53,564 research outputs found

    X-ray absorption branching ratio in actinides: LDA+DMFT approach

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    To investigate the x-ray absorption (XAS) branching ratio from the core 4d to valence 5f states, we set up a theoretical framework by using a combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation and Dynamical Mean Field Theory (LDA+DMFT), and apply it to several actinides. The results of the LDA+DMFT reduces to the band limit for itinerant systems and to the atomic limit for localized f electrons, meaning a spectrum of 5f itinerancy can be investigated. Our results provides a consistent and unified view of the XAS branching ratio for all elemental actinides, and is in good overall agreement with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrologic significance of lineaments in central Tennessee

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    Classical Sphaleron Rate on Fine Lattices

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    We measure the sphaleron rate for hot, classical Yang-Mills theory on the lattice, in order to study its dependence on lattice spacing. By using a topological definition of Chern-Simons number and going to extremely fine lattices (up to beta=32, or lattice spacing a = 1 / (8 g^2 T)) we demonstrate nontrivial scaling. The topological susceptibility, converted to physical units, falls with lattice spacing on fine lattices in a way which is consistent with linear dependence on aa (the Arnold-Son-Yaffe scaling relation) and strongly disfavors a nonzero continuum limit. We also explain some unusual behavior of the rate in small volumes, reported by Ambjorn and Krasnitz.Comment: 14 pages, includes 5 figure

    Theory of superradiant scattering of laser light from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    In a recent MIT experiment, a new form of superradiant Rayleigh scattering was observed in Bose-Einstein condensates. We present a detailed theory of this phenomena in which the directional dependence of the scattering rate and condensate depletion lead to mode competition which is ultimately responsible for superradiance. The nonlinear response of the system is highly sensitive to initial quantum fluctuations which cause large run to run variations in the observed superradiant pulses.Comment: Updated version with new figures,a numerical simulation with realistic experimental parameters is now included. Featured in September 1999 Physics Today, in Search and Discovery sectio

    S matrix of collective field theory

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    By applying the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann (LSZ) reduction formalism, we study the S matrix of collective field theory in which fermi energy is larger than the height of potential. We consider the spatially symmetric and antisymmetric boundary conditions. The difference is that S matrices are proportional to momenta of external particles in antisymmetric boundary condition, while they are proportional to energies in symmetric boundary condition. To the order of gst2g_{st}^2, we find simple formulas for the S matrix of general potential. As an application, we calculate the S matrix of a case which has been conjectured to describe a "naked singularity".Comment: 19 page, LaTe

    A pseudo-potential analog for zero-range photoassociation and Feshbach resonance

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    A zero-range approach to atom-molecule coupling is developed in analogy to the Fermi-Huang pseudo-potential treatment of atom-atom interactions. It is shown by explicit comparison to an exactly-solvable finite-range model that replacing the molecular bound-state wavefunction with a regularized delta-function can reproduce the exact scattering amplitude in the long-wavelength limit. Using this approach we find an analytical solution to the two-channel Feshbach resonance problem for two atoms in a spherical harmonic trap

    Gravitational-wave phasing for low-eccentricity inspiralling compact binaries to 3PN order

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    [abridged] Although gravitational radiation causes inspiralling compact binaries to circularize, a variety of astrophysical scenarios suggest that binaries might have small but nonnegligible orbital eccentricities when they enter the low-frequency bands of ground and space-based gravitational-wave detectors. If not accounted for, even a small orbital eccentricity can cause a potentially significant systematic error in the mass parameters of an inspiralling binary. Gravitational-wave search templates typically rely on the quasi-circular approximation, which provides relatively simple expressions for the gravitational-wave phase to 3.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order. The quasi-Keplerian formalism provides an elegant but complex description of the post-Newtonian corrections to the orbits and waveforms of inspiralling binaries with any eccentricity. Here we specialize the quasi-Keplerian formalism to binaries with low eccentricity. In this limit the non-periodic contribution to the gravitational-wave phasing can be expressed explicitly as simple functions of frequency or time, with little additional complexity beyond the well-known formulas for circular binaries. These eccentric phase corrections are computed to 3PN order and to leading order in the eccentricity for the standard PN approximants. For a variety of systems these eccentricity corrections cause significant corrections to the number of gravitational wave cycles that sweep through a detector's frequency band. This is evaluated using several measures, including a modification of the useful cycles. We also evaluate the role of periodic terms that enter the phasing and discuss how they can be incorporated into some of the PN approximants. While the eccentric extension of the PN approximants is our main objective, this work collects a variety of results that may be of interest to others modeling eccentric relativistic binaries.Comment: 49 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Supplementary materials available at http://link.aps.org/supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevD.93.124061. V2: minor updates to match published versio

    Local Density of the Bose Glass Phase

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    We study the Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of on-site disorder in the canonical ensemble and conclude that the local density of the Bose glass phase behaves differently at incommensurate filling than it does at commensurate one. Scaling of the superfluid density at incommensurate filling of ρ=1.1\rho=1.1 and on-site interaction U=80tU=80t predicts a superfluid-Bose glass transition at disorder strength of Δc30t\Delta_c \approx 30t. At this filling the local density distribution shows skew behavior with increasing disorder strength. Multifractal analysis also suggests a multifractal behavior resembling that of the Anderson localization. Percolation analysis points to a phase transition of percolating non-integer filled sites around the same value of disorder. Our findings support the scenario of percolating superfluid clusters enhancing Anderson localization near the superfluid-Bose glass transition. On the other hand, the behavior of the commensurate filled system is rather different. Close to the tip of the Mott lobe (ρ=1,U=22t\rho=1, U=22t) we find a Mott insulator-Bose glass transition at disorder strength of Δc16t\Delta_c \approx 16t. An analysis of the local density distribution shows Gaussian like behavior for a wide range of disorders above and below the transition.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Microstructural analysis of solar cell welds

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    Parallel-gap resistance welding of silicon solar cells with copper interconnects results in complex microstructural variations that depend on the welding variables. At relatively low heat input solid-state welds are produced. At medium heat the Ag-Cu eutectic forms resulting in a braze joint. High heat produces a fusion weld with complete melting of the silver layer on the silicon solar cell. If the silicon is also melted, cracking occurs in the silicon cell below the weld nugget. These determinations were made using light microscopy, microprobe, and scanning electron microscopy analyses