9,498 research outputs found

    Graded Orbital Occupation near Interfaces in a La2NiO4 - La2CuO4 Superlattice

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    X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant soft x-ray reflectivity show a non-uniform distribution of oxygen holes in a La2NiO4 - La2CuO4 (LNO-LCO) superlattice, with excess holes concentrated in the LNO layers. Weak ferromagnetism with Tc = 160 K suggests a coordinated tilting of NiO6 octahedra, similar to that of bulk LNO. Ni d3z2-r2 orbitals within the LNO layers have a spatially variable occupation. This variation of the Ni valence near LNO-LCO interfaces is observed with resonant soft x-ray reflectivity at the Ni L edge, at a reflection suppressed by the symmetry of the structure, and is possible through graded doping with holes, due to oxygen interstitials taken up preferentially by inner LNO layers. Since the density of oxygen atoms in the structure can be smoothly varied with standard procedures, this orbital occupation, robust up to at least 280 K, is tunable.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Isotropic reconstruction of 3D fluorescence microscopy images using convolutional neural networks

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    Fluorescence microscopy images usually show severe anisotropy in axial versus lateral resolution. This hampers downstream processing, i.e. the automatic extraction of quantitative biological data. While deconvolution methods and other techniques to address this problem exist, they are either time consuming to apply or limited in their ability to remove anisotropy. We propose a method to recover isotropic resolution from readily acquired anisotropic data. We achieve this using a convolutional neural network that is trained end-to-end from the same anisotropic body of data we later apply the network to. The network effectively learns to restore the full isotropic resolution by restoring the image under a trained, sample specific image prior. We apply our method to 33 synthetic and 33 real datasets and show that our results improve on results from deconvolution and state-of-the-art super-resolution techniques. Finally, we demonstrate that a standard 3D segmentation pipeline performs on the output of our network with comparable accuracy as on the full isotropic data

    Swinging Atwood's Machine: Experimental and Theoretical Studies

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    A Swinging Atwood Machine (SAM) is built and some experimental results concerning its dynamic behaviour are presented. Experiments clearly show that pulleys play a role in the motion of the pendulum, since they can rotate and have non-negligible radii and masses. Equations of motion must therefore take into account the inertial momentum of the pulleys, as well as the winding of the rope around them. Their influence is compared to previous studies. A preliminary discussion of the role of dissipation is included. The theoretical behaviour of the system with pulleys is illustrated numerically, and the relevance of different parameters is highlighted. Finally, the integrability of the dynamic system is studied, the main result being that the Machine with pulleys is non-integrable. The status of the results on integrability of the pulley-less Machine is also recalled.Comment: 37 page

    Presence of stratospheric humidity in the ozone column depletion on the west coast of South America

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    The ozone column depletion over the western coast of South America has been previously explained, based on the existence of winds in the area of the depletion, which cause compression and thinning of the ozone layer. However, the presence of humidity and methane transported by these winds to the stratosphere where the ozone depletion is present gives evidence that these compounds also participate in the depletion of the ozone layer. These two compounds, humidity and methane, are analysed during the ozone depletion of January, 1998. It is observed that when humidity presents fluctuations, ozone has fluctuations too. A maximum of humidity corresponds to a minimum of ozone, but there is a shift in altitude between them. This shift is observed in the stratosphere and upper troposphere and corresponds to approximately 500 m. It is important to point out that during this event El Ni˜no was present and the sources of methane are the Amazon forest and the Pacific Ocean. The data for this study was obtained from NASA and HALOE

    Enabling Next Generation Dark Energy and Epoch of Reionization Radio Observatories with the MOFF Correlator

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    Proposed 21 cm cosmology observatories for studying the epoch of reionization (z ~6-15) and dark energy (z ~0-6) envision compact arrays with tens of thousands of antenna elements. Fully correlating this many elements is computationally expensive using traditional XF or FX correlators, and has led some groups to reconsider direct imaging/FFT correlators. In this paper we develop a variation of the direct imaging correlator we call the MOFF correlator. The MOFF correlator shares the computational advantages of a direct imaging correlator, while avoiding a number of its shortcomings. In particular the MOFF correlator makes no constraints on the antenna arrangement or type, provides a fully calibrated output image including widefield polarimetry and non-coplanar baseline effects, and can be orders-of-magnitude more efficient than XF or FX correlators for compact radio cosmology arrays.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PASP (delay due to author's distraction). Includes a number of advancements and refinements, including the feedback calibration technique and a clearer development. If you downloaded previous version please upgrade to this on

    Kinematics of the ionized-to-neutral interfaces in Monoceros R2

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    Context. Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), at a distance of 830 pc, is the only ultra-compact H ii region (UC H ii) where its associated photon-dominated region (PDR) can be resolved with the Herschel Space Observatory. Aims. Our aim is to investigate observationally the kinematical patterns in the interface regions (i.e., the transition from atomic to molecular gas) associated with Mon R2. Methods. We used the HIFI instrument onboard Herschel to observe the line profiles of the reactive ions CH+, OH+ and H2O+ toward different positions in Mon R2. We derive the column density of these molecules and compare them with gas-phase chemistry models. Results. The reactive ion CH+ is detected both in emission (at central and red-shifted velocities) and in absorption (at blue-shifted velocities). OH+ is detected in absorption at both blue- and red-shifted velocities, with similar column densities. H2O+ is not detected at any of the positions, down to a rms of 40 mK toward the molecular peak. At this position, we find that the OH+ absorption originates in a mainly atomic medium, and therefore is associated with the most exposed layers of the PDR. These results are consistent with the predictions from photo-chemical models. The line profiles are consistent with the atomic gas being entrained in the ionized gas flow along the walls of the cavity of the H ii region. Based on this evidence, we are able to propose a new geometrical model for this region. Conclusions. The kinematical patterns of the OH+ and CH+ absorption indicate the existence of a layer of mainly atomic gas for which we have derived, for the first time, some physical parameters and its dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Spatial distribution of small hydrocarbons in the neighborhood of the Ultra Compact HII region Monoceros R2

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    We study the chemistry of small hydrocarbons in the photon-dominated regions (PDRs) associated with the ultra-compact HII region Mon R2. Our goal is to determine the variations of the abundance of small hydrocarbons in a high-UV irradiated PDR and investigate their chemistry. We present an observational study of CH, CCH and c-C3_3H2_2 in Mon R2 combining data obtained with the IRAM 30m telescope and Herschel. We determine the column densities of these species, and compare their spatial distributions with that of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). We compare the observational results with different chemical models to explore the relative importance of gas-phase, grain-surface and time-dependent chemistry in these environments. The emission of the small hydrocarbons show different patterns. The CCH emission is extended while CH and c-C3_3H2_2 are concentrated towards the more illuminated layers of the PDR. The ratio of the column densities of c-C3_3H2_2 and CCH shows spatial variations up to a factor of a few, increasing from N(cCN(c-C_3HH_2)/N(CCH)0.004)/N(CCH)\approx0.004 in the envelope to a maximum of 0.0150.029\sim0.015-0.029 towards the 8μ\mum emission peak. Comparing these results with other galactic PDRs, we find that the abundance of CCH is quite constant over a wide range of G0_0, whereas the abundance of c-C3_3H2_2 is higher in low-UV PDRs. In Mon R2, the gas-phase steady-state chemistry can account relatively well for the abundances of CH and CCH in the most exposed layers of the PDR, but falls short by a factor of 10 to reproduce c-C3_3H2_2. In the molecular envelope, time-dependent effects and grain surface chemistry play a dominant role in determining the hydrocarbons abundances. Our study shows that CCH and c-C3_3H2_2 present a complex chemistry in which UV photons, grain-surface chemistry and time dependent effects contribute to determine their abundances.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables. Proposed for acceptance in A&A. Abstract abridge

    Comprehensive transient-state study for CARMENES-NIR high thermal stability

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    CARMENES has been proposed as a next-generation instrument for the 3.5m Calar Alto Telescope. Its objective is finding habitable exoplanets around M dwarfs through radial velocity measurements (m/s level) in the near-infrared. Consequently, the NIR spectrograph is highly constraint regarding thermal/mechanical requirements. As a first approach, the thermal stability has been limited to \pm 0.01K (within year period) over a working temperature of 243K. This can be achieved by means of several temperature-controlled rooms. The options considered to minimise the complexity of the thermal design are here presented, as well as the transient-state thermal analyses realised to make the best choice

    D1D5 microstate geometries from string amplitudes

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    We reproduce the asymptotic expansion of the D1D5 microstate geometries by computing the emission amplitudes of closed string states from disks with mixed D1D5 boundary conditions. Thus we provide a direct link between the supergravity and D-brane descriptions of the D1D5 microstates at non-zero string coupling. Microscopically, the profile functions characterizing the microstate solutions are encoded in the choice of a condensate for the twisted open string states connecting D1 and D5 branes.Comment: 21 pages; added reference