8,337 research outputs found

    Induction of First-Order Decision Lists: Results on Learning the Past Tense of English Verbs

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    This paper presents a method for inducing logic programs from examples that learns a new class of concepts called first-order decision lists, defined as ordered lists of clauses each ending in a cut. The method, called FOIDL, is based on FOIL (Quinlan, 1990) but employs intensional background knowledge and avoids the need for explicit negative examples. It is particularly useful for problems that involve rules with specific exceptions, such as learning the past-tense of English verbs, a task widely studied in the context of the symbolic/connectionist debate. FOIDL is able to learn concise, accurate programs for this problem from significantly fewer examples than previous methods (both connectionist and symbolic).Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Education Law - Act 88 - Public Employe [sic] Relations Act - Teachers\u27 Strikes - Courts of Equity - Mandatory Negotiations

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    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that state courts may order a school district and teachers\u27 association to participate in court-monitored negotiations when the courts grant the Secretary of Education an injunction ending a teachers\u27 strike. Carroll v. Ringgold Educ. Ass\u27n, 680 A.2d 1137 (Pa. 1996)

    Links Between Social Support, Thwarted Belongingness, and Suicide Ideation among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual College Students

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    Emerging adults with a lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) identity are at greater risk for engaging in suicide-related behaviors. This disparity highlights a need to elucidate specific risk and protective factors associated with suicide-related behaviors among LGB youth, which could be utilized as targets for suicide prevention efforts in this population. Informed by the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide, the present study hypothesized that social support would be indirectly associated with decreased suicide ideation via lower thwarted belongingness. A sample of 50 emerging adults (62.0% male, 70.0% Hispanic) who identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual, questioning, or “other” orientation, with a mean age of 20.84 years (SD = 3.30 years), completed self-report assessments. Results indicated that support from both family and the LGB community were associated with lower thwarted belongingness over and above the effects of age, sex, and depressive symptoms. Indirect effects models also indicated that both family and LGB community support were associated with suicide ideation via thwarted belongingness. The results of the present study suggest that family and LGB community support may represent specific targets for reducing thwarted belongingness that could be leveraged in suicide prevention efforts for LGB emerging adults

    Spatial composition in the multi-channel domain: aesthetics and techniques

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    This paper outlines technical and aesthetic approaches to sound spatialisation for electroacoustic music composition. In particular, the paper discusses how spatialisation (sound diffusion) is used to realise specific musical objectives. Technological solutions to problems associated with adapting multichannel compositions for live spatialisation are explored, with particular reference to the open-source Resound system [2, 3]. Examples of Resound applications are provided to illustrate the potential of the system for controlling complex spatial behaviour during live performance

    Of “Zipper Rings” and “Tatum Ts”, Chile – USA: Intrauterine Devices, Men of Science, and Women in Need

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    Der Beitrag untersucht die zur Verhütung eingesetzten „Intrauterine Devices“ (IUDs. Zu deutsch: Intrauterinpessare) als „reisende Objekte“, die weltweit auf Konferenzen und in Arztpraxen Gegenstand von Verhandlungen waren. Ebenso wirft er ein Schlaglicht auf die politischen und vergeschlechtlichten Machtstrukturen, die zwischen den “men of science” und “women in need” bezüglich der Einführung und Anwendung der IUDs bestanden. Während die Intrauterinpessare in Nord- und Südamerika im Kontext des Kalten Krieges vorrangig von männlichen Experten mit dem Ziel der Bevölkerungskontrolle entwickelt wurden, oenbart die Nachfrage nach dieser Form der Schwangerschaftsverhütung den dringlichen Wunsch von Frauen, über ihreneigenen Körper bestimmen zu können. Der Beitrag verdeutlicht damit auch die “embodiedness”von Dingen und ihre enge Beziehung zum Körper.The contribution frames the “intrauterine devices“ (IUDs) as “travelling objects,” which were debated and negotiated at conferences and in doctor’s oces on a global scale. It also sheds light on the political and gendered power structures between the “men of science” and “women in need,” especially concerning the introduction and usage of the IUDs. Whereas the IUDs were developed by male experts in North and Latin America in the context of the Cold War with the main aim of population control, the women’s demands for this new form of contraception pointed to their ardent desire to control their own body. The chapter therefore also illustrates the “embodiedness” and close relation of things to the body

    Property Settlements and the Federal Gift Tax—A Survey

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    I. Antenuptial Agreements … A. History … B. 1954 Code … C. A Partial Solution II. Support and Property Rights … A. History … B. 1954 Code III. Support for Minor Children IV. Separation and Divorce Agreements … A. History … B. 1954 Code … C. Legislative History of IRC § 2516 … D. Situations Where § 2516 Does Not Appl

    Model based methodology development for energy recovery in ash heat exchange systems

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    Flash tank evaporation combined with a condensing heat exchanger can be used when heat exchange is required between two streams and where at least one of these streams is difficult to handle (in terms of solid particles content, viscosity, pH, consistency etc.). To increase the efficiency of heat exchange, a cascade of these units in series can be used. Heat transfer relationships in such a cascade are very complex due to their interconnectivity, thus the impact of any changes proposed is difficult to predict. In this report, a mathematical model of a single unit ash tank evaporator combined with a condensing heat exchanger unit is proposed. This model is then developed for a chain of the units. The purpose of this model is to allow an accurate evaluation of the effect and result of an alteration to the system. The resulting model is applied to the RUSAL Aughinish Alumina digester area

    Photoluminescence rings in Corbino disk at quantizing magnetic fields

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    Spatially resolved photoluminescence of modulation doped AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction was investigated in a sample of Corbino disk geometry subject to strong perpendicular magnetic fields. Significant spatial modulation of the photoluminescence was observed in form of one or more concentric rings which travelled across the sample when the magnetic field strength was varied. A topology of the observed structure excludes the possibility of being a trace of an external current. The effect is attributed to formation of compressible and incompressible stripes in a 2DEG density gradient across the sample.Comment: 5 two-column pages, 4 figures (one of them in color
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