2,541 research outputs found

    The Development of 'Pro-Life' NGOs in Argentina: Three strategic movements

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    In Latin America, the agenda of sexual and reproductive rights advocated by the feminist and LGBTI movements has challenged the hegemony of the sexual order held by traditionalist sectors, especially the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and conservative evangelical churches. These religious groups have reacted, in turn, to arrest the advance of feminist and LGBTI agendas. Beyond conservative Catholic and evangelical hierarchies, opposition activists also include religious academic institutions, politicians, Christian lay movements, and civil society groups, among others, all committed to a more restrictive view of sexuality. One important strategy of this "Pro-Life" activism in recent years has been the conformation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This article offers an analysis of the emergence and development of "Pro-Life" NGOs in Argentina. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, it examines three strategic movements made by these NGOs from the 1980s to the present: a state-political turn that favored strategies aimed to colonize the state and to impact sexual policies and the law; a blurring of religious identities; and a process of federalization and civil ecumenism.Fil: Moran Faundes, Jose Manuel Ferrucio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Investigaciones Juridícas y Sociales; Argentin

    Introduction: Christianity, Gender, Sexuality and the Law in Latin America

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    The issues of gender, sexuality and reproduction have gained a strong public presence in Latin America in recent years. Political agendas have begun gradually to include topics related to LGBTI rights and access of people "especially women " to reproductive justice. In some cases, these processes have generated policies, laws and judgments favorable to women and LGBTI movements?s demands. For example, in recent years, countries as diverse as Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil allowed same-sex marriage, whether through the adoption of laws or by favorable rulings, after broad political and social debates. Other countries, including Ecuador, Costa Rica and Chile, still do not recognize same-sex marriage, but have allowed civil unions. Argentina and Bolivia also adopted laws of gender identity which, among other things, guarantee the right to recognition of self-perceived identity over the one assigned at birth. Moreover, in recent years, Uruguay and the Federal District of Mexico have legalized abortion under a trimester-based system, while other countries have expanded the decriminalized grounds for terminating a pregnancy voluntarily, despite maintaining the illegality of abortion.However, the successful expansion of rights with respect to gender, sexuality and reproduction, is not a linear process or free from controversy and backlashes. In 1997, for example, El Salvador banned abortion without exception, a decision emulated by Nicaragua in 2007. In 2015, the Peruvian Congress rejected the adoption of a civil union law. In addition, since at least 1998 Latin America has seen a wave of litigation and legislative processes against emergency contraception (Peñas Defago and Morán Faúndes, 2014). Some of these have been reversed. In Chile, a law was passed in 2010 during Michelle Bachelet?s first administration (2006-2010) allowing the public health system to provide emergency contraception, which reversed an unfavorable ruling of the Constitutional Court in 2008. In Honduras and elsewhere, however, bans on emergency contraception remain.Considering the ongoing and often public controversy around these issues, it is necessary to develop and deepen the frames through which we understand how these dynamics unfold in the region. To this end, the contributors to this special issue understand gender and sexuality as public and political fields characterized by tensions, disputes and struggles over power, including state power.Fil: Sáez, Macarena. American University; Estados UnidosFil: Moran Faundes, Jose Manuel Ferrucio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Investigaciones Juridícas y Sociales; Argentin

    La anticoncepción de emergencia en Chile: estructuración de su demanda en función de variables socioeconómicas

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    En enero del año 2010 se aprobó en Chile la ley 20.418 que restableció la entrega de la anticoncepción de emergencia (píldora del día después) en el servicio público de salud del país, luego de que su distribución fuese prohibida por el Tribunal Constitucional en el 2007. A más de un año de la entrada en vigencia de la ley, el Ministerio de Salud publicó datos oficiales acerca de la entrega de este método anticonceptivo para el año 2010, lo que abre nuevas posibilidades para comprender los niveles de accesibilidad y de demanda. El presente trabajo analiza por primera vez la estructuración de dicha demanda en el Sistema Nacional de Servicios de Salud, evaluando la incidencia de tres variables socioeconómicas: el estatus económico, el nivel de educación y la zona de residencia. Los resultados muestran que la tasa media de consultas por anticoncepción de emergencia en mujeres de 15 a 44 años fue de 2,53 consultas por cada 1.000 mujeres en edad fértil. Esta tasa llega a 4,27 en mujeres adolescentes de entre 15 y 19 años, y sólo a 2,1 en mujeres de 20 a 44. Los mayores niveles de demanda se sitúan en las comunas con indicadores socioeconómicos deficientes, esto es, alto porcentaje de población comunal con un ingreso autónomo bajo, importante proporción de personas sin educación secundaria completa, y un alto porcentaje de población residente en zonas rurales.Fil: Moran Faundes, Jose Manuel Ferrucio. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Derecho y Cs.sociales. Centro de Invest. Juridicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Géneros, transgéneros: Hacia una noción bidimensional de la injusticia

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    Las expresiones trans representan cuerpos, identidades, prácticas y experiencias que subvierten los patrones culturales de significación heteronormativa, lo que las posiciona fuera de los límites de inteligibilidad proporcionados por la cultura hegemónica. El presente artículo intenta reflexionar acerca de cómo las exclusiones que recaen sobre estas expresiones responden a una forma bivalente de injusticia. Tomando como paradigma el modelo bidimensional de justicia de Nancy Fraser, se argumenta que los dispositivos de marginalización que operan sobre las personas transgéneras tienen como punto de origen tanto una precaria valoración cultural, como una economía política regulada sobre la base de una división del trabajo fundada en la sexualidad.Fil: Moran Faundes, Jose Manuel Ferrucio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Implementation of the Compressible Flow Solution Methodology for Solving 2D Shallow-Water Flow Problems

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    This paper concerns with the implementation of the compressible flow solution methodology for solving 2D shallow water flow problems. It is well known that in both cases, the continuity and momentum conservation equations look quite similar, but depth replaces density of compressible flow, and the Froude number will replace the Maeh number. Thus, any mass imbalance produces a change in depth equivalent to the density change for compressible flow. It is possible to combine momentum and continuity equations to obtain a predictor-corrector algorithm for establishing the depth field. However, as the Froude number increases, the governing equations change their character from elliptic to hyperbolic, with a parabolic transition at a Froude number of unity and this change is not reflected in the equivalent classical pressure-correction equation, which keeps its elliptic character. The extension of incompressible (SIMPLE-based methods) to compressible flows, incorporates a convection-like term (wave velocity related) to the pressure-correction equation. The drawback of the extension of the pressure- correction to compressible flows was the poor shock-capturing capability, which is due mainly to the treatment of the convective terms in the conservation equations. In this work, a high order bounded treatment of the convective terms along with the depth-correction for all Froude numbers is implemented. A numerical solution is presented for all Froude numbers, and it is compared with benchmark problems

    Salmon smolt outmigration surveillance: a comparison of methods and a analysis of the Traffic lLght System

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    Masteroppgave i marin økologi - Nord universitet 202

    Continuous harvesting costs in sole-owner fisheries with increasing marginal returns

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    We develop a bioeconomic model to analyze a sole-owner fishery with fixed costs as well as a continuous cost function for the generalized Cobb-Douglas production function with increasing marginal returns to effort level. On the basis of data from the North Sea herring fishery, we analyze the consequences of the combined effects of increasing marginal returns and fixed costs. We find that regardless of the magnitude of the fixed costs, cyclical policies can be optimal instead of the optimal steady state equilibrium advocated in much of the existing literature. We also show that the risk of stock collapse increases significantly with increasing fixed costs as this implies higher period cycles which is a quite counterintuitive result as higher costs usually are considered to have a conservative effect on resources.Bioeconomic modelling; Stock collapse; Fixed costs; Pulse fishing; Cyclical dynamics; Increasing marginal returns

    Materials chemistry under high pressures - Some recent aspects

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    Among the thermodynamic parameters governing the preparation of novel materials, temperature (T) and pressure (p) play an important role. In Materials Chemistry, the synthesis of materials needs energy in order to enhance the diffusion of atoms to the equilibrium positions required by the specific structure and to induce the formation of chemical bonds..

    Variaciones hematológicas post tratamiento oral con doxiciclina y doxiciclina amoxicilina, en Canis familiaris con Ehrlichiosis en el distrito de Trujillo

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    Se evaluaron 40 Canis familiaris de diferente edad, raza y sexo, con ehrlichiosis, diagnosticados mediante el test de ELISA, se consideraron dos grupos de 20 pacientes cada uno seleccionados al azar. Se evaluaron las variaciones hematológicas post tratamiento oral con Doxiciclina – Amoxicilina y Doxiciclina, en el distrito de Trujillo, Perú. Todos los pacientes antes del tratamiento presentaron anemia normocitica – normocrómica la cual evolucionó favorablemente luego de ambos tratamientos antimicrobianos. El tratamiento de ehrlichiosis canina con Doxiciclina – Amoxicilina mostró recuperación de los valores hematológicos en el día 7 post- tratamiento, mientras que utilizando Doxiciclina la recuperación ocurrió al día 14.We evaluated 40 Canis familiaris of different age, breed and sex, with ehrlichiosis, diagnosed by the ELISA test, considered two groups of 20 patients each selected randomly. Hematological variations were evaluated post oral treatment with Doxycycline - Amoxicillin and Doxycycline, in the district of Trujillo, Peru. All patients before treatment presented normocitic- normochromic anemia which evolved favorably after both antimicrobial treatments. The treatment of canine ehrlichiosis with Doxycycline - Amoxicillin showed recovery of the hematological values on day 7 post- treatment, while using Doxycycline recovery occurred at day 14.Tesi