303 research outputs found

    South-South Cooperation in Times of Global Economic Crisis

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    For South-South cooperation, the current moment of global economic downturn is one of anxiety. South-South cooperation was born with the Non-Aligned Movement. It went through a latent period, but re-emerged in the 1990s and early 2000s. The momentum gathered when a handful of middle-income countries such as Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa were set to improve their position as global players. They had developed some relatively successful social programmes, which they sought to share with other developing countries. Considering that conventional North-South cooperation had turned out to be of limited effectiveness, South-South cooperation gained further impetus.South-South Cooperation in Times of Global Economic Crisis

    New York?s Brand-new Conditional Cash Transfer Programme: What if it Succeeds?

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    In 2007, emulating the Mexican experience, Mayor Bloomberg decided that New York City should also have its own conditional cash transfer programme (CCT). He named the programme Opportunity NYC after the Mexican Oportunidades. Is Opportunity NYC just one more CCT in the plethora of existing programmes? Or will it influence the way educational reforms have been traditionally conceptualized?New York?s Brand-new Conditional Cash Transfer Programme: What if it Succeeds?

    Opportunity NYC: A performance-based conditional cash transfer programme. A quantitative analysis

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    As one of the first pieces of published research on New York's conditional cash transfer (CCT) programme, this paper presents the nuts-and-bolts of Opportunity New York City. It details the programme's performance-based conditionalities, contrasts its different subcomponents, and compares its design and conception to that of its precursor CCT programmes in Latin America. Finally, the paper considers whether Opportunity NYC will be able to harness broad political support in the city and become an enduring solution to education reform in the largest public school system in the United States. Critics of its conception and practice certainly abound

    Beyond ordinary policy change: Authoritarian policy dismantling in Brazil

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    From a normative perspective, policy change is seen as crucial to improving social conditions, reducing inequality, and promoting sustainability. However, what about change that implies the dismantling of previously successful policies? How can one differentiate between democratic policy change and policy dismantling? In order to shed light on these questions, this article analyzes changes occurred in Brazil since Jair Bolsonaro took office in January 2019. The paper addresses those changes from the perspective of the federal bureaucracy spread across different agencies and professional careers. The research design involved quantitative and qualitative data collected using the following methods: i) a survey with former and current federal employees; ii) semi-structured interviews with civil servants who have worked or are still working in the federal government. Research findings indicate that, in Brazil, policy dismantling is no ordinary policy change, as it has been marked by authoritarian dynamics that have disarranged the federal bureaucracy and eroded state capacity

    Cooperação Sul-Sul Em Tempos de Crise Econômica Global

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    Cooperação Sul-Sul Em Tempos de Crise Econômica Global

    O Programa Novinho em Folha de Nova Iorque para Transferência Condicional de Renda: E se for bem Sucedido?

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    O Programa Novinho em Folha de Nova Iorque para Transferência Condicional de Renda: E se for bem Sucedido?

    Nuevo Programa de Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas de Nueva York: ¿Qué sucede si da Resultado?

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    Nuevo Programa de Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas de Nueva York: ¿Qué sucede si da Resultado?

    Cooperación Sur-Sur en Tiempos de Crisis Económica Mundial

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    Cooperación Sur-Sur en Tiempos de Crisis Económica Mundial

    Et si le tout nouveau programme d?aide financière conditionnelle new-yorkais fonctionnait ?

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    Et si le tout nouveau programme d?aide financière conditionnelle new-yorkais fonctionnait ?

    L’implantation d’évaluations des activités professionnelles confiables dans un programme canadien de résidence en obstétrique et gynécologie : une étude par méthodes mixtes

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    Background: Since the implementation of competency-based medical education (CBME) across residency training programs in Canada, there has been limited research understanding how entrustable professional activity (EPA) assessments are used by faculty supervisors and residents. Objective: This study examines how EPA assessments are used in an Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program and the impact of implementation on both groups. Methods: A mixed methods study design was used. Part one involved the aggregation of descriptive data of EPA assessment completion for postgraduate year 1 and 2 residents from July 2019 to May 2020. Part two involved a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews of residents and faculty. Results:  There was significant uptake of EPA assessments across community and teaching hospitals with widespread contribution of assessment data from faculty. However, both residents and faculty reported that the intended design of EPA assessments as low-stakes assessments to provide formative feedback is not how EPA assessments are experienced. Residents and faculty noted the increased level of administrative burden and related perceived stress amongst the resident group.   Conclusions: The implementation of EPA assessments is feasible across a variety of sites. However, previous measurement challenges remain. Neither residents nor faculty perceive the value of EPAs to improve feedback, despite their intended nature.Contexte : Depuis l’implantation de l’éducation médicale fondée sur les compétences (EMFC) dans les programmes de résidence au Canada, peu de recherches ont été menées pour comprendre comment les évaluations des activités professionnelles confiables (APC) sont utilisées par les superviseurs et les résidents. Objectif : Cette étude examine l’utilisation des évaluations des APC dans un programme de résidence en obstétrique et gynécologie et les impacts de son implantation sur ces deux groupes. Méthodes : La première partie de cette étude à méthode mixte a consisté en l’agrégation des données descriptives sur les évaluations d’APC pour les résidents de première et deuxième année effectuées entre juillet 2019 et mai 2020. Dans un second temps, nous avons analysé thématiquement les entrevues semi-structurées de résidents et de membres du corps professoral. Résultats : Il y a eu une importante participation aux évaluations des APC dans les hôpitaux communautaires et universitaires, avec une contribution considérable de données d’évaluation de la part des professeurs. Toutefois, alors que les évaluations des APC sont considérées à faibles enjeux etvisent à fournir une rétroaction formative, ce n’est pas de cette façon qu’elles sont vécues Les résidents et le corps professoral ont tous les deux rapporté une augmentation de la charge administrative et du niveau de stress perçu chez les résidents Conclusion : L’implantation des APC est réaliste dans plusieurs sites. Malgré l’intention qui a motivé la mise en place des APC, ni les résidents ni le corps professoral ne perçoivent leur valeur comme moyen d’améliorer la rétroaction.
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