296 research outputs found

    Imaginary Squashing Mode Spectroscopy of Helium Three B

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    We have made precision measurements of the frequency of a collective mode of the superfluid 3He-B order parameter, the J=2- imaginary squashing mode. Measurements were performed at multiple pressures using interference of transverse sound in an acoustic cavity. Transverse waves propagate in the vicinity of this order parameter mode owing to off-resonant coupling. At the crossing of the sound mode and the order parameter mode, the sound wave is strongly attenuated. We use both velocity and attenuation measurements to determine precise values of the mode frequency with a resolution between 0.1% and 0.25%.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to proceedings of Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS) Conference 2006; revised 9/26/0

    Solitary waves of nonlinear nonintegrable equations

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    Our goal is to find closed form analytic expressions for the solitary waves of nonlinear nonintegrable partial differential equations. The suitable methods, which can only be nonperturbative, are classified in two classes. In the first class, which includes the well known so-called truncation methods, one \textit{a priori} assumes a given class of expressions (polynomials, etc) for the unknown solution; the involved work can easily be done by hand but all solutions outside the given class are surely missed. In the second class, instead of searching an expression for the solution, one builds an intermediate, equivalent information, namely the \textit{first order} autonomous ODE satisfied by the solitary wave; in principle, no solution can be missed, but the involved work requires computer algebra. We present the application to the cubic and quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equations, and to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.Comment: 28 pages, chapter in book "Dissipative solitons", ed. Akhmediev, to appea

    Discovery of the Acoustic Faraday Effect in Superfluid 3He-B

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    We report the discovery of the acoustic Faraday effect in superfluid 3He-B. The observation of this effect provides the first direct evidence for propagating transverse acoustic waves in liquid 3He, a mode first predicted by Landau in 1957. The Faraday rotation is large and observable because of spontaneously broken spin-orbit symmetry in 3He-B. We compare the experimental observations with a simulation of the transverse acoustic impedance that includes the field-induced circular birefringence of transverse waves.Comment: 4 pages in RevTex plus 3 postscript figures; new version includes: minor corrections to the text and an updated of list of reference

    S-, P- and D-wave resonances in positronium-sodium and positronium-potassium scattering

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    Scattering of positronium (Ps) by sodium and potassium atoms has been investigated employing a three-Ps-state coupled-channel model with Ps(1s,2s,2p) states using a time-reversal-symmetric regularized electron-exchange model potential fitted to reproduce accurate theoretical results for PsNa and PsK binding energies. We find a narrow S-wave singlet resonance at 4.58 eV of width 0.002 eV in the Ps-Na system and at 4.77 eV of width 0.003 eV in the Ps-K system. Singlet P-wave resonances in both systems are found at 5.07 eV of width 0.3 eV. Singlet D-wave structures are found at 5.3 eV in both systems. We also report results for elastic and Ps-excitation cross sections for Ps scattering by Na and K.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Journal of Physics

    High frequency sound in superfluid 3He-B

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    We present measurements of the absolute phase velocity of transverse and longitudinal sound in superfluid 3He-B at low temperature, extending from the imaginary squashing mode to near pair-breaking. Changes in the transverse phase velocity near pair-breaking have been explained in terms of an order parameter collective mode that arises from f-wave pairing interactions, the so-called J=4- mode. Using these measurements, we establish lower bounds on the energy gap in the B-phase. Measurement of attenuation of longitudinal sound at low temperature and energies far above the pair-breaking threshold, are in agreement with the lower bounds set on pair-breaking. Finally, we discuss our estimations for the strength of the f-wave pairing interactions and the Fermi liquid parameter, F4s.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted to J. Low Temp. Phy

    Coupling of kinesin ATP turnover to translocation and microtubule regulation: one engine, many machines

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    The cycle of ATP turnover is integral to the action of motor proteins. Here we discuss how variation in this cycle leads to variation of function observed amongst members of the kinesin superfamily of microtubule associated motor proteins. Variation in the ATP turnover cycle among superfamily members can tune the characteristic kinesin motor to one of the range of microtubule-based functions performed by kinesins. The speed at which ATP is hydrolysed affects the speed of translocation. The ratio of rate constants of ATP turnover in relation to association and dissociation from the microtubule influence the processivity of translocation. Variation in the rate-limiting step of the cycle can reverse the way in which the motor domain interacts with the microtubule producing non-motile kinesins. Because the ATP turnover cycle is not fully understood for the majority of kinesins, much work remains to show how the kinesin engine functions in such a wide variety of molecular machines

    Signaling Mechanisms of Vav3, a Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor and Androgen Receptor Coactivator, in Physiology and Prostate Cancer Progression

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    The Rho GTPase guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Vav3 is the third member of the Vavfamily of GEFS and is activated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Through stimulation of Rho GTPaseactivity, Vav3 promotes cell migration, invasion, and other cellular processes. Work from our laboratory first established that Vav3 is upregulated in models of castration-resistant prostate cancer progression and enhances androgen receptor as well as androgen receptor splice variant activity. Recent analysis of clinical specimens supports Vav3 as a potential biomarker of aggressive prostate cancer. Consistent with a role in promoting castration-­resistant disease, Vav3 is a versatile enhancer of androgen receptor by both ligand-dependent and ligand-independent mechanisms and as such impacts established pathways of androgen receptor reactivation in advanced prostate cancer. Distinct Vav3 domains and mechanisms participate in ligand-dependent and -independent androgen receptor coactivation. To provide a physiologic context, we review Vav3 actions elucidated by gene knockout studies. This chapter describes the pervasive role of Vav3 in progression of prostate cancer to castration resistance. We discuss the mechanisms by which prostate cancer cells exploit Vav3 signaling to promote androgen receptor activity under different hormonal milieus, which are relevant to clinical prostate cancer. Lastly, we review the data on the emerging role for Vav3 in other cancers ranging from leukemias to gliomas.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/hpd_medsci_faculty_books/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Bypass Mechanisms of the Androgen Receptor Pathway in Therapy-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cell Models

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    Background: Prostate cancer is initially dependent on androgens for survival and growth, making hormonal therapy the cornerstone treatment for late-stage tumors. However, despite initial remission, the cancer will inevitably recur. The present study was designed to investigate how androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells eventually survive and resume growth under androgen-deprived and antiandrogen supplemented conditions. As model system, we used the androgen-responsive PC346C cell line and its therapy-resistant sublines: PC346DCC, PC346Flu1 and PC346Flu2. Methodology/Principal Findings: Microarray technology was used to analyze differences in gene expression between the androgen-responsive and therapy-resistant PC346 cell lines. Microarray analysis revealed 487 transcripts differentiallyexpressed between the androgen-responsive and the therapy-resistant cell lines. Most of these genes were common to all three therapy-resistant sublines and only a minority (,5%) was androgen-regulated. Pathway analysis revealed enrichment in functions involving cellular movement, cell growth and cell death, as well as association with cancer and reproductive system disease. PC346DCC expressed residual levels of androgen receptor (AR) and showed significant down-regulation of androgen-regulated genes (p-value = 10 27). Up-regulation of VAV3 and TWIST1 oncogenes and repression of the DKK3 tumor-suppressor was observed in PC346DCC, suggesting a potential AR bypass mechanism. Subsequent validation of these three genes in patient samples confirmed that expression was deregulated during prostate cancer progression

    Optics and Quantum Electronics

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    Contains reports on eleven research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant EET 87-00474)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAALO03-86-K-O002)Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. (Grant DL-H-2854018)National Science Foundation (Grant DMR 84-18718)National Science Foundation (Grant EET 87-03404)National Science Foundation (ECS 85-52701)US Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract AFOSR-85-0213)National Institutes of Health (Contract 5-RO1-GM35459)US Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-86-K-0117

    Optics and Quantum Electronics

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2 and reports on eleven research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-89-C-0001National Science Foundation Grant EET 87-00474U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Contract F49620-88-C-0089Charles S. Draper Laboratory Contract DL-H-404179National Center for Integrated PhotonicsNational Science Foundation Grant ECS 87-18417NEC Research InstituteNational Science Foundation Grant ECS 85-52701Medical Free Electron Laser Program Contract N00014-86-K-0117National Institutes of Health Grant 5-RO1-GM35459Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Contract B048704U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-FG02-89-ER14012Columbia University Contract P016310