143 research outputs found


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    The paper deals with the analytic-theoretical derivation of the relationships between the entropic quantity Ί(M), representing the ratio between the mean and maximum flow velocity, and the relative submergence and aspect ratio, using classical open channel flow equations. Ί(M) is found to be highly dependent on the relative submergence when large or intermediate roughness scale occur, while it might be assumed almost constant for a small roughness scale. Furthermore, considering the hydraulic geometry relationships, it is attempted to relate the relative submergence to the aspect ratio of flow through a log-relationship whose coefficients depend on the local bed slope, with an important implication for hydrological practices. Then, a practical relation between Ί(M) and aspect ratio is proposed and validated in the operative chain for discharge assessment, showing high robustness and stability. The proposed model has been applied to a set of experimental velocity data collected in gaged river sites with different geometric and hydraulic characteristics as well as low, medium and high flows

    Discharge estimation combining flow routing and occasional measurements of velocity

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    A new procedure is proposed for estimating river discharge hydrographs during flood events, using only water level data at a single gauged site, as well as 1-D shallow water modelling and occasional maximum surface flow velocity measurements. One-dimensional diffusive hydraulic model is used for routing the recorded stage hydrograph in the channel reach considering zero-diffusion downstream boundary condition. Based on synthetic tests concerning a broad prismatic channel, the “suitable” reach length is chosen in order to minimize the effect of the approximated downstream boundary condition on the estimation of the upstream discharge hydrograph. The Manning’s roughness coefficient is calibrated by using occasional instantaneous surface velocity measurements during the rising limb of flood that are used to estimate instantaneous discharges by adopting, in the flow area, a two-dimensional velocity distribution model. Several historical events recorded in three gauged sites along the upper Tiber River, wherein reliable rating curves are available, have been used for the validation. The outcomes of the analysis can be summarized as follows: (1) the criterion adopted for selecting the “suitable” channel length based on synthetic test studies has proved to be reliable for field applications to three gauged sites. Indeed, for each event a downstream reach length not more than 500m is found to be sufficient, for a good performances of the hydraulic model, thereby enabling the drastic reduction of river cross-sections data; (2) the procedure for Manning’s roughness coefficient calibration allowed for high performance in discharge estimation just considering the observed water levels and occasional measurements of maximum surface flow velocity during the Correspondence to: G. Corato ([email protected]) rising limb of flood. Indeed, errors in the peak discharge magnitude, for the optimal calibration, were found not exceeding 5% for all events observed in the three investigated gauged sections, while the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency was, on average, greater than 0.95. Therefore, the proposed procedure well lend itself to be applied for: (1) the extrapolation of rating curve over the field of velocity measurements (2) discharge estimations in different cross sections during the same flood event using occasional surface flow velocity measures carried out, for instance, by hand-held radar sensors

    Calcolo della portata di piena con modello bidimensionale non lineare

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    Si propone un modello bidimensionale di trasformazione afflussi-deflussi per il calcolo della piena in una sezione di un corso d\u2019acqua. Il bacino idrografico \ue8 rappresentato da una mesh triangolare non strutturata. L\u2019input del modello \ue8 costituito dalle piogge lorde, trasformate in piogge nette mediante l\u2019equazione integrata di Horton. Il calcolo della propagazione idraulica nei diversi rami della rete idrografica consente di abbandonare le ipotesi di stazionariet\ue0 e di linearit\ue0, ordinariamente adottate nell\u2019idrologia delle piene. Il modello proposto viene calibrato ed applicato ad un bacino idrografico di un affluente del fiume Tevere per il quale si dispongono di alcuni idrogrammi di piena e delle relative piogge

    Progettazione di una cassa d’espansione e determinazione della riduzione del rischio idraulico con modellazione 2D

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    Nell’articolo si studia l’effetto di una cassa d’espansione posta a monte di un’area fluviale soggetta a rischio idraulico. Lo strumento utilizzato ù un software bidimensionale sviluppato per simulare la propagazione delle piene fluviali. Il dominio di calcolo ù rappresentato da una mesh triangolare non strutturata con una maggiore densità di elementi all’interno dell’alveo e nelle zone immediatamente limitrofe. Per facilitare gli accumuli temporanei di parte dei volumi di piena, si ipotizza la costruzione di un restringimento dell’alveo per mezzo di due pareti verticali che avvicinano le sponde fluviali. Durante la piena, il passaggio per lo stato critico nel restringimento provoca un rigurgito a monte, e quindi un agevole riempimento della cassa d’espansione. La perimetrazione di tale cassa ù definita con la costruzione di un rilevato arginale di adeguata altezza. Per meglio simulare il rigurgito a monte della strozzatura, si introduce una scabrezza equivalente negli elementi della strozzatura, per riprodurre le perdite di carico nel restringimento e nel successivo risalto idraulico, malgrado l’ipotesi diffusiva utilizzata nel software di calcolo. La conoscenza delle aree allagate in due eventi di piena storici e dei due relativi idrogrammi di piena, ha consentito la determinazione del coefficiente di Manning quale misura della scabrezza in alveo e fuori alveo. Mediante l’applicazione del modello proposto ù possibile validare sia il posizionamento degli argini a monte del restringimento per il contenimento della piena, sia la riduzione delle aree di valle soggette a rischio idraulico

    Application of a model-based rainfall-runoff database as efficient tool for flood risk management

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    A framework for a comprehensive synthetic rainfall-runoff database was developed to study catchment response to a variety of rainfall events. The framework supports effective flood risk assessment and management and implements simple approaches. It consists of three flexible components, a rainfall generator, a continuous rainfallrunoff model, and a database management system. The system was developed and tested at two gauged river sections along the upper Tiber River (central Italy). One of the main questions was to investigate how simple such approaches can be applied without impairing the quality of the results. The rainfall-runoff model was used to simulate runoff on the basis of a large number of rainfall events. The resulting rainfallrunoff database stores pre-simulated events classified on the basis of the rainfall amount, initial wetness conditions and initial discharge. The real-time operational forecasts follow an analogue method that does not need new model simulations. However, the forecasts are based on the simulation results available in the rainfall-runoff database (for the specific class to which the forecast belongs). Therefore, the database can be used as an effective tool to assess possible streamflow scenarios assuming different rainfall volumes for the following days. The application to the study site shows that magnitudes of real flood events were appropriately captured by the database. Further work should be dedicated to introduce a component for taking account of the actual temporal distribution of rainfall events into the stochastic rainfall generator and to the use of different rainfall-runoff models to enhance the usability of the proposed procedure

    A physically based approach for the estimation of root-zone soil moisture from surface measurements

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    Abstract. In the present work, we developed a new formulation for the estimation of the soil moisture in the root zone based on the measured value of soil moisture at the surface. It was derived from a simplified soil water balance equation for semiarid environments that provides a closed form of the relationship between the root zone and the surface soil moisture with a limited number of physically consistent parameters. The method sheds lights on the mentioned relationship with possible applications in the use of satellite remote sensing retrievals of soil moisture. The proposed approach was used on soil moisture measurements taken from the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) and the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) databases. The AMMA network was designed with the aim to monitor three so-called mesoscale sites (super sites) located in Benin, Mali, and Niger using point measurements at different locations. Thereafter the new formulation was tested on three additional stations of SCAN in the state of New Mexico (US). Both databases are ideal for the application of such method, because they provide a good description of the soil moisture dynamics at the surface and the root zone using probes installed at different depths. The model was first applied with parameters assigned based on the physical characteristics of several sites. These results highlighted the potential of the methodology, providing a good description of the root-zone soil moisture. In the second part of the paper, the model performances were compared with those of the well-known exponential filter. Results show that this new approach provides good performances after calibration with a set of parameters consistent with the physical characteristics of the investigated areas. The limited number of parameters and their physical interpretation makes the procedure appealing for further applications to other regions

    Integrazione di metodologie dirette ed indirette per la stima degli idrogrammi di piena in alvei naturali

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    Le metodologie attualmente disponibili per la misura di pieno campo delle portate possono essere classificate in base al tipo di sensore utilizzato ed al numero delle stazioni idrometriche. Per ognuna delle possibili tipologie vengono presentate le tecniche di analisi piĂč recenti e delineati possibili sviluppi futuri. Viene quindi introdotta una nuova metodologia, basata sull’integrazione di misure dirette ed indirette. Nell’approccio proposto la portata viene calcolata come valore al contorno di monte di un modello di propagazione 1D a cui vengono assegnati i tiranti di monte quale condizione misurata. Il modello viene calibrato attraverso sporadiche misure istantanee di velocitĂ , consentendo di pervenire ad una registrazione continua delle portate mediante l’ausilio delle sole osservazioni dei tiranti in una sola stazione di misura. L’approccio Ăš validato attraverso serie storiche di tiranti e di portate misurate in una stazione idrometrica del Fiume Tevere

    Toward the estimation of river discharge variations using MODIS data in ungauged basins

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    This study investigates the capability of the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to estimate river discharge, even for ungauged sites. Because of its frequent revisits (as little as every 3 h) and adequate spatial resolution (250 m), MODIS bands 1 and 2 have significant potential for mapping the extent of flooded areas and estimating river discharge even for medium-sized basins. Specifically, the different behaviour of water and land in the Near Infrared (NIR) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is exploited by computing the ratio (C/M) of the MODIS channel 2 reflectance values between two pixels located within (M) and outside (C), but close to, the river. The values of C/M increase with the presence of water and, hence, with discharge. Moreover, in order to reduce the noise effects due to atmospheric contribution, an exponential smoothing filter is applied, thus obtaining C/M⁎. Time series of hourly mean flow velocity and discharge between 2005 and 2011 measured at four gauging stations located along the Po river (Northern Italy) are employed for testing the capability of C/M⁎ to estimate discharge/flow velocity. Specifically, the meanders and urban areas are considered the best locations for the position of the pixels M and C, respectively. Considering the optimal pixels, the agreement between C/M⁎ and discharge/flow velocity is fairly good with values in the range of 0.65–0.77. Additionally, the application to ungauged sites is tested by deriving a unique regional relationship between C/M⁎ and flow velocity valid for the whole Po river and providing only a slight deterioration of the performance. Finally, the sensitivity of the results to the selection of the C and M pixels is investigated by randomly changing their location. Also in this case, the agreement with in situ observations of velocity is fairly satisfactory (r ~ 0.6). The obtained results demonstrate the capability of MODIS to monitor discharge (and flow velocity). Therefore, its application for a larger number of sites worldwide will be the object of future studies

    Identification of hydrodynamic changes in rivers by means of freshwater mussels' behavioural response: An experimental investigation

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    The present work concerns the interaction between hydraulic processes and biological communities in rivers. In particular, the aim of this study is to investigate the interactions between flow dynamics and the freshwater mussels (FMs) to verify if the mussels' behavioural response to the hydrodynamic stress could be used to monitor natural extreme events in rivers. Although the influence of mussels on the kinematic characteristics of flow at the water–sediment interface was investigated by a certain number of studies, their behavioural response to flow, both in static and dynamic conditions, remains understudied. Laboratory experiments were performed in an artificial flume exposing Unio elongatulus to different values of flow discharge, both in steady and in unsteady conditions either with or without sediment transport. Mussels' behavioural responses were detected by using Hall sensor technology to measure gaping frequency, amplitude and duration, both in static conditions and under the effect of hydrodynamic stresses. Five categories of behavioural response were identified: Normal Activity (NA), Resting (Re), Transition (Tr), Adaptation (Ad) and Avoidance (Av). During NA (standard feeding and moving), FMs presented valve gaping, while during Re valves were kept constantly opened for water filtration. After a variation of flow discharge (ΔQ), FMs promptly reacted showing a transition from their normal behaviour, with constant gaping frequency (below 0.01 Hz), to higher valve gaping frequencies. The mean valves' gaping frequency increased as a function of ΔQ, and the highest values were reached in the presence of sediment transport. The mean valve opening amplitude was less sensitive to ΔQ. Its range of variation was very narrow with the highest values corresponding to the protrusion/retraction of the animals' foot to move or anchor to the substrate. The percentage of mussels responding to the discharge variation (Transition behaviour) increases with ΔQ confirming that mussels' behavioural response represents a promising tool for monitoring the occurrence of hydrodynamic stressors in fluvial systems
