3,525 research outputs found

    Systematic uncertainties in the determination of the local dark matter density

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    A precise determination of the local dark matter density and an accurate control over the corresponding uncertainties are of paramount importance for Dark Matter (DM) searches. Using very recent high-resolution numerical simulations of a Milky Way like object, we study the systematic uncertainties that affect the determination of the local dark matter density based on dynamical measurements in the Galaxy. In particular, extracting from the simulation with baryons the orientation of the Galactic stellar disk with respect to the DM distribution, we study the DM density for an observer located at ∌\sim8 kpc from the Galactic center {\it on the stellar disk}, ρ0\rho_0. This quantity is found to be always larger than the average density in a spherical shell of same radius ρˉ0\bar{\rho}_0, which is the quantity inferred from dynamical measurements in the Galaxy, and to vary in the range ρ0/ρˉ0=1.01−1.41\rho_0/\bar{\rho}_0=1.01-1.41. This suggests that the actual dark matter density in the solar neighbourhood is on average 21\% larger than the value inferred from most dynamical measurements, and that the associated systematic errors are larger than the statistical errors recently discussed in the literature.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, matches published versio

    Spatial correlations between browsing on balsam fir by white-tailed deer and the nutritional value of neighboring winter forage

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    Associational effects, that is, the influence of neighboring plants on herbivory suffered by a plant, are an outcome of forage selection. Although forage selection is a hierarchical process, few studies have investigated associational effects at multiple spatial scales. Because the nutritional quality of plants can be spatially structured, it might differently influence associational effects across multiple scales. Our objective was to determine the radius of influence of neighbor density and nutritional quality on balsam fir (Abies balsamea) herbivory by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in winter. We quantified browsing rates on fir and the density and quality of neighboring trees in a series of 10-year-old cutovers on Anticosti Island (Canada). We used cross-correlations to investigate relationships between browsing rates and the density and nutritional quality of neighboring trees at distances up to 1,000 m. Balsam fir and white spruce (Picea glauca) fiber content and dry matter in vitro true digestibility were correlated with fir browsing rate at the finest extra-patch scale (across distance of up to 50 m) and between cutover areas (300–400 m). These correlations suggest associational effects, that is, low nutritional quality of neighbors reduces the likelihood of fir herbivory (associational defense). Our results may indicate associational effects mediated by intraspecific variation in plant quality and suggest that these effects could occur at scales from tens to hundreds of meters. Understanding associational effects could inform strategies for restoration or conservation; for example, planting of fir among existing natural regeneration could be concentrated in areas of low nutritional quality

    Silicon fertilisation affects morphological and immune defences of an insect pest and enhances plant compensatory growth

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    Herbivorous insects have evolved various anti-predator defences, including morphological, behavioural, and immune defences, which can make biocontrol of herbivorous pests challenging. Silicon (Si) accumulation in plants is a potent physical defence against mandibulate insects. However, it remains uncertain how Si affects the anti-predator defences of insect herbivores and plant defences following herbivory. We grew the model grass, Brachypodium distachyon, hydroponically with (+Si) or without (–Si) Si and investigated the plant-mediated effects of Si on the anti-predator defences of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, integrating morphological (i.e. integument resistance and thickness), behavioural, and immune defences. We also examined the effects of Si on plant compensatory growth and leaf trichome production. Larval growth, leaf consumption, and integument resistance were lower when feeding on +Si plants compared to when feeding on –Si plants. Larval integument thickness, defensive behaviours, haemocyte density, and lysozyme-like activity in the haemolymph were unaffected by Si. Larvae fed on +Si plants had higher haemolymph phenoloxidase (PO) and total-PO activities than larvae fed on –Si plants, although this did not enhance the melanisation response of larvae. Furthermore, Si supplies increased plant compensation for herbivory and constitutive trichome production, whereas herbivory induced trichome production only on –Si plants. We provide the first evidence for plant-mediated effects of Si on anti-predator defences of an insect herbivore. We suggest that the lower integument resistance of larvae when feeding on Si-supplemented plants could contribute to their vulnerability to natural enemies and that high PO activity may impose fitness costs (e.g. delayed development)

    Geographic patterns of koala retrovirus genetic diversity, endogenization, and subtype distributions

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    Koala retrovirus (KoRV) subtype A (KoRV-A) is currently in transition from exogenous virus to endogenous viral element, providing an ideal system to elucidate retroviral–host coevolution. We characterized KoRV geography using fecal DNA from 192 samples across 20 populations throughout the koala’s range. We reveal an abrupt change in KoRV genetics and incidence at the Victoria/New South Wales state border. In northern koalas, pol gene copies were ubiquitously present at above five per cell, consistent with endogenous KoRV. In southern koalas, pol copies were detected in only 25.8% of koalas and always at copy numbers below one, while the env gene was detected in all animals and in a majority at copy numbers above one per cell. These results suggest that southern koalas carry partial endogenous KoRV-like sequences. Deep sequencing of the env hypervariable region revealed three putatively endogenous KoRV-A sequences in northern koalas and a single, distinct sequence present in all southern koalas. Among northern populations, env sequence diversity decreased with distance from the equator, suggesting infectious KoRV-A invaded the koala genome in northern Australia and then spread south. The exogenous KoRV subtypes (B to K), two novel subtypes, and intermediate subtypes were detected in all northern koala populations but were strikingly absent from all southern animals tested. Apart from KoRV subtype D, these exogenous subtypes were generally locally prevalent but geographically restricted, producing KoRV genetic differentiation among northern populations. This suggests that sporadic evolution and local transmission of the exogenous subtypes have occurred within northern Australia, but this has not extended into animals within southern Australia

    Male-biased predation and its effect on paternity skew and life history in a population of common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula)

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    Differences in predation risk may exert strong selective pressures on life history strategies of populations. We investigated the potential for predation to shape male mating strategies in an arboreal folivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr). We predicted that possums in a tropical population exposed to high natural levels of predation would grow faster and reproduce earlier compared to those in temperate populations with lower predation. We trapped a population of possums in eucalypt woodland in northern Australia each month to measure life history traits and used microsatellites to genotype all individuals and assign paternity to all offspring. We observed very high levels of male-biased predation, with almost 60% of marked male possums being eaten by pythons, presumably as a result of their greater mobility due to mate-searching. Male reproductive success was also highly skewed, with younger, larger males fathering significantly more offspring. This result contrasts with previous studies of temperate populations experiencing low levels of predation, where older males were larger and the most reproductively successful. Our results suggest that in populations exposed to high levels of predation, male possums invest in increased growth earlier in life, in order to maximise their mating potential. This strategy is feasible because predation limits competition from older males and means that delaying reproduction carries a risk of failing to reproduce at all. Our results show that life histories are variable traits that can match regional predation environments in mammal species with widespread distributions.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council http://www.arc.gov.au/ Grant number DP0449621 to CNJ, DP0449544 to WJF. JLD was supported by an Australian National University Graduate School Scholarship

    Mapping canopy nitrogen-scapes to assess foraging habitat for a vulnerable arboreal folivore in mixed-species Eucalyptus forests

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    Herbivore foraging decisions are closely related to plant nutritional quality. For arboreal folivores with specialized diets, such as the vulnerable greater glider (Petauroides volans), the abundance of suitable forage trees can influence habitat suitability and species occurrence. The ability to model and map foliar nitrogen would therefore enhance our understanding of folivore habitat use at finer scales. We tested whether high-resolution multispectral imagery, collected by a lightweight and low-cost commercial unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV), could be used to predict total and digestible foliar nitrogen (N and digN) at the tree canopy level and forest stand-scale from leaf-scale chemistry measurements across a gradient of mixed-species Eucalyptus forests in southeastern Australia. We surveyed temperate Eucalyptus forests across an elevational and topographic gradient from sea level to high elevation (50–1200 m a.s.l.) for forest structure, leaf chemistry, and greater glider occurrence. Using measures of multispectral leaf reflectance and spectral indices, we estimated N and digN and mapped N and favorable feeding habitat using machine learning algorithms. Our surveys covered 17 Eucalyptus species ranging in foliar N from 0.63% to 1.92% dry matter (DM) and digN from 0.45% to 1.73% DM. Both multispectral leaf reflectance and spectral indices were strong predictors for N and digN in model cross-validation. At the tree level, 79% of variability between observed and predicted measures of nitrogen was explained. A spatial supervised classification model correctly identified 80% of canopy pixels associated with high N concentrations (≄1% DM). We developed a successful method for estimating foliar nitrogen of a range of temperate Eucalyptus species using UAV multispectral imagery at the tree canopy level and stand scale. The ability to spatially quantify feeding habitat using UAV imagery allows remote assessments of greater glider habitat at a scale relevant to support ground surveys, management, and conservation for the vulnerable greater glider across southeastern Australia

    A universal velocity distribution of relaxed collisionless structures

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    Several general trends have been identified for equilibrated, self-gravitating collisionless systems, such as density or anisotropy profiles. These are integrated quantities which naturally depend on the underlying velocity distribution function (VDF) of the system. We study this VDF through a set of numerical simulations, which allow us to extract both the radial and the tangential VDF. We find that the shape of the VDF is universal, in the sense that it depends only on two things namely the dispersion (radial or tangential) and the local slope of the density. Both the radial and the tangential VDF's are universal for a collection of simulations, including controlled collisions with very different initial conditions, radial infall simulation, and structures formed in cosmological simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; oversimplified analysis corrected; changed abstract and conclusions; significantly extended discussio

    Level of Patient-Physician Agreement in Assessment of Change Following Conservative Rehabilitation for Shoulder Pain

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    Background Assessment of health-related status has been shown to vary between patients and physicians, although the degree of patient–physician discordance in the assessment of the change in status is unknown. Methods Ninety-nine patients with shoulder dysfunction underwent a standardized physician examination and completed several self-reported questionnaires. All patients were prescribed the same physical therapy intervention. Six weeks later, the patients returned to the physician, when self-report questionnaires were re-assessed and the Global Rating of Change (GROC) was completed by the patient. The physician completed the GROC retrospectively. To determine agreement between patient and physician, intra-class correlation (ICC) coefficient and Pearson’s r using the 15-point GROC and weighted kappa using a consolidated three-point GROC were calculated. Results Utilizing the 15-point GROC, complete agreement was observed in 37 of 99 patients (37%). ICC and Pearson’s r between patient and physician were 0.62 and 0.63, respectively. Utilizing a consolidated three-point GROC, complete agreement was observed in 76 of 99 patients (77%). Weighted kappa was 0.62. Conclusions Assessment of change reported by the patient demonstrates moderate to good agreement with physician assessment. These findings indicate that the GROC does reflect and represent similar assessment of change in health status by patients and physicians. This can aid discussion of both past treatment results and future treatment plans

    Contact tracing and epidemics control in social networks

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    A generalization of the standard susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) stochastic model for epidemics in sparse random networks is introduced which incorporates contact tracing in addition to random screening. We propose a deterministic mean-field description which yields quantitative agreement with stochastic simulations on random graphs. We also analyze the role of contact tracing in epidemics control in small-world networks and show that its effectiveness grows as the rewiring probability is reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
