7 research outputs found

    Neonatal Handling Affects Durably Bonding and Social Development

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    The neonatal period in humans and in most mammals is characterized by intense mother-young interactions favoring pair bonding and the adaptation of neonates to their new environment. However, in many post-delivery procedures, human babies commonly experience combined maternal separation and intense handling for about one hour post-birth. Currently, the effects of such disturbances on later attachment and on the development of newborns are still debated: clearly, further investigations are required. As animals present good models for controlled experimentation, we chose domestic horses to investigate this issue. Horses, like humans, are characterized by single births, long lactating periods and selective mother-infant bonds. Routine postnatal procedures for foals, as for human babies, also involve intense handling and maternal separation. In the present study, we monitored the behavior of foals from early stages of development to “adolescence”, in a normal ecological context (social groups with adults and peers). Experimental foals, separated from their mothers and handled for only 1 hour post-birth, were compared to control foals, left undisturbed after birth. Our results revealed short- and long-term effects of this unique neonatal experience on attachment and subsequent social competences. Thus, experimental foals presented patterns of insecure attachment to their mothers (strong dependence on their mothers, little play) and impaired social competences (social withdrawal, aggressiveness) at all ages. We discuss these results in terms of mother-young interactions, timing of interactions and relationships between bonding and subsequent social competences. Our results indicate that this ungulate species could become an interesting animal model. To our knowledge, this is the first clear demonstration that intervention just after birth affects bonding and subsequent social competences (at least until “adolescence”). It opens new research directions for studies on both humans and other animals

    Anesthesia in kittens a review of the literature with stress on the possibilities in Belgium

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    In Belgium, elective surgical procedures in very young small animals are rarely performed. Consequently, most veterinarians have little experience in anesthetizing pediatric patients. This article describes potential problems of anesthesia in kittens, which are mainly linked to their specific anatomy and physiology. Additionally, some practical anesthetic protocols are highlighted. Combinations with ketamine are practical, economical and efficient options.In België worden zelden electieve chirurgische ingrepen uitgevoerd bij zeer jonge kleine huisdieren. Veel dierenartsen hebben dan ook weinig ervaring met de anesthesie van pediatrische patiënten. In dit overzichtsartikel wordt kort ingegaan op de risicofactoren bij de anesthesie van kittens, gezien hun specifieke anatomie en fysiologie. Vervolgens wordt een overzicht gegeven van geschikte anesthetische protocollen. Injectieanesthesie op basis van combinaties met ketamine is een praktische, economische en efficiënte optie.status: publishe

    Different stressors elicit different responses in the salivary biomarkers cortisol, haptoglobin, and chromogranin A in pigs

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    Most commonly, salivary cortisol is used in pig stress assessment, alternative salivary biomarkers are scarcely studied. Here, salivary cortisol and two alternative salivary biomarkers, haptoglobin and chromogranin A were measured in a pig stress study. Treatment pigs (n = 24) were exposed to mixing and feed deprivation, in two trials, and compared to untreated controls (n = 24). Haptoglobin differed for feed deprivation vs control. Other differences were only found within treatment. Treatment pigs had higher salivary cortisol concentrations on the mixing day (P < 0.05). Chromogranin A concentrations were increased on the day of refeeding (P < 0.05). Haptoglobin showed a similar pattern to chromogranin A. Overall correlations between the salivary biomarkers were positive. Cortisol and chromogranin A were moderately correlated (r = 0.49, P < 0.0001), correlations between other markers were weaker. The present results indicate that different types of stressors elicited different physiological stress responses in the pigs, and therefore including various salivary biomarkers in stress evaluation seems useful.publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Different stressors elicit different responses in the salivary biomarkers cortisol, haptoglobin, and chromogranin A in pigs journaltitle: Research in Veterinary Science articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2014.06.002 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Stress modulates instrumental learning performances in horses (Equus caballus) in interaction with temperament

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    The present study investigates how the temperament of the animal affects the influence of acute stress on the acquisition and reacquisition processes of a learning task. After temperament was assessed, horses were subjected to a stressor before or after the acquisition session of an instrumental task. Eight days later, horses were subjected to a reacquisition session without any stressor. Stress before acquisition tended to enhance the number of successes at the beginning of the acquisition session. Eight days later, during the reacquisition session, contrary to non-stressed animals, horses stressed after acquisition, and, to a lesser extent, horses stressed before acquisition, did not improve their performance between acquisition and reacquisition sessions. Temperament influenced learning performances in stressed horses only. Particularly, locomotor activity improved performances whereas fearfulness impaired them under stressful conditions. Results suggest that direct exposure to a stressor tended to increase acquisition performances, whereas a state of stress induced by the memory of a stressor, because it has been previously associated with the learning context, impaired reacquisition performances. The negative effect of a state of stress on reacquisition performances appeared to be stronger when exposure to the stressor occurred after rather than before the acquisition session. Temperament had an impact on both acquisition and reacquisition processes, but under stressful conditions only. These results suggest that stress is necessary to reveal the influence of temperament on cognitive performances