6 research outputs found

    Diversidade genética de matrizes e progênies de Euterpe edulis Mart. em área manejada e em populações naturais por marcadores microssatélites

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    Euterpe edulis, an endangered palm tree from the Atlantic Forest, has ecological and economic importance through the use of fruit pulp. Identifying genetically divergent matrices in populations is useful for species conservation and breeding. The present study aimed to estimate the genetic diversity of morphologically divergent plants that may be used as stock specimens as well as that of their progeny families, in a managed area and in areas of natural populations of the species in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Twenty-one matrices were evaluated, of which 13 were obtained from areas managed for the sustainable exploitation of fruits (previously evaluated for fruit traits) and eight from natural populations in the state of Espírito Santo. For each matrix, 10 progenies were evaluated, constituting 21 families. From microsatellite marker genotyping, the characterization of the parent plants and their progenies was performed by the observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities and the inbreeding index (f), as well as the molecular variance analysis of the plants from the different plants. The matrices of the managed area of Rio Novo do Sul presented higher Ho and He, and lower f, indicating greater diversity. Lower Ho (0.36) and He (0.41) and higher f (0.15) were observed for Pinheiros matrices, indicating lower diversity and inbreeding. Analysis of variance between the collection sites of the matrices revealed greater intrapopulation than interpopulation genetic variation. The matrices collected from natural populations, Linhares and, especially, from Pinheiros, present less genetic diversity. In the managed area, the individuals presented greater diversity for the matrices and their progenies, indicating potential for the conservation and sustainable use of the genetic resource in this area. The matrices indicated for breeding, with the possibility of generating descendants with higher morphological performance for fruits and high diversity were RNS_154 and RNS_76.Euterpe edulis, uma palmeira ameaçada de extinção da Mata Atlântica, tem importância ecológica e econômica pelo uso da polpa dos frutos. A identificação de matrizes geneticamente divergentes nas populações é útil para a conservação e o melhoramento da espécie. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estimar a diversidade genética de plantas divergentes morfologicamente que possam ser utilizadas como matrizes, e de suas famílias de progênies em uma área manejada e em áreas de populações naturais da espécie no estado do Espírito Santo. Foram avaliadas 21 matrizes, das quais 13 obtidas em área manejada para a exploração sustentável dos frutos (anteriormente avaliadas quanto a caracteres de frutos) e oito oriundas de populações naturais no estado do Espírito Santo. Para cada matriz avaliou-se 10 progênies, constituindo 21 famílias. A partir de genotipagem por marcadores microssatélites, a caracterização das plantas matrizes e suas progênies foi realizada pelas heterozigosidades observada (Ho) e esperada (He) e o índice de endogamia (f), bem como a análise de variância molecular das plantas oriundas dos diferentes locais de coleta. As matrizes da área de cultivo manejada de Rio Novo do Sul apresentaram maiores Ho e He, e menor f, indicando maior diversidade. Menores Ho (0,36) e He (0,41) e maior f (0,15) foram observados para as matrizes de Pinheiros, indicando menor diversidade e maior endogamia. A análise da variância entre os locais de coleta das matrizes revelou maior variação genética intrapopulacional que interpopulacional. As matrizes coletadas em populações naturais, Linhares e, especialmente, de Pinheiros, apresentam menor diversidade genética. Na área manejada, os indivíduos apresentaram maior diversidade para as matrizes e suas progênies, indicando potencial para a conservação e uso sustentável do recurso genético nesta área. As matrizes indicadas para cruzamento, com possibilidade de gerar descendentes com maior desempenho morfológico para frutos e alta diversidade foram RNS_154 e RNS_76


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    Inflammatory disease of the cervix is a condition that can cause significant complications for female reproductive health. This study aims to review the available literature on the clinical and diagnostic aspects of this disease, using an integrative review. The databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) were used for data collection. The results indicated that early identification and accurate diagnosis are crucial for effective treatment and prevention of serious complications. Diagnostic methods include clinical exams, cytology, colposcopy, and molecular biology tests. The review highlighted the need for a continuous and multidisciplinary approach for effective disease management. It concludes that health education and access to quality diagnostic services are fundamental for the prevention and control of inflammatory disease of the cervix.A doença inflamatória do colo do útero é uma condição que pode causar significativas complicações para a saúde reprodutiva feminina. Este estudo tem como objetivo revisar a literatura disponível sobre os aspectos clínicos e diagnósticos dessa doença, utilizando uma revisão integrativa. As bases de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) foram utilizadas para a coleta de dados. Os resultados indicaram que a identificação precoce e o diagnóstico preciso são cruciais para o tratamento eficaz e a prevenção de complicações graves. Os métodos diagnósticos incluem exames clínicos, citologia, colposcopia e testes de biologia molecular. A revisão destacou a necessidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar e contínua para a gestão eficaz da doença. Conclui-se que a educação em saúde e o acesso a serviços de diagnóstico de qualidade são fundamentais para a prevenção e controle da doença inflamatória do colo do útero

    O Futuro do turismo no Brasil a partir da análise crítica do período 2000-2019

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    This article provides a perspective on tourism in Brazil, analyzing the main developments focusing on the period 2000-2019. This opinion paper provides a reflection made by academics with expertise in tourism in Brazil. Tourism-related topics covered in this paper include economics, politics and planning, marketing, transportation, environment, gastronomy, hospitality, leisure, among others. As the main conclusion, it is argued that Brazil has not managed to position itself as an internationally renowned destination. The efforts in the 1990s to support the development of regional tourism have had only moderate success. Economic crises, political instability, violence and corruption were obstacles that considerably affected the tourism sector. The lack of a coordinated approach between the various levels of government, the shortage of tourism data and a long-term supra-governmental marketing campaign, among other factors, meant that the country missed several opportunities in the 2010s to become established as one of the top tourist destinations in the global market.El artículo ofrece una perspectiva del turismo en Brasil, analizando los principales desarrollos con un enfoque en el período 2000-2019. Es un artículo de opinión con reflexiones de investigadores del turismo brasileño. Los temas relacionados con el turismo que se tratan en este artículo incluyen economía, política y planificación, marketing, transporte, medio ambiente, gastronomía, hostelería, ocio, entre otros. Como conclusión principal, se considera que Brasil no ha logrado posicionarse como un destino de renombre internacional, ya que desde la década de los noventa los esfuerzos para apoyar el desarrollo del turismo regional solo han tenido un éxito moderado. Las crisis económicas, la inestabilidad política, la violencia y la corrupción fueron obstáculos que afectaron considerablemente al sector turístico. La falta de un enfoque coordinado entre los distintos niveles de gobierno, la escasez de datos turísticos y una campaña de marketing supra gubernamental a largo plazo, entre otros factores, hicieron que el país perdiera varias oportunidades importantes en la década de 2010 para establecerse como uno de los principales destinos turísticos del mercado mundial.O presente artigo oferece uma perspectiva sobre o turismo no Brasil, analisando os principais desdobramentos com foco no período de 2000-2019. Trata-se de um artigo de opinião com reflexões de acadêmicos do turismo brasileiro. Os tópicos relacionados ao turismo, cobertos neste artigo, incluem economia, política e planejamento, marketing, transporte, meio ambiente, gastronomia, hospitalidade, lazer, entre outros. Como principal conclusão, considera-se que o Brasil não conseguiu se posicionar como destino de renome internacional, já que desde a década de 1990 os esforços para apoiar o desenvolvimento do turismo regional obtiveram sucesso apenas moderado. As crises econômicas, a instabilidade política, a violência e a corrupção foram entraves que afetaram consideravelmente o setor de turismo. A falta de uma abordagem coordenada entre os vários níveis de governo, a escassez de dados de turismo e uma campanha de marketing supra-governamental de longo prazo, entre outros fatores, fizeram com que o país perdesse várias oportunidades importantes na década de 2010 para se estabelecer como um dos principais destinos turísticos no mercado global

    Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAim: To investigate the geographic patterns and ecological correlates in the geographic distribution of the most common tree dispersal modes in Amazonia (endozoochory, synzoochory, anemochory and hydrochory). We examined if the proportional abundance of these dispersal modes could be explained by the availability of dispersal agents (disperser-availability hypothesis) and/or the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits (resource-availability hypothesis). Time period: Tree-inventory plots established between 1934 and 2019. Major taxa studied: Trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 9.55 cm. Location: Amazonia, here defined as the lowland rain forests of the Amazon River basin and the Guiana Shield. Methods: We assigned dispersal modes to a total of 5433 species and morphospecies within 1877 tree-inventory plots across terra-firme, seasonally flooded, and permanently flooded forests. We investigated geographic patterns in the proportional abundance of dispersal modes. We performed an abundance-weighted mean pairwise distance (MPD) test and fit generalized linear models (GLMs) to explain the geographic distribution of dispersal modes. Results: Anemochory was significantly, positively associated with mean annual wind speed, and hydrochory was significantly higher in flooded forests. Dispersal modes did not consistently show significant associations with the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits. A lower dissimilarity in dispersal modes, resulting from a higher dominance of endozoochory, occurred in terra-firme forests (excluding podzols) compared to flooded forests. Main conclusions: The disperser-availability hypothesis was well supported for abiotic dispersal modes (anemochory and hydrochory). The availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits seems an unlikely explanation for the distribution of dispersal modes in Amazonia. The association between frugivores and the proportional abundance of zoochory requires further research, as tree recruitment not only depends on dispersal vectors but also on conditions that favour or limit seedling recruitment across forest types

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2008

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora