2,348 research outputs found

    Chinook habitat restoration decision support tool- Identifying chinook salmon habitat restoration effectiveness based on temperature, flow, and bioenergetics models

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    Stream restoration projects focus on improving habitat for Pacific Salmonids in watersheds throughout the Pacific Northwest. Currently, few comprehensive tools are available for managers to mechanistically predict the improved fish growth that comes with restoration actions, such as riparian acquisitions, riparian planting or levee setbacks. Therefore, managers need tools that can predict salmonid growth potential given different decision scenarios. One approach to address the Puget Sound Partnership’s regional chinook recovery goals would be a linked stream temperature, flow, and fish bioenergetics model that predict chinook growth benefits of different remediation strategies. Considered strategies will include changes to riparian habitat and instream flows. Increasingly, it is recognized that riparian restoration also benefits salmonids through the increased terrestrial food supply. Such a modeling tool, or model-ensemble, would provide at least a two-tiered application. Screening-level predictions of stream temperatures and chinook growth might be based on currently available input data, i.e., widespread estimates from SNTemp and NHD+ model outputs, and reported food availability and diets. A second, more specific model-ensemble output based on segment specific data, much of it currently available, would require a few, relatively minor site-specific values, namely widths, depths, substrate and invertebrate drift. The effectiveness of the decision support modeling tool could be demonstrated at a handful of sites across a range of land uses and watershed sizes with currently available data. This tool would allow managers the ability to predict and compare chinook growth for current and future conditions from different remediation decisions along a specified river reach. Additionally, conducting a sensitivity analysis with the tool, or model-ensemble, will identify essential information needs for more detailed, and improved, site-specific estimates of chinook growth. Such a tool could scale up to generate region-wide maps of potential chinook growth as more Salish Sea-wide temperature, flow, habitat and drift data becomes available

    Assessment of silt from sand and gravel processing as a suitable sub-soil material in land restoration: A glasshouse study

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    Annually, sand and gravel processing generates approximately 20 million tonnes of non-commercial by-product as fine silt particles (<63 μm) which constitutes approximately 20% of quarry production in the UK. This study is significant as it investigated the use of quarry silt as a sub-soil medium to partially substitute soil-forming materials whilst facilitating successful post-restoration crop establishment. In a glasshouse pot experiment, top-soil and sub-soil layering was simulated, generating an artificial sub-soil medium by mixing two quarry non-commercial by-products, i.e. silt and overburden. These were blended in three ratios (100:0, 70:30, 50:50). Pots were packed to two bulk densities (1.3 and 1.5 g cm-3) and sown with three cover crops used in the early restoration process namely winter rye (Secale cereale), white mustard (Sinapis alba) and a grassland seed mixture (Lolium perenne, Phleum pratense, Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra). Three weeks into growth, the first signs of nitrogen (N) deficiency were observed in mustard plants, with phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) deficiencies observed at 35 days. Rye exhibited minor N deficiency symptoms four weeks into growth, whilst the grassland mixture showed no deficiency symptoms. The 70:30 silt:overburden sub-soil blend resulted in significantly higher Root Mass Densities of grassland seed mixture and rye in the sub-soil layer as compared with the other blends. The innovation in this work is the detailed physical, chemical and biological characterisation of silt:overburden blends and effects on root development of plants commonly used in early restoration to bio-engineer soil structural improvements

    Datastreme Courses: Teacher Enhancement Utilizing Current Environmental Data and the Internet

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    The American Meteorological Society\u27s (AMS) Educational Program seeks to assist the improvement of science education in K-12 classrooms through implementation of the National Science Education Standards. This goal is being accomplished through the offering of three teacher enhancement courses via blended instruction methods. Following course participation each teacher functions as an Earth system science education resource person for his/her colleagues

    Passive solid state microdosimeter with electronic readout

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    Apparatus and method for qualitatively and quantitatively analyzing a complex radiation field are provided. A passive microdosimetry detector device records the energy deposition of incident radiation using an array of microstructure non-volatile memory devices. Each microstructure non-volatile memory device is capable of storing a predetermined initial charge without requiring a power source. A radiation particle incident to a microstructure non-volatile memory device is termed an event . Each such event may generate a charge within a sensitive volume defined by the microstructure non-volatile memory device. The charge generated within the sensitive volume alters the stored initial charge by an amount falling within a range corresponding to the energy deposited by certain particle types. Data corresponding to such charge alterations for a plurality of microstructure non-volatile memory devices within an array of such devices are presented to a qualitative analyzing device. The qualitative analyzing device converts the data to a spectral analysis of the incident radiation field by applying ICRP-recommended weighting factors to individual events or approximations thereof

    Neurocysticercosis in Radiographically Imaged Seizure Patients in U.S. Emergency Departments1

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    Neurocysticercosis appears to be on the rise in the United States, based on immigration patterns and published cases series, including reports of domestic acquisition. We used a collaborative network of U.S. emergency departments to characterize the epidemiology of neurocysticercosis in seizure patients. Data were collected prospectively at 11 university-affiliated, geographically diverse, urban U.S. emergency departments from July 1996 to September 1998. Patients with a seizure who underwent neuroimaging were included. Of the 1,801 patients enrolled in the study, 38 (2.1%) had seizures attributable to neurocysticercosis. The disease was detected in 9 of the 11 sites and was associated with Hispanic ethnicity, immigrant status, and exposure to areas where neurocysticercosis is endemic. This disease appears to be widely distributed and highly prevalent in certain populations (e.g., Hispanic patients) and areas (e.g., Southwest)

    Traumatic surfing injuries in New Zealand: a descriptive epidemiology study

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    BACKGROUND: New Zealand (NZ) has nearly 14,000 km of coastline and a surfing population of approximately 315,000 surfers. Given its popularity, surfing has a high frequency of injury claims, however, there remains a lack of data on traumatic surfing-related injuries from large population studies. The primary purpose of this study was to examine traumatic surfing injuries in NZ specific to injury incidence, duration, location, type, mechanism of injury and associated risk factors. METHODS: A sample of self-identified surfers currently living in NZ participated in an online retrospective cross-sectional survey between December 2015 and July 2016. Demographic and surfing injury data were collected and analysed. RESULTS: The survey yielded 1,473 respondents (18.3% female); a total of 502 surfers reported 702 major traumatic injuries with an overall incidence proportion of 0.34 (95% CI [0.32–0.37]). When comparing the number of injured surfers who sustained an injury at various body locations, a significantly higher proportion of competitive surfers, compared to recreational surfers, had an injury at the neck (6.8% vs 4%, χ(2) (1,1473) = 5.84, P = 0.019); shoulder (7.4% vs 4.3%, χ(2) (1,1473) = 6.34, P = 0.017), upper back (1% vs 2.4%, χ(2) (1,1473) = 4.77, P = 0.043), lower back (7% vs 3.1%, χ(2) (1,1473) = 11.98, P = 0.001) and knee (7% vs 3.4%, χ(2) (1,1473) = 9.67, P = 0.003). A significantly higher proportion of surfers who performed aerial manoeuvres compared to those who did not reported a higher proportion of knee injuries (9.7% vs 3.9%, χ(2) (1,1473) = 13.00, P = 0.001). With respect to injury duration, the shoulder represented the largest proportion of chronic injuries (>3 months) (44.4%), and the head and face represented the largest proportion of acute injuries (≤3 months) (88%). Muscle and tendon injuries were reported most frequently (25.6%) and direct contact injuries accounted for 58.1% of all injury mechanisms. Key risk factors for traumatic injury included: competitive compared to recreational status (41.0% vs 30.1%, Relative Risk (RR) = 1.36, P < 0.001), ability to perform aerial manoeuvres (48.1% vs 31.8%, RR = 1.51, P < 0.001) and intermediate or above skill level surfers compared to beginner surfers (35.8% vs 22.7%, RR = 1.58, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: One third of recreational surfers sustained a major traumatic injury in the previous 12 months. For competitive or aerialist surfers the risk was greater, with this proportion approximately half. Overall, the head/face was the most common location of traumatic injury, with competitive surfers being more likely to sustain a neck, shoulder, lower back, and knee injury compared to recreational surfers. The shoulder was associated with the highest proportion of injuries of chronic duration. Future research should investigate injury mechanisms and causation using prospective injury monitoring to better underpin targeted injury prevention programs

    Estimating anisotropy directly via neural timeseries

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    An isotropic dynamical system is one that looks the same in every direction, i.e., if we imagine standing somewhere within an isotropic system, we would not be able to differentiate between different lines of sight. Conversely, anisotropy is a measure of the extent to which a system deviates from perfect isotropy, with larger values indicating greater discrepancies between the structure of the system along its axes. Here, we derive the form of a generalised scalable (mechanically similar) discretized field theoretic Lagrangian that allows for levels of anisotropy to be directly estimated via timeseries of arbitrary dimensionality. We generate synthetic data for both isotropic and anisotropic systems and, by using Bayesian model inversion and reduction, show that we can discriminate between the two datasets - thereby demonstrating proof of principle. We then apply this methodology to murine calcium imaging data collected in rest and task states, showing that anisotropy can be estimated directly from different brain states and cortical regions in an empirical in vivo biological setting. We hope that this theoretical foundation, together with the methodology and publicly available MATLAB code, will provide an accessible way for researchers to obtain new insight into the structural organization of neural systems in terms of how scalable neural regions grow - both ontogenetically during the development of an individual organism, as well as phylogenetically across species. Keywords: Anisotropy; DCM; Data fitting; Field theory; Lagrangian; Neuroimagin
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