1,539 research outputs found

    Interpersonal Skills in Aviation: Applications and Development

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    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the critical role that interpersonal skills play in the aviation environment. Many volumes have been written on the matter and it is not our intention here to review every research endeavour in interpersonal skills and aviation but rather to provide an overview of some of the more important research, drawing out the implications for aviation management. The paper is organized in the following manner: We first examine what interpersonal skills are and why they are important in aviation. This is followed by an examination of the literature on interpersonal skills in selection (pilots, air traffic controllers), which in turn is followed by interpersonal skills and training, especially in Crew Resource Management (CRM). The paper concludes with practical suggestions regarding interpersonal skill development

    Challenges in Teaching Climate Science Literacy in Alabama, Part I: Climate Change and the Southeast U.S. Warming Hole

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    The overwhelming scientific consensus is that the earth’s climate is changing rapidly, and that human activity is largely responsible. However, a significant percentage of the population remains skeptical, due in large part to misinformation and political polarization of the topic. This in itself makes it especially challenging to improve climate science literacy. The challenge increases in the Southeast United States, where a “warming hole” experienced significant cooling beginning in the late 1950’s while the rest of the world was warming. Temperature data from the Northwest Alabama Regional Weather Station since 1940, as well as average temperatures for Alabama since 1895, demonstrate the presence of this warming hole. Climate system drivers are complex; however, by addressing this complexity and encouraging exploration into the causation of anomalous evidence on a regional scale, it is easier to explain the broader patterns and implications of global climate change

    Laboratory Simulations of Mars Evaporite Geochemistry

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    Evaporite-rich sedimentary deposits on Mars were formed under chemical conditions quite different from those on Earth. Their unique chemistries record the chemical and aqueous conditions under which they were formed and possibly subsequent conditions to which they were subjected. We have produced evaporite salt mineral suites in the laboratory under two simulated Martian atmospheres: (1) present-day and (2) a model of an ancient Matian atmosphere rich in volcanic gases. The composition of these synthetic Mars evaporites depends on the atmospheres under which they were desiccated as well as the chemistries of their precursor brines. In this report, we describe a Mars analog evaporite laboratory apparatus and the experimental methods we used to produce and analyze the evaporite mineral suites

    Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals that Argonaute Reshapes the Binding Properties of Its Nucleic Acid Guides

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    SummaryArgonaute proteins repress gene expression and defend against foreign nucleic acids using short RNAs or DNAs to specify the correct target RNA or DNA sequence. We have developed single-molecule methods to analyze target binding and cleavage mediated by the Argonaute:guide complex, RISC. We find that both eukaryotic and prokaryotic Argonaute proteins reshape the fundamental properties of RNA:RNA, RNA:DNA, and DNA:DNA hybridization—a small RNA or DNA bound to Argonaute as a guide no longer follows the well-established rules by which oligonucleotides find, bind, and dissociate from complementary nucleic acid sequences. Argonautes distinguish substrates from targets with similar complementarity. Mouse AGO2, for example, binds tighter to miRNA targets than its RNAi cleavage product, even though the cleaved product contains more base pairs. By re-writing the rules for nucleic acid hybridization, Argonautes allow oligonucleotides to serve as specificity determinants with thermodynamic and kinetic properties more typical of RNA-binding proteins than of RNA or DNA

    Single-molecule FISH in Drosophila muscle reveals location dependent mRNA composition of megaRNPs [preprint]

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    Single-molecule fluorescence in-situ hybridization (smFISH) provides direct access to the spatial relationship between nucleic acids and specific subcellular locations. The ability to precisely localize a messenger RNA can reveal key information about its regulation. Although smFISH is well established in cell culture or thin sections, methods for its accurate application to tissues are lacking. The utility of smFISH in thick tissue sections must overcome several challenges, including probe penetration of fixed tissue, accessibility of target mRNAs for probe hybridization, high fluorescent background, spherical aberration along the optical axis, and image segmentation of organelles. Here we describe how we overcame these obstacles to study mRNA localization in Drosophila larval muscle samples that approach 50 ÎĽm thickness. We use sample-specific optimization of smFISH, particle identification based on maximum likelihood testing, and 3-dimensional multiple-organelle segmentation. The latter allows using independent thresholds for different regions of interest within an image stack. Our approach therefore facilitates accurate measurement of mRNA location in thick tissues

    Single-molecule FISH in Drosophila muscle reveals location dependent mRNA composition of megaRNPs [preprint]

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    Single-molecule fluorescence in-situ hybridization (smFISH) provides direct access to the spatial relationship between nucleic acids and specific subcellular locations. The ability to precisely localize a messenger RNA can reveal key information about its regulation. Although smFISH is well established in cell culture or thin sections, methods for its accurate application to tissues are lacking. The utility of smFISH in thick tissue sections must overcome several challenges, including probe penetration of fixed tissue, accessibility of target mRNAs for probe hybridization, high fluorescent background, spherical aberration along the optical axis, and image segmentation of organelles. Here we describe how we overcame these obstacles to study mRNA localization in Drosophila larval muscle samples that approach 50 ÎĽm thickness. We use sample-specific optimization of smFISH, particle identification based on maximum likelihood testing, and 3-dimensional multiple-organelle segmentation. The latter allows using independent thresholds for different regions of interest within an image stack. Our approach therefore facilitates accurate measurement of mRNA location in thick tissues

    Aromatic Structure in Simulates Titan Aerosol

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    Observations of Titan by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) between 560 and 20 per centimeter (approximately 18 to 500 micrometers) have been used to infer the vertical variations of Titan's ice abundances, as well as those of the aerosol from the surface to an altitude of 300 km [1]. The aerosol has a broad emission feature centered approximately at 140 per centimeter (71 micrometers). As seen in Figure 1, this feature cannot be reproduced using currently available optical constants from laboratory-generated Titan aerosol analogs [2]. The far-IR is uniquely qualified for investigating low-energy vibrational motions within the lattice structures of COITIDlex aerosol. The feature observed by CIRS is broad, and does not likely arise from individual molecules, but rather is representative of the skeletal movements of macromolecules. Since Cassini's arrival at Titan, benzene (C6H6) has been detected in the atmosphere at ppm levels as well as ions that may be polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) [3]. We speculate that the feature may be a blended composite that can be identified with low-energy vibrations of two-dimensional lattice structures of large molecules, such as PAHs or nitrogenated aromatics. Such structures do not dominate the composition of analog materials generated from CH4 and N2 irradiation. We are performing studies forming aerosol analog via UV irradiation of aromatic precursors - specifically C6H6 - to understand how the unique chemical architecture of the products will influence the observable aerosol characteristics. The optical and chemical properties of the aromatic analog will be compared to those formed from CH4/N2 mixtures, with a focus on the as-yet unidentified far-IR absorbance feature. Preliminary results indicate that the photochemically-formed aromatic aerosol has distinct chemical composition, and may incorporate nitrogen either into the ring structure or adjoined chemical groups. These compositional differences are demonstrated in the aerosol mass spectra shown in Figure 2. The aromatic aerosol also demonstrates strong chemical reactivity when exposed to laboratory air, indicating substantial stored chemical potential. Oxidatoin and solubility studies wil be presented and implicatoins for prebiotic chemistry o nTitan will be discussed

    Let Freedom Read: Exploring Banned Books and Intellectual Freedom in Florida

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    On October 5, 2023, the FIU Libraries’ Academic and Intellectual Freedom Committee hosted a crucial discussion on the current state of book banning and censorship in the United States, with a specific focus on Florida. This special session was part of the First Thursdays Library lecture series. During the event, attendees were presented with startling statistics from the American Libraries Association\u27s Office for Intellectual Freedom (ALA OIF), PEN America, the Florida Freedom to Read Foundation (FFTRF), and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) that led experts to declare 2022 the worst year for book bans in history. The committee also delved into the impact of recent state legislation, which has enabled increased demands for censorship. The session also explored effective strategies that libraries can employ to foster thoughtful dialogue even amidst dissenting viewpoints. By reviewing the concerning trends and offering reflective responses, the event sought to shed light on current intellectual freedom challenges and equip libraries to uphold access to information

    Treatment and Management of Depression Symptoms in Pregnant Veterans: Varying Experiences of Mental Health Care in the Prenatal Period

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    Depression screening is recommended for all pregnant veterans; however, little is known on how often symptomatic women receive care, how depression treatment presents in practice, and whether women veterans are utilizing treatment during the appreciable perinatal period. Our sample included 142 pregnant veterans from 15 Veterans Health Administration (VA) medical facilities with Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores \u3e/=10. Sociodemographic characteristics, military service, health utilization, and pregnancy related factors were collected as part of a telephone survey. A majority of our sample (70%) had 1 or more mental health visits or antidepressant prescriptions during pregnancy. Women with a history of depression had more mental health visits and a higher percentage of antidepressant use before and during pregnancy than women without a history of depression. Pregnant women veterans without a history of depression may be less likely to receive care for depression during pregnancy. However, the majority of our veterans showing depression symptoms prenatally had at least one mental health visit or an antidepressant medication fill during their pregnancy window, suggesting that mental health care is readily available for women veterans

    The Threat to Academic & Intellectual Freedom

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    The Academic and Intellectual Freedom Ad Hoc Committee presented a First Thursday discussion on May 4 about academic and intellectual freedom. Starting with a brief definition of these terms, they traced the history of Academic Freedom and how current events affect us at FIU. The committee posed several real-life scenarios threatening Academic/Intellectual Freedom in libraries. All library staff were invited to attend this lively discussion
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