927 research outputs found
The stratigraphy, correlation, provenance and palaeogeography of the Skiddaw Group (Ordovician) in the English Lake District
A new lithostratigraphy is presented for the Skiddaw Group (lower Ordovician) of the English Lake District. Two stratigraphical belts are described. Five formations are defined in the Northern Fells Belt, ranging in age from Tremadoc to early Llanvirn. They are all mudstone or sandstone dominated, of turbidite origin; in ascending order they are named the Bitter Beck, Watch Hill, Hope Beck, Loweswater and Kirk Stile formations. Two formations are defined in the Central Fells Belt, ranging in age from late Arenig to Llanvirn. These are the Buttermere Formation - a major olistostrome deposit - overlain by the Tarn Moor Formation, consisting of turbidite mudstones with volcaniclastic turbidite sandstone beds. A revised graptolite and new acritarch biostratigraphy for the Skiddaw Group is presented with eight graptolite biozones and thirteen acritarch assemblages and sub-assemblages. The provenance of the group is assessed from detailed petrographical and geochemical work. This suggests derivation, in the early Ordovician, largely from an old inactive continental arc terrane lying to the south-east, with the appearance of juvenile volcanic material in the Llanvirn. Comparisons and correlations of the Skiddaw Group are made with the Isle of Man and eastern Ireland
Paper, pixels, or plane tickets?: Multi-archival perspectives on the decolonisation of Namibia
Namibia was one of the final African states to gain independence, a political transformation which was the outcome of a decades-long liberation struggle. The global dimension of the struggle has been duly recognised by generations of historians. As a result, archival materials related to this era - as well as the colonial ones preceding it – are to be found all over the world. Through a discussion of relevant archival collections pertaining to Namibian history - though located outside the boundaries of the Republic of Namibia – this article considers the global archival paper trail of Namibian colonisation and decolonisation. We shed light on the origins of various collections located in South Africa, Europe, North America, and beyond in order to reveal the ways in which the utilisation of such global archivalia can shape our understanding of Namibian decolonisation. This applies to government archives, private collections, institutional solidarity collections, as well as those of international organisations. We then delve into some of the promises and pitfalls of the digitisation of archival records, noting issues of ethics and methodology. Ultimately, we hold that historians must balance both internal and external Namibiana archivalia in crafting our arguments about the past, and we must balance both the merits and demerits of the digital turn in historical research.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
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Feasibility study and design concept for an orbiting ice-penetrating radar sounder to characterize in three-dimensions the Europan ice mantle down to (and including) any ice/ocean interface
This report presents a radar sounding model based on the range of current working hypotheses for the nature of Europa's icy shell.Institute for Geophysic
Reduced order models for control of fluids using the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm
In feedback flow control, one of the challenges is to develop mathematical
models that describe the fluid physics relevant to the task at hand, while
neglecting irrelevant details of the flow in order to remain computationally
tractable. A number of techniques are presently used to develop such
reduced-order models, such as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and
approximate snapshot-based balanced truncation, also known as balanced POD.
Each method has its strengths and weaknesses: for instance, POD models can
behave unpredictably and perform poorly, but they can be computed directly from
experimental data; approximate balanced truncation often produces vastly
superior models to POD, but requires data from adjoint simulations, and thus
cannot be applied to experimental data.
In this paper, we show that using the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA)
\citep{JuPa-85}, one can theoretically obtain exactly the same reduced order
models as by balanced POD. Moreover, the models can be obtained directly from
experimental data, without the use of adjoint information. The algorithm can
also substantially improve computational efficiency when forming reduced-order
models from simulation data. If adjoint information is available, then balanced
POD has some advantages over ERA: for instance, it produces modes that are
useful for multiple purposes, and the method has been generalized to unstable
systems. We also present a modified ERA procedure that produces modes without
adjoint information, but for this procedure, the resulting models are not
balanced, and do not perform as well in examples. We present a detailed
comparison of the methods, and illustrate them on an example of the flow past
an inclined flat plate at a low Reynolds number.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure
Contracting COVID-19: a longitudinal investigation of the impact of beliefs and knowledge
Recent work has found that an individual’s beliefs and personal characteristics can impact perceptionsof and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Certain individuals—such as those who are politicallyconservative or who endorse conspiracy theories—are less likely to engage in preventative behaviorslike social distancing. The current research aims to address whether these individual differencesnot only affect people’s reactions to the pandemic, but also their actual likelihood of contractingCOVID-19. In the early months of the pandemic, U.S. participants responded to a variety of individualdifference measures as well as questions specific to the pandemic itself. Four months later, 2120 ofthese participants responded with whether they had contracted COVID-19. Nearly all of our includedindividual difference measures significantly predicted whether a person reported testing positive forthe virus in this four-month period. Additional analyses revealed that all of these relationships wereprimarily mediated by whether participants held accurate knowledge about COVID-19. These findingsoffer useful insights for developing more effective interventions aimed at slowing the spread of bothCOVID-19 and future diseases. Moreover, some findings offer critical tests of the validity of suchtheoretical frameworks as those concerning conspiratorial ideation and disgust sensitivity within areal-world context.Social decision makin
Off-Shell Interactions for Closed-String Tachyons
Off-shell interactions for localized closed-string tachyons in C/Z_N
superstring backgrounds are analyzed and a conjecture for the effective height
of the tachyon potential is elaborated. At large N, some of the relevant
tachyons are nearly massless and their interactions can be deduced from the
S-matrix. The cubic interactions between these tachyons and the massless fields
are computed in a closed form using orbifold CFT techniques. The cubic
interaction between nearly-massless tachyons with different charges is shown to
vanish and thus condensation of one tachyon does not source the others. It is
shown that to leading order in N, the quartic contact interaction vanishes and
the massless exchanges completely account for the four point scattering
amplitude. This indicates that it is necessary to go beyond quartic
interactions or to include other fields to test the conjecture for the height
of the tachyon potential.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, JHEP class. Typos corrected, references
added, published versio
Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory: Superdeformed Bands in the Region
Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (CRHB) theory is presented as an
extension of Relativistic Mean Field theory with pairing correlations to the
rotating frame. Pairing correlations are taken into account by a finite range
two-body force of Gogny type and approximate particle number projection is
performed by Lipkin-Nogami method. This theory is applied to the description of
yrast superdeformed rotational bands observed in even-even nuclei of the mass region. Using the well established parameter sets NL1 for the
Lagrangian and D1S for the pairing force one obtains a very successful
description of data such as kinematic () and dynamic ()
moments of inertia without any adjustment of new parameters. Within the present
experimental accuracy the calculated transition quadrupole moments agree
reasonably well with the observed data.Comment: 6 pages including 4 PostScript figures, uses RevTex, revised version,
Phys.Rev. C, Rapid Communications, in pres
3D MHD Flux Emergence Experiments: Idealized models and coronal interactions
This paper reviews some of the many 3D numerical experiments of the emergence
of magnetic fields from the solar interior and the subsequent interaction with
the pre-existing coronal magnetic field. The models described here are
idealized, in the sense that the internal energy equation only involves the
adiabatic, Ohmic and viscous shock heating terms. However, provided the main
aim is to investigate the dynamical evolution, this is adequate. Many
interesting observational phenomena are explained by these models in a
self-consistent manner.Comment: Review article, accepted for publication in Solar Physic
Matrix Model and Time-like Linear Dilaton Matter
We consider a matrix model description of the 2d string theory whose matter
part is given by a time-like linear dilaton CFT. This is equivalent to the c=1
matrix model with a deformed, but very simple fermi surface. Indeed, after a
Lorentz transformation, the corresponding 2d spacetime is a conventional linear
dilaton background with a time-dependent tachyon field. We show that the tree
level scattering amplitudes in the matrix model perfectly agree with those
computed in the world-sheet theory. The classical trajectories of fermions
correspond to the decaying D-branes in the time-like linear dilaton CFT. We
also discuss the ground ring structure. Furthermore, we study the properties of
the time-like Liouville theory by applying this matrix model description. We
find that its ground ring structure is very similar to that of the minimal
string.Comment: 30 pages, harvmac, typos corrected, acknowledgements and comments
added(v2), published version (v3
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