9,893 research outputs found

    On the accuracy of the Perturbative Approach for Strong Lensing: Local Distortion for Pseudo-Elliptical Models

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    The Perturbative Approach (PA) introduced by \citet{alard07} provides analytic solutions for gravitational arcs by solving the lens equation linearized around the Einstein ring solution. This is a powerful method for lens inversion and simulations in that it can be used, in principle, for generic lens models. In this paper we aim to quantify the domain of validity of this method for three quantities derived from the linearized mapping: caustics, critical curves, and the deformation cross section (i.e. the arc cross section in the infinitesimal circular source approximation). We consider lens models with elliptical potentials, in particular the Singular Isothermal Elliptic Potential and Pseudo-Elliptical Navarro--Frenk--White models. We show that the PA is exact for this first model. For the second, we obtain constraints on the model parameter space (given by the potential ellipticity parameter ε\varepsilon and characteristic convergence κs\kappa_s) such that the PA is accurate for the aforementioned quantities. In this process we obtain analytic expressions for several lensing functions, which are valid for the PA in general. The determination of this domain of validity could have significant implications for the use of the PA, but it still needs to be probed with extended sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Rentabilidade da pecuária tradicional do Pantanal para fazendas com e sem pastagens cultivadas.

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    Dados primários sobre a pecuária pantaneira foram obtidos de questionários enviados via correio a pecuaristas do Pantanal, seguindo convenções metodológicas. O questionário foi elaborado de modo a obter informações que permitissem descrever e caracterizar de forma geral a pecuária pantaneira, identificar diferenças entre sistemas de produção e, particularmente, para permitir investigar a rentabilidade das fazendas considerando dois níveis tecnológicos: com e sem pastagens cultivadas. Primary data on Pantanal livestock were obtained from questionnaires sent by mail to ranchers in the Pantanal. The questionnaire was prepared in order to obtain information enabling to describe and characterize in a general way the Pantanal livestock, identifying differences between production systems and particularly to allow to investigate the profitability of farms considering two technological levels: with and without cultivated pastures

    Electrostatic self-force in (2+1)-dimensional cosmological gravity

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    Point sources in (2+1)-dimensional gravity are conical singularities that modify the global curvature of the space giving rise to self-interaction effects on classical fields. In this work we study the electrostatic self-interaction of a point charge in the presence of point masses in (2+1)-dimensional gravity with a cosmological constant.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) biologia, amostragem e métodos de controle.

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    A lagarta da soja, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) é a principal desfolhadora da soja no Brasil, sendo encontrada em todos os locais de produção, representando um risco à produção e à qualidade dos cultivos brasileiros (GAZZONI e YORINIORI, 1995; MOSCARDI e SOUZA, 2002). Este inseto causa grandes danos à lavoura de soja, que vão desde o desfolhamento até a destruição completa da planta. A lagarta da soja é um inseto mastigador e se alimenta de folhas jovens. Quando a folhagem é removida, ataca outras partes da planta, como pecíolos e a haste. O desfolhamento compromete o enchimento das vagens, devido à diminuição da área foliar responsável pela fotossíntese, com conseqüente redução da produção de grãos. Quando se alimentam, além de remover os tecidos vegetais, que contem nutrientes, as lagartas injetam toxinas nas plantas (SILVA et al., 2002). Existem, também, outras culturas em que a lagarta da soja causa prejuízos como cultura da alfafa, do amendoim, do arroz, da ervilha, do feijão, do feijão-vagem e do trigo, atacando durante a fase vegetativa e, em alguns casos, até no período da floração (PRATISSOLI, 2002). A lagarta da soja costuma atacar as lavouras nas regiões setentrionais e a partir de janeiro no extremo sul do País e chega a ocasionar 100% de destruição foliar (HOFFMANN et al., 1979; GAZZONI e YORINIORI, 1995), sendo, portanto, de grande importância conhecer o comportamento desta praga e os métodos utilizados para o seu controle.bitstream/CENARGEN/27983/1/doc196.pd

    Dilute-phase pneumatic conveying of polystyrene particles: pressure drop curve and particle distribution over the pipe cross-section

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    During the pneumatic conveying of plastic pellets, it has been observed that materials with similar physical characteristics may develop a substantial difference in pressure drop. In this work, the pressure drop in a particle-laden 2.7 meter long horizontal channel with circular cross-section is presented from an experimental perspective. Experiments are carried out for cylindrical polystyrene beads with an average diameter of 3.2 mm and mass loadings of 0.06 to 0.11 (kg particles/kg gas). The air mass flow rate was studied in the range from 0.085 kg/s to 0.170 kg/s. The pressure drop curve is shown as a function of air velocity and particle load. Response surface methodology showed high statistical significance for air velocity, particle load and their cross-relation.8188Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq