7,178 research outputs found

    Noradrenergic induction of odor-specific neural habituation and olfactory memories

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    For many mammals, individual recognition of conspecifics relies on olfactory cues. Certain individual recognition memories are thought to be stored when conspecific odor cues coincide with surges of noradrenaline (NA) triggered by intensely arousing social events. Such familiar stimuli elicit reduced behavioral responses, a change likely related to NA-dependent plasticity in the olfactory bulb (OB). In addition to its role in these ethological memories, NA signaling in the OB appears to be relevant for the discrimination of more arbitrary odorants as well. Nonetheless, no NA-gated mechanism of long-term plasticity in the OB has ever been directly observed in vivo. Here, we report that NA release from locus ceruleus (LC), when coupled to odor presentation, acts locally in the main OB to cause a specific long-lasting suppression of responses to paired odors. These effects were observed for both food odors and urine, an important social recognition cue. Moreover, in subsequent behavioral tests, mice exhibited habituation to paired urine stimuli, suggesting that this LC-mediated olfactory neural plasticity, induced under anesthesia, can store an individual recognition memory that is observable after recovery

    Indigenous Resiliency Project Participatory Action Research Component: A report on the Research Training and Development Workshop, Townsville, February 2008

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    The Indigenous Resiliency Project proposes to build capacity in Indigenous communities in Australia, New Zealand and Canada to conduct investigations into the factors that may support Indigenous people in responding toblood borne viral (BBV) and sexually transmitted infections (STI). The goal of this international project is to identify strategies related to resiliency that can be incorporated into public health and clinical practice. The Australian arm of the Indigenous Resiliency Project focuses on young adults (aged 16 to 25 years) in urban settings. It employs a range of research methods to gain an understanding of the factors thatmight be strengthened to better protect young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people against BBV and STI. The project has four components, the third being the Participatory Action Research (PAR) project. The PAR has four aims: 1. Build the capacity of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in Participatory Action Research practice. 2. Identify, assess and enhance selected BBV/STI resilience capability of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations in the study sites. 3. Inform on opportunities to decrease the risk of BBV/STI transmission in these populations. 4. Provide information for local and area health service planning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander BBV/STI prevention. The PAR project is running in three sites: the Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS), Derbarl Yerrigan Medical Service in Perth (DY), and the Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern (AMS). In each health service, a site research team works together with a research team from the National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research (NCHECR) to develop the project locally. Each site is using the following framework: Phase I: Develop protocols, identifypriority population, and obtain ethics. Phase II: Research training and development workshop. Phase III: Fieldwork – recruitment, observation, and data collection. Phase IV: Focus groups. Phase V: Analysis and dissemination of findings. This report describes the first two phases of the PAR project at the TIAHS.the International Collaborative Indigenous Health Research Program (ICIHRP

    Stable Propagation of a Burst Through a One-Dimensional Homogeneous Excitatory Chain Model of Songbird Nucleus HVC

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    We demonstrate numerically that a brief burst consisting of two to six spikes can propagate in a stable manner through a one-dimensional homogeneous feedforward chain of non-bursting neurons with excitatory synaptic connections. Our results are obtained for two kinds of neuronal models, leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons and Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons with five conductances. Over a range of parameters such as the maximum synaptic conductance, both kinds of chains are found to have multiple attractors of propagating bursts, with each attractor being distinguished by the number of spikes and total duration of the propagating burst. These results make plausible the hypothesis that sparse precisely-timed sequential bursts observed in projection neurons of nucleus HVC of a singing zebra finch are intrinsic and causally related.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Direct Observations of the Ionizing Star in the UC HII Region G29.96-0.02: A Strong Constraint on the Stellar Birth Line for Massive Stars

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    We have observed the ultracompact HII region G29.96-0.02 in the near infrared J, H, and K bands and in the Br-gamma line. By comparison with radio observations, we determine that the extinction to the nebula is AK = 2.14 with a 3 sigma uncertainty of 0.25. We identify the ionizing star and determine its intrinsic K magnitude. The star does not have an infrared excess and so appears to be no longer accreting. The K magnitude and the bolometric luminosity allow us to place limits on the location of the ionizing star in the HR diagram. The 3 sigma upper limit on the effective temperature of the ionizing star is 42500 K. We favor a luminosity appropriate for star with a mass in excess of about 60 solar masses. The limit on the temperature and luminosity exclude stars on the ZAMS and stars within 10^6 yr of the ZAMS. Since the age of the UC HII region is estimated to be only about 10^5 yr, we suggest that this is direct evidence that the stellar birth line for massive stars at twice solar metallicity must be significantly redder than the ZAMS.Comment: 42 pages; LaTex; 11 Postscript figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Ground-truthing daily and lunar patterns of coral reef fish call rates on a US Virgin Island reef

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ferguson, S., Jensen, F., Hyer, M., Noble, A., Apprill, A., & Mooney, T. Ground-truthing daily and lunar patterns of coral reef fish call rates on a US Virgin Island reef. Aquatic Biology, 31, (2022): 77–87, https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00755.Coral reefs comprise some of the most biodiverse habitats on the planet. These ecosystems face a range of stressors, making quantifying community assemblages and potential changes vital to effective management. To understand short- and long-term changes in biodiversity and detect early warning signals of decline, new methods for quantifying biodiversity at scale are necessary. Acoustic monitoring techniques have proven useful in observing species activities and biodiversity on coral reefs through aggregate approaches (i.e. energy as a proxy). However, few studies have ground-truthed these acoustic analyses with human-based observations. In this study, we sought to expand these passive acoustic methods by investigating biological sounds and fish call rates on a healthy reef, providing a unique set of human-confirmed, labeled acoustic observations. We analyzed acoustic data from Tektite Reef, St. John, US Virgin Islands, over a 2 mo period. A subset of acoustic files was manually inspected to identify recurring biotic sounds and quantify reef activity throughout the day. We found a high variety of acoustic signals in this soundscape. General patterns of call rates across time conformed to expectations, with dusk and dawn showing important and significantly elevated peaks in soniferous fish activity. The data reflected high variability in call rates across days and lunar phases. Call rates did not correspond to sound pressure levels, suggesting that certain call types may drive crepuscular trends in sound levels while lower-level critical calls, likely key for estimating biodiversity and behavior, may be missed by gross sound level analyses.This research was funded by the National Science Foundation Biological Oceanography award 1536782. The experiments were conducted under National Park Service Scientific Research and Collecting Permits VIIS-2016-SCI-0017-20, and we thank the Park staff for their support

    Physiological and yield response in maize in cohesive tropical soil is improved through the addition of gypsum and leguminous mulch

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    Acknowledgements The Brazilian authors thank the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for their support. Financial support The current work was undertaken as part of NUCLEUS, a virtual joint centre to deliver enhanced N-use efficiency via an integrated soil–plant systems approach for the United Kingdom and Brazil. Funded in Brazil by FAPESP – São Paulo Research Foundation [grant number 2015/50305-8]; FAPEG – Goiás Research Foundation [grant number 2015-10267001479] and FAPEMA – Maranhão Research Foundation [grant number RCUK-02771/16]; and in the United Kingdom by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [grant number BB/N013201/1] under the Newton Fund scheme.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Increasing repeat chlamydia testing in Family Planning clinics depends on perception of value and availability of low-burden flexible reminder systems.

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    Re‐infection after a chlamydia infection is common: 22% of young Australian women are re‐infected within 4‐5months (Walker, et al, 2012). Re‐infections increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) by 4‐6 fold (Bowring, et al, 2011). Retesting is an important strategy to detect re‐infection. Clinical guidelines note that repeat testing at least three months after a positive diagnosis be considered. AIM: To understand Australian Family Planning clinicians’ practices and perceptions of repeat chlamydia testing.CONCLUSION: Reminder systems to support repeat testing of positive chlamydia tests had been implemented in some FPCs, with low workload impact. It was too early for evaluation of clinical success. These FPCs could share locally developed systems and positive experiences with FPCs skeptical about their value. This may also enhance awareness of the clinical value of retesting and the consequences of re‐ infection. Audits may help determine if clients are indeed being caught through repeat visits and opportunistic testing