3,632 research outputs found

    Validation aspects of the health of the nation outcome scales

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of the current study was the psychometric evaluation of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS), an instrument developed to meet the necessity of a clinically acceptable outcome scale for routine use in mental illness services.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study participants included 2,162 outpatients and residential inpatients (rated on the HoNOS on three occasions during the year 2000) with a range of mental illnesses in different diagnostic groups from ten Mental Health Departments, located in the area of Milan (Italy). Principal Component Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Discriminant Analysis and Partial Credit Rasch Model were used to assess two sources of validity: the internal structure and the relationships with other variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results of the 12-item HoNOS demonstrate a significant departure from uni-dimensionality, confirmed by the Rasch analysis (which identified three misfitting items). However, HoNOS scores demonstrate stability and precision of item difficulties over time. Discriminant analysis showed that HoNOS scores have an acceptable level of discriminatory power in predicting the severity of patients' conditions (as represented by setting).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It was concluded that the Italian version of the HoNOS does not measure a single, underlying construct of mental health status. The internal structure validity analysis recommends a note of caution to use a summary index of the HoNOS scores, given the presence of multidimensionality and misfit. Nonetheless, the finding that the instrument is more multidimensional than unidimensional does not preclude the use of the HoNOS as a clinically valid tool for routine outcome assessment. In fact, item scores have demonstrated sufficient reliability (over diagnostic groups and care settings) and high precision in time, indicating that HoNOS items can be utilized as valid measurement instruments in longitudinal analyses.</p

    Combined effect of vestibular and craniomandibular disorders on postural behaviour.

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    Sebbene l’esistenza di una correlazione tra i disordini dell’articolazione temporo-mandibolare e le alterazioni dell’apparato muscolo-scheletrico sia stata più volte riportata in Letteratura in campo odontostomatologico, la questione se esista una correlazione tra questi disordini e le modificazioni della postura è ancora da definire. In questo studio il Cranio Mandibular Index è stato utilizzato per valutare il grado di disfunzione temporo-mandibolare ed i problemi ed essa corrrelati in 40 pazienti con funzionalità vestibolare nella norma, ed in 42 pazienti affetti da disordini vestibolari periferici. La valutazione dell’equilibrio è stata eseguita utilizzando la posturografia statica e la “body sway area” misurata in due condizioni: ad occhi aperti e ad occhi chiusi. Questi dati sono stati successivamente confrontati con quelli ottenuti nei 40 soggetti sani. Il controllo posturale ha evidenziato un comportamento significativamente differente tra i due gruppi con un aumento del “body sway” medio nei pazienti con disordini cranio-mandibolari rispetto ai controlli (p<0,005). Sebbene il coinvolgimento dell’apparato stomatognatico non risulti quantitativamente differente nei due campioni patologici, i pazienti affetti anche da sofferenza vestibolare periferica hanno presentato un “body sway” medio maggiore rispetto ai pazienti affetti solo da disordini craniomandibolari (p<0,005). Questi ultimi hanno presentato un “body sway” medio maggiore dei controlli solo nelle prove ad occhi chiusi (p<0,05). I risultati di questo studio hanno dimostrato che le alterazioni craniomandibolari possono essere alla base di una moderata instabilità posturale nei pazienti con funzionalità vestibolare nella norma. Al contrario tali alterazioni, se associate a disordini vestibolari periferici, possono determinare problemi nel mantenimento della stazione eretta, probabilmente a causa dell’effetto negativo di origine somatosensoriale sui riflessi vestibolo-spinali.A correlation has been reported in the dental literature between temporomandibular disorders and musculoskeletal abnormalities, however, the question whether they modify body postural sway remains controversial. In the present investigation, the Craniomandibular Index was used to evaluate the clinical extension of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and related problems in 40 patients with normal vestibular function and in 42 patients with peripheral vestibular disorders. Balance function was assessed by static posturography and body sway area was measured in two conditions: i) eye open, and g) eye closed. Data were compared to those of 40 healthy subjects. Postural control showed a significantly different behaviour between groups with an increase in average body sway in patients with craniomandibular disorders as opposed to controls (p < 0.005). Although the involvement of the stomatognathic apparatus was not quantitatively different in the two groups of patients, those also presenting a peripheral vestibular disorder exhibited greater average body sway than patients with only craniomandibular disorders (p < 0.005). The latter showed a greater average body sway than controls only in the trial with eyes closed (p < 0.05). The results demonstrated that craniomandibular alterations could produce moderate postural instability in patients with a normal vestibular function. Conversely, their association with peripheral vestibular disorders becomes a real challenge to the upright quiet stance probably due to a negative effect of somatosensory origin on the vestibulo-spinal reflex impairment

    "optimism Is a Strategy for Making a Better Future": A Systematic Review on the Associations of Dispositional Optimism with Health-Related Quality of Life in Cancer Patients

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    Cancer is a deadly disease that can lead to psychological suffering and decreased quality of life (QoL). Personality has been proven to have an effect on QoL and, in particular, Dispositional Optimism (DO) has been studied in relation to overcoming health crisis. The aim of this systematic review is to deepen the state of art of the relationship between QoL and DO in cancer patients. PubMed and Embase databases were systematically searched. Fifteen studies were included with a total of 5,249 cancer patients. All of the studies consider the relationship between DO and QoL, some studies analyze the correlation between the two variables and found a positive association. The majority of the studies investigate the predictive power of DO over QoL and most of them found DO to be predictive of a higher QoL. Results confirmed the association between DO and QoL in a sample of cancer patients. These results could influence the clinical practice as DO has been proven to have a beneficial effect on mental and physical health

    The Social Exclusion Bench Tool (SEBT): A visual way of assessing interpersonal social exclusion

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    People usually prefer to appear with an inclusive and positive attitude to others’ eyes. For this reason, the self-report scales assessing social exclusion intentions are often biased by social desirability. In this work, we present an innovative graphical tool, named Social Exclusion Bench Tool (SEBT), for assessing social exclusion not influenced by social desirability. The tool is based on the consistency between social distance and physical distance evaluation. The results showed that in two samples of adults from Italy (N = 252) and the UK (N = 254), the SEBT positively correlated with self-report measures of social exclusion, but not with the social desirability measure. The tool has been preliminarily evaluated in the context of social exclusion toward migrant people, but it appears a promising instrument for assessing social exclusion intentions toward different social groups. • The self-report scales assessing social exclusion intentions are often biased by social desirability. • The Social Exclusion Bench Tool (SEBT) is an innovative visual instrument for assessing social exclusion that seems not to be influenced by social desirability. • The tool appears a promising instrument for assessing social exclusion intentions toward different social groups

    When in doubt, Google it: distress-related information seeking in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Psychological health has been one of the aspects affected by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We aim to evaluate the patterns of Google search for mental distress symptoms of Italian citizens during the various phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We assessed Google searches for psychological-health related words. We gathered and analyzed data on daily search queries on depression, anxiety, and insomnia from Google Trends, in a time ranging from the Pre-COVID phase (beginning 25th January 2020) up to the second wave phase (ending 17th October 2020). We performed three general linear models on search trends of the three words and tested whether and to what extent official data about new cases of COVID-19, information searching on new cases, and the government health measures impacted on these trends. Results: Average daily search queries were higher for anxiety, followed by depression and insomnia. General linear models performed to assess differences in daily search queries for anxiety, depression and insomnia were significant, respectively [F(13, 253) = 6.80, P &lt;.001]; [F(13, 253) = 10.25, P &lt;.001]; [F(13, 253) = 6.61, P &lt;.001]. Specifically, daily search queries differed among different phases of managing the COVID-19 outbreak: anxiety [F(5, 253) = 10.35, P &lt;.001, np2 =.17]; depression [F(5, 253) = 13.59, P &lt;.001, np2 =.21]; insomnia [F(5, 253) = 3.52, P =.004, np2 =.07]. Conclusions: Our study contributed to the investigation of online information-seeking behaviors of Italians regarding mental health throughout the entire phase of the pandemic and provides insights on the possible future trends of mental distress during upcoming pandemic phases

    Emotional tone, analytical thinking, and somatosensory processes of a sample of Italian Tweets during the First Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a traumatic individual and collective chronic experience, with tremendous consequences on mental and psychological health that can also be reflected in people's use of words. Psycholinguistic analysis of tweets from Twitter allows obtaining information about people's emotional expression, analytical thinking, and somatosensory processes, which are particularly important in traumatic events contexts. Objective: We aimed to analyze the influence of official Italian COVID-19 daily data (new cases, deaths, and hospital discharges) and the phase of managing the pandemic on how people expressed emotions and their analytical thinking and somatosensory processes in Italian tweets written during the first phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Methods: We retrieved 1,697,490 Italian COVID-19-related tweets written from February 24, 2020 to June 14, 2020 and analyzed them using LIWC2015 to calculate 3 summary psycholinguistic variables: emotional tone, analytical thinking, and somatosensory processes. Official daily data about new COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospital discharges were retrieved from the Italian Prime Minister's Office and Civil Protection Department GitHub page. We considered 3 phases of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. We performed 3 general models, 1 for each summary variable as the dependent variable and with daily data and phase of managing the pandemic as independent variables. Results: General linear models to assess differences in daily scores of emotional tone, analytical thinking, and somatosensory processes were significant (F6,104=21.53, P&lt;.001, R2= .55; F5,105=9.20, P&lt;.001, R2= .30; F6,104=6.15, P&lt;.001, R2=.26, respectively). Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic affects how people express emotions, analytical thinking, and somatosensory processes in tweets. Our study contributes to the investigation of pandemic psychological consequences through psycholinguistic analysis of social media textual data

    The Power of Odor Persuasion: The Incorporation of Olfactory Cues in Virtual Environments for Personalized Relaxation

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    Olfaction is the most ancient sense and is directly connected with emotional areas in the brain. It gives rise to perception linked to emotion both in everyday life and in memory-recall activities. Despite its emotional primacy in perception and its role in sampling the real physical world, olfaction is rarely used in clinical psychological settings because it relies on stimuli that are difficult to deliver. However, recent developments in virtual-reality tools are creating novel possibilities for the engagement of the sense of smell in this field. In this article, we present the relevant features of olfaction for relaxation purposes and then discuss possible future applications of involving olfaction in virtual-reality interventions for relaxation. We also discuss clinical applications, the potential of new tools, and current obstacles and limitations

    Physical therapy for benign positional vertigo of posterior canal: the role of alternated Epley and Semont maneuvers.

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    Objective: To investigate if alternated Epley (EP) and Semont (ST) maneuvers could be more effective than repetition of the same in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of posterior semicircular canal (pBPPV). Design: We retrospectively reviewed the outcome of pBPPV patients treated with a second maneuver for the persistence of positional nystagmus. Study Sample: Forty-seven patients underwent 2 STs, 64 with 2 EPs, and 71 EPs followed by ST. Videonystagmography and Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) questionnaire were performed. Results: Absence of positional nystagmus was achieved after 2 maneuvers in 136 patients with pBPPV: 65.9% in the ST group, 70.3% in the EP group, and 84.5% in the EP-ST group. Alternated EP and ST were significantly more effective than repeated ST (P = .03), while we found no significant difference when compared with repeated EP (P = .07). At 1-month follow-up, 12 patients showed persistent positional nystagmus without difference between groups. After 1 month, the 46 patients with negative outcome had significantly higher DHI values (P = .01) than other 136 patients with pBPPV. Conclusions: Alternated EP and ST seemed more effective than repeating the same maneuver in treating pBPPV, and this should be confirmed in prospective clinical studies. Resolution of nystagmus after maneuvers was fundamental to reduce handicap deriving from dizziness as reported in DHI

    The Psychological Risks Associated With the Non-medical Switch From Biologics to Biosimilars

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    Biological products are therapeutic agents produced using a living system or organism. In many cases, access to these products is limited due to their expensive cost (Chow et al., 2011). A biosimilar is a biological product that is highly similar (not identic) to, and has no clinically meaningful differences from, an existing reference biological product on the market (Desai et al., 2020). “Non-medical” switching is the switching of a patient's medicine for reasons other than the patient's health and safety, like the reduction of costs (Dolinar et al., 2019)

    New Measurement of the Relative Scintillation Efficiency of Xenon Nuclear Recoils Below 10 keV

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    Liquid xenon is an important detection medium in direct dark matter experiments, which search for low-energy nuclear recoils produced by the elastic scattering of WIMPs with quarks. The two existing measurements of the relative scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoils below 20 keV lead to inconsistent extrapolations at lower energies. This results in a different energy scale and thus sensitivity reach of liquid xenon dark matter detectors. We report a new measurement of the relative scintillation efficiency below 10 keV performed with a liquid xenon scintillation detector, optimized for maximum light collection. Greater than 95% of the interior surface of this detector was instrumented with photomultiplier tubes, giving a scintillation yield of 19.6 photoelectrons/keV electron equivalent for 122 keV gamma rays. We find that the relative scintillation efficiency for nuclear recoils of 5 keV is 0.14, staying constant around this value up to 10 keV. For higher energy recoils we measure a value around 20%, consistent with previously reported data. In light of this new measurement, the XENON10 experiment's results on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section, which were calculated assuming a constant 0.19 relative scintillation efficiency, change from 8.8×10448.8\times10^{-44} cm2^2 to 9.9×10449.9\times10^{-44} cm2^2 for WIMPs of mass 100 GeV/c2^2, and from 4.4×10444.4\times10^{-44} cm2^2 to 5.6×10445.6\times10^{-44} cm2^2 for WIMPs of mass 30 GeV/c2^2.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure