42 research outputs found

    Caries y pérdida prematura del primer molar permanente en niños de escuela primaria, y nivel de conocimiento de los padres, en el estado de Vargas, Venezuela.

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    Introduction: The first permanent molars are the most affected due to age of eruption and their anatomical characteristics. Objective: to determine the prevalence of caries and premature loss of the first permanent molar in a group of grade school children 6 - 12 years of age, and to determine the level of prevention knowledge of the parents, in Vargas state, Venezuela. Materials and Methods: observational study with 182 children between 6 and 12 years old who underwent a clinical evaluation. The parents were asked about their knowledge regarding caries, methods of prevention and chronology of eruption of the child’s first permanent molar. Study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universidad Santa María. Results: 6.60% of children presented caries in tooth 16, 6.08% in tooth 26, 24.85% in the tooth 36 and 15.62% in tooth 46. Regarding premature loss, 0.55% had lost tooth 26, 4.95% tooth 36 and 4.40% tooth 46. None presented loss of tooth 16. It was observed that 90.11% of parents had knowledge about dental caries and 44.51% knew how to prevent them. However, only 12.09% knew the age of eruption of the first molar and only 7.69% knew that it has no predecessor. Conclusions: The highest percentage of caries was in tooth 36. The lower molars were the most commonly extracted. The majority of parents demonstrated to have little knowledge about caries and permanent first molars.Introducción: Los primeros molares permanentes son los más afectados debido a la edad de erupción y a sus características anatómicas. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de caries y pérdida prematura del primer molar permanente en un grupo escolares de 6 – 12 años y el nivel de conocimiento en prevención de los padres, Estado Vargas, Venezuela. Materiales y Métodos: estudio observacional con 182 niños entre 6 y 12 años a los que se les realizó una evaluación clínica. Se interrogó a los padres sobre el nivel de conocimiento de la caries, métodos de prevención y cronología de erupción del primer molar permanente. Se contó con el aval de Bioética de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Santa María. Resultados: El 6,60% presentó caries en la UD 16, el 6,08% en la UD26, el 24,85% en la UD 36 y el 15,62% en la UD 46. Respecto a la pérdida prematura, el 0,55% había perdido la UD 26, el 4,95% la UD 36 y el 4,40% la UD 46. Ninguno presentó pérdida de la UD 16. Se observó que el 90,11% de los padres tenía conocimiento sobre la caries dental y el 44,51% conocía los medios para prevenirlas. Sin embargo, solo el 12,09% conocía la edad de erupción del primer molar y únicamente el 7,69% sabía que no tiene antecesor. Conclusiones: El mayor porcentaje de caries lo tuvo UD-36. Los molares inferiores fueron los más extraídos. La mayoría de los padres demostró poseer escasos conocimientos sobre caries y primeros molares permanentes

    The role of the professor researcher in Dentistry

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    La educación odontológica en la actualidad presenta retos importantes tanto para la universidad como para los docentes ya que debido a los cambios que el mundo afronta, deben cumplirse más que nunca con los tres pilares de la educación universitaria: docencia, investigación y extensión. Ya no es suficiente la simple trasmisión de conocimientos por parte del docente sino la exposición del estudiante a la realidad social a través de la extensión, más aún en carreras científicas como la Odontología. Por último, el docente tiene la obligación de formar al estudiante como investigador para que este sea capaz de generar conocimientos y con ellos dar respuestas a problemáticas sociales. Para ello, el profesor debe contar con ciertos rasgos y desarrollar un perfil que le permita a su vez estar en la capacidad de educar a los estudiantes en el área de investigación, para ello es fundamental que el docente sea un ejemplo de producción intelectual, así como estar al día con el manejo de las nuevas tecnologías como las redes sociales científicas.Nowdays, academic instruction in any Dental school presents important challenges for both the university and professors. Due to the constant changes that the world faces; now more than ever the three pillars of university education: teaching, research and extension, must be fulfilled. The mere transmission of knowledge by the professor is no longer enough, equal importance has the student's exposure to social reality through extension, even more in scientific careers such as Dentistry. With that purpose, professors have the obligation to train the student as a researcher so that they are able to generate knowledge and provide answers to social problems. Hence, the professor must have certain features and develop a profile that allows him to transmit research skills. It is essential that the professor should be an example of intellectual production, as well as being up to date with the management of new technologies in scientific and social networks

    Índice de caries y de higiene oral en un grupo de pacientes autistas

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    Objetivos: Determinar el Índice de Caries CPO-D, ceo-d y el Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado en un grupo de pacientes autistas y controles sanos. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal donde se seleccionaron 34 autistas y 34 niños sanos de género masculino entre 4 y 13 años. Se determinó el índice CPOD y el IHO-S. Todos los datos fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SPSS a través de la prueba de chi cuadrado y el test de Student para muestras independientes. Resultados: El 20,60 % de los pacientes autistas y el  73,50% de los controles presentaban caries (p≤0,001), siendo el Índice CPO-D de 1±1 y ceo-d de 0 en los pacientes autistas y 3±2 y 0 en los controles (p≤0,001). En relación al IHO-S, los valores fueron de 2,25±0,78 en los pacientes autistas y de 1.79±0,59 en los controles (p=0,008). Conclusiones:Los índices de caries fueron menores en los pacientes autistas y los Índices de Higiene Oral fueron mayores

    Retention of a resin-based sealant and a glass ionomer used as a fissure sealant in children with special needs

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    Objectives: The aim of this research is to evaluate the retention of sealants of resin and resin-modified ionomeric glass pits and fissures, on first permanent molars of special patients. Material and Methods: The sample was comprised by 32 children. The ages were between 7 and 18 years. The sealing procedure was made with the relative isolation of the molars to be sealed, through the use of cotton rolls. Two molars were sealed with Clinpro Sealant 3M Dental and the others with Vitremer. Checking of the sealants was made after 3 and 6 months of their placement, evaluating with 3 values: TR: Totally Restrained; PR: Partially Restrained; and CL: Completely Lost. Results: 67.18% of the resinous sealants, and 70.31% of the glass ionomer sealants were successful after three months. After six months, 57.81% of the resin-based sealants and 51.56% of the glass ionomer sealants were successful. When performing the Chi-square statistical analysis ( P <0.05) no statistical significance was observed after 6 months. Conclusions: The retention of the resin sealant was similar to that of the glass ionomer cement at the end of six months and the retention of sealants on maxillary teeth was higher than on mandibular teeth

    Dental Treatment of Marfan Syndrome. With regard to a case.

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    Marfan syndrome is the most common dominant autosomic genetic disorder of the connective tissue. It has a reported incidence of 1 per each 5000 individuals without any distinction of gender or ethnicity. This pathology?s diagnosis is mainly based on physical characteristics, presenting three main different symptomatic charts: neonatal Marfan, infant Marfan and classical Marfan. The mayor characteristic of these patients consists of an exaggerated length of the upper and lower limbs, hyperlaxity, scoliosis, alterations in the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems and atypical bone overgrowth. The individual implied in the present investigation concerned to a 14 year old male patient presenting multiple mouth lesions and dental alterations, attended in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry degree at the Dentistry School in the Santa Maria University. The patient has been treated following the necessary considerations required according to his systemic compromise d under oral premedication for decrease the anxiety and make easear the behavior management. The patirnt with MS has multiple oral decrease that may be diagnoticated a treated on time to increase the life quality of the patient

    Periodontal status in mentally handicapped school children in Caracas, Venezuela. Cross-sectional study.

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    Periodontal disease is a chronic multifactor pathology, characterized by the progressive destruction of the dental structures support tissues. Patients with some type of disability have a higher predisposition to develop periodontal disease, due to bad hygiene, product of their motor and psychological deficiencies, and to their systemic alterations that difficult the defense against periodontopathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the periodontal status of a group of children with special needs, and a control group. 47 patients with mental retardation and Down syndrome from three special education centers, and 31 healthy patients of ages ranging from 6 to 15 years, were dentally evaluated, to determine their plaque index, gingival index, and the presence of calculus. After gathering the data and tabulating the results, a 1.08 plaque index was determined, and a gingival index of 1.03, corresponding to a mild gingivitis in the study group. On the other hand, on the group of regular patients, there was a 1.08 PI and a 0.96 GI. Calculus percentage was similar on both groups. However, a large percentage of children with mild gingival inflammation was observed in the group of special patients (53.19%,) compared to the control group (29%).Keywords: Periodontal disease, patients with special needs, gingival index, plaque index.Estado periodontal en escolares con déficit mental en Caracas, Venezuela. Estudio de corte transversal.La enfermedad periodontal es una patología crónica y multifactorial donde ocurre una progresiva destrucción de los tejidos de soporte de las estructuras dentales. El desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal está dado inicialmente por la presencia de placa dental que aunado a factores inmunológicos, hormonales y celulares conllevan a un desarrollo más rápido o agresivo. Los pacientes que presentan algún tipo de discapacidad, tienen una predisposición mayor a desarrollar enfermedad periodontal debido a la mala higiene por sus deficiencias motoras y psíquicas y a sus alteraciones sistémicas que dificultan la defensa ante los microorganismos periodontopatógenos. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar y comparar el estatus periodontal de un grupo de niños con necesidades especiales y un grupo control. 47 pacientes con Retardo mental y Síndrome de Down pertenecientes a tres centros de educación especial y 31 pacientes sanos con edades comprendidas entre 6 y 15 años fueron evaluados odontológicamente, determinándose el índice de placa, el índice gingival y la presencia de cálculo. Posterior a la obtención y tabulación de los resultados, se determinó un índice de placa de 1.08 que se corresponde con la presencia de una placa adherida leve y un índice gingival de 1.03 que se corresponde con una gingivitis leve en el grupo de estudio. Por el contrario, en el grupo de pacientes regulares se obtuvo 1.08 de IP y  0.96 de IG. El porcentaje de cálculo fue similar en ambos grupos, 48.94% en el grupo de estudio y 45.16% en el grupo sano. Sin embargo, se observó un alto porcentaje de niños con inflamación gingival moderada en el grupo de pacientes especiales (53.19%) comparado con el grupo control (29%).Palabras clave: Enfermedad Periodontal, Pacientes con necesidades especiales, Índice Gingival, Índice de Placa

    Surgical techniques for smile restoration in patients with Möbius syndrome

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    Möbius syndrome is a congenital condition, the etiology when is not associated with misoprostol is not well defined. Signs and symptoms include difficulty swallowing, speech problems, drooling, strabismus, limitation of eye movement and more importantly, the facial blankness that these individuals have, result of the facial paralysis, due to atrophy of the cranial nerves that are involved in this condition. The ability to express emotions is affected and are considered "children without a smile." There is currently no treatment to solvent the birth defects, the treatment options for reduce these alterations is the surgical option that has as main objective to restore muscle function through various techniques, used as required, the possibilities of applying them, is taking into consideration the outcome of the procedure to execute. Among the surgical techniques used mainly: the lengthening myoplasty of the temporal muscle,muscle transfers, cross-facial grafting, neurorrhaphy and nerve transposition, of which latter are the best performers, giving the patient a more natural, in as far as regards expression and function

    Oral health status of a sample of Venezuelan patients with spina bifida. A cross-sectional study.

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    Spina bifida (SB) is a congenital malformation of the spinal cord associated with several vertebral abnormalities caused by incomplete neural tube closure. The aim of this study is to report on the oral health status of a sample of Venezuelan patients with SB. Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was performed in 30 patients with SB to determine their oral health status and other variables of interest.  Results: A 46.7% of the patients had a history of caries: 22% in the 1-4 year group, 71.4% in the 5-7 year group, and 100% in the 8-16 year group. The dmft and DMFT indices were 1.55 and 3.50, respectively. A 46.7% of the patients had gingivitis, 30% had dental calculus, with an OHI-S of 2. The 83% had Angle Class II and 17%, Angle Class I. A 40% had parafunctional habits such as digital suction, use of pacifiers and onicophagia. The 70% had deep palate. Conclusions: Patients with SB have specific oral characteristics and risk factors that must be taken into account in dental treatments to provide adequate care and improve their quality of life

    Clinical prevalence of drooling in infant cerebral palsy

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and severity of drooling in infant cerebral palsy (ICP) and analyze the possible surgical, pharmacological, myofunctional and novel alternative approaches to treatment of this disorder. Methods: A clinical study is made of a group of patients with ICP (cohort) and aged between 4 and 34 years, visiting a dental clinic for disabled patients. The classification of Thomas-Stonell and Greenberg was used to assess the presence and severity of drooling. Results: Of the total of 50 patients evaluated (52% males and 48% females), 58% presented drooling (mild in 44.4% and moderate to severe in 27.7%). Conclusion: Over half of the patients with ICP presented drooling. Effective options are therefore needed for the treatment of this problem, which poses a series of negative effects for both patients and their care givers