15,477 research outputs found

    Suppression of low-energy Andreev states by a supercurrent in YBa_2Cu_3O_7-delta

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    We report a coherence-length scale phenomenon related to how the high-Tc order parameter (OP) evolves under a directly-applied supercurrent. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy was performed on current-carrying YBa_2Cu_3O_7-delta thin-film strips at 4.2K. At current levels well below the theoretical depairing limit, the low-energy Andreev states are suppressed by the supercurrent, while the gap-like structures remain unchanged. We rule out the likelihood of various extrinsic effects, and propose instead a model based on phase fluctuations in the d-wave BTK formalism to explain the suppression. Our results suggest that a supercurrent could weaken the local phase coherence while preserving the pairing amplitude. Other possible scenarios which may cause the observed phenomenon are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Nicotine Dependence as a Mediator of Project EX's Effects to Reduce Tobacco Use in Scholars.

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    In Spain, 44% of 14-18-year-olds have smoked, and 12.5% have smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances, and can lead to serious addiction in adulthood with adverse consequences to one's health. School plays a relevant role in health promotion and preventing risk behaviors such as tobacco consumption. Despite the fact that some school-based tobacco cessation and prevention interventions prove to be effective for their purposes, there is a lack of understanding as to why these programs succeed or fail. This longitudinal study aims to test the nicotine dependence (ND) as a mediator of Project EX's effect - a tobacco-use cessation program developed for high school youth to reduce tobacco consumption in scholars. Six high schools located in the Mediterranean coast were randomized for the participation of the program (Spanish version of Project EX) or a waiting-list group with baseline, immediate-posttest, and 12-month follow-up assessments. At baseline, 1,546 adolescents aged 14-21 years old (mean age: 15.28; SD = 1.20; 46% were women) were evaluated by self-administered tests on tobacco consumption and ND. A biomarker of smoke inhalation - a measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (ECM) - was used. Participants who were smokers (N = 501; 32%) were selected for this study. Mediation analyses were conducted using the PROCESS v2.12 macro for Windows. The significant criterion was p ≤ 0.05, and 5,000 samples were used for bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals. Results indicated that Project EX indirectly decreased the number of cigarettes smoked in the last month, the number of cigarettes smoked within the last 7 days, the number of daily cigarettes, and ECM level at 12-month follow up through decreasing the level of ND in the short-term. This is the first Spanish study that explores ND as a mediator of the long-term efficacy of Project EX to reduce tobacco consumption in adolescents. Results suggest that interventions that reduce ND at short-term are more likely to be successful to decrease tobacco use at long-term

    Photometric Variability in the Faint Sky Variability Survey

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    The Faint Sky Variability Survey (FSVS) is aimed at finding photometric and/or astrometric variable objects between 16th and 24th mag on time-scales between tens of minutes and years with photometric precisions ranging from 3 millimag to 0.2 mag. An area of 23 deg2^2, located at mid and high Galactic latitudes, was covered using the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) on La Palma. Here we present some preliminary results on the variability of sources in the FSVS.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, ASP Conference Series, eds. D. Koester, S. Moehle

    Spin dependent D-brane interactions and scattering amplitudes in matrix theory

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    Spin interactions beteween two moving Dp-branes are analyzed using the Green-Schwarz formalism of boundary states. This approach turns out to be extremely efficient to compute all the spin effects related by supersymmetry to the leading v^4/r^7-p term. All these terms are shown to be scale invariant, supporting a matrix model description of supergravity interactions. By employing the LSZ reduction formula for matrix theory and the mentioned supersymmetric effective potential for D0-branes, we compute the t-pole of graviton-graviton and three form-three form scattering in matrix theory. The results are found to be in complete agreement with tree level supergravity in the corresponding kinematical regime and provide, moreover, an explicit map between these degrees of freedom in both theories.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, talk presented at the conference "Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supergravity and unification", Corfu, Greece, to appear in the proceeding

    Study of the stress intensity factors in the bulk of the material with synchrotron diffraction

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    Artículo de Proceedings de Congreso Internacional Fatigue2017In this work we present the results of a hybrid experimental and analytical approach for estimating the stress intensity factor. It uses the elastic strains within the bulk obtained by synchrotron X-ray diffraction data. The stress intensity factor is calculated using a multi-point overdeterministic method where the number of experimental data points is higher than the number of unknowns describing the elastic field surrounding the crack-tip. The tool is tested on X-ray strain measurements collected on a bainitic steel. In contrast to surface techniques the approach provides insights into the crack tip mechanics deep within the sample.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The authors are grateful to the ESRF for ID15 beamtime awarded under MA-1483. Financial support of Universidad de Malaga through Plan Propio, Junta de Andalucía through Proyectos de Excelencia grant reference TEP-3244, Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEIMAR) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through grant reference MAT2016-76951-C2-2-P is also acknowledged. PJW acknowledges an ERC advanced grant

    Graded Orbital Occupation near Interfaces in a La2NiO4 - La2CuO4 Superlattice

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    X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant soft x-ray reflectivity show a non-uniform distribution of oxygen holes in a La2NiO4 - La2CuO4 (LNO-LCO) superlattice, with excess holes concentrated in the LNO layers. Weak ferromagnetism with Tc = 160 K suggests a coordinated tilting of NiO6 octahedra, similar to that of bulk LNO. Ni d3z2-r2 orbitals within the LNO layers have a spatially variable occupation. This variation of the Ni valence near LNO-LCO interfaces is observed with resonant soft x-ray reflectivity at the Ni L edge, at a reflection suppressed by the symmetry of the structure, and is possible through graded doping with holes, due to oxygen interstitials taken up preferentially by inner LNO layers. Since the density of oxygen atoms in the structure can be smoothly varied with standard procedures, this orbital occupation, robust up to at least 280 K, is tunable.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Microstructural and morphological properties of homoepitaxial (001)ZnTe layers investigated by x-ray diffuse scattering

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    The microstructural and morphological properties of homoepitaxial (001)ZnTe layers are investigated by x-ray diffuse scattering. High resolution reciprocal space maps recorded close to the ZnTe (004) Bragg peak show different diffuse scattering features. One kind of cross-shaped diffuse scattering streaks along directions can be attributed to stacking faults within the epilayers. Another kind of cross-shaped streaks inclined at an angle of about 80deg with respect to the in-plane direction arises from the morphology of the epilayers. (abridged version
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