5 research outputs found

    Expression Analysis of the NLRP Gene Family Suggests a Role in Human Preimplantation Development

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    Background: The NLRP (Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, Leucine rich Repeat and Pyrin domain containing) family, also referred to as NALP family, is well known for its roles in apoptosis and inflammation. Several NLRPs have been indicated as being involved in reproduction as well. Methodology: We studied, using the unique human gametes and embryo materials, the expression of the NLRP family in human gametes and preimplantation embryos at different developmental stages, and compared the expression levels between normal and abnormal embryos using real-time PCR. Principal Findings: Among 14 members of the NLRP family, twelve were detected in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos, whereas seven were detected in spermatozoa. Eight NLRPs (NLRP4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14) showed a similar expression pattern: their expression levels were high in oocytes and then decreased progressively in embryos, resulting in a very low level in day 5 embryos. However, NLRP2 and NLRP7 showed a different expression pattern: their expression decreased from oocytes to the lowest level by day 3, but increased again by day 5. The expression levels of NLRP5, 9, and 12 were lower in day 1 abnormal embryos but higher in day3 and day5 arrested embryos, when compared with normal embryos at the same stages. NLRP7 was down-regulated in day 1 and day 5 abnormal embryos but over-expressed in day3 arrested embryos

    Trends in the leading causes of injury mortality, Australia, Canada and the United States, 2000-2014

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to highlight the differences in injury rates between populations through a descriptive epidemiological study of population-level trends in injury mortality for the high-income countries of Australia, Canada and the United States. METHODS: Mortality data were available for the US from 2000 to 2014, and for Canada and Australia from 2000 to 2012. Injury causes were defined using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision external cause codes, and were grouped into major causes. Rates were direct-method age-adjusted using the US 2000 projected population as the standard age distribution. RESULTS: US motor vehicle injury mortality rates declined from 2000 to 2014 but remained markedly higher than those of Australia or Canada. In all three countries, fall injury mortality rates increased from 2000 to 2014. US homicide mortality rates declined, but remained higher than those of Australia and Canada. While the US had the lowest suicide rate in 2000, it increased by 24% during 2000-2014, and by 2012 was about 14% higher than that in Australia and Canada. The poisoning mortality rate in the US increased dramatically from 2000 to 2014. CONCLUSION: Results show marked differences and striking similarities in injury mortality between the countries and within countries over time. The observed trends differed by injury cause category. The substantial differences in injury rates between similarly resourced populations raises important questions about the role of societal-level factors as underlying causes of the differential distribution of injury in our communities

    Societal determinants of violent death:the extent to which social, economic, and structural characteristics explain differences in violence across Australia, Canada, and the United States

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    In this ecological study, we attempt to quantify the extent to which differences in homicide and suicide death rates between three countries, and among states/provinces within those countries, may be explained by differences in their social, economic, and structural characteristics. We examine the relationship between state/province level measures of societal risk factors and state/province level rates of violent death (homicide and suicide) across Australia, Canada, and the United States. Census and mortality data from each of these three countries were used. Rates of societal level characteristics were assessed and included residential instability, self-employment, income inequality, gender economic inequity, economic stress, alcohol outlet density, and employment opportunities). Residential instability, self-employment, and income inequality were associated with rates of both homicide and suicide and gender economic inequity was associated with rates of suicide only. This study opens lines of inquiry around what contributes to the overall burden of violence-related injuries in societies and provides preliminary findings on potential societal characteristics that are associated with differences in injury and violence rates across populations