2,881 research outputs found

    Model for erosion-deposition patterns

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    We investigate through computational simulations with a pore network model the formation of patterns caused by erosion-deposition mechanisms. In this model, the geometry of the pore space changes dynamically as a consequence of the coupling between the fluid flow and the movement of particles due to local drag forces. Our results for this irreversible process show that the model is capable to reproduce typical natural patterns caused by well known erosion processes. Moreover, we observe that, within a certain range of porosity values, the grains form clusters that are tilted with respect to the horizontal with a characteristic angle. We compare our results to recent experiments for granular material in flowing water and show that they present a satisfactory agreement.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stakeholder Perception in the Organizational Environment Focusing on Behavior

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    Behavior has meaning for the organizational climate, leading to studies such as this related to stakeholder perception in the institutional environment. This task is based on the Behavioral Management Theory and the additional concepts required. It was sought to know the relation of the intervening factors, from the method of case study of qualitative-quantitative nature, in order to establish comparisons and to produce the results. The general objective is to study the stakeholder perception process in the organizational environment focused on the behavioral effect and it has as specific objectives to treat and identify the relationship of the intervening factors with the organizational climate in the face of data collected among the consulted, to perform the SWOT on the positioning of individuals in the organizational environment and how this perception is characterized in the face of the organizational climate present in the consulted organ. The research indicates that the majority of respondents stated that the organizational climate present in the organ consulted satisfactory, propitiates the good organizational environment in the organ. Confrontation between the theoretical indicatives and the reality identified in the institutional environment allows to affirm that in fact there is internal influence, such as the motivation and external organization, as the possibility of losing the employee attracted by other opportunities outside the institution. Analysis allows to identify the need for physical improvement of the professional space, and in the interaction between stakeholders; redistribution of work that avoids overload; but the motivation and good internal relation between the individuals surpass the expectation. This work interests the managers in public organs and other interested in the subject here treated

    Qualidade sanitária de grãos de amendoim submetidos a tratamentos com produtos naturais.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ação do extrato de canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) no controle de fungos de armazenamento de grãos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) em duas metodologias de aplicação (aplicação direta no papel germitest e imersão) e quatro tipos de tratamento (Testemunha, extrato aquoso de canela 5% no tempo zero, extrato aquoso de canela 5% preparado com 24 horas de antecedência, extrato etanólico 1%). Foi utilizada a técnica do Blotter test, por sete dias em fotoperíodo automático e temperatura de 25º C ± 1. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC) em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 4, sendo dois lotes, duas metodologias de aplicação e quatro tratamentos, com 20 repetições de 10 sementes, totalizando 200 sementes por tratamentos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, para Rhizopus stolonifer, o extrato etanólico de canela a 1% aplicado diretamente no papel Germitest apresentou o menor percentual de incidência fúngica. O tratamento de imersão não é indicado para o controle deste fungo. Para Penicillium spp e Aspergillus spp, o extrato aquoso de canela a 5% com os grãos de amendoim resulta em grãos com melhor qualidade sanitária. Uma concentração superior a 5% pode vir a conferir um maior percentual de inibição, podendo chegar à totalidade

    Sobrevivência de patógenos em grãos de milho tratados com produtos naturais.

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    Resumo: Diante da propriedade inibitória da canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) para gêneros fúngicos, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ação da canela em diferentes formas e dois tipos de aplicação na sanidade de grãos de milho naturalmente infectados com Penicillium spp., Rhizopus sp., Fusarium spp. e Aspergillus spp. Utilizaram-se oito tratamentos com extratos de canela em duas concentrações, duas formas de aplicação em dois lotes comerciais de grãos de milho. Os tratamentos foram T1: Testemunha absoluta, T2: Extrato aquoso de canela 5% (T0h) aplicado diretamente no papel germitest, T3: Extrato aquoso de canela 5% (T24h) aplicado diretamente no papel germitest, T4: Extrato etanólico de canela 1% aplicado diretamente no papel germitest, T5: Testemunha-imersão, T6: Extrato aquoso de canela 5% (T0h)-imersão, T7: Extrato aquoso de canela 5% (T24h)-imersão, T8: Extrato etanólico de canela 1%-imersão. Os tratamentos que apresentaram melhores resultados para Penicillium spp. foram os que utilizaram os extratos aquosos de canela. O contato direto da canela em pó com o milho pode ocasionar a redução da incidência deste fungo em grãos armazenados. Para Fusarium spp., o extrato aquoso de canela a 5% aplicado em imersão reduziu em 52% incidência fúngica. O mesmo extrato em maiores concentrações poderá conferir um percentual maior de inibição, podendo alcançar a inibição total. Novos testes com número maior de lotes e concentrações do extrato são necessários para que os resultados sejam confirmados. Abstract: The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of cinnamon extracts, at two technical of application on healthy of maize grains naturally infected with Penicillium spp., Rhizopus sp., Fusarium spp. and Aspergillus spp.. Eight treatments using two kinds of cinnamon extracts on two concentrations, two application types on two commercial maize lots. Treatments used were T1: witness (distilled water), T2: cinnamon aqueous extract 5% (T0h) applied directly on Germitest paper; T3: cinnamon aqueous extract 5% (T24h) applied directly on Germitest paper 24 hours after its prepare; T4: ethanolic cinnamon extract 1% applied directly on Germitest paper; T5: witness (distilled water - immersion), T6: cinnamon aqueous extract 5% (T0h) ? immersion; T7: cinnamon aqueous extract 5% (T24h) ? immersion; T8: ethanolic cinnamon extract 1% - immersion. Treatments that showed better results for Penicillium spp. were the aqueous cinnamon extracts. Direct contact of cinnamon powder with maize grains can reduce the incidence of this fungus on stored grains. For Fusarium spp., cinnamon aqueous extract 5% applied by immersion reduced the incidence of this fungus at 52%. The same extract, on higher concentrations can result a higher inhibition perceptual and can obtain total inhibition of Fusarium spp. on maize grains Another tests with higher number of lots and extracts concentrations are need to confirm these results

    Non-Newtonian fluid flow through three-dimensional disordered porous media

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    We investigate the flow of various non-Newtonian fluids through three-dimensional disordered porous media by direct numerical simulation of momentum transport and continuity equations. Remarkably, our results for power-law (PL) fluids indicate that the flow, when quantified in terms of a properly modified permeability-like index and Reynolds number, can be successfully described by a single (universal) curve over a broad range of Reynolds conditions and power-law exponents. We also study the flow behavior of Bingham fluids described in terms of the Herschel-Bulkley model. In this case, our simulations reveal that the interplay of ({\it i}) the disordered geometry of the pore space, ({\it ii}) the fluid rheological properties, and ({\it iii}) the inertial effects on the flow is responsible for a substantial enhancement of the macroscopic hydraulic conductance of the system at intermediate Reynolds conditions. This anomalous condition of ``enhanced transport'' represents a novel feature for flow in porous materials.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. This article appears also in Physical Review Letters 103 194502 (2009

    Effects of 5-year experimental warming in the Alpine belt on soil Archaea: Multi-omics approaches and prospects

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    We currently lack a predictive understanding of how soil archaeal communities may respond to climate change, particularly in Alpine areas where warming is far exceeding the global average. Here, we characterized the abundance, structure, and function of total (by metagenomics) and active soil archaea (by metatranscriptomics) after 5-year experimental field warming (+1°C) in Italian Alpine grasslands and snowbeds. Our multi-omics approach unveiled an increasing abundance of Archaea during warming in snowbeds, which was negatively correlated with the abundance of fungi (by qPCR) and micronutrients (Ca and Mg), but positively correlated with soil water content. In the snowbeds transcripts, warming resulted in the enrichment of abundances of transcription and nucleotide biosynthesis. Our study provides novel insights into possible changes in soil Archaea composition and function in the climate change scenario

    Production Capacity and Queues in a Bookstore at Porto Velho, Brazil

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    The objective of this work was to study the productive capacity and queues in the services of a bookstore in Porto Velho city, Brazil. To do this, the specific objectives were: (1) to study the productive capacity in the operation units of the bookstore; (2) to carry out an analysis of queuing and flow management in the operation units of the bookstore; and (3) to suggest prospects for the development using the SWOT Matrix analysis tool

    Componentes estruturais do resíduo pós-pastejo em capim-massai adubado com nitrogênio e pastejado por ovinos.

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    Resumo: O suprimento nutricional, em especial a adubação nitrogenada, é de suma relevância para o crescimento vigoroso do pasto ao longo de ciclos sucessivos de corte ou pastejo. Objetivou-se avaliar os componentes do resíduo pós-pastejo em capim-massai adubado com nitrogênio (0; 400; 800 e 1200 kg de N ha-1ano-1) e pastejado por ovinos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo. As doses de N não influenciaram a biomassa de lâmina foliar verde residual e o índice de área foliar residual. Elevação nas doses de nitrogênio influenciou as variáveis: densidade populacional de perfilhos, biomassa de forragem total residual, de forragem verde residual, de forragem morta residual e de colmo verde residual. Os ciclos de pastejo exerceram alterações sobre todas as variáveis analisadas, exceto para a biomassa de forragem verde residual. A adubação nitrogenada proporciona respostas positivas sobre os componentes estruturais do resíduo pós-pastejo do capim-massai. Structural components of residual post-grazing in massai grass fertilized with nitrogen and grazed by sheep. Abstract: The nutrient supply, especially nitrogen, is very important to the vigorous growth of grass over successive cutting or grazing cycles. To evaluate the structural components in massai grass after grazing by sheep and fertilized with nitrogen (0, 400, 800 and 1200 kg N ha-1year-1) in a completely randomized design with repeated measurements over time, this research was conducted. Nitrogen fertilization did not influence the residual green leaf blade biomass and residual leaf area index. The nitrogen levels influenced the variables: tiller population density, total residual herbage biomass, residual green herbage biomass, senescent herbage biomass and residual green stem herbage. The grazing cycles did not exert changes on all variables, except for the residual green herbage biomass. The nitrogen provides positive answers on the structural components after grazing of massai grass

    Genetic diversity and plant growth promoting traits of diazotrophic bacteria isolated two Pennisetum purpureum Schum. Genotypes grown in the field.

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    Background and aims Some elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) genotypes are able to produce large amounts of biomass and accumulate N derived from BNF when growing in soil with low N levels. However, information about the diazotrophic bacteria colonizing this C4 plant is still very scarce. This study aimed to characterize the plant growth promoting traits of a fraction of culturable diazotrophs colonizing the genotypes CNPGL F06-3 and Cameroon. Methods A total of 204 isolates were obtained from surface sterilized leaves, stems and roots after culturing on five different N-free semisolid media. These were then analyzed by BOX-PCR, and the 16S rRNA and nifH sequences of representative isolates were obtained. The functional ability of the isolates to reduce acetylene, produce indole and to solubilize phosphate was also determined. Results The diazotrophic bacterial population varied from 102 up to 106 bacteria g?1 fresh tissues of both genotypes. The BOX-PCR analysis suggested a trend in the genetic diversity among the 204 diazotrophic strains colonizing the different genotypes and plant tissues. Sequencing of 16S rRNA fragments confirmed the presence of Azospirillum brasilense and Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and revealed for the first time the occurrence of G. liquefaciens, G. sacchari, Burkholderia silvatlantica, Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter cloacae and E. oryzae in elephant grass. Interestingly, several nifH sequences from isolates identified as G. liquefaciens and G. sacchari showed homologies with nifH sequences of Enterobacter species. The majority of the isolates (97%) produced indole compounds, 22% solubilized phosphate and 6.4% possessed both characteristics


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    INTRODUCTION: A large part of the world population has low levels of micronutrients, especially pregnant women and children in developing countries. Zinc (Zn) is a micronutrient, performing many functions in the organism. Biofortifcation aims to increase the concentration of certain mineral in parts consumed of the cultivated plants. The crops of most interest are those that constitute the basic diet for the majority of the population, including beans. Two main strategies are used in biofortification, selection of cultivars more favorable to biofortification and increase the micronutrient dose. Biofortification of bean with Zn is difficult due to interaction with phosphorus (P). The decrease in zinc absorption caused by phosphorus depends on soil atributes such as pH, cation exchange capacity and direct reaction with Zn and subsequent precipitation. The increase of the dose of Zn can reduce the absorption of iron by plants by competitve inhibition. This study aimed to evaluate the interaction between P and Zn about biofortication in two bean cultivars, evaluating the concentration of Zn and iron in the grain and production