15 research outputs found

    Development of an Android OS Based Controller of a Double Motor Propulsion System for Connected Electric Vehicles and Communication Delays Analysis

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    Developments of technologies that facilitate vehicle connectivity represent a market demand. In particular, mobile device (MD) technology provides advanced user interface, customization, and upgradability characteristics that can facilitate connectivity and possibly aid in the goal of autonomous driving. This work explores the use of a MD in the control system of a conceptual electric vehicle (EV). While the use of MD for real-time control and monitoring has been reported, proper consideration has not been given to delays in data flow and their effects on system performance. The motor of a novel propulsion system for an EV was conditioned to be controlled in a wireless local area network by an ecosystem that includes a MD and an electronic board. An intended accelerator signal is predefined and sent to the motor and rotational speed values produced in the motor are sent back to the MD. Sample periods in which the communication really occurs are registered. Delays in the sample periods and produced errors in the accelerator and rotational speed signals are presented and analyzed. Maximum delays found in communications were of 0.2 s, while the maximum error produced in the accelerator signal was of 3.54%. Delays are also simulated, with a response that is similar to the behavior observed in the experiments

    The use of Brazilian vegetable oils in nanoemulsions: an update on preparation and biological applications

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    Development of an android OS based controller of a double motor propulsion system for connected electric vehicles and communication delays analysis

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    Developments of technologies that facilitate vehicle connectivity represent a market demand. In particular, mobile device (MD) technology provides advanced user interface, customization, and upgradability characteristics that can facilitate connectivity and possibly aid in the goal of autonomous driving. This work explores the use of a MD in the control system of a conceptual electric vehicle (EV). While the use of MD for real-time control and monitoring has been reported, proper consideration has not been given to delays in data flow and their effects on system performance. The motor of a novel propulsion system for an EV was conditioned to be controlled in a wireless local area network by an ecosystem that includes a MD and an electronic board. An intended accelerator signal is predefined and sent to the motor and rotational speed values produced in the motor are sent back to the MD. Sample periods in which the communication really occurs are registered. Delays in the sample periods and produced errors in the accelerator and rotational speed signals are presented and analyzed. Maximum delays found in communications were of 0.2 s, while the maximum error produced in the accelerator signal was of 3.54%. Delays are also simulated, with a response that is similar to the behavior observed in the experiments. © 2015 Pedro Daniel Urbina Coronado et al

    Atmosphere-ocean CO2 flux in the Gulf of California, Navachiste, Sinaloa

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    The CO2 fluxes were obtained in front of Navachiste Coastal System, Sinaloa in March 2017, a board a little ship from Laboratorio de Productividad Primaria y Sistema del Carbono (IPN-LPPSC)

    Atmosphere-ocean CO2 flux in the Gulf of California

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    The CO2 fluxes were obtained in three cruises in RV Mexican Navy Altair in September 2016 in Navachiste, Sinaloa and Guaymas, Sonora in the Gulf of California

    Factores que determinan la variabilidad del flujo de CO2 oceáno-atmósfera en 5 zonas costeras del golfo de California

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    El golfo de California (GC) presenta diversos procesos oceanográficos. Tiene comunicación con el océano Pacífico mediante un flujo de salida de agua superficial (0–200 m) con valores relativamente bajos de carbono inorgánico disuelto (CID) y un flujo de entrada de agua (200–600 m) con valores altos de CID. Los datos sobre el sistema de carbono marino en el GC son escasos, y la mayoría proviene de la región de las islas grandes, en el centro del golfo. Se exploraron los posibles agentes forzantes que controlan la variabilidad del flujo de CO2 océano-atmósfera (fCO2) en 5 zonas costeras del GC. Se realizaron 6 cruceros oceanográficos en 5 regiones: frente al norte de Sinaloa en septiembre de 2016 (NAV2016) y marzo de 2017 (NAV2017), en la cuenca de Guaymas (centro del golfo) en septiembre de 2016 (GUA2016), en bahía Concepción (Baja California Sur) en julio de 2017 (BC2017), en Mulegé (Baja California Sur) en julio de 2017 (MUL2017) y frente a Mazatlán (golfo sur) en julio de 2017 (MAZ2017). Se midió la temperatura y la salinidad, se estimó el CID y la alcalinidad total y se calculó la presión parcial de CO2 superficial y el fCO2. Se utilizaron imágenes de satélite para generar compuestos de la anomalía del nivel del mar con flujo geostrófico, la temperatura superficial del mar y la concentración de clorofila en los días de muestreo. La temperatura más baja, el CID más alto y el fCO2 negativo se registraron en NAV2017. NAV2016, GUA2016 y BC2017 registraron las temperaturas más altas, y MUL2017 y MAZ2017, temperaturas intermedias. Los mayores contrastes de fCO2 ocurrieron en GUA2017 (0.56 ± 0.46 mmol C· m–2·d–1) y MAZ2017 (–2.26 ± 1.85 mmol C· m–2·d–1). En general, el fCO2 está determinado por las condiciones oceanográficas de cada zona de estudio

    Globalización y salud pública

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    Conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre salud oral en niños de 12 añosFrecuencia de malos hábitos bucales en niños de 4 a 11 años de RancaguaIntegración del sistema de salud en México: el caso de la atención de emergencias obstétricasModelo de pesquisa de cáncer colorrectal. Resultados del proyecto Previcolon 2007-2009Perfil del paciente dental adulto que acude a la HUAP (Posta Central)Rol de un registro en familiares asintomáticos de pacientes con poliposis adenomatosa familiarSalud de inmigrantes en Chile: observando más allá del efecto del migrante sano&nbsp

    Globalización y salud pública

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    Conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre salud oral en niños de 12 añosFrecuencia de malos hábitos bucales en niños de 4 a 11 años de RancaguaIntegración del sistema de salud en México: el caso de la atención de emergencias obstétricasModelo de pesquisa de cáncer colorrectal. Resultados del proyecto Previcolon 2007-2009Perfil del paciente dental adulto que acude a la HUAP (Posta Central)Rol de un registro en familiares asintomáticos de pacientes con poliposis adenomatosa familiarSalud de inmigrantes en Chile: observando más allá del efecto del migrante sano&nbsp

    The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project

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