2,225 research outputs found

    Trabalhando com acervos: entre a formação de professores e a iniciação à pesquisa em História da Educação Matemática

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    Disponível em: http://acervo.ghemat.com.br/index.php/ACERVO-GHEMAT/article/view/11O presente trabalho têm como principal objetivo expor algumas das atividades exercidas pelos autores ao longo de sua participação no projeto de pesquisa Educação Matemática no Rio Grande do Sul: instituições, personagens e práticas (1890 e 1970), o qual se propõe a colaborar com a História da Educação no estado, e tem por finalidade localizar, identificar, digitalizar e analisar as práticas educativas referentes ao ensino da matemática no Rio Grande do Sul. Além de apresentar rapidamente os acervos em que exercemos nossos trabalhos e pesquisas, também procuramos expor algumas atividades exercidas pelo projeto e como estas agregaram a nossa trajetória como pesquisadores e, principalmente, como futuros educadores

    Aerobic and combined exercise sessions reduce glucose variability in type 2 diabetes : crossover randomized trial

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effects of aerobic (AER) or aerobic plus resistance exercise (COMB) sessions on glucose levels and glucose variability in patients with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, we assessed conventional and non-conventional methods to analyze glucose variability derived from multiple measurements performed with continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Methods: Fourteen patients with type 2 diabetes (5662 years) wore a CGMS during 3 days. Participants randomly performed AER and COMB sessions, both in the morning (24 h after CGMS placement), and at least 7 days apart. Glucose variability was evaluated by glucose standard deviation, glucose variance, mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE), and glucose coefficient of variation (conventional methods) as well as by spectral and symbolic analysis (non-conventional methods). Results: Baseline fasting glycemia was 139605 mg/dL and HbA1c 7.960.7%. Glucose levels decreased immediately after AER and COMB protocols by ,16%, which was sustained for approximately 3 hours. Comparing the two exercise modalities, responses over a 24-h period after the sessions were similar for glucose levels, glucose variance and glucose coefficient of variation. In the symbolic analysis, increases in 0 V pattern (COMB, 67.067.1 vs. 76.066.3, P = 0.003) and decreases in 1 V pattern (COMB, 29.165.3 vs. 21.565.1, P = 0.004) were observed only after the COMB session. Conclusions: Both AER and COMB exercise modalities reduce glucose levels similarly for a short period of time. Th

    Arquitectura y salud: arquitectura para PcD (personas con discapacidad)

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    Exposición oral presentada en la sesión dedicada a Ámbitos, Innovación y Calidad, en las IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre Investigación en Arquitectura y Urbanismo.El proyecto de extensión Arquitectura y Salud: arquitectura para PcD integra áreas de la arquitectura y de la salud, más específicamente, los cursos de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Ingeniería de la Producción, Fisioterapia y de Enfermería de la Universidad de Santa Cruz do Sul con el objetivo de conocer, fomentar e integrar la Persona con Discapacidad en la comunidad, buscando el conocimiento de estas en su relacionamiento con los espacios de las viviendas, en el uso de los muebles, en la circulación y uso de los espacios urbanos, así como auxiliar las familias en el proceso de reinvención del espacio doméstico en la búsqueda en propiciar autonomía, independencia a la Persona con Discapacidad y contribuir para el proceso de transformación social, buscando la mejora de la calidad de vida de estas en la comunidad.Jochims Backes, R.; Oliveira Roveda, P.; Ribas Moraes, JA.; Pedro Roos, N.; Kuhn, E. (2012). Arquitectura y salud: arquitectura para PcD (personas con discapacidad). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1490

    Induced aerocystitis and hemato-immunological parameters in Nile tilapia fed supplemented diet with essential oil of Lippia alba

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    O presente estudo avaliou a suplementação dietária com óleo essencial de Lippia alba sobre os parâmetros hemato-imunológicos em tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) submetidas à inflamação aguda induzida por carragenina na bexiga natatória. Pelo período de 45 dias, 96 peixes foram divididos em quarto tratamentos em triplicata: a) peixes suplementados com óleo esencial de L. alba (4 mL kg-1 de ração) injetados com carragenina; b) peixes suplementados com álcool de cereais injetados com carragenina; peixes não suplementados com óleo essencial injetados com carragenina; c) peixes não suplementados não injetados. Os níveis de cortisol, eritrograma, leucograma e o infiltrado inflamatório foram analisados seis horas após o estímulo inflamatório. Peixes injetados com carragenina apresentaram reação inflamatória aguda na bexiga natatória caracterizada por maior infiltrado de neutrófilos e monócitos. O número de neutrófilos circulantes foi significativamente maior nos peixes suplementados com L. alba quando comparado aos outros tratamentos. Não houve diferença nos níveis de cortisol. Para a dose, o tempo e a forma de administração testada, a suplementação com óleo essencil de L. alba não apresentou atividade anti-inflamatória. Por outro lado, foi constatada influência da suplementação dietária no número de neutrófilos após a aerocistite enfatizando a sua característica imunomoduladora.The present study evaluated the dietary supplementation with essential oil of Lippia alba on the hemato-immunological parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) submitted to acute inflammation induced by carrageenin injection in the swim bladder. For a period of 45 days, 96 fish were divided in four treatments in triplicate, as follows: fish fed supplemented diet with essential oil of L. alba (4 mL kg-1 dry ration) injected with carrageenin; fish fed supplemented diet with cereal alcohol injected with carrageenin; fish fed unsupplemented diet with essential oil injected with carrageenin; fish fed unsupplemented diet and noninjected. Cortisol levels, erythrogram, leukogram and the inflammatory infiltrate were analyzed 6 h after inflammatory stimulus. Carrageenin-injected fish showed acute inflammatory reaction in the swim bladder characterized by higher infiltrate of neutrophils and monocytes. The circulating neutrophils number was significantly higher in fish fed L. alba when compared to other treatments. No difference in cortisol levels was found. For dose, time and administration form tested, supplementation with essential oil of L. alba did not present anti-inflammatory activity. On the other hand, influence of dietary supplementation was observed on the neutrophils number after induced aerocystitis highlighting its immunomodulatory characteristic

    The Performance of Academic Leagues Linked to the Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery Leagues

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    Introduction: The Academic Leagues are non-profit autonomous civil and scientific student entities, of indefinite duration, which brings together medical students and professors. The Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery Leagues (ABLCP) is an organization linked to the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), considered its academic segment, thus establishing the proximity between Academic Leagues of Plastic Surgery (PSL) and SBCP. The present study aims to describe the profile of the associated leagues. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, multicenter study with qualitative and quantitative approach through application of an online questionnaire with 19 questions. Duplicated or unfinished records were excluded. Results: It was observed that there are 78 PSLs and 1873 binders, present in 58 cities arranged in 20 federative units, being the Southeast region with the largest number of alloys and binders and the one with the smallest number was the North region. In addition, it was observed that 78.2% of the PSLs linked to the ABLCP presented activities in the three axes (Education, Research and Extension/Assistance) simultaneously. In general, the Leagues obtained less participation in research. Conclusions: ABLCPs performance in relation to LCPs has the objective of seeking alignment, inspection and stimulus for their activities, since alloys have an important role in medical education