insight into gene therapy against glioma, we decided to take advantage of those microglia properties and to use those cells as vehicles to transport simultaneously a suicide gene (under the control of a heat-sensitive promoter) and contrast agents to localize them by magnetic resonance imaging before applying any therapeutic treatment. Thymidine kinase (TK) expression and its functionality after gancyclovir administration were investigated. After the heat shock (44°C and 20 min), TK was expressed in 50% of the cells. However, after gancyclovir treatment, 90% of the cells died by apoptosis, showing an important bystander effect. Then, the cells were incubated with new lanthanide contrast agents to check both their potential toxicity and their MR properties. Results indicate that the nanoparticles did not induce any cell toxicity and yield a hypersignal on MR images at 4.7 T. These in vitro experiments indicate that microglia are good candidates as vectors in gene therapy against brain tumors. Finally, microglia containing gadolinium-grafted nanoparticles were injected in the close vicinity of C6 tumor, in a mouse. The hyperintensive signal obtained on in vivo images as well as its retention time show the potential of the novel contrast agents for cellular imaging
Vascular niche IL-6 induces alternative macrophage activation in glioblastoma through HIF-2α
Macrophages in the tumour microenvironment (TME) acquire tumour-promoting functions upon M2 polarization. Here the authors show, in a mouse model of glioblastoma, that endothelial cells in the TME induce macrophage M2 polarization via IL-6 and that depletion of endothelial IL-6 improves survival