227 research outputs found

    Exploring Symmetry of Binary Classification Performance Metrics

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    Selecting the proper performance metric constitutes a key issue for most classification problems in the field of machine learning. Although the specialized literature has addressed several topics regarding these metrics, their symmetries have yet to be systematically studied. This research focuses on ten metrics based on a binary confusion matrix and their symmetric behaviour is formally defined under all types of transformations. Through simulated experiments, which cover the full range of datasets and classification results, the symmetric behaviour of these metrics is explored by exposing them to hundreds of simple or combined symmetric transformations. Cross-symmetries among the metrics and statistical symmetries are also explored. The results obtained show that, in all cases, three and only three types of symmetries arise: labelling inversion (between positive and negative classes); scoring inversion (concerning good and bad classifiers); and the combination of these two inversions. Additionally, certain metrics have been shown to be independent of the imbalance in the dataset and two cross-symmetries have been identified. The results regarding their symmetries reveal a deeper insight into the behaviour of various performance metrics and offer an indicator to properly interpret their values and a guide for their selection for certain specific applications.University of Seville (Spain) by Telefónica Chair “Intelligence in Networks

    Observed impact of land uses and soil types on cloud-to-ground lightning in Castilla-Leon (Spain)

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    The impact of land use on lightning activity has mainly been studied for urban areas; however the number of authors addressing the impact of vegetation on lightning is fairly limited. The relationship of different types of land use and soil (thirteen categories of land use and fourteen major soil types were considered) on cloud-to-ground lightning activity was studied in the Spanish region of Castilla-León from 2000 to 2010. To do this, urban, mining, and industrial areas were found to be associated with enhanced CG-lightning activity. With respect to natural land uses, forest and shrubland were the categories where CG-lightning was seen to be increased. By contrast, non-agricultural vegetated areas and pastures displayed the lowest CG-lightning activity. When the major soil types are considered, rendzinas, podzols, and phaeozems were found to be associated with a slight increase in CG-lightning activity and gleysols and solonchaks seem to decrease it. Assuming there are a plethora of factors which can indirectly affect the charging electromicrophysics and cloud dynamics, the authors provide evidence that soil type shows a significant correlation on CG-lightning flash density and weather characteristics are affected by land uses. It is suggested that the influence of vegetation and soil on surface moisture is one of the main effects contributing to explain the impact of land cover on CG-lightning

    Intense precipitation events in the Central Range of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Intense orographic precipitation associated with the Central Range was analysed using data of maximum accumulated precipitation in 24 h, occurring between 1958 and 2010. The 18 selected episodes were associated with a southwesterly tropospheric flow, a low-level jet, and high moisture flux at low levels. The observed moisture flux was higher than 100 (m g(s kg)−1) and the dry and wet Froude numbers were greater than 1. The selected area to study this synoptic situation was Gredos, broad and high range, which is located in the eastern part of the Central Range and generates a leeward “orographic shadow”. The effect of the Central Range on the spatial distribution of precipitation on the Iberian Peninsula plateau results in a sharp increase in precipitation in the south of the Central Range, followed by a decrease to the north of this range

    Integration of expert system rules into standarized object description models for telecommunication network management

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    The work described in this paper is focused on the attainment of a product that: a) is able to manage a communication network according to ISO ant ITU-T standards (Telecommunication Management Network, TMN, model); b) automatically locates network faults based on a set of rules embedded in an integrated expert system; and c) represents the expert knowledge using procedures and tools to define object and object classes, following the internationally standardized model. The most outstanding characteristic of the product is the availability of expert functionalities integrated into the very object definition of the management system

    Nevadas en la Comunidad Valenciana: primeros resultados

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXII Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Alcobendas (Madrid), del 28 al 30 de mayo de 2012

    Morfología femoral proximal en fracturas de cadera

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    Es frecuente observar como pacientes que han sufrido una fractura de cadera, si se fracturan posteriormente la cadera contralateral, es del mismo tipo que la primera fractura. El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de relacional la morfología femoral proximal con la producción de un tipo determinado de fractura. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio prospectivo en 50 pacientes mayores de 65 años, sin distinción de sexo, que han ingresado en nuestro servicio por fractura femoral proximal, 25 cervicales y 25 trocantéreas, tras traumatismo de baja energía. Los parámetros medidos en la radiografía anteposterior de la cadera sana han sido la longitud del cuello femoral, el offset, el diámetro de la cabeza femoral, la posición de la cabeza femoral y el ángulo cervicodiafisario. La única variable en la que hemos constatado una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos tipos de fractura ha sido la longitud del cuello femoral, produciéndose las fracturas cervicales en los pacientes con mayor longitud de éste.Frecuently when patients suffer a hip fracture, if they fracture the contralateral hip, this is the same type than the firts fracture. The objective of this paper is connect the proximal femoral morphology with the production of one type fracture. We have made a prospective study in 50 patients older than 65 years old, whithout distinction of sex, who entried in our service with proximal femoral fracture neck, the offset, the diameter of the femoral head, the position of the femoral head and the neck-shaft angle. The only different variable statistical significantly between both types of the fracture was the length of the femoral neck, happening cervical fractures in patients with longer femoral neck

    Three-dimensional space vector modulation in abc coordinates for four-leg voltage source converters

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    Four-leg inverters have been selected as one of the preferred power converter topologies for applications that require a precise control of neutral current, like active filters. The main advantage of this topology lies in an extended range for the zero sequence voltages and currents. However, the addition of a fourth leg extends the space vectors from two to three dimensions, making the selection of the modulation vectors more complex. Most of the algorithms that deal with this problem require an /spl alpha//spl beta//spl gamma/ transformation. This paper presents a new space vector modulation algorithm using abc coordinates (the phase voltages) avoiding the /spl alpha//spl beta//spl gamma/ transformation. Thanks to the use of abc coordinates, the algorithm is much simpler and more intuitive than in /spl alpha//spl beta//spl gamma/ representation, drastically reducing the complexity of modulation algorithm and the computational load associated to it

    Robust and accurate modeling approaches for migraine Per-Patient prediction from ambulatory data

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    Migraine is one of the most wide-spread neurological disorders, and its medical treatment represents a high percentage of the costs of health systems. In some patients, characteristic symptoms that precede the headache appear. However, they are nonspecific, and their prediction horizon is unknown and pretty variable; hence, these symptoms are almost useless for prediction, and they are not useful to advance the intake of drugs to be effective and neutralize the pain. To solve this problem, this paper sets up a realistic monitoring scenario where hemodynamic variables from real patients are monitored in ambulatory conditions with a wireless body sensor network (WBSN). The acquired data are used to evaluate the predictive capabilities and robustness against noise and failures in sensors of several modeling approaches. The obtained results encourage the development of per-patient models based on state-space models (N4SID) that are capable of providing average forecast windows of 47 min and a low rate of false positives

    The use of mixed collagen-Matrigel matrices of increasing complexity recapitulates the biphasic role of cell adhesion in cancer cell migration: ECM sensing, remodeling and forces at the leading edge of cancer invasion

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    The migration of cancer cells is highly regulated by the biomechanical properties of their local microenvironment. Using 3D scaffolds of simple composition, several aspects of cancer cell mechanosensing (signal transduction, EMC remodeling, traction forces) have been separately analyzed in the context of cell migration. However, a combined study of these factors in 3D scaffolds that more closely resemble the complex microenvironment of the cancer ECM is still missing. Here, we present a comprehensive, quantitative analysis of the role of cell-ECM interactions in cancer cell migration within a highly physiological environment consisting of mixed Matrigel-collagen hydrogel scaffolds of increasing complexity that mimic the tumor microenvironment at the leading edge of cancer invasion. We quantitatively show that the presence of Matrigel increases hydrogel stiffness, which promotes ß1 integrin expression and metalloproteinase activity in H1299 lung cancer cells. Then, we show that ECM remodeling activity causes matrix alignment and compaction that favors higher tractions exerted by the cells. However, these traction forces do not linearly translate into increased motility due to a biphasic role of cell adhesions in cell migration: at low concentration Matrigel promotes migration-effective tractions exerted through a high number of small sized focal adhesions. However, at high Matrigel concentration, traction forces are exerted through fewer, but larger focal adhesions that favor attachment yielding lower cell motility