3,101 research outputs found

    The Chief of Information Offices -- performance, skills and job demands

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    This paper presents a research on the relationship between CIO performance and the CIO skills and CIO job demands. The CIO´s literature has many researches about the desirable or expected CIO skills, and few papers about the influence of organizational characteristics on CIO profile. The main contribution of this paper is to analyse the moderator effect of CIO job demands on the relationship between CIO skills and CIO performance. In order to describe this moderator effect, three hypothesis about the dimensions of three concepts are presented. A survey will collect the CIO perceptions about these three concepts. The collected data should be analysed by structural equation modelling

    Information Technology Capability and Organizational Agility on a Health Company

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    This paper presents a case study relating IT Capability and Organizational Agility within a medical diagnostics company in Brazil. The objective was to identify how IT Capability affects Organizational Agility; therefore, a qualitative approach was adopted. The analysed company is one of the four biggest Brazilian companies in this sector, and it is the youngest of them. The data collection was based on interviews with twelve persons, including IT professionals, business professionals and IT supplier professionals. The relationship between these two concepts was analysed from the perspective of the company’s three main information systems. The sensing dimension of organizational agility has so much information from monitoring systems that the importance of reacting dimension is based more on the effectiveness of the projects than on the time of response. The study shows that IT capability supports the organizational agility on its both dimensions – sensing and reacting – and these are not separated nor unrelated dimensions. The organization responses are highly based on the analysis of the identified problem areas, and they bring insights and create a time advantage that allow the company to spend more time choosing the new projects that should be carried on. The reacting dimension of agility are not about time of response, but about the effectiveness of response

    Exploring the Influence of Social Media Information on Interpersonal Trust in Virtual Work Partners

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    This developmental paper aims to start an exploratory investigation regarding the impact of social media information on interpersonal trust in virtual work partners. The potential impact will be examined via the lens of three key social theories used for studying virtual teams in Information System (IS) research. An initial theoretical model is proposed at the end of the paper

    Schr\"odinger formalism for a particle constrained to a surface in R13\mathbb{R}_1^3

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    In this work it is studied the Schr\"odinger equation for a non-relativistic particle restricted to move on a surface SS in a three-dimensional Minkowskian medium R13\mathbb{R}_1^3, i.e., the space R3\mathbb{R}^3 equipped with the metric diag(1,1,1)\text{diag}(-1,1,1). After establishing the consistency of the interpretative postulates for the new Schr\"odinger equation, namely the conservation of probability and the hermiticity of the new Hamiltonian built out of the Laplacian in R13\mathbb{R}_1^3, we investigate the confining potential formalism in the new effective geometry. Like in the well-known Euclidean case, it is found a geometry-induced potential acting on the dynamics VS=22m(εH2K)V_S = - \frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m} \left(\varepsilon H^2-K\right) which, besides the usual dependence on the mean (HH) and Gaussian (KK) curvatures of the surface, has the remarkable feature of a dependence on the signature of the induced metric of the surface: ε=+1\varepsilon= +1 if the signature is (,+)(-,+), and ε=1\varepsilon=1 if the signature is (+,+)(+,+). Applications to surfaces of revolution in R13\mathbb{R}^3_1 are examined, and we provide examples where the Schr\"odinger equation is exactly solvable. It is hoped that our formalism will prove useful in the modeling of novel materials such as hyperbolic metamaterials, which are characterized by a hyperbolic dispersion relation, in contrast to the usual spherical (elliptic) dispersion typically found in conventional materials.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure; comments are welcom

    Avaliação de Desempenho de Projetos de Data Warehouse

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    This article presents a proposal of methodology of evaluation of performance for the project of creation of Data Warehouse (DW) of Sebrae MG. A DW is a great corporative data base fed by information systems does business, many distinct times in formats and architectures, very increasing in the time, integrated and guided to the business whose function and to support the managemental decisions (IMMON, 1996). The evaluation methodology proposal is bases on three elements - people, process and techniques (RUBIO and BIRTH, 2005) - and uses the conceptualization of performance of projects of Shenhar (2001). Destarte, the judgment on the degree the success (or failure) of a project of Data Warehouse (DW) will depend on the perception of the involved ones (stake holders) and of the different moments where the evaluation (re) is made. The evaluation of performance of DW projects if initiates during the development of the project and if it extends after until its conclusion. In the phases you initiate, is looked to identify necessities of correction of route to also guarantee the benefits of short term and, by means of estimates of future impacts, of medium and long run.This article presents a proposal of methodology of evaluation of performance for the project of creation of Data Warehouse (DW) of Sebrae MG. A DW is a great corporative data base fed by information systems does business, many distinct times in formats and architectures, very increasing in the time, integrated and guided to the business whose function and to support the managemental decisions (IMMON, 1996). The evaluation methodology proposal is bases on three elements - people, process and techniques (RUBIO and BIRTH, 2005) - and uses the conceptualization of performance of projects of Shenhar (2001). Destarte, the judgment on the degree the success (or failure) of a project of Data Warehouse (DW) will depend on the perception of the involved ones (stake holders) and of the different moments where the evaluation (re) is made. The evaluation of performance of DW projects if initiates during the development of the project and if it extends after until its conclusion. In the phases you initiate, is looked to identify necessities of correction of route to also guarantee the benefits of short term and, by means of estimates of future impacts, of medium and long run.Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de metodologia de avaliação de desempenho para o projeto de criação do Data Warehouse (DW) do Sebrae MG. Um DW é um grande banco de dados corporativo alimentado por sistemas de informação transacionais, muitas vezes em formatos e arquiteturas muito distintas, crescente no tempo, integrado e orientado ao negócio cuja função e suportar as decisões gerenciais (IMMON, 1996). A metodologia de avaliação proposta está baseia em três elementos – pessoas, processo e técnicas (RUBIO e NASCIMENTO, 2005) – e usa a conceituação de desempenho de projetos de Shenhar (2001). Destarte, o juízo sobre o grau o sucesso (ou fracasso) de um projeto de Data Warehouse (DW) dependerá da percepção dos envolvidos (stake holders) e dos diferentes momentos em que a avaliação é (re) feita. A avaliação de desempenho de projetos de DW se inicia durante o desenvolvimento do projeto e se estende até após sua conclusão. Nas fases inicias, procura-se identificar necessidades de correção de rumo para a garantir os benefícios de curto prazo e também, por meio de estimativas de impactos futuros, os de médio e longo prazo

    A atividade experimental no ensino de ciências para crianças no Brasil: uma investigação com professores

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    A alfabetização científica deve se impor como uma dimensão essencial de uma cultura para a cidadania. Iniciá-la nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental (alunos de 6 a 10 anos) pode contribuir para a formação do indivíduo que compreende as ciências e o mundo ao seu redor. As atividades experimentais investigativas podem ser um bom recurso para o trabalho nesse ciclo, e compreender quais são os indicadores de possibilidades ou limites do uso desse recurso nas aulas de ciências é o principal objetivo dessa pesquisa. Este estudo foi realizado com um grupo de professoras que participaram de uma formação continuada e os dados foram obtidos a partir das narrativas produzidas por elas. Os resultados apontam que, no Brasil, são necessários mais investimentos na formação desses professores, para que eles sintam-se capazes para a realização de atividades experimentais

    Determinants And Strategies For The Alternate Foot Placement

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    Undesirable landing area (e. g. , a hole, a fragment of glass, a water puddle, etc) creates the necessity for an alternate foot placement planning and execution. Previous study has proposed that three determinants are used by the central nervous system (CNS) for planning an alternate foot placement: minimum foot displacement, stability and maintenance of forward progression. However, validation of these determinants is lacking. Therefore, the general purpose of the series of studies presented here is to validate and test the generality of the decision algorithm of alternate foot placement selection developed previously. The first study was designed to validate the use of a virtual planar obstacle paradigm and the economy assumption behind minimum foot displacement determinant. Participants performed two blocks of trials. In one block, they were instructed to avoid stepping in a virtual planar obstacle projected in the screen of a LCD monitor embedded in the ground. In another block, they were instructed to avoid stepping in a real hole present in walkway. Behavioral response was unaffected by the presence of a real hole. In addition, it was suggested that minimum foot displacement results in minimum changes in EMG activity which validates the economy determinant. The second study was proposed to validate the stability determinant. Participants performed an avoidance task under two conditions: free and forced. In the free condition participants freely chose where to land in order to avoid stepping in a virtual obstacle. In the forced condition, a green arrow was projected over the obstacle indicating the direction of the alternate foot placement. The data from the free condition was used to determine the preferred alternate foot placement whereas the data from the forced condition was used to assess whole body stability. It was found that long and lateral foot placements are preferred because they result in a more stable behavior. The third study was designed to validate the alternate foot placement model in a more complex terrain. Participants were required to avoid stepping in two virtual planar obstacles placed in sequence. It was found that participants used the strategy of planning the avoidance movement globally and additional determinants were used. One of the additional determinants was implementation feasibility. In the third study, gaze behavior was also monitored and two behaviors emerged from this data. One sub-group of participants fixated on the area stepped during adaptive step, whereas another sub-group anchor their gaze in a spot ahead of the area-to-be avoided and used peripheral vision for controlling foot landing. In summary, this thesis validates the three determinants for the alternate foot placement planning model and extends the previous model to more complex terrains